Explore the rise of Marduk, the ancient Mesopotamian god who ascended to supremacy through religious transformation, political strategy, and mythological revisionism. Initially a minor Sumerian deity, Marduk became Babylon's supreme god, eclipsing older gods like Enlil and Anu.
The Babylonian creation epic, Enuma Elish, immortalized his conquest of the chaos-dragon Tiamat, portraying him as the ruler of heaven and Earth. Marduk's worship centered at Babylon's Esagila temple, with the Ziggurat Etemenanki symbolizing his dominance. Unlike traditional deities, his ascent was marked by conflict and political maneuvering, reshaping ancient religious traditions.
Part of the Enkiite faction, Marduk's ambitions conflicted with the Enlilite gods who traditionally governed Earth. His territorial claims led to conflicts like the Pyramid Wars and imprisonment within the Great Pyramid. Marduk’s Egyptian counterpart, Amun-Ra, faced suppression during Akhenaten’s reign, later restored under Tutankhamun.
The rivalry between Marduk and Yahweh is echoed in biblical texts, painting Babylon as idolatrous and corrupt. The Book of Isaiah foresees Babylon's downfall as divine punishment. When Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon in 539 BCE, the Cyrus Cylinder suggests Marduk chose Cyrus as his ruler, a debated claim seen as a political maneuver to integrate Babylon into the Persian Empire. By Alexander the Great's arrival in 331 BCE, Marduk’s temple was in decline, marking the end of his reign.
Script and editing by Lucas Martins Kern.
00:00:00: Intro00:02:35: Marduk’s Role in the Anunnaki Hierarchy and the Pre-Babylonian Context00:09:27: Marduk’s Origins and the Great Succession War00:21:42: Marduk’s Rivalry with Yahweh and Historical Conflicts00:30:02: The Cult of Marduk and His Legacy
#Marduk #Yahweh #monotheism #Babylon #EnumaElish #chaos-dragonTiamat #Enkiite #Enlilite #PyramidWars #Amun-Ra #CyrustheGreat #CyrusCylinder
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Explore the profound connections between ancient Mesopotamian gods and the evolution of monotheistic religions. Discover how Jesus' crucifixion fits into a cosmic struggle involving the Anunnaki and the shift from polytheism to monotheism. Uncover how ancient deities like Yahweh and Enki shaped religious transitions and influenced civilizations. Delve into the symbolism of Jesus, historical theological shifts, and the enduring impact of ancient wisdom traditions.
00:00: Introduction to the episode's themes.01:35: Discussion on ancient gods and the evolution of religion.10:45: The conflict within Judaism between priesthood and prophets.20:45: Exploring the Anunnaki's role in religious history.22:39: Connections between Jesus and the Anunnaki.28:30: The rise of Christianity and its implications.
#Anunnaki #ancientgods #Mesopotamia #Jesus #monotheism #Yahweh #polytheism #religioustransitions #Enki #symbolism
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Discover how ancient theocracies established in Sumer were used by the Anunnaki to control humanity through religion. Learn how kingship was believed to be divine, enforcing a hierarchy with priesthoods managing resources and laws. Explore the evolution from polytheism to monotheism and the enduring influence of these control systems, revealed through ancient texts and teachings. Uncover the Anunnaki's lasting impact on religious and political power structures, and understand the importance of knowledge in breaking free from these ancient systems.
00:00: Introduction01:21: Exploring the concept of religion08:54: Origins of the first religion17:21: Identifying the ancient gods24:52: Purpose behind human creation31:03: Significance of the Ziggurats38:23: Transition from polytheism to monotheism47:32: Royal bloodlines and the Holy Grail51:52: Impact of the Holy Wars58:15: Examining the nature of the gods59:59: The pursuit of enlightenment
#Anunnaki #Sumer #religion #theocracy #polytheism #monotheism #ancientgods #Ziggurats #divineauthority #NagHammadiScrolls #Gnosticteachings #Demiurge #hierarchy
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Explore the intriguing story of Nibiru, often referred to as the Twelfth Planet, rooted in ancient Sumerian, Mesopotamian, and Babylonian texts. This celestial body is believed to have an elliptical orbit, occasionally entering our solar system. Pioneered by Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretations of Sumerian tablets, Nibiru is thought to have played a crucial role in shaping the solar system, possibly colliding with Tiamat to form Earth and the asteroid belt. Ancient records, like the Enuma Elish, narrate how Nibiru, also known as Marduk, once disrupted the cosmic order. Some theories suggest it is home to the Anunnaki, a highly advanced civilization that may have visited Earth 450,000 years ago, influencing early human development.
Historical astronomical texts from Sumerian and Babylonian sources refer to a twelve-planet system that includes Nibiru, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Some descriptions warn of Nibiru’s return causing planetary disruptions, gravitational disturbances, and climate changes on Earth. Modern astronomy’s search for Planet X or Planet Nine has identified gravitational anomalies in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, hinting at a massive undiscovered planet beyond Neptune. Some scientists theorize Nibiru might follow a comet-like orbit, complicating detection efforts with conventional infrared sky surveys.
Religious and prophetic texts, such as Egyptian records of The Destroyer and the Book of Revelation’s Wormwood, describe a celestial body causing natural disasters and cosmic shifts. The Nemesis Hypothesis speculates our Sun could have a distant companion, possibly a brown dwarf, periodically sending space debris towards Earth. Critics argue Nibiru is a misinterpretation, with Akkadian references to 'crossings' rather than an actual planet, and some associate it with Jupiter or a significant astronomical marker.
Researchers continue seeking hidden planets beyond Pluto by studying trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) and their mysterious orbital patterns. If such a planet exists, its gravitational impact might manifest in the solar system’s architecture. The ongoing debate among scientists, historians, and ancient astronaut theorists about Nibiru’s existence underscores the fascinating links between ancient myths, forgotten history, and contemporary planetary science, fueling speculation about hidden celestial forces affecting Earth's past and future.
00:00:00: Introduction00:01:04: Zecharia Sitchin's theory of the 12th Planet00:17:04: Discussion on Cosmic Panspermia00:22:54: Zecharia Sitchin's insights on Archaeology00:33:43: Exploring the concept of Planet X or Planet 900:42:01: Is Nibiru Returning?
#Nibiru #TwelfthPlanet #Sumeriantexts #ZechariaSitchin #Anunnaki #Mesopotamianmythology #Babylonianastronomy #PlanetX #PlanetNine #KuiperBelt #OortCloud #NemesisHypothesis #cosmicdisruptions #ancientmyths
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Ancient cultures describe powerful beings who ruled before the Great Flood. Texts like the Bible, Sumerian tablets, and Greek mythology reference divine entities such as the Anunnaki, Nephilim, and Atlanteans, who guided early civilizations, built cities, and imparted wisdom. The Sumerian King List documents rulers in cities like Eridu, Sippar, and Nippur, while Plato’s writings depict Atlantis as an advanced empire. Some suggest these beings came seeking gold, aligning with ancient gold mines in Africa.
The Anunnaki, as per Sumerian texts, allegedly descended from the heavens to rule Earth. Enki, a notable Anunnaki, played a significant role in scientific advancements and genetic modifications, leading to human creation. The Atrahasis Epic describes humans as a workforce for the gods, blending divine essence with early hominins. Initially infertile, humans were refined to sustain themselves, echoing the biblical creation of Adam and Eve.
Genesis describes the Nephilim as offspring of gods and human women, beings of power and influence like Gilgamesh, a figure akin to Greek demigods. These hybrids contributed to early civilizations but also led to moral decay. Enlil, an Anunnaki leader, initiated the Great Flood to reset the world, a tale echoed in the Epic of Gilgamesh and biblical accounts. Post-flood, civilization revived in Mesopotamia, guided by the gods. The Book of Enoch notes celestial beings sharing forbidden knowledge. Despite opposition, Enki continued to aid humanity secretly.
00:00: Introduction01:19: Discussion about the Atlanteans05:25: Introduction to the Anunnaki11:35: The Creation of Man18:50: Exploration of the Nephilim24:41: The Great Flood
#Anunnaki #Atlanteans #Nephilim #GreatFlood #ancientcivilizations #Sumeriantablets #Greekmythology #SumerianKingList #Plato #Enki #Genesis #EpicofGilgamesh #BookofEnoch
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For millennia, the Bible has been a cornerstone of faith and society, yet its references to Elohim challenge traditional interpretations. Elohim, a plural noun in Hebrew often used with singular verbs, suggests a multi-faceted divine presence. Biblical passages imply multiple gods, aligning with Mesopotamian stories of the Anunnaki—celestial beings who ruled the earth. This connection suggests that the Bible may document encounters with advanced extraterrestrial beings, not just spiritual deities. Considerations of divine interactions, such as the pillar of fire and the Ark of the Covenant, hint at advanced technology rather than mere miracles. Comparing biblical accounts with Mesopotamian myths, such as the Tower of Babel, offers a fresh perspective on these ancient texts, suggesting they might be historical records of interactions with non-human intelligences. The reinterpretation of the Elohim as ancient aliens opens a new dialogue about the origins of civilization and their enduring impact.
#Elohim #AncientAliens #Bible #Anunnaki #Mesopotamian #Yahweh #Genesis #Enki #Enlil #extraterrestrial #technology
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Explore the intriguing narrative of a forbidden Anunnaki movie that uncovers secrets hidden for millennia. Delve into the controversial story of the Anunnaki, extraterrestrial beings said to have visited Earth and created humanity. Discover the mystery surrounding Nibiru, a hidden planet with a 3,600-year orbit, and its collision with Tiamat, believed to have sparked the origins of life. Learn about the Anunnaki's mission to Earth, led by Enki, to mine resources and the creation of humans. The ensuing conflict between Enki and Enlil over humanity's creation is pivotal in the Anunnaki saga. Enki's defiance during Nibiru's approach saved humanity from a great flood, leading to the division of Earth's regions and the establishment of early civilizations. The Anunnaki's influence on Earth's history raises questions about modern beliefs and the impact of such knowledge on global perspectives.
#Anunnaki #forbiddenmovie #Nibiru #Enki #Enlil #extraterrestrial #humanitycreation #ancientcivilizations
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Explore the fascinating journey of ancient Egyptian traditions where 'Gods of Heaven' descended during great floods. Discover Ptah, the revered deity known as 'The Developer,' who saved Egypt with his mastery in science and engineering. Learn about Ra, Egypt's first Divine Sovereign, and his sanctuary in An, symbolizing his celestial descent. Experience the legendary tale of Osiris, Seth, and Horus, and how these figures shaped the divine right of kingship in Egypt.
Witness the unification of Egypt under Menes around 3200 BCE, marking the dawn of civilization and organized religion. Uncover the rise of Thebes as a religious center and its worship of AMEN, equated with Zeus by the Greeks. Marvel at the Pharaohs' divine lineage, linked to Horus and Osiris, and their journey to the afterlife as detailed in the Pyramid Texts.
These sacred texts describe a symbolic journey through the mystical Duat, involving divine ferries, guarded passes, and encounters with gods, aiming for the Imperishable Star and the Tree of Life. This journey underscores the eternal legacy and divine rule of the Pharaohs.
#ancientEgyptiantraditions #GodsofHeaven #Ptah #Ra #Osiris #Seth #Horus #Menes #Thebes #AMEN #PyramidTexts #Duat #ImperishableStar #TreeofLife #divinelineage
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Discover the enigmatic tales of the Great Flood across cultures, from the Bible to Mesopotamian texts and Hindu mythology. These stories, including Noah's Ark and the Epic of Gilgamesh, weave together themes of divine intervention, forbidden knowledge, and humanity's survival. The Book of Enoch reveals intriguing accounts of fallen angels and the Nephilim, who imparted forbidden knowledge to humanity, prompting cosmic intervention. Join us as we explore these myths' cultural significance and their potential historical underpinnings, highlighting a universal narrative of human resilience and divine interaction.
00:00: Intro01:15: Noah's Ark03:12: The Book of Enoch – Fallen Angels, the Nephilim, and Forbidden Knowledge09:11: The Flood Myths of the World16:14: The Science and Archaeology of the Flood22:50: The Seven Sages and the Knowledge of Civilization34:16: The Anunnaki, the Flood, and Atlantis
#GreatFlood #Bible #Mesopotamiantexts #Hindumythology #Noah'sArk #EpicofGilgamesh #BookofEnoch #fallenangels #Nephilim #forbiddenknowledge #divineintervention #humanresilience #archaeology
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Explore the intriguing parallels between ancient deities and biblical figures like Jesus and Lucifer. Discover how stories of descent, sacrifice, and resurrection connect figures such as Inanna, the Sumerian Queen of Heaven, with Christian narratives. Inanna's underworld journey, symbolic of transformation and rebirth, mirrors biblical themes of Jesus's resurrection and Lucifer's fall. This episode delves into the evolution of these myths and how they shaped religious traditions. It also highlights the suppression of the divine feminine and its impact on modern interpretations. Join us as we analyze historical, mythological, and spiritual connections that reveal humanity's fascination with transformation and renewal.
00:00: Intro01:18: The Fall of Lucifer05:05: The source for Lucifer's Story11:20: Who is Lucifer19:06: The Meaning of The Descent of Inanna25:33: Is God Male?
#Jesus #Lucifer #Inanna #resurrection #mythology #ancientdeities #divinefeminine #transformation #SumerianQueenofHeaven
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Discover the profound connection between Abraham, a key figure in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and ancient Mesopotamian culture, notably the Anunnaki gods. Sumerian cuneiform tablets, which predate the Bible by millennia, reveal Abraham's ties to the city of Ur and its Moon God, Nannar. These insights suggest his journey to Canaan was influenced by the Anunnaki’s strategic interests. Explore how biblical narratives, including creation and the flood, may derive from Sumerian myths. The covenant with Yahweh reflects a transformation from polytheistic to monotheistic traditions, linking Abraham to the Anunnaki's legacy.
00:00: Introduction to the episode.01:28: Exploration of Mesopotamian tablets.08:12: Unveiling the story of Abraham.20:15: Connections between Abraham and the Anunnaki.
#Abraham #Sumerianorigins #Anunnaki #Mesopotamianculture #Nannar #Ur #Canaan #biblicalnarratives #monotheism #Yahweh
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Join us as we delve into a captivating debate between Billy Carson and Wesley Huff, exploring the enigmatic Anunnaki, Mesopotamian tablets, and ancient history. This thought-provoking discussion challenges religious and spiritual beliefs while examining humanity's origins through the lens of the Enuma Elish and Sumerian texts. Discover contrasting perspectives on creation myths and faith, comparing ancient accounts to biblical narratives. Drawing from extensive research on ancient civilizations, we offer insights into how these debates influence modern beliefs.
#BillyCarson #WesleyHuff #Anunnaki #Mesopotamiantablets #ancienthistory #EnumaElish #Sumeriantexts #creationmyths #spirituality #religion #humanityorigins
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Explore the mysterious links between ancient Sumerian mythology and the Bible as we delve into the Anunnaki's role in human history. Discover how archaeological findings and ancient texts, like the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Sumerian King List, challenge traditional narratives. Learn about the creation myths and flood stories that suggest the Anunnaki, not just biblical figures, may have influenced humanity's development. This episode invites you to reconsider historical interpretations and unlock the suppressed knowledge of our origins, hinting at humanity's potential and place in the cosmos.
00:00: Introduction01:55: The Archaeological Discoveries06:03: The Revelation of the Cuneiform Tablets16:01: The Biblical and Sumerian Parallels22:30: Who are the Anunnaki28:27: Who Are We? Awakening the Divine Within
#Anunnaki #Sumerianmythology #Bibleconnections #creationmyths #floodstories #EpicofGilgamesh #SumerianKingList #humanorigins #ancienttexts #archaeology
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Explore the myth of Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld and her iconic resurrection story. Inanna, known as the morning star and Venus, embarks on a profound journey, venturing into her sister Ereshkigal's dark realm. Surrendering her divine powers at the gates of the underworld, Inanna faces the Anunnaki judges, who declare her death. Her devoted servant Ninshubur's pleas reach Enki, the wise god, whose compassion leads to Inanna's revival. This ancient narrative of transformation and sacrifice is a cornerstone of resurrection myths, with Inanna's return balancing the boundaries between life and death.
#Inanna #Netherworld #resurrection #Anunnaki #mythology #Ereshkigal #underworld #sacrifice #transformation
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Discover the fascinating story of the Anunnaki, ancient beings believed to have descended to Earth in search of gold. Thought to have engineered humans through genetic manipulation of early hominids, their impact is seen in creation myths and spiritual traditions across various cultures. This analysis delves into Sumerian tablets and archaeological findings, exploring the roles and hierarchy of Anunnaki deities like Anu, Enlil, Enki, and Ninmah. These gods, central to Mesopotamian culture, shaped early human civilization through their divine roles. Learn how these deities influenced religious beliefs, cosmic laws, and societal order, as well as their portrayal in myths and temples throughout ancient cities. The episode also considers the hypothesis of the Anunnaki as advanced beings who created intelligent life, examining their historical worship in Mesopotamian cities and their lasting legacy in shaping humanity's origins.
00:00: Introduction to the Anunnaki06:30: Exploring Anu, the sky god12:45: Understanding Enlil, the lord of air20:36: Insights into Enki, the god of wisdom28:55: Discussion on the creation of humans32:20: Ninmah's role in creation39:00: The concept of ancient aliens
#Anunnaki #Babyloniangods #Anu #Enki #Enlil #Ninmah #Sumeriantablets #geneticmanipulation #Mesopotamianculture #creationmyths
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Explore the intriguing theory that Alexander the Great, renowned military leader, might have been more than a mortal. This episode delves into the possibility that Alexander considered himself a demigod, potentially linked to the Nephilim of ancient mythology. Discover his claimed divine lineage tracing back to his mother, Olympias, who suggested Zeus was his true father. Key moments in Alexander's life, such as his declaration as the son of Zeus-Ammon at Siwa Oasis, support these beliefs. We examine the connections between Alexander's legendary conquests and the theories of Zecharia Sitchin, who linked him to the ancient gods of Sumerian and Akkadian mythology, particularly Marduk. Learn about Alexander's campaigns, his coronation as Pharaoh in Egypt, and his quest for immortality, all reinforcing his larger-than-life legacy. This episode blends historical facts with mythological insights, exploring whether Alexander the Great could indeed have been influenced by divine figures like Zeus, Marduk, and the Nephilim.
#AlexandertheGreat #Nephilim #Zeus-Ammon #SiwaOasis #ZechariaSitchin #Marduk #ancientmythology #Greekconquests #demigod
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Explore the intriguing and ancient roots of Halloween, often linked to death and witchcraft, but deeply rooted in traditions of renewal and cosmic cycles. Halloween traces back to both Sumerian mythology and Celtic customs. While the Celts celebrated Samhain to mark the seasonal shift, the Sumerians connected it to the myth of Inanna, a symbol of death and rebirth. Discover how these traditions reveal Halloween’s ties to Easter and other resurrection myths, emphasizing themes of life, death, and renewal. Delve into both historical and spiritual layers as Halloween embodies the duality of light and darkness. Join us in exploring the cultural significance of Halloween, its sacred rituals, and its timeless celebration across various cultures. Embrace the festivities with an understanding of its rich history and tradition.
#Halloween #Sumerianmythology #Celtictraditions #Samhain #Inanna #resurrectionmyths #cosmiccycles #duality
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Discover the mysteries of the Book of Enoch, an ancient Hebrew text linked to fascinating historical and religious insights. Despite being left out of the Jewish and Christian Biblical canons, this book explores themes such as fallen angels, the Nephilim, and divine judgment. The Watchers, a group of rebellious angels, introduce forbidden knowledge to humanity, leading to moral decay. Explore Enoch's prophetic visions, the concept of the Son of Man, and celestial observations that reveal the universe's divine order. Learn why the Book of Enoch was excluded from the Bible and its impact on early theology.
00:00:00: Introduction to the Book of Enoch00:05:11: Discussion on Anunnaki, Nephilim, and Fallen Angels00:13:03: Exploration of Book 1 - The Watchers00:24:10: Overview of Book 2 - The Parables00:35:12: Insights into Book 3 - Book of Noah00:44:59: Analysis of Book 4 - The Kingdom of Heaven00:53:36: Review of Book 5 - The Epistle of Enoch
#BookofEnoch #fallenangels #Nephilim #divinejudgment #Watchers #SonofMan #ancientHebrewtext #forbiddenknowledge #angelicrebellion
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Explore the mysteries of ancient America beyond mainstream archaeology with insights into Graham Hancock's theories. Delve into ancient sites like Machu Picchu, Tiwanaku, and the Pyramid of the Sun to uncover potential ties to lost advanced civilizations. Discover the influence of the Anunnaki, as described in Sumerian mythology, and their possible connections to American civilizations. Investigate myths surrounding Quetzalcoatl, Viracocha, and the potential links to Atlantis, Lemuria, or Hyperborea. Examine shamanic practices and astronomical knowledge that suggest advanced civilizations existed long before recorded history. This exploration journeys through the spiritual and architectural wonders of ancient America, revealing the influence of mysterious lost cultures.
00:00:00: Introduction to ancient American mysteries00:05:02: Discussion on Viracocha, indigenous shamanism, and spiritual practices00:10:42: Exploration of Tiwanaku00:13:11: Analysis of Pumapunku00:17:46: Insights into Sacsayhuamán00:21:31: Discovering Machu Picchu00:28:37: Teotihuacan's ancient secrets00:36:51: Understanding the Paracas Candelabra00:43:37: Overview of Caral-Supe00:51:04: Chaco Canyon's celestial alignments00:59:58: Mysteries of the geoglyphs of Acre, Brazil01:06:46: The legend of El Dorado01:10:46: Concluding thoughts on The Ancient Apocalypse in the Americas and the Maya Eclipse
#GrahamHancock #ancientmysteries #lostcivilizations #Anunnaki #MachuPicchu #Tiwanaku #PyramidoftheSun #Viracocha #Quetzalcoatl #Atlantis #Lemuria #shamanicpractices #astronomy
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Explore the captivating theory that ancient civilizations worshipped multiple gods, focusing on the Anunnaki, an advanced extraterrestrial race. Delve into their potential impact on early human society and the development of monotheistic beliefs. Discover how Sumerian mythology and historical events like Yahweh's evolution influenced religious transformations across Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Unravel the intriguing connections between divine intervention and advanced alien technology, and how ancient texts and archaeological findings hint at possible extraterrestrial encounters shaping our understanding of God.
00:00: Introduction01:57: Judaism: The Origins of Yahweh and Early Hebrew Beliefs08:28: Christianity: Yahweh Becomes the Universal God16:25: Islam: Allah and the Concept of Absolute Oneness23:16: The Anunnaki and the Gods Who Came Before34:27: Sumer: The First Civilization and the Divine Presence39:10: The Ancient Aliens
#Anunnaki #ancientgods #monotheism #Judaism #Christianity #Islam #Yahweh #Allah #extraterrestrialinfluence #Sumerianmythology #ancientastronauttheory #divineintervention
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