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I denne podcasten, går vi kronologisk gjennom hver episode av serien How I Met Your Mother. Bli gjerne med oss på reisen gjennom 208 episoder!
For oss er det viktig å ha god kontakt med publikum, og derfor er du hjertelig velkommen til vår discord server, hvor vi er tilgjengelig mye av tiden! -
Australia’s #1 RuPaul’s Drag Race podcast 🇦🇺 - hosted by not another gay boy: Reese Leigh - is the place to be for all things RuPaul's Drag Race! Join us for a queer chat and giggle fest about the series we stan. Follow us on Instagram, watch FULL episodes on our YouTube channel and don’t forget to SUPPORT LOCAL DRAG ARTISTS ❤️
Steven ”Sir Cundoo” Cunningham watches classic British Crime dramas, starting with S1E1 of Midsommer Murders! Relive some of your favourite whodunit’s, or get a taste of what great television was like in 00’s, 90’s, 80’s and beyond! You’ll be given a prompt when to start the episode and of course SPOILER ALERT for all of them!!!
Patron exclusive episodes will also be made available - so if you're interested head over to for more info!
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See for more information.
A podcast brought to you by Megan Sinclair and Natalie Beech, who together run the Feminist Fiction book club collective, a series of book clubs up and down the UK, focused on reading with a feminist perspective.
If you want to find out more about Feminist Fiction or join one of our online or in-person clubs, visit us on Instagram at @feminist.fiction.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to "Ted Lasso Recap Podcast,” a podcast hosted by Ray Taylor where he breaks down every episode of the sports comedy show "Ted Lasso," an Apple TV+ exclusive.
In "Ted Lasso," Jason Sudeikis stars as an American college football coach who finds himself in London, tasked with managing AFC Richmond, a struggling English Premier League football team.
Join Ray as he reviews each episode of this heartwarming and hilarious show, exploring the challenges and triumphs of Coach Lasso as he navigates his new role and life in a foreign country.
Whether you're a fan of the show or just looking for a good laugh, "Ted Lasso Recap Podcast” has you covered. Don't miss out on this opportunity to relive the best moments of "Ted Lasso" with Ray Taylor.
No one asked, but we’re delivering anyway! This Ramadan, join Hesham, Hager, Farida & Ezz on their quest to take on the podcast world and review as many shows this Ramadan race as possible. The good, the bad & the atrocious, we’ll review it all! Stay tuned weekly as we go through all the juicy TV drama and go over the highlights from some of our favorite new Ramadan shows!
"Wir haben es auf der Toilette gefunden", welch ansprechender Titel oder nicht? Wie kamen wir darauf? Wer sind wir? Und worum geht es in diesem Podcast? All diese Fragen möchten wir natürlich gerne beantworten.
Wir sind Stefan, Max und Yasi und eines schicksalhaften Mittwochabends haben wir uns zusammen gefunden um einer, nennen wir es, interessanten Idee nachzukommen. "Wir haben es auf der Toilette gefunden" beschäftigt sich eingehend mit den Geschehnissen der fünften Folge der ersten Staffel Ares. Und eingehend ist eigentlich gar kein Ausdruck, denn wir werden uns wöchentlich immer wieder diese eine Folge ansehen und gemeinsam unsere Sinneseindrücke verarbeiten. Inspiriert wurden wir dabei durch den Podcast "Last September in Monacco"
Sollte euch jetzt genau so brennend interessieren was wir auf besagter Toilette gefunden haben, dann hört doch einfach mal rein, wir freuen uns auf euch. -
Melissa and Kia are stowaways on the same fateful helicopter that took Rick Grimes away from us. Will they ever be found? The Rick Grimes movies (should they ever be made) will reveal all. Until then, check out the Two Dead Chicks archives for recaps of seasons 1-9 of AMC's The Walking Dead.
Reviews and discussions of Television and Movies Support this podcast:
Still Dope Podcast with Chris, Shahidah & Tanya discuss cultural issues and their addictions to dating reality shows. Check us out weekly especially during #MarriedAtFirstSight seasonReach out to us on Twitter @stilldope4, Instagram @wearestilldope & watch us on Youtube