
  • I tackle THE most requested topic from my followers "how do handle anxiety during pregnancy after loss". So I polled and here I read off all the things y'all sent to me regarding this topic. You will hear be reading so if watching it helps, go to my At a Total Loss Youtube page :)...Here is what I talk about:

    Trying to conceive & how to know you're readyUltrasoundsHope vs anxietyWhat you can control vs what you cannotHaving a game plan/protocolCoping with crippling anxietyAnnouncing vs waiting to announceAt home DopplersIntuition vs fearGuidance from our Angel Babies or Signs from themMEDICATION DURING PREGNANCYWhat was helpful during PAL.omg and so much more...

    I CANNOT stress this enough: consult with all of your medical professionals, research and do what's best for you based off an educated position. I am NOT a doctor so everything I say is based off MY personal experiences and all the experiences that were shared with me through my audience.

    Links to things I mentioned in the episode:

    LossLink coming soon! Join this private community of loss moms who want to connect virtually or in person. Sign up for the waiting list here: LossLink Waitlist

    Count the Kicks

    The book "Spirit Babies'

    The book "Signs"

    Message me if there are any I didn't include that you want.


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Amanda, Junie's Mama, comes on to talk about getting your Pregnancy After Loss (PAL) Birth Plan together. Juniper was born still at 38 weeks due to an undiagnosed small placenta (if you want to hear the whole story, find the episode 'Amanda + Juniper'). Since then, Amanda has been a huge advocate for preventative care as well as a resource for so many mama's who have experienced a tragic loss.

    We know how much fear there is around the birth of the baby after loss, so Amanda has a list of things that we can think about doing to prepare. We also dive into protocols & preventative measures for the pregnancy as we found that having a game plan helped so much while navigating this scary time.

    Helpful Tools & Resources:

    ACOG recommendations: Google Doc

    Count the Kicks: Info

    Measure The Placenta: Info Here

    Dr Harvey Kliman at Yale: Website

    Find Amanda on IG at @orangeafmama


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar (watch this episode here!)

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Molly talks about her precious Roman who was stillborn at full term just over a year ago. Molly provides insight on her faith, her support group, and gives advice to anyone who is afraid to experience joy after baby loss. We also talk about signs and how she whole heartedly believes she receives them letting her know Roman is ok. The stories will give you chills.

    Find Molly on IG at @champagnegetaway


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • I asked what y'all wanted to hear about. So many of you wanted to discuss the added losses after our babies die. I took your submissions and I discuss the following in this episode:

    The inability to relax and always have to run at max capacity.The loss of innocenceLosing our faith.Becoming an extreme introvert now.Unable to look at old photosAccepting this realityNo longer having a tolerance for petty stuffDebilitating Anxiety that we never had beforeLoss of trust that things will be ok.And a lot more...

    I also go on a tangent about lawn maintenance so I'm sorry lol.

    I do a lot of these polls to see what y'all want to discuss, so if you don't already follow on Instagram, go here and be a part of the next poll>>> @thekatherinelazar

    Want to watch this episode? Go to my YouTube At a Total Loss channel!>>> YOUTUBE


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Courtney's precious Conrad was born still after a seemingly perfect pregnancy. Her journey to this point is super insightful and extremely raw. We chat about literally everything in this episode. No really, like, wanna hear 2 loss moms just going IN on this whole situation, this is the episode. Does it sound like we're ranting? GOOD because we are and we are allowed to. Most *normal* mothers do this but with wayyy less intense subject matter. We are keeping it very real here. Here is what else we talk about in this almost 2 HOUR episode...

    Being sent home without babies but with our mental health in extreme danger.Post Partum strugglesThe loss of her parents + the loss of her baby.We are expected to "move on" when we just cannot do that.Society likes to distance themselves from death yet sensationalize it on TV & film.Letting medical pros know how horrible this is so that they get it.The struggles of having a living baby after loss.Medications to take while strugglingRelationship with GodI told you we tackle a lot lol... AND there's more!

    We just want this to help. You might not agree with everything you hear (that's ok) but at least one little nugget or glimmer is what we're going for here.

    Find Courtney on Instagram at @courtneydouglascoaching


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Bri's daughter Caroline was diagnosed with a rare form of CHD called Ebstein’s Anomaly. Living in Sacramento, her and her husband moved to Stanford to ensure she received the best possible care. After Caroline was born, she spent 27 days fighting for her life until ultimately passing away peacefully in her mother's arms. Among her diagnoses it was also found that she had Pallister-Killian Syndrome (PKS) after she was born.

    Bri talks about this journey. From finding out about her daughter's rare disorder, to how to proceed, to giving birth to her daughter alive, to then deciding to do surgeries and the days she lived in the NICU. Bri walked away with zero regrets, something a lot of loss momma's wish they could do.

    Our hope is that this story finds someone who needs to hear it. Bri would love to connect with anyone who can resonate with Caroline's story or needs guidance navigating their own. But no matter what your experiences are, it helps to hear about how to cope, how to hold onto hope, and how you are anything but alone.

    Information on Ebstein's Anomaly: HERE

    To connect with Bri, find her on Instagram at @brihansen


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions! For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops! Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop Instagram @thekatherinelazar Youtube: @thekatherinelazar Email: [email protected] Website: Some helpful resources: Local to Atlanta:

  • Loss of relationships is a HUGE topic after baby death. In this episode, I break down the 4 categories of family & friend relationship loss that I see and hear about all the time.

    1) People who choose to exit your life

    2) Toxic people who you choose to separate from

    3) Good intentioned people who just don't see your loss the same

    4) Awesome people whose stage of life is too hard to be around.

    I break each of these down and also dig into the fact that we have to take into accountability our own behaviors. It's a sticky situation and one that no one tells us how to navigate. i hope to shine light on this, help you feel less alone, and to potentially guide you in a way that helps you navigate it all.

    Watch it on my At a Total Loss YouTube Channel!


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • I'm tackling the topic of having to make decisions after loss. While some don't think this is an issue, Loss Moms find it to be a massive one. Especially when it comes to PAL, babies, loved ones, & anything having to do with choices.

    \Loss changes us radically. So much so that everything becomes a matter of life & death even if it's a casual situation. The weight of having to make choices is almost paralyzing sometimes. Here I dive into it and shed some light on how I feel about it and what others I've spoke to feel as well.

    Hope it helps!

    To watch on YouTube: At a Total Loss YouTube Channel


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Sharon's life changed forever with the tragic death of Matthew, her only child, when he was just 17 years old. She felt she had no purpose and became angry and lost. She then consulted with many mediums and received validating messages, proving that Matthew was still “alive” and was helping from the other side. Sharon realized that we all have the natural ability to communicate with our loved ones in spirit and that she too could become a medium. This was her destiny, and a way to make some sense out of her tragedy by helping others.

    This episode is Sharon's perspective on life after death and how our loved ones are still with us. Many Loss Mommas seek out the guidance of psychic mediums. So if you have ever been curious, here is a glimpse of what to expect if you work with one like Sharon.

    To watch this episode, head to YouTube: At A Total Loss YouTube Channel

    If you'd like to contact her:

    Email: [email protected]



    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


  • For Edlyn, lightning has struck twice: Her first son, Emiliano, was born still 6 years ago. And just 2 years ago, her daughter Avianna died at just 5 months old. She tells us their stories and how she has dealt with such incredible pain and heartbreak, as well as, the tremendous blame she puts on herself. Her perspective is inspiring and for anyone who needs a reminder of how to keep going, Edlyn is it. If she can, we can too.

    This story is not to tell you not to have hope. This story is to show you how one person can survive the worst things a mother can go through and still stand, still laugh, still be a good person, and most of all still love herself. We hope this helps.

    To talk to Edlyn, find her on Instagram at @edlynn.hernandez


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Serena joins me to talk about her beautiful son, Christopher who died from Cord Stricture just one year ago. We talk about signs from him and the strong connection she has. Serena believes that we are all intuitive we just have to pay attention and recognize it. The signs from Christopher that she tells me about are WILD y'all. You have to listen!

    I think once our baby dies, we still feel so connected. But what does that connection look like now that they're gone? This episode really does shine light on this and Serena radiates peace and simplifies what it means to stay connected to our babies.

    I hope this episode helps

    Please reach out to Serena if you feel called to. Find her on IG at @serena.elizabeth93


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Anna joins me to talk about her beautiful daughter Evie, who was born still after a uterine abruption. Anna's pregnancies have been extremely high risk and accepting that it was ultimately too dangerous to carry again, she decided to contact a surrogate, or in this case a gestational carrier. She explains to us the complicated journey of finding one and going through the entire process. We hope that this sheds light on a topic that is rather common within the loss community but that we find isn't spoken about as much.

    *Please note that this was recorded after the ruling in Alabama therefore we do not discuss this topic.

    If you are curious about surrogacy or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Anna on Instagram @_anna.e.russell_


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Dr. Jason Collins is the founder of the Pregnancy Institute. His career and passion has focused on stillbirth, umbilical cord accidents and umbilical cord pathology. Dr. Collins has been researching cord issues and deaths for over 20 years. His professional opinions come from evidence based facts, which you will hear throughout this entire episode. He continues his research into these tragic losses and would love to connect with newly bereaved parents to help them find answers as well as navigate subsequent pregnancies.

    *NOTE: You will hear us referencing images and documents. If you'd like to see them while listening to this episode, go to my Youtube page to watch the video of this recording. YouTube

    If you'd like to speak with Dr Collins, you can email him here: [email protected]

    **This information is not intended to vilify medical professionals. It is strictly educational to point out the lack of education on umbilical cords and how we as bereaved mothers can get answers and advocate for ourselves in the event our providers do not have the understanding needed. Always consult with your medical professional, but also, arm yourself with your own education and knowledge.


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Ashley and I are in the Atlanta studio to talk about her precious son Daniel who died from a cord accident and was born still in April 2023. As she approaches his first birthday, she talks about how her grief has evolved, her faith and how she decided to plan a golf tournament in Daniel's name.

    What we discuss:

    Regretting the decision not to have a funeral/memorial serviceNot knowing how to answer questions with grief brainThe unfairness of how our babies didn't live and others didAccelerated Resolution TherapyCord AccidentsGrief support for living siblings and helping them navigate itAnd so much more relatable info...

    Find Ashley on IG: @apattkd15


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:
  • Lindsey M. Henke is a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist specializing in the grief that accompanies life transitions, specifically during motherhood. She founded Pregnancy After Loss Support (PALS), a nonprofit for parents pregnant after a previous perinatal loss or infant death. Her writing has been featured on and in Pregnancy and Newborn magazine, Huffington Post, and the New York Times. Her new book, "When Skies Are Gray" is being released later in the year.

    In this episode we discuss the challenges that pregnancy and parenting after loss bring, the common fears that moms have, and the therapies we can do that can help.

    Find her on Instagram @pregnancyafterlosssupport & @LindseyMHenke

    Pregnancy After Loss Support

    About Lindsey

    Lindsey's Book: "When Skies Are Gray"

    Pregnancy After Loss App


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Liz's son, Harrison, was stillborn at full term. She joins me in discussing her experiences in her workplace with maternity leave policy and what that looked like. When she found that the terms were not even in place for mothers who didn't get to bring their baby home, she did a ton of research and went to bat for herself and her son, Harrison. She gives some recommendations on how you too can approach your company to try to make change happen. We also talk about returning to work and the different ways you can handle it.

    Going back to work is scary. It's a place where you were at pregnant and happy. Going back after your baby dies seems like going back in time where nothing happened. It's weird and it's a little jarring. Some don't ever want to return and some want to go back ASAP for the distraction. Whatever you feel, it's normal and in this episode we discuss it all.

    We hope it helps!

    To get some guidance from Liz on how to handle your workplace policy, message her on LinkedIn

    Or on Instagram @lizmyers19


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • In this episode, I answer your questions and concerns regarding your baby's birthday. I also give perspective on the difference in Brody's 1st Birthday and his 2nd that we just experienced yesterday. Along with all of this, I read to you some examples of what other parents do on their baby's birthday to help give you some ideas or to help normalize what you'd like to or are already doing.

    It's a tough topic, and it's not easy being a parent to a dead child. We are doing our absolute best. I hope this episode sheds some light on the subject and helps guide you through the 1st, 2nd or whatever year it is if you need some insight.

    Hit me up on IG! @thekatherinelazar

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • At the request of many, Liz and I created this short episode to share with those in your circle. We answer your Instagram submissions on what you want others to know. So many times support people just have no idea how to navigate this and in the thick of grief, loss parents don't have the words to tell them. Well, we hope that this episode can be shared with those that are looking for ways to help or maybe a guide on what NOT to do.

    Loss Parents, this is also a great episode to help validate how you're feeling in response to how others are treating the death of your baby. We are here to help you realize you are not alone in how you feel and maybe suggest some ways that you can give to those around you that would better help.

    Support people are our lifeline during the darkest times a human can experience. So if you are a support person, thank you for even listening to try to help. We can't do it without good support and love.

    Liz and I are brutally honest and we of course are only speaking from our own opinions and experiences. Not speaking for everyone out there. In the 100s of conversations I've had with loss parents, I can tell you that these are the most popular things that they want support people to know.

    We hope it helps!

    Hit up Liz on Instagram @lizmyers19


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Liz (from episode 1 and 30) is back to discuss this taboo topic of "Gender Disappointment" during PAL. This is a topic we get asked about A LOT. Now, I don't love this phrase but it's general and we understand what it means without further explanation. I'd like to say it's more like Gender Processing because there's definitely a reaction to having the opposite sex of the baby you lost. We dive into the dark, the ugly, the things we only say to each other. Grief is a big topic we discuss as well as how we handled PAL. We LOVE our babies, however, there are moments that we have to process not having the "picture" we always thought we had.

    We are open and honest about this and we hope it helps. This is REAL TALK, mommas!

    Hit up Liz on IG @lizmyers19


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta:

  • Amanda Louder is a Certified Sex & Marriage Coach who helps men & women overcome their obstacles to create a more emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically intimate relationship. She speaks from her own Christian faith lens for those who want to involve their Christianity in their coaching.

    We discuss a topic that I feel doesn't get addressed: Intimacy after loss and the challenges it brings including TTC after loss. Amanda is also the host of the Sex for Saints Podcast where she discusses literally everything she possibly can regarding sex coaching.

    We talk about it ALL. Nothing was off the table. Everything from hating our bodies after it was supposed to take care of our babies, to how trauma affects our libido, to becoming consumed with wanting to get pregnant again ASAP, to communicating how we feel to our partners and finally, how to reconnect with them.

    Amanda is gentle and kind in her approach and has helped so many people regain their intimacy after their baby died. She provides a safe space to discuss this vulnerable topic. Y'all will learn SO much from this episode! So interesting!

    If you'd like to get in touch with Amanda, find her on Instagram and mention this podcast episode! @christiansexcoach


    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own. I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

    Support the podcast and shop the store! At a Total Loss Shop

    Instagram @thekatherinelazar

    Youtube: @thekatherinelazar

    Email: [email protected]


    Some helpful resources:

    Local to Atlanta: