
  • Usually, grown-ups teach children, but often, children have lessons to offer back to their parents, caregivers, and elders. When it comes to children with special needs, learning patience is a universal experience for all caregivers and parents. This is something I also learned while working with my son.
    My son has taught me to be present in the moment and to live it to the fullest. The past is unchangeable, and the future is uncertain, so worrying about them is unnecessary. Embracing the present is what truly matters in life.
    I once had expectations, aspirations, and dreams, but I realized these were my limitations. My son gave me the courage, strength, and power to break free from these constraints and explore beyond the boundaries of my aspirations and expectations. This discovery helped me unlock an endless potential that lies beyond those limits. Through my special child, I have found peace and love.

  • The ā€œwaiting room experiment,ā€ a social experiment conducted by a hidden camera show called ā€œWhat Would You Do?ā€ or similar social psychology experiments. In this scenario, A waiting room is arranged with several actors posing as regular people waiting for an appointment. These actors are instructed to stand up every time a bell rings. At intervals, a bell sounds, prompting the actors to stand up briefly and then sit back down on next bell sound. An unsuspecting person enters the waiting room and sits among the actors. After witnessing the repeated behavior of standing up with the bellā€™s ringing, the unsuspecting participant often begins to mimic the actions of the group, standing up when the bell rings without understanding why?
    Even if all the actors eventually leave the room, the unsuspecting participant typically continues the behavior of standing up when the bell rings, demonstrating the power of social influence and conformity.
    Similarly, parents often might feel pressured to mimic the parenting styles they observe in others, even if those styles donā€™t align with their values or their childā€™s needs. Effective parenting requires understanding oneā€™s child, recognizing their unique needs, and making intentional decisions based on this understanding, rather than following others blindly.
    Parenting should be a journey of personal growth for parents. Itā€™s about evolving, learning from experiences, and adapting oneā€™s approach to meet the changing needs of the child.
    Parenting should avoid the pitfalls of mimicking others without understanding. Instead, it should be about developing a deep connection with oneā€™s child, continually learning and growing as a parent, and making thoughtful, informed decisions that best support the childā€™s development. This approach fosters a more authentic and effective parenting style, tailored to the unique dynamics of each family.

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  • Exposing children on the autism spectrum to various experiences can play a crucial role in reducing hypersensitivity towards textures. Hereā€™s why itā€™s important:
    1. Sensory Integration: Children with autism often struggle with sensory integration, where their brains have difficulty processing and organizing sensory information. By exposing them to different textures in a controlled and supportive environment, they can gradually learn to integrate and adapt to these sensations.
    2. Desensitization: Experiencing different textures helps desensitize children to the ones they find aversive or overwhelming. Through repeated exposure, they can become more tolerant and less reactive to textures that once caused distress.
    3. Enhanced Tolerance: Exposure to a variety of textures fosters tolerance and flexibility. It teaches children that different sensations are part of everyday life and encourages them to approach new experiences with curiosity rather than fear or avoidance.
    4. Functional Skills Development: Learning to tolerate various textures is essential for developing everyday functional skills. Whether itā€™s dressing themselves, engaging in play activities, or eating a diverse diet, children with autism need to be comfortable with different textures to navigate daily life independently.
    Giving experiences that expose children on the autism spectrum to various textures is essential for their sensory development, social inclusion, and overall quality of life. It fosters tolerance, independence, and self-confidence, laying the foundation for their success and happiness in the long term.

  • Organizing our thoughts is akin to organizing our wardrobeā€”a concept that parallels the physical realm with the intangible realm of the mind. Just as a cluttered wardrobe can impede our ability to find what we need, a cluttered mind can hinder our progress and well-being. In this discourse, weā€™ll delve into the significance of mental organization, drawing parallels between tidying up our thoughts and tidying up our physical space.
    Our minds are constantly bombarded with a myriad of thoughts, emotions, and stimuli. Like items jumbled together in a disorganized wardrobe, these thoughts can become tangled and overwhelming if left unchecked. Negative thoughts, in particular, can linger and weigh us down, much like old and unworn clothes taking up valuable space. Just as we periodically declutter our physical space to create room for new and useful items, we must declutter our minds to make space for positive and constructive thoughts.
    Removing thoughts that trouble us is akin to purging our wardrobe of items that no longer serve us. Holding onto negative thoughts from the past can hinder our present and future progress. By letting go of these thoughts, we free ourselves from their burden and create space for new possibilities. This process requires introspection and self-awarenessā€”the ability to identify which thoughts are holding us back and consciously choose to release them.
    Organizing our thoughts is essential for personal growth, success, and well-being. By decluttering our minds, categorizing our thoughts, and cultivating a positive mindset, we create space for new possibilities and opportunities. The analogy of arranging a wardrobe underscores the transformative power of intentional action and highlights the ongoing nature of mental organization. By harnessing the power of our thoughts, we can chart a course towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

  • When weā€™re kids, we want to be loved and accepted by the people around usā€”our family, friends, and teachers. Sometimes, to get this love and attention, we do things we think will make others happy or impress them. For example, we might tell jokes, try to be good at sports, or do what others want us to do, even if it doesnā€™t feel quite right for us. This is like wearing a mask; weā€™re not showing who we truly are inside, but weā€™re trying to be who others want us to be.
    As we grow up, we might continue to wear these masks to get approval or praise from others. We might focus on being what others expect instead of being ourselves. But the truth is, weā€™re already enough just as we are. We donā€™t have to pretend to be someone else to be loved or accepted. We should try to embrace who we truly are and not worry so much about always pleasing others.

  • Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a fairly new eating disorder. Children with ARFID are extremely selective eaters and sometimes have little interest in eating food. They may eat a limited variety of preferred foods, which can lead to poor growth and poor nutrition.
    ARFID usually starts at younger ages than other eating disorders and is more common in boys.
    Kids with ARFID fall within three main categories:
    1. Some kids are very selective eaters who may have strong negative reactions to smells, tastes, textures, or colors of foods. They may be highly fearful of new foods, called ā€œneophobia,ā€ and scared of negative experiences related to unfamiliar foods.
    2. Some kids may have an overall lack of interest in eating and have a very low appetite or find eating minimally rewarding or not at all. These kids often deny feeling hungry.
    3. Other kids are afraid of what might happen when they eat; for example, experiencing pain, choking, or vomiting.
    ARFID is linked to strong emotions and worries around food. Be supportive and encourage positive attitudes about exercise and nutrition at home. Try these tips:
    Be a role model. Serve and eat a variety of foods.
    Schedule regular meals and snacks.
    Have regular family meals. Keep the mood at the table pleasant and avoid struggles during mealtimes.
    Encourage your child to try new foods, but do not force them to eat.
    Reward positive eating behaviors.
    Find ways to manage anxiety and stress around food. Taking a couple of deep breaths can help your child relax. Yoga, meditation, music, art, dance, writing, or talking to a friend can help manage stress.
    Stay calm and avoid blaming or criticizing your child for their eating struggles.

  • In our daily lives, we often adhere to structured schedules and routines, finding comfort and efficiency in the predictability they provide. Disruptions to these routines can evoke feelings of irritation or frustration, as we prefer the stability and familiarity of our established patterns. Similarly, children, especially those on the autism spectrum, often exhibit heightened sensitivity towards disruptions in their routines. For them, deviations from their expected schedule or unexpected changes can trigger feelings of distress, leading to expressions of frustration or anger.
    Parents of children on the autism spectrum may sometimes find themselves at odds with their childā€™s reactions to schedule disruptions. While they may feel that their own frustrations are justified, itā€™s crucial for parents to recognize and respect their childā€™s unique needs and sensitivities. Understanding and acceptance of the childā€™s individuality are paramount in fostering a supportive environment for their growth and well-being.
    In such situations, patience emerges as a fundamental virtue. Instead of reacting with frustration or attempting to impose rigidity onto the childā€™s behavior, parents can cultivate patience and empathy. By acknowledging and validating their childā€™s feelings, parents can help them navigate through moments of upheaval with greater ease.
    One effective strategy that I employ is ā€˜diversionā€™. By redirecting my sonā€™s attention towards activities, he enjoys, such as reading poems or engaging in other preferred activities, I try to provide a constructive outlet for his emotions. This not only helps to diffuse tension but also reinforces positive coping mechanisms for handling disruptions to routine.
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  • As a devoted single father to my autistic child, I am frequently asked about how I show my love and support for him. I confidently affirm that his autism diagnosis has not altered the deep bond we share. I embrace his condition with understanding and recognize that he may require additional assistance, but I am not resigned to simply accepting limitations. Instead, I actively engage in his growth and development, guiding him towards progress while also making tough parenting choices that involve stepping back to encourage his independence. By striking a balance between providing support and fostering self-reliance, I aim to empower him to navigate challenges with confidence and resilience.
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  • Traveling with kids with special needs requires careful planning and preparation to ensure a smooth and comfortable journey. Here are some helpful tips for managing travel with kids with special needs:
    1. Keep cold milk fresh: Carry fridge-cold milk in a heat-resistant flask to ensure it stays fresh and at the right temperature for your child.
    2. Pack fridge-cold food: Prepare and pack meals like Khichdi, daal-rice, or other favorite dishes that your child enjoys eating. Keeping the food cold will help maintain its freshness during the journey.
    3. Portable heating cup: Invest in a portable heating cup that can quickly heat up milk, food, or cook quick oats on-the-go. This handy device can be a lifesaver, especially when traveling by train or in places where access to a kitchen is limited.
    4. Convenience during travel: Having these essential items on hand can make traveling with kids with special needs much easier for you and your family. It eliminates the need to rely on external sources for food or heating facilities, giving you peace of mind during the journey.
    By following these travel management tips, you can ensure that your childā€™s dietary needs are met, and you can focus on enjoying the journey together as a family.#kid #kids #child #children #childrens #baby #babyboy #babygirl #babyswag #most #loved #trending #parenting #parentingtips #reels #viral #instatrending #love #trending #reelitfeelit #latest #explore #parenting #viralvideos #viralreels #trendingnow #trendingvideos #motherhood #today #travel #travelwithkids #travelwithbaby

  • Celebrating moments, regardless of their size or significance, holds profound importance in our lives. Each passing second presents an opportunity to embrace the present and cherish the joys it brings. Often, we find ourselves caught up in the pursuit of grand achievements, waiting for significant milestones to validate our happiness. However, happiness is not solely found in monumental events; it exists in the small, fleeting moments that make up our everyday experiences.
    Living in the present moment allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the richness of life. It enables us to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us and find contentment in the here and now. By embracing the present, we free ourselves from the burdens of the past and the anxieties of the future. Instead of dwelling on what could have been or what might be, we focus our energy on making the most of the present moment, relishing the experiences it has to offer.
    Happiness comes in all shapes and sizes, and it is essential not to overlook the smaller joys in anticipation of grander ones. Oftentimes, we fall into the trap of waiting for significant milestonesā€”a promotion, a vacation, or a major life eventā€”to experience true happiness. However, by doing so, we risk missing out on the countless small moments of joy that occur in between. Whether itā€™s the simple pleasure of a quiet evening spent reading a book or the satisfaction of completing a mundane task, these small moments add up to create a tapestry of happiness in our lives.
    Itā€™s important to recognize that happiness is not a destination to be reached but rather a journey to be embraced. Instead of constantly striving for bigger and better things, we must learn to find happiness in the present moment, regardless of its size or significance. By cultivating gratitude for the small joys in life, we develop a deeper appreciation for the richness of our experiences and a greater sense of fulfillment overall.

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  • Family normalization, akin to the phenomenon of an employee making more mistakes when the manager yells at them, reflects a critical aspect of familial dynamics. When parents resort to yelling as a means of discipline or communication, the parallel to a managerā€™s outburst becomes evident. Just as the employeeā€™s productivity dwindles under the pressure of verbal reprimand, childrenā€™s behavior often worsens in response to parental yelling. This correlation underscores the importance of understanding the impact of oneā€™s tone and demeanor within the family unit. Over time, children internalize yelling as the normalized mode of interaction within the family, leading to desensitization to its effects and diminishing responsiveness to calmer approaches. Much like an employee who becomes immune to constant admonishment, children may stop heeding their parentsā€™ guidance when delivered in a normal tone.
    To break this cycle, parents must recognize their role in perpetuating this normalized behavior and initiate the necessary changes within themselves. Shifting away from yelling towards more constructive and empathetic forms of communication is imperative for fostering a healthier family environment. By modeling patience, understanding, and respect, parents can gradually reshape the dynamics within the household, promoting active listening and mutual respect. Ultimately, the transformation begins with the parentsā€™ willingness to reflect on their own behavior and enact meaningful changes, thereby nurturing a family culture built on trust, support, and effective communication.
    In essence, family normalization is not an immutable phenomenon but rather a dynamic process shaped by conscious choices and intentional actions. By recognizing the profound influence of their behavior on the family dynamic, parents hold the key to effecting positive change and fostering a culture of respect, understanding, and unconditional love.

  • Hindi alphabets can be complex, with many being combinations of others. To simplify Hindi writing for special kids, it's best to start with the simpler alphabets. The sequence of learning the alphabets is not as important as focusing on the child's ability to recognize and write them. Here are a few suggestions to make it easier for special kids:1. Begin with basic alphabets: Start with the simpler and more commonly used alphabets, These alphabets have simpler shapes and are easier to learn.2. Break down complex alphabets: When introducing complex alphabets, break them down into their constituent parts.3. Visual aids and mnemonics: Utilize visual aids, such as flashcards or posters, to help children associate the shape of each alphabet with a familiar object or image. Mnemonics, like associating ą¤¬ with a ball, can also aid in memorization.4. Practice and repetition: Provide ample opportunities for practice and repetition. Encourage children to trace and write each alphabet multiple times to reinforce their learning.5. Engaging activities: Make learning fun by incorporating interactive activities. For instance, ask children to identify and write specific alphabets in a word search or play alphabet matching games.6. Patience and positive reinforcement: Be patient and offer positive reinforcement to motivate and encourage the child's progress. Celebrate their achievements and provide constructive feedback to help them improve.Remember, every child learns at their own pace, so adapt these strategies to suit their specific needs and abilities. The primary focus should be on developing their writing skills, rather than rigidly following the sequence of alphabets.

  • I understand that you are expressing a sentiment of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a powerful act of letting go of resentment or anger towards someone who has caused harm or hurt. It can bring peace and healing to both the person who forgives and the person who is forgiven. If there is a specific situation or person you are referring to, it may be helpful to have open and honest communication to address any underlying issues and work towards reconciliation. Remember that forgiveness is a personal choice and process, and it can take time.

  • Mood swings are a natural part of human emotions, and while they are commonly associated with adults, it is important to recognize that children also experience fluctuations in their moods. Understanding how mood and behavior are linked in children is crucial for parents and caregivers in order to provide proper support and guidance. It is essential to recognize that a childā€™s behavior can be influenced by their mood, and that the underlying reasons for their behavior may differ from those of adults.
    Children, just like adults, can experience mood swings. These fluctuations in mood can be influenced by various factors, including biological, environmental, and psychological elements. It is important to remember that children are still developing emotionally and may struggle to regulate their emotions effectively. As a result, their moods can change rapidly, leading to corresponding changes in their behavior.
    A childā€™s behavior is closely tied to their mood. When children experience negative emotions such as frustration, sadness, or anger, it can manifest in their behavior. They may become irritable, withdrawn, or exhibit challenging behaviors as a way to express their emotions. Conversely, when a child is in a positive mood, they are more likely to engage in cooperative and pleasant behaviors.
    It is essential to look beyond the surface-level behavior and try to understand the root cause. Factors such as stress, fatigue, hunger, or changes in routine can significantly impact a childā€™s mood, thereby influencing their behavior. By identifying and addressing these underlying causes, parents can help children manage their emotions more effectively and exhibit more positive behaviors.

  • In the animal kingdom, the African impala stands out for its remarkable ability to jump long distances of up to 10 meters and heights of 2-3 meters. However, despite their physical prowess, these agile creatures can be found obediently confined within the boundaries of a zoo. Surprisingly, it is not a physical barrier that restrains them, but rather a psychological one. A mere 1.5-meter wall prevents them from seeing beyond their immediate surroundings, instilling a fear of the unknown that keeps them within their limited space. This parallel between African impalas and parents is a powerful reminder of the importance of overcoming fear and allowing children to explore beyond their comfort zones.
    Fear is a natural instinct that can often hold us back from embracing growth and new experiences. Similarly, parents may find themselves grappling with fear when it comes to allowing their children to venture beyond what is familiar and safe. However, just as the impalas are confined by their inability to see beyond the wall, children can be limited by overprotective parenting. It is crucial for parents to recognize that while their intentions are rooted in love and concern, shielding children from discomfort and challenges can hinder their personal development. By stepping back and allowing children to face and overcome obstacles, parents empower them to build resilience, adaptability, and problem-solving skills.
    The discomfort and unease that come with stepping out of oneā€™s comfort zone are essential for personal growth, parents who shield their children from risks and discomfort may inadvertently impede their emotional and intellectual growth. It is through exposure to new environments, diverse perspectives, and challenging situations that children develop crucial life skills such as independence, adaptability, and critical thinking. By encouraging children to explore beyond what is familiar, parents equip them with the tools necessary to navigate a rapidly changing world.

  • As parents, it is essential to recognize and acknowledge the difference between our ego and our role in supporting the individual development of our children. Our ego often seeks control, wanting our children to fulfill our desires, expectations, or aspirations. However, this control can hinder their growth and hinder their ability to discover their unique path.
    To avoid falling prey to the control we seek, we must first cultivate self-awareness and reflect on our motivations and intentions. Are we making decisions for our children based on their best interests or to satisfy our ego? It is crucial to separate our desires and ambitions from the genuine needs and desires of our children.
    Embracing our childrenā€™s individuality means allowing them the freedom to explore their interests, make their own choices, and learn from their own experiences. It requires us to step back and provide guidance and support rather than imposing our will upon them.
    We must understand that our children have their strengths, weaknesses, and unique qualities that make them who they are. It is important to nurture their individuality, encourage their passions, and celebrate their achievements, even if they may differ from our expectations.
    By letting go of control, we create an environment that fosters independence, resilience, and self-confidence in our children. They learn to trust their judgment, make decisions, and take responsibility for their actions. This empowers them to develop a strong sense of self and the ability to navigate lifeā€™s challenges.

  • In the pursuit of physical fitness, many individuals join gyms and adhere to strict dieting regimens. However, achieving desired results in fitness requires two crucial factors: the individualā€™s current situation and their consistency in following prescribed routines. It is important to recognize that immediate results are not observed on day one or during the initial weeks or months. Instead, progress occurs gradually over time. This principle applies to both physical fitness journeys and therapy for children with special needs, where the effectiveness of interventions depends on early initiation and consistent adherence.
    Early intervention is crucial for children with special needs. By identifying and addressing their unique needs at an early stage, therapists can implement appropriate therapies to enhance their development. Early initiation provides a foundation for progress and maximizes the potential for positive outcomes in the long run.
    Real progress lies in the consistent effort and dedication put into following prescribed routines. Similarly, regular engagement in therapy allows kids to build upon their skills, gradually improving their abilities and overcoming challenges. Through repeated practice and reinforcement, these children can achieve significant milestones and reach their full potential.
    Patience is essential, as parents, caregivers, and therapists need to trust the process and remain committed to the long-term goals. Small steps forward, even if seemingly insignificant at first, eventually lead to significant advancements.
    Setbacks and challenges are inevitable; seeking guidance from professionals, reassessing goals, and making necessary adjustments can help individuals overcome setbacks and continue their path toward success.

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  • Once upon a time, there were two children happily playing together. One child had a bag of toffees, while the other had a collection of marbles. They agreed to exchange their treats, hoping to enjoy a variety of goodies.
    As they made the trade, the child with the toffees decided to keep a few hidden in his pocket, only handing over the majority to the other child in exchange for the marbles. However, the child who had hidden the toffees couldnā€™t find peace in his heart. He couldnā€™t sleep soundly, plagued by the thought that the other child might have done the same and kept some marbles hidden.
    On the other hand, the child who had given away the marbles felt a sense of contentment and was able to peacefully drift off to sleep. This story teaches us a valuable lesson - when we wholeheartedly give our best, without holding anything back, we experience a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

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  • Once upon a time, a wise teacher stood before his students and posed a thought-provoking question, ā€œOut of these ten dogs, which one do you think will become the strongest?ā€ The students pondered for a moment and then replied ā€“ ā€œThe one fed well.ā€
    The teacher acknowledged their insight and proceeded to draw a parallel between this scenario and the challenges we encounter in life. He explained that just as these dogs symbolize situations, feelings, and incidents, our lives are influenced by what we choose to nourish and empower.
    The teacher further elaborated by drawing an analogy with a sled being pulled by a team of dogs. He emphasized that our lives are akin to that sled, and the dogs represent the various aspects that drive and guide us. The stronger and more dominant dog assumes the role of the leader, steering us in the direction we ultimately take.
    In light of this, the teacher encouraged his students to be mindful of the choices they make and the elements they nurture within themselves. By consciously feeding and strengthening positive qualities, such as determination, resilience, kindness, and perseverance, they would empower the dogs that would lead them toward success, happiness, and fulfillment.
    We have the power to choose which qualities, emotions, and situations we allow to shape our lives. Just as the strongest dog becomes the leader, giving directions to the sled, we must carefully select our leading dog, the dominant force within us, to ensure we are heading in the right direction.
    We need to understand the importance of making wise choices and nurturing positive aspects within ourselves. We need to have the awareness and readiness to embrace the responsibility for our own lives and carefully select the leading dog that would guide us toward a bright and fulfilling future.

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  • At the core of any relationship lies a fundamental principle: the sense of responsibility towards our own behavior and the choices we make. Whether it is a romantic partnership, a friendship, or a familial bond, the success and longevity of any relationship hinge upon our ability to take ownership of our actions and decisions.
    Feeling responsible for our self-behavior means recognizing that our words and actions have an impact on those around us. It entails being mindful of how our behavior may influence the emotions and well-being of our loved ones. By taking responsibility for our actions, we acknowledge the power we hold in shaping the dynamics of the relationship. By taking responsibility for our choices, we demonstrate respect and concern for the mutual growth and happiness of the relationship.
    In a healthy relationship, a sense of responsibility fosters trust and accountability. It builds a solid foundation of open communication, where both parties can address concerns and conflicts with honesty and maturity. When everyone takes responsibility for their behavior and choices, it creates a harmonious environment where both partners feel heard, valued, and understood.
    However, it is important to note that responsibility in a relationship is not about shouldering blame or burden alone. It is a shared commitment to growth and mutual support. Each partner must be willing to acknowledge their own faults and shortcomings, while also being understanding and forgiving towards the otherā€™s imperfections.
    In conclusion, a successful relationship is built upon the bedrock of responsibility, both towards oneself and towards the choices made. It is about recognizing the impact of our behavior, taking ownership of our actions, and being accountable for the decisions we make. By embracing this sense of responsibility, we pave the way for trust, growth, and a deeper connection with our loved ones.

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