
  • Our 16h stop is at aoa (Seoul, South Korea) to meet Jaewon Suh. To say “aoa” is the same as to say "architecture of anyone, anything and anywhere”.
    For aoa, architecture is nothing. “When I say that architecture is nothing, it means that it is a very fundamental thing”, like air, for example. 

    As a reaction to  Valerio Olgiaty ’s “non-referencial architecture”, a self-explanatory “hiper-referencial architecture”. “I want to be inspired by our reality not ideality”.

    Feel free to see a cat / a minecraft game / a Sol LeWitt’s sculpture, where there is a house. “To the children, my building looks like an ice cream. It’s a way to connect people and architecture.”

    “I think autonomy of architecture has to be destroyed by our culture” and as you listen to this conversation you’ll understand the meaning of these strong words. “Some banal things destroy order but I intentionally use these things as a satire of society.”

    In the end “the most important thing is how to organize the elements with each other to make a system. (…) Architects make a building using a column, a slab, a stair…very fundamental elements. We only do that.”

    Guest: Jaewon Suh, aoa  (Seoul, South Korea)
    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Today, we cross the globe. In this episode we talk with the architect Richard Stampton.

    Whom consciously decided: not to go into competitions; not to extensively show his work (which is different from hiding it); as well as to resist the urge to think further then what he is actually drawing.

    Did you know this also a possible approach?

    “I was very conscious, when I started my practice, to be small in a meaningful way.”, he claims.

    Do you know what it means to be “ramen profitable? I didn’t either.

    Richard confesses his pursue for a deeper understanding on the haptics as well as the essencial counterpoint of letting go certain parts: “a building often gets to a scale where there needs to be a blanc wall”.

    Do add up to the equation: “The building you do, if it it made out of cardboard or if it is made out of gold leaf, it should still work. The design should work almost regardless of the material.”

    As simple and complex as that.

    This is a triadic situation between: what the client wants, what the author thinks, what the world needs.

    Truth being told, “the level of control an architect has is usually highly exaggerated…throughout history. Architects don’t make cities.”

    “I love that there is a limitation over what we can control over a project.”

    Guest: Richard Stampton (Phillip Island, AU)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 14th stop is at GAFPA (Ghent, BE) alongside Floris de Bruyn.

    GAFPA is recognisable for it’s pragmatic approach. But there is much more to it. Somehow, they always manage to uncover the specificity that hides behind generic approaches. It’s about “trying to make something specific with a generic tool”.

    For every project, a primary structure.

    But what is this “primary structure”? “The primary structure, when you dismantle it, it is a very pragmatic structure, but at the same time it already includes both the identity and the generosity of the gesture.”

    Everyday is complex enough, so “it’s important not to invent complexity”.

    “You just do exactly what is needed and , somehow, nothing more then that.” but this is not the same as to say that “heritage” is the only possible path to follow.

    “We like to compare different things in series, because we like the evolutions, the steps, the mutations, the discussions of how from one idea you step to the next. Because when you understand this logic, you can apply it yourself. When it is an isolated reference the danger is that it becomes model.”

    Guest: Floris de Bruyn - GAFPA (Ghent, Belgic)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 13th stop is in Porto (PT), alongside Elói Gonçalves, and in Zurich (CH), where António Mesquita is currently at.

    A fast and furious architecture, not just because…but because the fast pace has excelled the competition, fast pace is eminent anywhere. Things are always very fast, as so, the faster you adapt…the better you keep up. “Change and adaptability is part of our genetics”, they claim.

    What we might expect from them is exactly what they expect from materials: António and Elói are amused by materials that have unlimited possibilities - “materials that are always ready”, as they call it - as so, unlimited possibilities is what they explore.

    After all, “Architecture is like this...It is about being always ready”. “We don’t know what is going to happen in the the afternoon or the next day or in the construction site. So, being always ready is kind of the only possibility.”

    Let’s picture, in our minds, the beginning of a project: the client has a plot and a program and maybe some ideias; the architects also have some ideias in their mind.

    One thing is for sure: none of these is what the project is going to be.

    “We have no idea of what we are going to do, but we are sure that we are going to find a lot of things.”

    “Architecture is like chocolate for people that like chocolate, you could eat it forever.”

    Guest: Elói Gonçalves + António Mesquita (Porto, Portugal + Zurich, Switzerland)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Today we travel the longest way so far, today I am really honoured to welcome architect Takefumi Aida, born in Japan in 1937and, for 86 years, has never stopped playing.

    I bring good and bad news.

    Bad news first: age won't bring us certainties.

    Now the good news: age won't bring us certainties.

    After over 60 years thinking about architecture, Takefumi Aida confesses he is “continuously thinking about what architecture is”. Maybe…this “thinking about what architecture is” is architecture itself.

    It’s polemic…but the probability that "architecture is not 100% expressed in the realised architecture” is a strong possibility. Fortunately, its guaranteed we find Takefumi Aida’s full intent out of his models and drawings.

    “The importance of architecture is in the thinking. The building is one kind of result.”

    He has approached architecture with a 3D kind of though, playing with Toy Blocks.

    He has approached architecture with a 2D kind of though, playing with cards and parallel walls.

    Currently, “I want to design architecture by a one dimensional thinking way. (…) I have started to think about that but I haven’t yet developed a design method for it.”

    I bring more bad news: “There is not a single project that I am satisfied with.”

    I also bring more good news: “I still have the same motivation I had when I was a young child. That is why I don’t stop.”


    Guest: Takefumi Aida (Tokyo, Japan)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 11th stop is at Lütjens Padmanabhan (Zurich, CH) alongside Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Pahmanbhan.

    They experience the joy of building when they draw or build a model. To draw a line over a paper, to fold a paper into a model or to build out of folded metal sheets, is the exact same thing

    Oliver and Thomas are extremely faithful to their 1:50 models, in their office, there is a saying: “The model is always right”. So, if anything deviates, the question must be “why is our drawing not as good as the model?”. These models are tools NOT to overthink, we’ve come to realise.

    Probably, their platonic love for thinness arose “out of laziness” (their words) from their first model in which "the skin of the building became thinner and thinner and that became into a theme that has stayed with us ever since”. To add up, insolation (and so on) doesn’t allow us to build in a monolithic way anymore “that is the new culture we need to embrace”.

    Thinness is a language. “We think that if you use language, you should be serious about what you are saying. But it occurred to us that when you say serious things, you may as well say them with a light tone in your voice.”

    “Architecture is self-conscious about it’s own fragility”. Name a more beautiful thing.

    “If you are a painter or a musician and you fail, there is not much left. It is really risky. But we still have toilets and a dishwasher that works, and you can cook and sleep and it doesn’t rain in. So, we have a safety net. We can reach net level or we can go beyond it”. Or go beyond it, I repeat.

    "You don’t pay us for the architecture, the architecture you get for free.”

    Guest: Oliver Lütjens + Thomas Pahmanbhan - Lütjens Padmanabhan (Zurich, Switzerland)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 10th stop is at Studio Muoto (Paris, FR) alongside Gilles Delalex.

    Do you remember the last time you did something for the first time? “When you do something for the first time is when you have the most fun, so we are always hoping to touch new subjects.”

    “The brief is a good start, but it is not the end.” So, even if the brief comes with a functional intent, it says very little about its outcome. So, a bathroom is not a bathroom, “you have a million ways of doing a bathroom”. And “a stair is not just a device to go from one floor to another, I hope.”

    Structures last longer than it’s functional propose. So, structures must be rather “open for occupation”. “You can go to an empty stadium or go to a stadium during a football match and it is a really different space. And then you can play an opera and it will be different again. And the public will be different.” So yes, let’s use the word “occupation” instead of “function”.

    “There is usually a moment where he project becomes so clear, so perfect, that it doesn’t call for anything else but itself. We want to keep them in a state where it’s slightly before the perfect symbol, before architecture closes on itself. (…) We are on an attitude trying to scape architecture, most of the time.”

    Guest: Gilles Delalex - Studio Muoto (Paris, France)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 9th stop is in Munich (Germany) alongside Max Otto Zitzelsberger.

    “Thinking about architecture can also be architecture”, so Max shares his visions through multiple drawings, paper models and eventual constructions.

    Do you know those spaces you hold in your memory, yet you are not there anymore? Those spaces…are they space? It is not a space one can use but perhaps it is. “All the ideas you have in your head are potential spaces and potencial architecture.”

    But what is architecture? “No one knows. For you it’s something different than it is for me. And if you ask me next week, perhaps I’ll have a totally different answer. Perhaps this is what makes it really interesting. No-one can say what it is.” But we keep on doing it anyway.

    We get to talk about copying and about references and about thinking…we talk a lot about thinking.

    Have you ever been flashed by a project you saw on Instagram? These inputs are amazing but can be very tricky. “Perhaps, one reason why I don’t build so much is because one moment I am really sure about something and the next moment I am not.”

    What if this is all a coincidence in which “the right idea, at the right moment, comes to the right person and then there is a person near by which understands…”

    Guest: Max Otto Zitzelsberger (Munich, Germany)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 8th stop is at Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter (Frederiksberg, Denmark) alongside Sebastian Skovsted.

    They seek to bridge the gap between building processes and architectural values by mixing ideas and techniques...and techniques and ideas. They give particular attention to detail, material assembly and the meaning of structure. But to be clear, they “don’t do structure for the sake of structure”. “We enjoy building spaces that are far more than just solving load bearing forces that we can get from the engineer.”

    Johansen Skovsted don’t need much to get loose for hours under this architecture game: “a wall, a column, a beam… for us, it is a good starting point”.

    But how to start from there? They have a strategy, at first, they ask “how would they do it if we would not be here? how are they already doing it?”. After this analyses they take action and try to influence it. “We know that if we tried to come up with something completely different, then it would never happen.”

    Did you know that some structural elements…are not really as structural as they seem to be? “It is very interesting to have something optimised and to have something extravagant, as a contrast, in the same project.”

    Guest: Sebastian Skovsted - Johansen Skovsted Arkitekter (DK)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 7th stop is at Buchner Bründler Architekten (Basel , Switzerland) alongside Andreas Bründler.

    Their practice puts all the common concepts into question: context, interior and exterior, in-between spaces, materiality, old and new...but all these general concepts are treated in a very specific way. In a way, archetypes turn out to be prototypes. “To make space is one of the major architectural topics. To think about space and the quality of space is our main source of thinking and doing. It is the secret value of architecture.”

    But suddenly “the idea of architecture is not as simple as it was.”

    “How does the architect deals with the overall questions, with the new questions, with future questions?”, one might wonder. “We could try to continue but we are convinced, already, that this cannot continue. We have to be inventive and we have to bring new ideas into form.”

    “We have so many conversations with clients and constructers because they are afraid that the surface might not be perfect.” And this is a topic worth talking about.

    Guest: Andreas Bründler - Buchner Bründler Architekten (Basel, CH)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 6th stop is at Jo Taillieu Architecten (Ghent , BE) alongside Jo Taillieu.

    His architecture is as an open engine as every project deals with the logics of construction right from the beginning and might be even left exposed. “Every project has to be a new research” and these discoveries should be left in plain sight. I suspect that if he was a doctor he would easily do open heart surgeries and I am not sure he would sew up the skin again.

    Throughout our conversation we realised it is all about precision. Precision I the key word. “Sometimes you have to be precise in the definition to accept the openness of the outcome. But if you are precise in giving the tools to make it, it can lead to a very precise outcome.” But how to do it, we ask? Jo says: “skipping conventions is extremely important to be precise”.

    “To see what is there is one of the most important steps on the design process” but the question in architecture is not to solve problems but to create opportunities. Or is it?

    One thing is for sure, “architecture is a process and finding the interest in that you are doing is the only interesting outcome.”

    Guest: Jo Taillieu (Ghent , BE)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 5th stop is at Coci Studio (Lausanne, CH + UK) alongside Camile Bagnoud.

    Architecture and storytelling, what a beautiful duo. Camile call’s is “joyful architecture”, actually, that’s how they’ve named the project for the place they work at “Office for joyful architects”.

    “Joyful architecture is an architecture for everyone (humans and non-humans). It’s made of strong patterns, bold colours, generous roofs, welcoming spaces…all those elements put together. At the end, everybody is free to feel this space as joyful or not but this is our way to see joyful architecture”.

    It’s about giving an opportunity to every element, to make them prouder, more independent, to give them more importance. ”Even if they are there just for their function.”

    On one hand, “we are in an era where we cannot have any surplus anymore in architecture”. On the other hand…architecture is about that surplus as she confesses: “we work with references like an accumulation of lot of images, maybe too many. (…) Yes it’s a combination between drawings, models, story telling, sometimes, built projects. All together they do architecture, to our eyes.”

    "How can we combine the economy of means and ornament at the same time?” That is very much what we talk about in this episode. Gladly, a very superficial conversation.

    Guest: Camile Bagnoud - Coci Studio (Lausanne, CH + UK)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 4th stop is at Artefact (London, UK) alongside Benedetta Rogers and Daniel Marmot.

    Maybe a building can be an artefact, something like a cultural object. “Buildings are products of a time, of an age, of an economical situation, of a political situation…”. Benedetta and Daniel extend their understanding of cultural very broadly, they are "interested in a personal and social culture and also in the material culture”.

    Unlike what we might think, “the speed of architecture is actually quite slow. Even during the lifespan of a project one can think “oh I would have done it differently today.” Or maybe…we think too fast.

    We algo talk about constrains. And how constrains might actually end up to be desired after they have been transgressed. Nothing new about it, right? But what if we consider the novelty is actually hiding behind “the stuff that have been around for a long time”?

    “That’s really the best when your clients say “oh I never though about that”. It sounds really good.”

    Guest: Benedetta Rogers + Daniel Marmot - Artefact ((London, UK)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 3rd stop is at Flores & Prats Architects atelier (Barcelona, Space) alongside Ricardo Flores and Eva Prats.

    Take your time to listen to their thoughts. The “slow process” of “intense accumulation of time” is how you can get “new interests, new problems and new possibilities” out of a project.
    Really, just take your time. Enjoy the process. Otherwise you are missing the best part. “What we like the most about the project is the doing of the thing, the process, the in-between.”

    Eva and Ricardo are very keen on deciding without making decisions. They, somehow work with open possibilities instead of close-ended solutions. That is probably why their projects are forever ruins. “This open condition of the ruin allows everyone to feel at home in a way.”
    Let’s thing of it as a second hand coat, you buy it, “then you put your hand in the pocket and you find something forgotten there, and it is a beautiful surprise.” And they find these treasure in their projects as well! “We value all layers with equal importance. Just like in a person, it’s the accumulation of experiences that makes the building so rich.”
    “That’s why we keep a small office, because we want to keep drawing ourselves.” 

    Guest: Ricardo Flores + Eva Prats - Flores & Prats Architects (Barcelona, Spain)
    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Our 2nd stop is at Nicolas Dorval-Bory Architectes atelier’s (Paris, France) alongside Nicolas Dorval-Bory himself.

    Architecture is made out of very serious things. "Stone has a weight. Light has a colour temperature. Wind has a speed. But you have to be playful about them."

    Nicolas confesses his passion for the physical constrains of the world. "Gravity is beautiful", he claims, "all the laws of physics have a meaning for me because they are ideas in themselves. They have a certain way of organising matter”.

    Yes, architecture is very complex. "It has to contain some form of contradiction. It cannot be only one simple thing in the end. I try to explore what this contraction can be: where to expand money/where to save money, where to have a big space, where it's ok to have a small space, etc.”

    Let's put it like this: reality is not made of possible things and impossible things. "When there is no money, there is no money, when something is too heavy, it is too heavy. You just have to deal with it. It's quite simple."

    After all, if you accept the's simple.

    “Just because things are real, they are beautiful in themselves”

    Guest: Nicolas Dorval-Bory (Paris, France)

    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • “Arquitetura Entre Vistas” is about to take off. On this second season, the podcast is travelling “ABROAD”.
    Our first stop is at Esch Sintzel Architekten atelier’s (Zurich, Switzerland) alongside the architect Philipp Esch.

    Did you know housing is different from flats?
    Next time you look at a floor plan, try to look at it with a forensic interest, think of it as an imprint of the everyday life. (Why have I never thought of this before?)
    Now think of the Palladio's villas. There you have completely pure plans that are not spoiled by toilets, by kitchens... it's just an arrangement of rooms. (Where would you place a toilet in a Palladio's villa?).
    “Floorpans have to be more open, less determined. Spatially, very much determined, but functionally not much determined.”

    “Beauty is the most sustainable quality of architecture” but sometimes we have to talk about it using other terms. “We constantly find ourselves promoting architectural qualities without talking about them but instead talking about facility management and architecture as an hidden agenda”. And that's ok.

    Maybe we should pay more attention to the background.
    Maybe we should lower our standards.

    Guest: Philipp Esch - Esch Sintzel Architekten (Zurich, Switzerland)
    Host: Ana Catarina Silva (Porto, Portugal)

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  • Nota: este episódio é uma reprodução da masterclass "Arquitetura 100 certezas Entre Vistas" que apresentei no Archi Summit 2023 na Casa da Arquitetura. A pedido de várias "famílias", que não puderam comparecer ao evento, partilho-a em formato video-podcast.
    Espero que gostem. Deixem o vosso comentário.

    "Arquitetura 100 certezas Entre Vistas"
    100 entrevistas, 46 horas de gravação e 199 convidados depois…a única certeza é a de que, em arquitetura, não há certezas. E não há problema nenhum!
    A masterclass “Arquitetura 100 certezas Entre Vistas” convida todos - desde os mais cépticos aos mais convictos - a sobrevoar o Podcast e a saírem de lá completamente despenteados…com certeza.
    Promete-se muita discórdia e contradição. Um campo de batalha sem vencedores nem vencidos.

    Autor: Ana Catarina Silva
    Masterclass: Arquitetura 100 certezas Entre Vistas
    Evento: Archi Summit 2023
    Local: Casa da Arquitetura
    Dia: 6 de julho

    (este video não corresponde ao evento, sendo que o evento não foi gravado)

  • Dois anos depois, chegamos ao episódio 100.
    Penso que, há dois anos, nem sabia contar até ao número 100. ;)

    Se, até agora, cada episódio tinha um convidado, para o último episódio, abri o debate aos ouvintes propondo, numa open call, que eles próprios se fizessem convidados.

    Lancei a questão: “Sobre o que falamos quando, hoje, falamos de arquitetura?”. Pedi-vos que escolhessem uma palavra e explicassem o vosso ponto de vista.

    Reconheço a dificuldade do desafio. Por isso mesmo reconheço, também, a sua relevância. O “hoje” faz-se de todos nós, por isso, a pertinência deste exercício está em todas estas respostas colocadas lado a lado.

    Será que a relevância da Arquitetura está no facto de não sabermos, ao certo, o que ela é? Estará a relevância da Arquitetura na sua procura? Se a dermos por encontrada, será o seu fim… Pelo bem da arquitetura, sugiro que continuemos a fingir que não sabemos nada sobre ela.

    OBRIGADA a todos os arquitetos e atelier que aceitaram tomar parte neste desafio, obrigada por tudo o que me (e nos) ensinaram.
    OBRIGADA a todos os curiosos que foram ouvindo o podcast e por terem acreditado neste projeto tanto quanto eu.

    O Arquitetura Entre Vistas não termina aqui. Até lá, ficam com um acervo de 100 entrevistas para ir ouvindo.

    Em nome do Arquitetura Entre Vistas…até já.

    Participantes: Amália Miranda, Ana Baptista, Ana Costa Silva, Ana Isabel Santos, Ana Rita Gomes, Atelier Realité, António Costa Lima Arquitectos, Cristina Mendonça, Cristina Veríssimo, Daniel Félix, Daniela Silva, Diana Máximo Queirós, Diogo Burnay, Emanuel Grave, Ernesto Cardoso, Fernando Salgado, Filipe Paixão, Francisca Maria, Inês Reis, Ivo Poças Martins, Joana Carvalho, Joana Moreira, João Baptista, João Costa Ribeiro, José Carlos Nunes de Oliveira, Luis Pereira Miguel, Manuel Tojal, Marta Campos, Marta Ferreira, Miguel Marcelino, Patrícia Sousa, Paulo Martins Barata, Paulo Merlini, Pedro Carrilho, Pedro Matos Gameiro, Rita Aguiar Rodrigues, Rúben Teodoro, Rui Filipe Pinto, Sauro Agostinho, Simão Jorge, Tiago Antero, Vasco Correia

    Moderação: Ana Catarina Silva (estudante de arquitetura)

  • Nesta última entrevista (penúltimo episódio), falamos com Manuel Aires Mateus.

    Revela-nos as várias formas que a mesma cidade pode ter aos olhos da mesma pessoa (“Começou por ser o lugar onde eu estava para, mais tarde, se transformar num lugar que uso como reflexão.”) Convicto, afirma que “Os projetos estão nos lugares (…) os projetos estão nas possibilidades de transformação dos lugares”.

    Notamos a importância de palavras como “possibilidade”, “descoberta”, “liberdade”, “memória”.

    Aquando do final de uma obra gosta de ver o que podia ter sido melhor. “É impossível fazer-se tudo o que poderíamos fazer. Felizmente! Isso dá-nos a possibilidade de fazer melhor ao voltarmos a fazer.”

    Isto porque ocupa uma posição na vida em que “Não me interessa nada trabalhar com aquilo que sei, só me interessa trabalhar com aquilo que descubro.”
    Isso leva-nos a discutir sobre autoria, linguagem e identidade.
    “Um dos horrores que tenho, como arquiteto, é de que o nosso trabalho possa ser reconhecido, como se estivéssemos à procura de uma maneira de fazer. (…) Eu quero ter a liberdade de fazer sempre coisas diferentes. E que em cada projeto possa descobrir um principio novo.”
    “Reconheço que haverá qualquer coisa que unes os projetos, mas não sei dizer o quê. Mas para meu grande alívio também não me compete a mim dizer o quê. (…) Vê-se como? Vê-se porquê?”

    “Uma coisa boa da arquitetura é que a arquitetura trabalha com condições que todos nós conhecemos desde muito novos (…) mas o arquiteto transforma este ato num ato cultural.”

    “A memória é o grande saber (…) a memória é o conhecimento que nos permite ter instinto. (…) O trabalho do arquiteto é um trabalho de instinto, gosto desta palavra. O que é o instinto? Instinto é a liberdade que nós temos em movermo-nos em condições que nós conhecemos. (…) Mas acho que é um liberdade com muita responsabilidade.”

    “A arquitetura é a arte do eterno. (…) a ambição é projetar sem tempo. Projetamos “para a eternidade” com a liberdade de saber que isso não existe.”
    “Aquilo que acho interessante são as ideias que estão para lá do próprio projeto. Em que o nosso projeto é quase uma tradução de uma ideia, mas haveria outras traduções possíveis para essa mesma ideia.”

    Convidado: Manuel Aires Mateus
    Moderação: Ana Catarina Silva (estudante de arquitetura)

  • Frederico Valsassina fala-nos de ideias sem escala. “O interessante da arquitetura é que os programas se alteram mas muitos dos princípios que nos nortearam num projeto de escala pequena ou um projeto de escala grande são os mesmos: o respeito intrínseco pelo programa e o saber habitar (...) Muda a escala mas não mudam os princípios da arquitetura."

    “Hoje, na arquitetura, é fundamentalmente esta questão entre a estética e a técnica. (...) Os bons projetos são os que conseguem conjugar a funcionalidade, a estética e o modo de viver os espaços". Porque "quanto melhor for vivido, melhor é o projeto". "O interessante da arquitetura é que nós nunca temos a última palavra, a última palavra é sempre de quem utiliza o espaço.”
    Conta-nos uma história de alguém que estava a viver a casa ao contrário.

    Confessa-nos que "o tempo nunca é suficiente", que " não é o lugar que faz a arquitetura, é a arquitetura que faz o lugar" e que preza pela verdade dos materiais ("Quando uso pedra nunca uso pedra polida, uso sempre pedra serrada. Quando utilizo madeiras utilizo-as no seu estado natural e se tiver de ter zonas de envernizamento nunca dou coloração. Quando uso caixilhos de ferro tento que tenham o aspeto mais natural possível. Se utilizo telha, não pinto a telha, utilizo-a na cor natural.”).

    Todas estas vontades são possíveis de ser desenhadas usando a potencialidade da linha reta.
    "A potencialidade da linha reta não tem fim. A linha reta desenha-se sempre da mesma maneira, mas não é sempre interpretada da mesma maneira.”

    Por fim, desabafa o ânimo com que perspetiva a arquitetura: “Vivemos uma boa fase da nossa arquitetura (…) hoje, os jovens arquitetos, estão muito bem preparados, entram nos ateliers a trabalhar com um à vontade que não existia no meu tempo.”

    Convidado: Frederico Valsassina
    Moderação: Ana Catarina Silva, Estudante de Arquitetura