KRAB FM aired this adaptation of Dickens’s classic – produced, directed, and narrated by Rita Rega – on Christmas, 1974. The cast includes Harold Street, Theda Berkeley, David Stimson, Doug Dillon, Dean Richardson, Father Cyril Kenna, Larry Smith (Albert), Brian Fox, Cheryl Rockham, Charlene King, Ken Graham, Phil Ferguson, Shirley Powell, Raleigh Fisher, and Natasha […]
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This excerpt from the 7th episode of Derek G. Larson‘s animated series Très Mall, with music produced through Derek’s Artist Support Program residency, features a clip from an interview with art historian David Joselit. You can watch the full episode, which also includes music by Jim O’Rourke and conversations with art critic Boris Groys, philosopher […]
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Rasheena Fountain’s Jack Straw Artist Support Program project Dropped Down Blues is on view in the “How to Carry Water” exhibit at The Patricia Valian Reser Center for the Creative Arts (PRAx). Dropped Down Blues is a speculative blues fiction and poetry audio-visual project set in Pipers Creek, a 1.4-mile stream located in Carkeek Park […]
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Jack Straw artists Transonic recently released “Hook Jab,” the first single produced with help from their Jack Straw Artist Support Program residency. Follow them at @transonicmusic to hear what comes next. Applications are due November 25th for Jack Straw’s 2025 Artist Support and New Media gallery programs. Visit us on Submittable for more information:
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“LORA KROFT” is a sneak preview of Jack Straw New Media Gallery Artist Athr’s exhibit D BUTTERFLY EFEKT. The installation, opening Friday, November 1, is an extended reality music album – an immersive experience where sound and visuals blend together to create virtual worlds. Applications are open now for Jack Straw’s 2025 artist residency programs. […]
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Jack Straw artists Moonyeka and Heidi Grace Acuña of House of Kilig talk with Jack Straw producer Carlos Nieto about their Jack Straw New Media Gallery installation flourish like an ocean’s grief. Applications are open now for Jack Straw’s 2025 artist residency programs. Visit us on Submittable for more information:
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During their artist residency with Jack Straw, So’le Celestial composed and produced a 5 track soundtrack titled Numa’lo – meaning, “revive, do again, return” in Fina’ CHamoru (the CHamoru language). This soundtrack explores So’le’s journey as a Trans & Queer, CHamoru, chronically ill, and disabled person. Numa’lo audibly illustrates So’le’s inner soul’s movements through life, […]
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Leanna Keith’s album body of breath, available September 27th and produced through the Jack Straw Artist Support Program, is a concept album exploring the bass flute as a living, breathing, organism. “Al-Wahdat al-Wujud” was composed by Nebal Maysaud. Other composers featured on the album include Josh Hou, Heather Bentley, Kaley Lane Eaton, and Kevin Baldwin. […]
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Tom Baker’s album Deeply Lodged includes music from multiple Jack Straw Artist Support Program projects. “Deeply Lodged,” a work for solo piano in three movements, is performed by Cristina Valdés. Applications are open now for Jack Straw’s 2025 artist residency programs. Visit us on Submittable for more information:
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Jack Straw artists Susie Kozawa and Brigid Kelly talk with Shin Yu Pai, Seattle’s Civic Poet and host of the podcast Ten Thousand Things, about their Jack Straw New Media Gallery installation Tokio Florist Project. Applications are open now for Jack Straw’s 2025 artist residency programs. Visit us on Submittable for more information:
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Gregg Dietzman‘s 2023 Jack Straw Artist Support Program project resulted in the soundscape album Sound and Light Signals. The sounds here were recorded at various locations along the Inside Passage of the Pacific Northwest, including “the Haida Náay I´waans (Whale House) in Kasaan, the cupola of Five Finger Lighthouse in Frederick Strait, a boathouse on […]
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Jack Straw resident artists Foleada released their new album of Brazilian Forró music, Eu Vou Pra Lua, this summer. Forró, a cultural mainstay of Northeast Brazil, describes not just a musical genre but a way of life, a celebration of dance, love, and community. On Eu Vou Pra Lua – Portuguese for “I’m Going to […]
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Jack Straw resident artist Vibhuti Kavishwar‘s album Shraddhanjali is now available to listen to on YouTube. The album is a tribute to the compositions of Vibhuti’s father, Pandit Lakshman Chausalkar.
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Jack Straw artist Jeff Rice talks with Carlos Nieto about his Jack Straw New Media Gallery installation Pando Suite.
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“Juanita” is a new song from Jack Straw resident artist Nacha Mendez‘s forthcoming full-length album, produced with support from the Jack Straw Artist Support Program. Nacha writes, “This is my Pride month offering, the breakup song Juanita. . . . I recorded this in Nov. 2023 at Jack Straw . . . I sat with […]
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The Skid Road podcast, produced by Josephine Ensign through the Jack Straw Artist Support Program, amplifies a diversity of voices about homelessness in the Seattle area. This is the latest episode, featuring a conversation with Sparrow Etter Carlson, who works for the King County Regional Homelessness Authority in sub-regional planning for Seattle. You can hear […]
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Jack Straw artists Wei Yang and Murphy Janssen talk with Carlos Nieto about their Jack Straw New Media Gallery installation now you are there when this happened.
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Jack Straw Resident Artists Sheila Fox and The Kosher Red Hots produced their album Our Songs in 2006 as part of their Artist Support Program residency. The album is a compilation of Yiddish and Ladino favorite songs from Seattle’s Jewish community, including live recordings with residents at The Kline Galland Home, Seattle’s Jewish nursing care […]
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Choreographer/dancer Maureen Whiting created this soundscape at Jack Straw as part of her 2001 Artist Support Program project, a collaborative installation with video artist Robert Campbell, which appeared in the Jack Straw New Media Gallery in 2002. Other collaborators for the installation included costume designers KD Schill and Sarah Harlett, lighting designer Dave Proscia, and […]
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The Post Office is a comic, surreal play, produced in 1995 through the Jack Straw Artist Support Program, about a wildly narcissistic postal clerk, a weak, sniveling customer, and matters of the human heart. Stylistically, it pays homage to playwrights such as Ionesco and Beckett. Stacey Levine will read from her new book Mice 1961 […]
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