Welcome to this fun and feisty show. We are going to be doing some great shows about the human-animal connection. Share your story at http://www.ILovePetStories.com There will be lively interviews weekly with the best of animal experts--the people who love pets. We have some great shows in store, including; Companionship of a dog
unconditional love of a dog
how a dog improves your health
why dogs make you happy
BFF dogs as best friends forever
why we love dogs
before you get a dog
grief and loss
death of a pet
pet loss and grief
Dog Nutrition
dog training stories
pet stories
one third of americans have dogs
how much does a dog cost
dogs love kids
best kind of dog for kids
spent on dog annually
human and animal connection
story of my pet
storytelling about pets
dpgs as family members
good dogs for families
experts on dogs
we love our dogs
dogs love owners
can a dog show love
5 ways dogs improve your life
dogs as family
dogs in the park
dogs on leash
animal connection
dogs love babies
connection of animal and humans
eBook on dog behavior
Judy Helm Wright aka "Auntie Artichoke"
Missoula Montana
dogs alleviating loneliness
lonely for a pet
unconditional love of animals
Buying gifts for dogs
Good gifts for dog lovers
radio shows for pet lovers.
loyal dog companions
pet attachement
attached to pet
pet parent