This week was a random choice by Cj and honestly not badly done! We review 2023's Blue Giant, a story about one Jazz and saxophone enthusiast who resolves to be the best in the world, a classically trained pianist, and an amateur drummer! Fair warning, there are several parts with lots of flashing lights!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
WE GOT OUR FIRST PARTNERSHIP and its pretty POGGERS! If you are like me and need a good pick me up, Energy is for you and the new sour green apple is AMAZING. Need to feel refreshed after a long day? They have you covered with Hydration. Finally, if you are like me and struggle to fall asleep, Sleep mix is there as well. Go to and use code JAMFAM10 for 10% off!
Artsy & Cj: 8/10
This week was a solo episode unfortunately, Artsy was sick but I did get her rating afterwards! For a DC dive into anime, this was a very good one to go into. While Harley is again the most obvious true main character, some of the other characters really steal the show like Clayface. His version is this is easily my favorite version ever. Listen in hear more about my thoughts on this anime!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Cj and Artsy : 8/10
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This week we reviewed a recommendation from Torte, Saga of Tanya the Evil! This was a slightly shorter episode, not because the anime was lacking but just because Artsy was feeling under the weather. This was a second watch for me but still was very entertained. Let us know what you thought of this anime, and give us your recommendations as well!!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Artsy: 6/10
Cj: 9/10
We are back! Apologies for the week break, we go into it in the episode but shortest version is last week's recording day was my birthday and my friends had plans for me! This week we reviewed my random pic of My Oni Girl, a movie I spotted on Netflix. The major issues tackled is how bottling up your emotions can have negative effects, one meaning turning you into an Oni!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Artsy & Cj: 5/10
This week we wrapped up the full Season 1 of Oshi no Ko, and gotta say episodes 2-11 were great! While we did enjoy the worldbuilding and setup of the movie that was episode 1, the rest of the episodes just raised the bar and delving into how the siblings handle their loss is well done along with the handling of other big issues like online bullying.
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Ratings for Season 1 as a whole:
Artsy: 8/10
Cj: 8/10
This week we reviewed a community recommendation of Oshi no Ko with a twist, we only did episode 1! When we started watching it, the goal was to do the entire season but after seeing just how packed episode 1 was, we decided it deserved it's own separate episode! Let us know what you thought of the first episode as we return next week with Season 1's full review!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Artsy: 6/10
Cj: 7/10
This week was a random pic by Artsy, 2019's Her Blue Sky! This movie went in a different direction than we thought it originally would, with a mix of music, drama, romance, and time travel!
Want to join us live? Head over to wherewe live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Artsy: 3/10
CJ: 4/10
Well we finished the Apothecary Diaries S1 and not a day too soon since season 2 airs when this drops! Part 2 really answered alot of questions, even questions we didn't even know we had! We learn alot more about our main characters MaoMao and Jinshi, and while we do have a few unanswered questions, the ending wrapped up nicely. We are very excited for Season 2! Let us know what you thought about this anime!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Artsy: 10/10
Cj: 9/10
Starting off 2025 with a recommendation, and a good one at that!! We hope everyone had a very enjoyable Christmas and New Years! This week, we had a community member named Mini recommend us The Apothecary Diaries, a 24 episode anime filled with comedy, mystery, and plenty twists and turns as we learn more about the world and our two main characters. Also warning, I forgot to turn off a couple sound alerts for stream so there is a moment when a member played a couple!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us! -
This week we did a listener recommendation, 2007's Baccano! We also had a special guest on, friend of the stream and also the one who recommended the anime, Seraph! We talk about the confusion, insanity, and comedy of this time jumping really nicely stylized anime! Let us know if you have watched this one and what your thoughts are!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Artsy: 6/10
Cj: 7/10
Seraph: 8/10
This week is an Anime Anonymous Side Story, aka an AASS! We had a suggestions to talk about what animations we love and which ones just totally turn us away from an anime; listen in to hear what we thought! Let us know if you agree or just downright think we are wrong!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
This week we got back into the world of Made in Abyss, and it was definitely a tough one for Artsy. If you are not okay with gore, or children going through tough, brutal issues then this movie and series is not for you! Listen in on what we did, and didn't, like so much about this movie!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Artsy : 1/10
Cj: 6/10
This week we had MarkFromTheYoutubeComments with us! He was sick during part 1 but thankfully he's all better! This week we did the last 12 episodes and these were alot different, there was more story, world building, and character backstories!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Overall Score: 7/10
This week we reviewed a listener's recommendation, Delicious in Dungeon! This is a two part one as Mark who suggested it said we should stop at episode 12 since he felt like that was a good stopping point. We follow a party supposedly trying to save the warrior's brother, but honestly it seems they care more about the food!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Want to join us live? Head over to wherewe live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want torecommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our“recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
7/10 for the both of us!
This week we watched season too of Cardfight Vanguard Divinez and it was definitely a good time. This season starts off right were the last ended, but adds more plot, more twists, and answers all the questions we have from the first season!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Artsy & Cj:
This week we reviewed a recommendation from a new follower on stream, Vanguard Divinez. Artsy and I went into this with two different mindsets: Me expecting dumb fun like Beyblade as a kid, Artsy thinking she was going to hate it and be bored. MAN WERE WE WRONG!!!! Come listen to us talk about just how wrong we were!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
This week we watched the second Made in Abyss movie which just summarizes the last several episodes of season 1. We mainly comment on the 3 major differences between movie and anime and also how much Artsy just LOVES this series!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
Artsy & Cj:
This week we reviewed Arty's random movie choice of CoMix Wave Films' Children Who Chase Lost Voices. One thing that became clear pretty quickly and consistently was that this movie inspired Suzume, Your Name, and a bit of Weathering with You at least to us! Listen in to hear why!
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
This week we reviewed a fan recommendation, Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka! I assumed that it was going to be a fun and cute time and man we were WRONG! The story was interesting, and we thought they tackled certain difficult topics pretty well! Listen in to hear more about what we thought of this recommendation and thank you again to Ryan Van Sickle.
Want to join us live? Head over to where we live record each episode Wednesday night at 8:30 pm EST! If you want to recommend an anime to us, please use the following linktree to see our “recommend us an anime!” page and also every other way to interact with us!
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