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Currently featuring: Garth Nix Reads the first chapter from Lord Sunday, the final volume in the Keys to the Kingdom series.
A selection of audio highlights and extracts from new and upcoming titles in the Allen & Unwin catalogues
Allen & Unwin is Australia's leading independent publisher and has been voted "Publisher of the Year" eight times including the inaugural award in 1992 and six times since 2000.
We publish around 250 new titles each year including literary and commercial fiction, a broad range of general non fiction, academic and professional titles and books for children and young adults. Our imprints include Allen & Unwin, Arena, Crows Nest, Inspired Living (MBS) and Jacana (Natural History). -
Želite li naučiti kako biti organizirani i efikasniji? Brain Books podcast će vam predstaviti najbolje knjige koje će vam pomoći u tome.
U ovom podcastu analiziramo knjige koje vam mogu pomoci da postanete najbolja verzija samog sebe.
Više o knjigama i svemu ostalom saznajte na našem IG podcast.brainbooks: -
Listen to 'John Buchan Unbound', hosted by Buchan's granddaughter and biographer, Ursula Buchan, and historian Michael Redley. Explore the depths of John Buchan's world through the eyes of his characters and the lens of history. Listen in for a unique journey into a literary icon's legacy.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Find out how video games get made! The official podcast for brings you illuminating conversation and commentary from brilliant people in the video game industry. Hosted by Game Developer publisher Alissa McAloon and editor-in-chief Danielle Riendeau. Music by Mike Meehan. Published monthly.
Du hast schon lange kein Buch mehr in der Hand gehabt? Du möchtest regelmäßige Buchempfehlungen erhalten? Du willst dir Lesezeit sparen und kurze Zusammenfassungen hören? Dann bist du beim Literatursenf genau richtig! Julian und Patrick diskutieren jeden Sonntag ein Buch und geben ihren Senf dazu ab. Wir beschränken uns nicht auf ein bestimmtes Genre. Patrick ist dabei eher für Thriller, Romane und Lyrik zuständig. Julian versorgt dich hingegen mit Biografien zu großen Persönlichkeiten oder mit Büchern aus den Bereichen Selbsthilfe, Leadership und Unternehmertum. Wir möchten dich inspirieren, mal wieder ein Buch in die Hand zu nehmen, und wünschen dir viel Spaß beim Hören! Für mehr Content abseits des Podcasts kannst du uns gerne auf Instagram oder Facebook folgen (@literatursenf).
Once upon a time The Couch Co-Op Show was a Video Game Podcast but life got in the way. Now everyonce in awhile Ian, Jarrod, Aaron and Dave get together to drink beer and shoot the shit. Hold on to your butts!!!Follow The Couch Co-Op Show on Twitbook/InstaFace/Gramter @couchcoopshows (#allonewordnohyphen)
- è un festival che unisce le persone sulla base dell’amore più bello che esista, l’amore per le storie, per i racconti, per i sogni: in una parola, per la letteratura.
Ascolta le voci di scrittori, filosofi, giornalisti, poeti, artisti che si sono alternati in un palco ideale dove non esistono differenze di ruolo, ma dove suona la parola di una cultura che si confronta per necessità, verità e vocazione, con i problemi reali del nostro tempo. -
Čitate li knjige od riječi do riječi ili čitate i 'između redaka'? Znate li kako nastaje vaše omiljeno štivo? Što muči autore? Kako izdavači biraju koju će knjigu obaviti? Što lektori mrze kada pregledavaju romane? Koliko knjiga godišnje pročita jedan bloger? Koji celeb je zadnji put pročitao osnovnoškolsku lektiru, a koji ne bi postao ono što jest da nije bilo knjiga? Sve to, i mnogo više, moći ćete poslušati (i pogledati na YouTube kanalu) u novom podcastu o knjigama - Između redaka.
Podcast o običnim ljudima s neobičnim pričama. Oni su baš poput vas, idu u školu, bave se sportom, rade, posvećeni su obitelji i prijateljima, imaju hobije, nemaju puno vremena… Međusobno se razlikuju, no jedno ih povezuje: oni čitaju i čitanje im je važno. Imaju tisuće različitih razloga za čitanje. Svaki je duboko intiman i jednako vrijedan i spremni su ih podijeliti s vama.