This episode will unpack the impact of key aspect patterns in a natal chart. Explore how stelliums, T-Squares, Grand Crosses, Grand Trines, and Minor Grand Trines influence personality, energy flow, and personal growth dynamics. You’ll also discover how these configurations shape our unique strengths and challenges throughout a lifetime.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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Did you know that each Zodiac Sign can be divided into sections that are energetically different from one another? If you’ve ever wondered why your childhood friend – who was born during the same month and year as you – has a personality that is vastly different from yours, decans (also called decanates) and dwads (also called twelfth-parts) could be part of the reason. Listen to find out how nuanced and multi-layered your sign placements really are!
There are two cheatsheets for this episode.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This episode explores what it means if you have a day chart vs. a night chart. You'll learn how the Sun's position in your natal chart defines your chart's “sect” and discover how the diurnal or nocturnal nature of planets influences your personality and perspective. Find out which planets thrive in day or night charts, as well as which ones could challenge you a bit more. You’ll also find out what it means if most of your planets belong to the opposite sect as your sun.
Look at Jennifer Lopez’s natal chart on
Look at Jon Bon Jovi’s natal chart on
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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This episode explores the significance of hemispheres and quadrants in a natal chart. Learn what the Northern and Southern Hemispheres reveal about how we balance our private life and public roles, and what the Eastern and Western hemispheres reveal about autonomy versus relationships and how we interact with the world around us. We'll also talk about how the chart can be further broken down into four quadrants, and how the most populated quadrant(s) in your chart serve as indicators of our personality, motivations, and life path.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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Transit charts show us how the planets – as they are configured in the sky today – interact with our natal chart to create new experiences and possibilities in our day-to-day lives. If you understand the energies you currently have at your disposal, you can make the most of them and become an active co-creator with the Universe. Listen to find out how to pull a transit chart, how to use one, and how to interpret them. You’ll also get information about this week’s lunar eclipse in Pisces, including what it means for all of us, collectively, and how to use a transit chart to find out what it might mean for you.
You can pull a transit chart for yourself using the calculator here: The planets on the inner ring (in blue) are your natal planets, while the planets in the outer ring (in orange) are the transiting planets. What you’re looking at is the relationship between the two sets of configurations.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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One of the two most commonly used Arabic Lots (or Parts), the Part of Spirit shows us where and how we are most likely to experience spiritual growth. It shows us where and how our soul can and does expand. And, it shows us what we should be doing regularly in order to become wiser, higher versions of ourselves. In addition to this discussion, you’ll also get a super practical, step-by-step exercise that can help you make sense of just about any placement in your natal chart.
Wondering where your Part of Spirit is located? Use the calculator found here: You’ll find the glyph for it there too!
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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One of the ancient Arabian Parts, the Part of Fortune – or Fortuna – shows us where and how we can find true fulfillment, joy, and satisfaction in life and also where we are likeliest to encounter a clear path to success. Listen to learn more about what Fortuna means in each house and sign, as well as how to interpret it’s placement in your chart.
There is a handout for this episode! Find out what the glyph for the Part of Fortune looks like using the download available on the Substack page for this episode.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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Sometimes referred to as a point of fate or destiny, the Vertex represents significant encounters with other people and life-changing events. Discover how this powerful point in your natal chart influences relationships and pivotal moments in your life. In this episode, we’ll explore its impact, how to find your Vertex, and what it means for your astrological journey.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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In this episode, we’ll talk about the mysterious, rebellious Black Moon Lilith and its significance in your natal chart. Learn about Lilith’s story, as a mythological figure and archetype, and how that story shapes our interpretation of this point in your chart. Then, find out what Black Moon Lilith says about you and how you can embrace your uniqueness and reclaim your power.
There is a handout for this episode! Find out what Black Moon Lilith’s symbol looks like in a natal chart on the Substack page for this episode.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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Last week, we learned how to identify chart rulers and use them to explore the key lessons and overarching themes in one’s life. This week, we’ll continue this line of thinking by talking about individual house rulers and how they can be used to explore our experiences in more specific life areas.
There is a handout for this episode! Get the secret celebrity natal chart on Substack and have it on hand for our discussion.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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In this episode, you’ll learn all about your chart ruler, or the planet that rules your rising sign. You’ll find out how this influential planet shapes your personality, personal journey, and the key learning themes you’ll encounter again and again throughout your life. Then, you’ll get practical, step-by-step tips for how to interpret your chart ruler and better use it’s energy.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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In astrology, each planet has particular signs that they function very well in – and others that they don’t function well in. When a planet is in a sign that complements its energy, it’s said to be dignified. Conversely, when a planet is in a sign that it contradicts its true nature, it’s said to be debilitated. In your natal chart, a planet being either in domicile, exaltation, detriment, or fall can significantly impact the way you use its energy. Listen to find out more.
Visit the Substack page for this episode to download the handout / Essential Dignities Chart.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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This episode explores how your lunar phase at birth helps shape your personality and life’s journey. From the active and adventurous waxing moon phases to the reflective and introspective waning phases, you’ll discover how your birth moon can influence your mood, decision-making, and overall view of life. Before the episode begins, you can find your natal lunar phase here:
Look at a moon phase chart:
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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The 8th and 12th houses in astrology are mystical, mysterious, and occasionally daunting places that involve complicated themes like spirituality, the subconscious mind, and healing. Given the similarities they share, it’s common for people to feel confused about the differences between the two. And yet, they are different. Listen to find out how, as well as how and why they compliment one another.
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Recommended book: Phoenixes and Angels: Mastering the Eighth & Twelfth Astrological Houses, by Carmen Turner-Schott
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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A retrograde is a type of transit in astrology that occurs when a planet “appears” to be moving backward along its path in the sky. When this occurs, we collectively have a chance to review the parts of our lives that fall under the rulership of that planet. But what happens if a planet was retrograde on the day you were born? Does having a retrograde planet in your natal chart mean something? Find out.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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In this episode, we’ll discuss two of the more commonly discussed minor aspects in astrology: semi sextiles and quincunxes. Listen to learn what each aspect signifies and how identifying the minor aspects in your chart can enhance your natal chart readings.
Find and download the handout for this episode.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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In this episode, we continue our deep dive into the five major aspects in astrology, with a focus on the hard aspects, or squares and oppositions. The hard aspects signify parts of ourselves, or our lives, where we experience obstacles, conflict, or restrictions. But they’re not all bad! They also infuse us with the energy and ambition we need to accomplish things. Listen to learn more.
Visit the Substack page for this episode to download the handout!
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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In this episode, we continue our deep dive into the five major aspects in astrology, with a focus on the soft aspects, or trines and sextiles. Trines and sextiles facilitate a harmonious exchange of energy between two planets and signify the natural talents, skills, and tools that we are born with. Listen to learn how to decipher the meaning of the soft aspects your natal chart and how they may impact you. Then, don’t miss the next episode, where we’ll discuss the other major aspects, including oppositions and squares.
Visit the Substack page for this episode, and scroll down to the show notes to download or view this week’s handout!
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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In this episode, we begin taking a deep dive into the five major aspects in astrology, with a special focus on planetary conjunctions. Conjunctions signify a powerful blending of energies, shaping both our personality traits and life experiences. Listen to learn how to decipher the meaning of conjunctions in your natal chart and how they may impact you. Then, don’t miss the next couple of episodes, where we’ll discuss other major aspects, including oppositions, trines, sextiles, and squares.
Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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In your natal chart, there are four highly sensitive, deeply important points that help define how you show up in key areas of your life and illuminate the path you are likeliest to take. Listen to this episode to learn more about the the Ascendant (ASC), Descendant (DSC), Midheaven/Medium Coeli (MC), and Imum Coeli (IC), and what they say about you.
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Music from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!): License code: TKAOZTDSJ5OX7OYP
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