
  • Fr. Elias Mary Mills, F.I. served as Rector of the Shrine Church at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Lacrosse, Wisconsin from 2016 to 2021. He was ordained in May of 2000. In Today's Show What are we supposed to take away from the vision where St. Faustina received Communion in the hand? How can you tell what God's will is for you? How can I tell someone that doing Reiki is sinful? Can one consecrate family members, in-laws, or friends to Our Lady? Or does it have to be the person themselves? Why do we pray before we eat food and not before we drink? More on trying to find God's will for you. Why are there so few Catholics in Japan? Information of Fr. Elias' upcoming pilgrimage.

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  • Fr. William Rock, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Regina Caeli Parish in Houston, Texas. He was ordained in October of 2019 and serves as a regular contributor to the FSSP North America Missive Blog and the TAN Direction Blog. In Today's Show: Story of Naboth, Achab and Jezebel Who are they and what does the story of the vineyard mean? Could you please explain the symbolic meaning or historical origin of the formations of the ministers in a solemn mass in the Roman Rite? What is the technical term for the part of certain collects where we "remind" God of various events in the history of our salvation in order that He might do them once more for us now? What resources would you recommend in regard to Confession? In the East they don’t kneel or prostrate on Sundays because it's the day of resurrection and the Council of Nicea forbids Christians to do so. Why do we do it in the West? How should we deal with perverse thoughts and when do they become sinful? Do Catholics believe that the Bible is God’s word? If Catholics believe it is in fact God’s word, do they believe the Bible is without fault or error? Is the Book of Tobit considered "folklore"? Did Tobit sacrifice to an Idol? How can we incorporate Sunday Vespers into family life? What is the Church's response to evolution? Why do a waist bow when the Gloria Patri is said during the Liturgy of the Hours? Why do we only bow during the creed when the Incarnation is mentioned? What is the nature of blessings? and can lay people bless? Visit the show page at to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

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  • Canon Benjamin Norman, ICKSP currently serves as Chaplain of the ICKSP Oakland Apostolate at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Oakland, California. He was ordained in 2018. In Today's Show: Story of Naboth and how we should treat the Old Testament. What should someone consider when choosing godparents? Why is there a cloth over the communion rail in the TLM? And why is half of the gloria/credo sung sitting and half standing? Regarding future possible restrictions on the Latin Mass, what can we do? What is the Catholic church view on how to have true repentance? ICKSP seminarians/Priests allowed to grow a beard, or is it a common rule to shave? After the end of the world. How will Christians judge non-Christians and angels? Any tips to us receiving on the tongue to make it easier for the priest? What should we do with Protestant bibles in our possession? What were the reforms made to Holy Week liturgies during the 1950s? What is the difference between saying Holy Spirit and Holy Ghost'?

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  • Fr. Joseph Dalimata, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Immaculate Conception Church in El Paso, Texas. He was ordained in May of 2021.

    In Today's Show Was the Prophet Samuel around when Solomon's Temple was? Should we leave a parish if the priest does not provide his altar servers any formation? What does the term MC mean? Has the Novus Ordo lost a lot of servers because boys do not want to serve as much with girls. Is this affecting the priest hood? If a married catholic couple gets a civil divorce but still maintains their sacramental marriage, is this permissible? Do you have any advice in discerning between a reason and an excuse? Can someone read Stoic books as long as Catholicism is always highest in the Hierarchy? I have a question about the fallen angels. When they were cast out of heaven, were they stripped of spiritual gifts as well? Is it OK to read books, which don't have ecclesiastical approval, that discuss or comment on Scripture but aren't full-blown Scripture commentaries? I have a friend who seems to be straying away from the faith. What can I say to help him stay with the Catholic faith? What do you do when you have lustful thoughts?

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  • Canon Stephen Sharpe, ICKSP serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph Oratory in Detroit, Michigan. He was ordained in 2020. In Today's Show I was raised a Protestant and wanted to become Catholic, In order for me to become Catholic, must I accept the Second Vatican Council and the New Mass as correct and valid? Regarding the Roate Caeli Article on possible restrictions on the Latin Mass. If the Holy Father (or future popes) ever commit to getting rid of the Latin Mass everywhere, what would the ICKSP do? What makes the ICKSP different from the FSSP? The image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus used on the Society of the Sacred Heart does not appear to have wounds in Our Lord's hands. Is there a symbolic reason for that? What is the best way to bring your non Catholic friends and family to the church? I'm looking for some guidance in implementing Cum Sanctissima in my hermitage chapel where the Latin Mass is said. I had a life-threatening emergency recently, nearly died. I believe I may have had a near death experience. From a spiritual point of view what is Father's opinion? I have a blessing cup that was used at my wedding mass. I am now divorced and don’t know what to do with it. I don’t want to keep it but don’t think anyone else would want it. Thoughts? What do you say to people of a different religion who say we love Jesus more than they do?

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  • Fr. Michael Copenhagen is a Catholic husband, father, and a priest at St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Melkite Catholic Church in Gates, New York. He holds a Bachelors of Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

    In Today's Show How does seminary work for a Melkite Catholic priest? Can you tell us a bit about your experience? Hi Father, I’ve been thinking about the part of the wedding vows “Till Death do us Part” and I was wondering is there really a Traditional Catholic background to these words? Is Marriage eternal? What do you think Christ meant when He said, "there are eunuchs, who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of Heaven"? Would changing the Nicene Creed to omit the Filioque be an indication of a doctrinal change since the creed has been upheld through councils and a summary of the important articles of faith? Do some of the Eastern Churches have more than 73 books of the Bible/Canons of Scripture? What are some of the most well-known or largest Eastern Rite Catholic churches and how do they differ from one another? Are Roman Catholics allowed to take the Eucharist in a Byzantine church? And vice versa. Are Eastern churches still in union with Rome? What is the relationship like with the Pope? Can a Eastern Rite Priest become pope? How did the Second Vatican Council change the Eastern Catholic Church?

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  • Fr. John-Mary Bowlin serves as Parish Priest at St. Jude Catholic Church in Gun Barrel City, Texas. He served in the U.S. Army and was ordained a priest in June of 2012. In Today's Show: How many times may you receive the Eucharist in one day? My mother's recent passing has left me angry and hurt, how do I deal with my loss? A prayer for a viewer's family. I've seen a certain covering at the Latin Mass that is placed on the altar rail. When I receive should I put my hands under or over this covering? Can you explain how Mass intentions work, what is the difference between intentions for living or deceased individuals? What is the Communion of Saints? Is Purgatory a place or a process? I forgot to say how many times I committed a mortal sin, what do I do? Can you point me to a list of sins of impurity? Is it ever appropriate during Sunday Mass to have an Eagle Scout Court of honor? or other ceremonies during mass? Impure thoughts, if they come into someone's heads randomly. What is the best way to stop them? Where did the concept/reality of hell come from? Is it ok to say my daily rosary while working? Or should we give total focus on the prayers? A very dear friend is in a gay relationship and getting “married” in Germany. We are invited. I have agreed to go on the trip but refuse to go to the “ceremony” and party. We will watch the children for that night. Does that make me complicit? How to response to the argument that St. Paul didn't write the letters to Timothy?

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  • Fr. Alan Maria Wharton, F.I. has assisted in Pastoral Ministry and Media Production for The Station of the Cross 88.5 FM in New Bedford, Massachusetts, formerly Radio Cor Mariae. In Today's Show Is there a supposed contradiction between Jacob's burial in Acts and in the book of Genesis? Does Father think of what is happening now in Russia is due to Russia not being consecrated to our Lady? Why is there 20 decade rosary when our lady of Fatima gave us 15? What is his favorite Marian apparition or scripture story about her and why? Whichever one he wants to answer. Does it say in the Bible anywhere that we cannot listen to a “dirty” joke if someone tells us one? I'd be interested to hear Fr. Wharton's vocation story and what made him join the Franciscans of the Immaculate. Why don't priests still do what the disciples did in the past? Raise the dead, heal the sick, cast out devils, freely you have received, freely give etc. How are priest's vestments and altar cloths cleaned?

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  • Fr. Anthony Amato is the Pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Clifton Springs, New York. He was ordained as a priest in June of 2017 by Bishop Salvatore Matano of the Diocese of Rochester, New York. In Today's Show Why do we reference Pontius Pilate in the Nicene and Apostles Creed? Why is that so important? Finding sinful things on my husband's computer Why doesn’t God just get rid of the devil? I am 16 and I have a girlfriend, me and her were taking a nap on the same bed but we were on opposite sides of the bed and my dad told me “Only husband and wife and sleep on the same bed”. Is he right? What is the Catholic Church’s position about the Torah generally and the Sabbath specifically, in light of the fact that Jesus both kept the Torah and the Sabbath? Would changing the Nicene Creed to omit the Filioque be an indication of a doctrinal change since the creed has been upheld through councils and a summary of the important articles of faith? Will I receive the indulgences from the Feast of the Sacred Heart, if I watch the mass? Do you think it is wrong to believe that praying over food before a meal helps with weight loss and weight control? When I realized that if I go up to receive communion in the diocese I could be stepping on the fragments from the Eucharist, I couldn't in good conscience go up and receive anymore. I would really appreciate some guidance. I'm in a nonviolence group, some in the group think that the violence won't actually go away till Jesus comes back. Will that be the case, is there a place for nonviolence groups to help at least to mitigate the suffering in the world? Is it a sin to gamble if I have a set amount of money put aside for this purpose, and if so, is it a mortal or venial sin? Is it sinful to go to parties and nightclubs? I don't drink or do any drugs. I also never entertain any advances from the opposite sex. I'm not looking to have my behavior rationalized.

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  • Canon Ross Bourgeois, ICKSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Most Precious Blood of Jesus Parish in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Canon Bourgeois was ordained in 2019. In Today's Show: I was wondering if there are any orders in which married men can join the TLM. For example, is there a vocation similar to the permanent diaconate? Is there any traditional equivalent to a Third Order Carmelite? Is it possible to start one? During High Mass and after consecration, after the servers and schola pray the Confiteor and the priest faces the right side and absolution is given and he makes the Sign of the Cross, why does the congregation then make the Sign of the Cross? Do you need to know French well to enter a vocation with the ICKSP? If you don't have the faculty of language, is there any way to make it? What happens to a plenary indulgence offered for a soul already in heaven? Clarifying details within Lumen Gentium Who is the author of the Psalms? Is a Catholic allowed to attend a service at an Orthodox church? What about receiving communion? Why does the Catholic Church believe that Catholics should confess individual sins to the priest, instead of simply expressing remorse for sinning? Why would the Church require Catholics to recite a laundry list? Isn't a penitent either absolved of their sins or they’re not?

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  • Fr. William Rock, FSSP serves as Parochial Vicar at Regina Caeli Parish in Houston, Texas. He was ordained in October of 2019 and serves as a regular contributor to the FSSP North America Missive Blog and the TAN Direction Blog. In Today's Show: I have a religion assignment from school and I should write about a saint. I was wondering if Mother Mary was considered a saint? I see a lot of mixed answers and how she was never officially canonized and that she wasn't actually a saint, but at the same time, I do see many stating that she was a saint. Am I permitted to eat chicken on a Friday? I was told the law was relaxed after Vatican II & restricted to Ash Wednesday & Good Friday, or is every Friday a fast? Can we sin accidentally? I live in rural Nevada. The TLM is nowhere to be found. Does the FSSP plan to come to the West anytime soon? If I am not Baptized, are my mortal sins taken away at Baptism? I'm not Baptized right now because I live in China. I had a friend who was using a ouija board. I feel that I may have uncharitably corrected this person when telling them that they should not have this in their home. How can I more charitably speak about things like this in the future? Is it a sin to even touch a ouija board? What are the rules on this for Catholics and Christians? I am a diocesan seminarian and a member of the Confraternity of Saint Peter. I attended an FSSP mass and noticed the Fraternity's Code of Arms on the Vestments. As a member of the Confraternity myself, would it be appropriate for me to have and wear those types of vestments? Can souls in purgatory help themselves? Is there really a purgatory? I'm having a hard time believing in it and I'm Catholic. Since priests take a vow of celibacy, why does it matter if the priest is gay? What is the average stay for a Fraternity priest at a parish? Is the rotation in August? What are the nature and limitations of wives submitting to husbands? Are any of the sacraments more important than another? What is a Breviary and where might I buy one? Why do we sign ourselves when the Magnificat, Benedictus, Nunc Dimittis is said during the Liturgy of the Hours? How deeply does an average priest study Marian apparitions? Why might my priest have seemed offended when I asked him about a specific Marian apparition? Visit the show page at to listen live, check out the weekly lineup, listen to podcasts of past episodes, watch live video, find show resources, sign up for our mailing list of upcoming shows, and submit your question for Father!

  • Fr. John Brancich, FSSP is the pastor of St. Stanislaus Catholic Church in Nashua, New Hampshire. He was ordained into the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter in 2004. In Today's Show What is puscillanimity and how do you distinguish it from humility? When I've been to confession in the past, when I'm confessing certain sins, I don't know the number so I have always said "many" (for the number of sins) and I was wondering if that was okay? In other words, was my confession still valid because I used the word many and not a specific number? Many times I have made an appointment for a confession and about four times I was stopped by the priest; I guess he didn't have time even though I made an appointment, so I didn't get to finish my confession although I was there to say everything. So my question is: because I know you're not supposed to hold anything back and I'm not, they're just stopping me from saying my full confession, I would like to know if the things that I confessed were forgiven because I didn't get to finish everything that I had written down on a piece of paper. My list can become very long because I see lots of things on the internet that say you have to confess all these sins at confession, so my list becomes huge. Is there such a thing as a blind priest, or does one have to be sighted to join the priesthood? If a man started seminary with the FSSP and concluded with the SSPX, what standing does that leave him in with the church? Can an SSPX priest say a Catholic funeral mass? During the homily at daily mass, sometimes the priest or deacon will begin and end the homily with the sign of the cross. Why is this done? My daughter asked me, "Mom, why do we have to say the Hail Mary 53 times... didn't Mary hear us the first time?" I'm hoping you can provide her with a more insightful answer than the one I gave her. I’ve been going to confession on almost a weekly basis as memories have come up. I feel like a horrible person now. I thought I was a good person. Life has been tough, so this is not helping to make me not feel bad about myself. Any suggestions?

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  • Fr. Daniel Alloy, FSSP has served as Parochial Vicar at Regina Caeli Parish in Houston, Texas since July of 2022. He was ordained in June of 2020. In Today's Show At my FSSP and ICKSP churches, they have dress codes. It doesn't really bother me because I always dress "correctly" for mass. But wouldn't this turn away sinners? What is the cover used for chant pages? I've seen them, usually in the Liturgical Color of that season, in the Traditional Mass, though usually in Pontifical Liturgies. What is it called? Matthew 23:9 says "Call no one on earth your father; you have but one Father in heaven". Why are Catholic priests called Father? If Jesus came to fulfill the law of Moses, then did He also fulfill the Ten Commandments, or are those still in full force? Questions about the validity of various versions of the St. Benedict / Miraculous Medals Can a traditional priest from the FSSP or ICKSP celebrate the Novus Ordo Mass occasionally, if for example he is visiting a church back home and wants to do that for parishioners? I know the Constitutions of these societies mention the exclusive celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass, but does this Constitution actually forbid a priest of such a community to say the Ordinary Form? My questions revolved around receiving communion during mass. I’ve been baptized and received my first communion when I was younger. During mass everyone receives it but I’m hesitant to get up because I always had an understanding that you must confess before mass to receive communion, which no one does here. I also was not married through the church, which I always understood makes me not able to receive communion. I really want to receive communion on Sundays but am unsure because I don’t want to do it and end up not being able to and disobey God. So my question is: Is it okay for me, or should I not? I am discerning a vocation. I believe I will enter seminary in a few years, and I have some questions about it. How well must I know latin, how hard is it in seminary? Do I have to learn any more languages? Also, I am bad at singing! In today's Gospel, what did Our Lord mean by "Render what belongs to Cesar to Cesar and render what belongs to God to God? I heard the Gospel on the radio but missed the homily. I was in a Eucharistic Procession this past Corpus Christi Sunday and the Monstrance had no canopy above it and the Deacon was carrying it. Wondering why this may have been? In the TLM, should we strike or beat our chest three times at the Consecration? I saw Father on the live stream of the ordinations! Father, why do so many priests attend the ordinations? Is there a special reason for it?

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  • Fr. Anthony Amato is the Pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Clifton Springs, New York. He was ordained as a priest in June of 2017 by Bishop Salvatore Matano of the Diocese of Rochester, New York. In Today's Show Can you please interpret for me the last verses of the Angelus prayer? "Pour forth, we beseech thee... through the same Christ our Lord. Amen." It is a very difficult passage for me and I could use some insight into its mystery. My spiritual and physical life are in shambles and I've lost my way. Please help, as I'm starting to have crazy thoughts. The first verse of the first chapter of Timothy is often used to question Catholic disciplines. Can you please dissect some of the language that is used? Did the apostles hear confessions? When was the Rosary established within the Catholic church? I am a revert Catholic. Could Father please explain if venial sins are to be confessed regularly? I believe I read that mortal sins must be confessed before receiving the Eucharist. If Mary was conceived without sin and full of grace, did she already have the fruits of the Holy Ghost in their fullness, or did she receive them on Pentecost? Can you speak on how we can honor Jesus' Sacred Heart like St. Margaret Mary? If you go to mass on Saturday night i.e. vespers for Sunday, can it still count for Saturday night for first Saturday devotions and can you still receive communion at two different masses on the Sunday? Tips on attendance policies for non-Catholic weddings!

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  • Fr. Elias Mary Mills, F.I. served as Rector of the Shrine Church at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Lacrosse, Wisconsin from 2016 to 2021. He was ordained in May of 2000. In Today's Show - All About Our Lady! (Part Five) I was surprised to see a statue of Mary without a head covering. It is The National Shrine of Mary, Mother of the Church in Laurie, Missouri. I always see our Blessed Lady wearing a veil, crown or some kind of head covering. Please comment. I was scanning through a Protestant blog which was attempting to refute Catholic teaching point-by-point. They seem to have a lot of misconceptions about what Catholics actually believe. One statement they made was that Catholics believe that Mary is the “co-redeemer”, for she participated with Christ in the painful act of redemption. They accused Catholics of believing that Mary had an equal part with Jesus in the redemption of sin. I have never heard any official Catholic teaching refer to Mary as a “co-redeemer”. What is actually meant by that term and why would they think we profess it? How do we evangelize Protestants who think we are worshiping Mary? A related name for Mary is “mediatrix”. What is the meaning of that title and how is it different from co-redemptrix? Can you please explain why May has been named/dedicated as the month of Mary? I suspect that you may have a “favorite” Marian apparition (with no disrespect meant to the others, of course). Is this the case, and if so, which is your favorite and why? Our Lady of Medjugorje… Is that valid in the church? Could you talk about the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady? There are many different publishings of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Which one would you recommend?

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  • Fr. John-Mary Bowlin serves as Parish Priest at St. Jude Catholic Church in Gun Barrel City, Texas. He served in the U.S. Army and was ordained a priest in June of 2012. In Today's Show: What is the most challenging aspect about being a priest? What should we pray for to help priests? How do we know that there are not more than three divine persons in God? Is masturbation a sin against the 6th commandment if a person is a widow or widower? Where in the Bible is this stated? I am a Catholic teen who is very devoted to his faith but struggles with masturbation. I know the church teaches that it is wrong but it also says to take into account the age as well. Should I not receive communion at mass because of this? Am I in the wrong big time, or am I okay due to my age as an adolescent? Any special advice from Father's perspective on making a Good First Saturday this weekend? How to battle pride? I can be pretty arrogant and egotistical. If I was told that I should not attend the wedding of a family member who is marrying outside of the church (they are confirmed Catholics), may I at least attend the bridal shower? If, while confessing, I mentally acknowledge the fact that I will likely commit the same sin again (not intentionally, but due to my human weakness), does that affect the validity of my absolution? I was told that video games are bad in a sense spiritually and that I should smash my system and destroy it. I even heard that I should smash the games themselves into pieces so others can’t fall into sin. Is that going too far, or should I sell it and give the money to my friend who I owe, or is it ok to keep? When is it appropriate to give fraternal correction, if we are to give correction at all? In the Bible, where does it say that a woman should not be a priest? How can I answer that question when asked? Should Christianity be as the apostle Paul preached; has Christianity grown into something different?

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  • Canon Benjamin Norman, ICKSP currently serves as Chaplain of the ICKSP Oakland Apostolate at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Oakland, California. He was ordained in 2018. In Today's Show: How does a Catholic truly forgive someone? When do bad thoughts of people who have caused great harm turn into grave sin? I had the wonderful privilege of hearing the Canons of the ICKSP chant Lauds, then, later during the Triduum, Vespers. To my ears, it sounds like the vocal technique used in recto tono is different. It has a sustained buzzing quality that seems to suspend in the air. Am I correct about this? If so, please explain the technique for vocalizing recto tono and why it would be done that way. What would happen to a person who left the Catholic church for the Russian Orthodox church? How often can an ICKSP priest or seminarian visit their family? Do you have any concern about the future of the ICKSP or the Latin mass? Are the four temperament theories helpful for growing in virtue? It's my understanding that the Ecclesia Dei communities can continue so long as the priests celebrate the new rite periodically. Do I have this right? I have stage four cancer and I'm currently in hospice. I've been told different things about medically assisted passing. Is it considered permissible by the church? Is it acceptable because I'm in hospice? I believe the FSSP ordinations took place today. When are the ordinations for the ICKSP?

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  • Canon Stephen Sharpe, ICKSP serves as Parochial Vicar at St. Joseph Oratory in Detroit, Michigan. He was ordained in 2020. In Today's Show I am starting to pray the Auxilium Christianorum prayers. Should I be praying them, or any other private prayers for that matter, in Latin as opposed to English? I would have a diminished if not total lack of understanding of some of the prayers, as I am not very learned in Latin yet, but I know Latin is a sacred language and, if I understand correctly, can be more efficacious. In 1st Corinthians, Chapter 15 verse 1-4, St. Paul talks about death, burial and resurrection saving people by itself. Why does the Catholic church add on to that? Why are Catholic priests who commit abuse being protected and the dioceses covering up for them instead of turning them over to the authorities for prosecution? Is it a sin to inadvertently use "preferred pronouns"? I work in a place where someone goes by "they/them" and I referred to her this way without thinking about it. Do I have to take it to Confession? I know we don’t fulfill our Sunday obligation if we don’t make it in time for the beginning of the Mass of the Faithful. Is there also a point (when we arrive late) where we should abstain from receiving Holy Communion? What are the theological/liturgical reasons behind why those exact points of the mass are chosen? How can one better maintain focus when praying the Rosary? Is it ever okay to change the words of the Hail Mary when praying alone? Is it correct to state that it is Catholics who bring to fulfillment the mysteries of the Rosary? While at Mass, is it appropriate to ponder the notion that New Testament readings are oftentimes the fulfillment of Old Testament passages? Can we freely choose which church calendar we follow in our private lives? And, do you have any advice for keeping cohesion when attending both rites? Do we have any examples in the present day of women that would emulate St. Catherine of Siena? Or St. Bernardino of Siena for the men? Do you approve of a Bible study based on that?

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  • Fr. Michael Copenhagen is a Catholic husband, father, and a priest at St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Melkite Catholic Church in Gates, New York. He holds a Bachelors of Sacred Theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome.

    In Today's Show What are the Melkites exactly? What geographical region does that cover? Which Divine Liturgy do the Melkites use? Why should one choose Catholicism over Orthodoxy? What are the differences in their theology and approach to faith? Do Eastern Rite churches celebrate the Novus Ordo? What is Father's opinion of the difference(s) between the Eastern Rite and the Roman Catholics on the Nicene Creed? How do doctrines of the Eastern Church compare to the doctrines of the Latin Church? Am I correct in my understanding that the Eastern Rite has a different view of Original Sin than the West? If so, can you tell me what the difference is? And also, how could something so instrumental in our Catholic faith lead to different views among rites without discrediting the church as a whole? Can women be on the altar in Eastern churches? Does the priest face Jesus or the people? Do the faithful receive in the hand or kneeling and on the tongue? What tips would you recommend for someone attending their first Divine Liturgy? What kind of relationship do you have with the Roman Catholic priests from your diocese? Do you work together in any capacity? Also, are you considered part of the Diocese of Rochester, or how does that all work? What is the purpose of the wall (Iconostasis I believe it's called) that separates the Altar and the people? There are three doors on that wall, and the servers and the priest enter and exit them in a particular way. What is the reason for that?

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  • Fr. Vincent Lampert is the designated exorcist of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis. A priest of 33 years, he also serves as the pastor of Saint Michael and Saint Peter Parishes in the Diocese of Brookville, Indiana. In Today's Show What is an exorcism exactly? How were you picked to be an exorcist? Can someone be possessed and still go to mass, receive Holy Communion, bless themselves with holy water, etc. or would a possessed person always have an aversion to Holy things? What type of behavior or situation warrants the need for an exorcism? And how serious must a person’s afflictions be to warrant a visit from an exorcist? What is the process like when you get referred to a possible possessed person? Do other Christian denominations commonly send possessed people to a Catholic exorcist? Does the Catholic Church have an official position on what the number 666 represents? How do exorcisms differ from the Catholic Church vs the Russian Orthodox? When the demons were cast out of Mary Magdalene, it didn’t seem like there were any outward visible signs that she was possessed. Can one be possessed without them or others realizing it due to no visible manifestation of being possessed? Can Father elaborate on the importance of Confession in terms of fighting the demonic? How common are exorcisms in the real world? Popular media would have us believe that things like this happen all the time, but is that really the case? Is it okay to watch movies that have to do with exorcisms? Movies out there like The Exorcist and The Exorcism of Emily Rose? I heard the devil wants you to watch stuff like this. Father, what is the difference between imprecatory and deprecatory prayer relating to exorcisms? I've heard an exorcist mention these terms years ago. When I see fellow Catholics make the sign of the cross, they don’t seem to go far enough down when they say “the Son”. It kind of looks like an upside down cross. Isn’t the upside down cross a satanic sign? Father, how would an exorcist determine if a place is “haunted,” or I think the official term is “demonic vexation?” Is it a similar process? What is demonic obsession? What goes into an exorcism? Can you walk us through some of the process of the actual ritual? How long does it take to cast out a demon? Are certain types of demonic activity specific to certain areas of the country or gender specific or age specific or more concentrated in areas of our country? Do demons speak to us? Can they read minds?

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