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Focus on the Family is a half-hour daily dose of encouragement and advice for the family with keys to stronger marriages, effective parenting, deeper relationships and a more satisfying lifestyle. Focus on the Family has become one of today's most recognized Christian radio programmes.
Who's your Daddy? Does it matter? I lost my father when I was only 23, but his impact on me and my faith has never stopped. Now that I have become a father, I see how rich an inheritance my father left me. But I am an anomaly in today's Western World. Many men have little to no example of what it means to be a man of God. Where can the fatherless be fathered? The Faith Of The Fathers brings you honest discussions about what it means for a man to follow Jesus. Heroes of the faith, ancient, modern, and contemporary, will share their wisdom and experience. And you will receive practical, straightforward answers about God, the Bible, Life, and Fatherhood. You can be the man of God your sons will want to imitate. The Faith of the Fathers will help you get there.
This is a 60-second daily feature looking at most critical issues facing the family today. In these features, Focus on the Family offers practical advice on variety of subjects of interest for the whole family. Subjects include: marital, medical, emotional, parental and many more.
Forever Changed with Nick and Chelsea is all about how Jesus truly changes every avenue of our lives. With stories of hope and true change, Nick and Chels bring on some of their favorite people who have been forever changed in the areas of faith, health, family, and marriage. It is their prayer that you leave with a newfound hope through every episode!
Highway to Happy – Deinem Podcast für Happiness ON & OFF THE MAT! Für diesen Podcast musst du kein begnadeter Yogi oder Flexibel sein.
Du musst nur eins wollen - Happy zu sein - auf der Yogamatte und noch viel wichtiger auch abseits davon. Selbstliebe, Resilienz oder Selbstwert Themen prägen diesen Podcast.
Ich teile mit dir meine besten Erfahrungen aus meiner Arbeit als aktive Fliegerin, Coach, Yogi & Unternehmerin. Tipps DIE WIRKLICH HELFEN unser Leben leichter, erfüllter und freier zu Leben - und vor allem deine eigene Balance und dich nicht zu verlieren. Dich erwarten Interviews, authentische Erfahrungen und kurze Inspirationen
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