When I started to look closer and to become better at reading frequency signatures, I found it everywhere on social media, on the internet, on logos and websites. I used to not see the symbols and I used not to ask myself questions about what was presented.
It can be about an unease with the symbology that is being used on the internet or in physical spaces around us (offices, public places, spaces dedicated to healing); are we finding mk ultra symbology in art that is being expressed? Where are others (who are real) on the journey of reintegrating their mk ultra programming ? It's about figuring out who is who and where each of us is on our journeys of deprogramming from mk ultra.
I dive deeper into these aspects in the course called
« Navigating mk ultra, occult, cabal and maconic programming, symbologies and signatures »
It is a course intended to encourage a rise in awareness in seeing mk uktra symbology to keep on uncording from different handling energies that are surrounding us to suppress our potential. Keeping on identifying these symbols assist us in recognizing mk ultra handlers and mk ultra reprogrammers. This course is designed to build a stronger foundation, to rise in discernment in order to extract from false narratives both on collective and personal levels.
• Signs encouraging alters, subpersonalities, inner fragmentation and dissociation
• different forms and signs of programming
• freemasonic symbols and MK Ultra triggers in the entertainment industry, on social media, in the culture that surrounds us up and in the therapy field
• dark symbology and dark corrupted energy signatures linked to the occult, cabal networks or subconscious subliminal mk ultra programming
• typical mk imagery, heavy signs of mk ultra and signs of obvious mind fragmentation
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A lot of delivery persons are spiritless and used for gangstalking, overt and covert harassment. They are used for boundary violation on a regular basis, invasion of personal space and unwanted matrix intrusions. In this video, I share some of the situations that popped up in my corner of reality that had to do with delivery services and the solutions I put into place to reduce the negative impact of organized gangstalking. Some are programmed to come at your door with an agitated aggressive frequency. You will feel the difference. Some of the gangstalkers smile and pretend to be harmless. It can be challenging as we want to believe the stories we are being served. The intrusions can be minimized by integrating some programming on which it is playing (politeness programming, obligation programming, programming leading us to feel like we have to assist or answer to the ones who are harrassing us).A lot is being carried through here to perpetuate this impression that we are entrapped here in the sense unpleasant situations are always waiting for us at the corner. There are always ways to reduce the amount of psychological, emotional, spiritual, physical and psychic torture that is streamed in our corners of reality.
For every matrix problem, there exists a solution. Join me on
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
I share in this video examples from my corner of reality of 11:11 synchronizations and how I do interpret them: time handling, entanglement with the matrix. beings who are a distraction for us, false healing, confirmation about entrapment. We notice our time is handled when we are accumulating physical and virtual clutter. If we don’t navigate our daily lives with a great deal of discernment, most of our life ends up being teleguided and engineered for us.
Many relationships have a sacrifice, people-pleasing, submissive or shame and guilt component. Accepting to play by the terms of others, not realizing it has a draining cost for us ; sacrifice programming sets us on automatic rails. Sacrifice and savior programming can be very hidden in the layers which make them tricky to navigate. These are deep hidden programs taking years to uncover in their most subtle layers. We can be conned by our own programming and we are often. The programming becomes clearer with time. This ties as well to alters and victim consciousness, to exploitation and usery. Working through alter aspects that are overly compassionate. We are not in true genuine authentic efficient service when we're acting from sacrifice programming. Thank you for visiting,
- negative AI working on sabotaging us- gangstalking and harassment as part of the sabotage programs - sabotage as part of mk ultra - triggering of SSP programming to push us in self-destruction, omega and self-sabotage programming - distracting reals - handlers programmed to sabotage others deliberately or unconsciously- isolation programming- negative ET factions working on sabotaging us Thanks for visiting,
• Entry points used by different ET factions and installed by mk ultra : lack of recognition, low self-esteem, sacrifice patterns• Relationships being challenged : experience of an overwhelming sense of rejection, preprogrammed abandonment, emotions taking over, projection of unhealed aspects and core wounds, triggering of SSP programming, being pushed in dissociation, loops of externalization, experiencing reality in a distorted way, resisting programmed aspects such as the blame game or phases of devaluation • No to mk ultra aspects that others try to impose in your corner of reality ; no to people coming at you with a control energy • Working on integration and alchemization of each experience we face hereThank you for visiting,
Cover and false memories are usually hiding the root of the nature of our true experience here. It is about our ability to question what has been going on under the surface of the story presented by and in the game. We can have cover memories about our childhood until we have deprogrammed to a certain point, also about the roles each member of our family was playing. Cover stories are presented in your life everyday to explain the targeting you are under. It is the logical explanation and story the matrix is serving us. We find a lot of cover stories on the public sphere with false social action campaigns, false fronts for progress, social care and the environment. In interviews, real celebrities often share about the cover stories of their lives. The vast majority is programmed to be totally unconscious about playing a role in cover and false stories. Most have no awareness of what they are being used for due to cover memories. Alters also tie to this as their perceptions of reality is often greatly distorted. When you discover the cement of the true nature of what had been going on and what factions were working on reuniting you, it’s a totally different angle to reread from. Thank you for visiting,
Many community spaces are proposed on the game map to encapsulate real original sparks and handle the way they are spending their time, focus and energy. The settings, the hierarchy, spiritual shopping or spiritual bypassing are often problematic. A lot of handling influences can be found at the heart of community spaces such as external authority programming, different programming related to mk ultra including beta sex kitten programming. Gathering in person with the right influences, which is a challenge in itself as many original sparks are there for distraction and policing unconsciously what is happening, being said and shared, can come with activation of energy and remembrance. Due to mk ultra programming and extreme engineering constantly surrounding us with low to average energies, building community comes with different challenges that have a lot to do with discernment. My deprogramming journey has taught me to be much less open to propositions coming my way sent by the matrix computer systems and engineered for me, including beings being sent as distractor. The meta texts of what is happening under the cover of the pretenses here have to be discussed for the work to be real and efficient, towards true deprogramming. Major handling influences have to be left at the door. Certain qualities have to be present for true deprogramming within a community such as personal integrity, discernment and memory. Autonomy comes before community. Thank you for visiting,
Themes: - aligned community- sharing space- the problematic of false realities and false spirituality - lifetime Genius auras - fear, programming and unconscious erupting - spirited animals in communities- parasitic energies, disruptive elements and draining components in communities- the energy getting corrupted- the necessity to steadily deprogram from MK ultra and the programmed fences that we have installed - sense of identity and triggers affecting our moods within the community - levels designed to separate real original sparks due to mk ultraThank you for visiting,
All originals here have been facing different kinds of feedback meant to trigger their mk ultra programming, including the unwanted feedback from gangstalkers or AI programs or true but hurtful feedback that is delivered in a demeaning way. Most unresolved original sparks struggle with showing accountability. One of the reasons is that they are not aware they are mk ultra and their minds have been implanted with specific programming that can be triggering for others. Some reals are just too unconscious and the gaps are growing as they are not doing the real work (which is about mind control and deprogramming). Most reals do struggle with being receptive to any types of feedback. Some are deluded and believe their work is great and healing when, in fact, they unconsciously harvest, trigger, reprogram or/and mislead (sometimes alongside some real positive effects as well). These are the cover stories that are active due to mind control. The vast majority is unconscious of being used to carry handling roles. Aligned feedback won't be giving it all and will leave room and space for others to come to their own realizations, understanding their own mk ultra programming. Parts of the info that would be discouraging for someone can be kept private even if one can see it. We all have had this experience of coming to a sense of realization about unconscious patterns that were running us. The unconscious of others is always clearer than our own though our own gets clearer with looking back to the past. The most important feedback is probably the feedback with self, from the body, with spirit or with quantum apps. Feedbacking with ourselves is an art that requires alone time. Gathering in sacred gatherings with other originals that are high frequency and who are working on themselves can be of great assistance to deactivate threads of engineering before they settle in too deep in the consciousness. It is challenging to be and stay open to feedback because there is a lot of unconscious playing and it's not pleasant to realize we are acting from unconscious patterns. The true care we have for others can be the greatest motivator to excavate these deep patterns coming from our mk ultra programming. Thank you for visiting,Join me on
The matrix simulation aspects are so efficient to trigger our programming and encourage us to drift towards entrapment. So much that sometimes you don't realize you are letting yourself be entrapped for weeks and months. Any attachment here can be used as a trap. MK ultra is designed for us to be pushed into our negative beliefs, accepting choices that we feel are our only options. Until a break through moment. Boundary setting is essential to survive and overcome the many entrapments sent by the engineering programs that lead to spiritual exhaustion. May all entrapments whether conscious, unconscious, subconscious, their seeds, roots, nets, tendrils, ropes and webs appear in clear light and full transparency so they can be worked through, processed and revoked now and for eternity.Thank you for visiting
We realize quickly it's not as simple as the new age wants us to believe it is and there is much more to our experience here. It's a scene that can heavily gaslight you and push back a part of your experience that has to do with suffering. It does not cover certain aspects, like mind control that applies directly to our lives. Here original sparks are dealing with AI triggers targeting their self-esteem in overt or covert ways. Hive-mind environments are heavily controlling the experiences of original sparks here. Self recognizing and self parenting aspects are very important to overcome the targeting that comes with leaving handled cult type spaces. Navigating alters is also a very important part of the journey as it is to be aware of mk ultra triggers on social media. Here, to really grow, we need to be going beyond the cover life and walk away from most handled materials or at least recognize them for what they are in the signatures that they hold.
We are exiting a month during which the programming streamed through the media and our geographical areas has been intense. It's good to reflect on the amount of automatic and reactive programming around the December season of engineered low frequency rituals. Each operation linked to the holiday season can trigger different layers of programming such as family programming (which is a type of programming reinforced massively by the entertainment industry even in revelation movies). The aims are mainly time handling and distraction. What is the milab engineered environment present in the life of an original spark? There is a timing to break through cover memories about the natture of our reality and the nature of our experience here. The ritual holidays encourage an overindulgence with food and alcohol to lower the frequency greatly. Disentangling from the programming being beamed at us around solstice time is a step after step gradual process that expresses in percentage. It seems the matrix ways also take advantage of this period to trigger deep states of anxiety to lower the frequency. The heaviness of the programming affecting others around us affecting their decisions, choices and behaviors do reach us in some ways. I keep on walking overcoming my own mk ultra programming to walk closer to the principles of organic creation such as lifetime allies and new high frequency paradigms for new ways to share space together. Thank you for visiting,Join my web project on
A smear campaign is used to further a false narrative that handlers have been wronged to undermine the handlee's credibility and reputation with unverifiable rumors, distortions and outright lies. It is a classic mk ultra tactic that is meant to reverse the reality and to create a false image about a handlee breaking free from their mk ultra programming. It brings in the relationship that is collapsing the points of views of others which are participating to the attempt to invalidate the emotions and knowing of the handlee. Dark negative ET factions love to play on our wounded ego aspects. This is a high place of deflection. When someone leaves a cult-like environment after opening their eyes on what is really going on, everything is made to depict that person as unstable or negative. All original sparks have been going through smear campaigns launched against them. They are designed to be making it hard on the psyche and to create psychological and emotional torture. They are about inverted reality being reinforced. Third party reinforcements are doing the bidding of their handlers, including dark alien groups. Beings holding together negative hive-mind spaces have a hard time with anyone having broken the mind control that was biding them to the hive. The matrix system blames you for placing boundaries. You are blamed for standing for yourself against abuse as a punishment. Smear campaigns actually are helpful in revealing hidden aspects (if you had not discovered them already). They quickly sort out who is who in your life and where it's not fruitful for you to invest your energy. We are made to believe due to programming and false appearances our major mk ultra hostile handlers trully love us. They are programmed to believe they are your friends to. Without that, it would not really work. Breaking mk ultra programming takes time. It has its timing for each of us. It's a process where illusions are destroyed for only the truth to stay and stand. I stand for freedom of the mind. I quickly discover the walls of the prison in my life and the lives of others. The more you grow aware of handling influences all around you, the more complex become your interactions with other original players. The more you elevate the more you are dealing with the shadow of others, their egos and their narcissistic tendencies. Always remember to command for all truth to be revealed. Communicate with spirit directly. The truth is not always what you are wishing to see but it's the necessary step towards more freedom. Thank you for visiting
To walk in the light here, it's necessary to balance the ego side. The matrix always tries for real original sparks to be in ego and to take advantage of our ego parts.Many reals get offended when you start placing boundaries towards their unconscious invasions instead of becoming aware of the impact they are having on you. They project that you must be the one in fault. Many of us go in default switchbacks whenever we are feeling triggered. Ego is blinding a lot of real original sparks here especially the darker unresolved ones but not only. Unconscious patterns keep on being played out over and over again. It is challenging to build solidity with beings who have strong ego patterns as they are usually accessed and mind controlled. They tend to distort the truth and project a reality that is not the truth. We also find a lot of engineered feuds between reals here. The ego is a place where lies can settle in easily and where we find a lot of false justifications. The matrix systems are encouraging ego based behaviours and life choices based on ego and ego motivations. Many original sparks are easily puppeted through unconscious motives such as revenge, resentment, pride, anger, repressed hatred or external blame consciousness. Many original sparks live perpetually with false memories about the nature of what is going on in their lives. Handlers on the narcissistic spectrum tend to be using third party reinforcements to perpetuate torture in our lives. Many reals are so easily led from their negative egos, refusing to take responsibility, often deflecting it onto the other person.Holding on to ego does slow us down in our emancipation from the lies from the matrix and tends to keep us in cognitive dissonance and denial. Overcoming resentment comes with clearly identifying the dark ET factions hiding in the background trying to puppet beings here. It's a continuous journey to keep integrating more love for self, avoiding falling for the low frequency of ego and engaging with others who know how to work on their egotic pulls. I finish this video with 2 personal examples that revealed to me some unconscious patterns trying to settle in in my corner of reality. I hope you are well, thank you for visiting
I share about lifetime relationships with other reals on the game map and relationships over a lifetime here, assisted by the aura reading from the quantum app I am working with that definitely helps to identify what is connected to the matrix and what is connected to the beyond. Dark spots and overshades on the auras also assist in identifying the most subtle aspects of our experiences here. Some of our relationships are used for access due to some dark aspects. Even when we get along on many levels, we are not always good for each other timelines. There can be dark insert use. Somehow good distant relationships are possible with some unresolved reals yet it won't be allowed to deepen. I appreciate to be focusing on relationships with reals who are connected to healing, intuition and the beyond; where there is potential to grow. I enjoy the least the mind controlling aspects in relationship and this is often a reason why I walk away from a relationship or take a good amount of distance. Yet none of our relationships here is perfect and there can be triggering unconscious aspects here and there. The important is to see if something greated is being built with other reals who know and innerstand how to protect their fields and their lifepaths. More on ariapersei.comThank you for visiting
I review some signatures linked to the occult, cabal networks or subconscious subliminal mk ultra programming. Keeping on identifying these symbols assist us in recognizing mk ultra handlers and mk ultra reprogrammers. I go over: • the monarch butterfly • the infinity symbol • signs of dissociation and mk ultra fracture (link to alters) • black and white symbology • Skulls and horns • one eye symbolism• maconic hand signs including the devil horn and the shush sign • the maconic compass• the V sign • symbolism with snakes • leopard clothing and beta sex kitten signatures Article "The new age deception and the importance, in this deceiving reality based on inversion, to be walking away from new age programming and new age deceitful figures and characters such as the Archangels and the Ascended Masters"
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Anastasia Fazal from the project Luminous Raw is a regenerative detoxification specialist and a holistic health consultant. She shares about her health journey, from growing up on a standard western diet and encountering health problems to the steps that she took to stop experiencing chronic physical pain. Anastasia overcame the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, resisted different discouraging diagnosis from the medical field and broke free from the prison and grip of many substances. She shares with us the gradual steps on her journey of cellular detoxification, the experience of 3 long juice fasts and the process of breaking free from controlling energies reaching her and difficult choices that had to be made. Anastasia recently put the last note to a journey of 311 days on liquid food, a journey that assisted her to considerably reduce the size of a fibroid tumor. Through the power of natural healing, Anastasia encourages others to connect to their self healing capacity and transform pain into vitality and joy. Join me on Thank you for visiting
In this transmission, I go over some recent experiences of access and reprogramming and the way they got in through daytime reality. I visited and exited a lot of different hive-mind scene and cult environments. Some recent unresolved programming got me to travel near CERN facilities and of course all the underground bases that are not openly shared about. I review some mind controlling influences during my travels and the handling that has been playing out as some unwanted access of my wiring, including during "healing" types of exchanges that were used for reprogramming (hidden under the wall of amnesia). I share how I discovered control energy around my field from dark reals. I also share briefly about the most severe reprogramming event I was led to go through beginning of 2020, something I go more in depth in one of my private modules that you can find on my website in the course section. programs know perfectly well how to access us, where are the weaknesses or the sweet spots, where it’s hard to express self authority. Attempts to reprogram me are numerous and happening every single day. What is really happening under the cover life? Many of us have an intuitive knowing that it is way more than it looks like on the surface.Thank you for visiting,
All reals here have to deal with a lot of false reality propositions, plugging deep into every aspect of their being. The backdrop technology is there to make them more convincing, more real. What are these false realities about? How to recognize them and dismantle them in our own lives? What happens when false reality living fields are standing between you and others you care about? We all live in some false realities and engineered constructs. We often are deconstructing false reality fields that were not what we had in mind when we break our mk ultra programming down. Recent article: www.ariapersei.comThank you for visiting
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