
  • In this video we present the Dr-Kos hypothesis on this artefact. This is just absolutely incredible. Just got sent an incredible documentary, linked right here... I just cant believe how good this really is!!!!! Wooohooooooooooooo! I'm saying it's basically a primate, scientists are saying that it's this it's that, but that it's real. The archaeologists come in and say 'oh it must be a forgery'. Like, how the hell do they know anything about it?! THEY DONT!

  • Hello everyone, In this presentation we look into the mysterious dolmens. These structures are found from Europe to Asia, even possibly parts of America. They seem to date from about 4000 to 3000 BC, though it may be argued that a structure like Göbeklitepe is also a dolmen! It is chamber-like and it was found covered up, but in the case of that monument i would say if it WAS a dolmen it was modified and then buried, or it was just a buried 'grave circle'.  A Dolmen is a lot like a pyramid, or a precursor to the pyramid. It is basically a set of stone internal chambers, or rather usually just one chamber, unless we are talking about a 'superdolmen' such as Newgrange. This chamber would contain burial goods such as horn, burnt bone, a few skeletons often in the foetal position, (sometimes found buried standing up, as in the case of the Knocknarrae cemetary!) gold, and other pre-metal age goods such as flints. When it comes to Dolmens we are basically looking at the neolithic. People buried there were said to be farmers, chieftans, never kings or lords!  The dolmens must have had a terrific workload associated with them relative to the size of the societies responsible for building them.  Some of the oldest dolmens are the Hunnebed of Holland and these actually resemble vast giant, or dinosaur skeletons, just fascinating.  We speculate in this video that the dolems are actually neolithic ancestors of the pyramids. We highlight a curious fact not often mentioned when it comes to the Egyptian pyramids. This is that when the Dolmens stop in Europe.... they 'start' in Egypt, in the form of mastabas and possibly, pyramids!  Cheers!  #Dolmens #Neolithic_Age #Stone_Age_Mounds

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  • Examining the origins and functions of this strange and unique site. We come to some very interesting conclusions indeed!   We speculate a migration from the Black Sea, as first proposed by Brien Foerster. This probably occurred in about 1000 BC, at about the same time as the Trojan war, remembered as a very turbulent period. Just as groups like Etruscans (We speculate the term means Ex Trojans), fled to Italy along with Latins = Lydians, others seem to have gone further afield, in fact even as far as America! Just remarkable! It seems several people such as Andrew Collins have already pointed out links between the Aramu Muru door and the 'Tomb of Midas' in Phrygia. 

    I note that later rock-cut tombs of the Old World in fact do not have the same similarity, which points actually to a Dark-Ages migration from the old world to the New, possibly of the Ancient Giants.   Peruvian tales actually point out that one day a fleet of red haired people arrived and established an empire. They pressed inland, pillaging as they went. They made fountains spring from the rock and raised vallies and lowered mountains. These incredible people forged an empire. They seem to my mind to be synonymous with the archaeological remnants of the redheaded peoples as found by Brien Foerster, and based on his genetic analysis of them having arisen in the Black Sea region, we can thus point out that a migration must have occurred in the dark ages to make the Lake Titicaca areas synonymous with Persepolis and other places.   We look at the Anatolian clothes by way of further comparison. 

    The use of the headdress compares with the Inca quite favourably. The prolific Inca use of red, a royal colour from the Near East is also very interesting. At the end we even suggest the Centurion costume of Rome is a common origin with the Inca costume which looks similar. Both sets of people fleeing 'Burning Troy'. We even look at the Minotaur legend, and see how in this instance the labyrinth at Chavin de Huantar is actually guarded by a serpent in a tree representation. Very fascinating indeed. I love archaeology!   #Aramu_Muru #Ancient_Giants

  • Did an Ancient Catastrophe End Tiwanaku? 


    We also talk about other authors such as Bellamy and Alan. Bellamy seems to have gone by several names and believed in the World Ice Doctrine. Posnansky believed that uplift at Tiwanaku occurred from a formerly tropical climate of lower elevation! He thought that a wave of water actually overcame the landscape and submerged Tiwanaku. He found ruins under the soil. 

    Posnansky uncovered archaeoastronomical alignments which hinted at a date of 15,000 BC for Tianaku.  Further Description from Wikipedia:  Tiwanaku (Spanish: Tiahuanaco or Tiahuanacu) is a Pre-Columbian archaeological site in western Bolivia near Lake Titicaca and one of the largest sites in South America. Surface remains currently cover around 4 square kilometers and include decorated ceramics, monumental structures, and megalithic blocks. The site's population probably peaked around AD 800 with 10,000 to 20,000 people.  The site was first recorded in written history in 1549 by Spanish conquistador Pedro Cieza de León while searching for the southern Inca capital of Qullasuyu.  Some have hypothesized that Tiwanaku's modern name is related to the Aymara term taypiqala, meaning "stone in the center", alluding to the belief that it lay at the center of the world.[4] The name by which Tiwanaku was known to its inhabitants may have been lost as they had no written language.[5][6] Heggarty and Beresford-Jones suggest that the Puquina language is most likely to have been the language of Tiwanaku.... 

    #Posnansky #Tiwanaku #Catastrophe

  • A Patron asked me "Why does the Great Pyramid resemble 'technology'"? "Why isn't the Great Pyramid a Power Plant, as according to Chris Dunn?" After much contemplation, here is my conclusion, with most of my research, as of 2021 presented in one encompassing video. PYRAMIDS ARE LITERALLY A SCALE MICROCOSM OF PLANETS/UNIVERSE, STATUES OF BRAHMA = UNIVERSE. They are probably also designed for an internal light show. They need accuracy! Check my pyramids book for more details, on Amazon.  

    The four-faced Statue, Brahma, actually seems to be a precursor to pyramids. He is also known as the Staff God in Old Europe. He faces the four cardinal directions. Pyramids are said by modern authors to have a particular shape in order to be classified as a 'true pyramid'. I actually completely disagree, it would seem that a pyramid is simply a 'high mound'. The original word for pyramid, as we uncover in Britannica, is actually, Per-Emu-Us, found in an old mathematical papyrus. This word means slope or angle or pyramid or 'height'. In other words it's something that is high or has a height. A mound that has a height. that is the meaning of pyramid.   Since Pyramids are the universe, suddenly we are seeing exactly WHY they need to be technological and placed in the centre or middle of countries or continents, as they are a microcosm of the wider world placed strategically by ancient peoples for the generation of fertility around it.