What do moose and a fertility journey have in common? Now much, unless you are Ginny and Katie, sharing examples about awareness of the mind's runaway thoughts and the ability to create aligned boundaries from a place of truth. How are you living in awareness, dear listener? Share your thoughts, feelings and/or questions at .
Join Ginny & Katie for a joyful exploration of all the fears that might be ready for release as you continue your journey to your dream. If you don't think that "joyful exploration" and "fear" go together, then prepare to shift perspectives when Ginny states, "Fear is our friend!". But perhaps fear isn't meant to be our forever friend. Every time we release a fear about what people might think or say about us, a fear that we are not enough, a fear that we are not worthy, we step more fully into the truth of shining our unique light in the world. The world craves your bright light, listener!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
If you were to select an emoji to describe the word "control", what would it be? Would it be a satisfied face, a check mark, a high five, a ruler, the dripping sweat face, the worried face, the rage face, or (like Ginny) a commander in the army? That answer can provide insight into your current feelings about the idea of control. If you are leaning more towards the stressed out end of the spectrum, welcome to the perfect podcast episode at the perfect time!
Ginny and Katie also joyfully invite you to the September 2024 Inner Being Awakening Experience. Find out more at Awaken Your Truth.
Join Ginny and Katie on their continuing expansion into "A New Way is Possible", as living situations evolve with ease and flow. Juicy nuggets of the episode include:
Setting the energetic intention guides the Trust and cocreation along the way
To set the intention, envision the ultimate energy or emotion that you want to embody at the end of the journey AND during the journey!
Repeatedly tuning into the energetic intention is powerful when the mind starts to spin or desire control.
Trusting the little bits (each aligned step) without needing to know the whole picture.
Opening to, "I dont have to figure that out now", or even, "I don't want to figure it out- because it can be even better!"
This episode explores an experience of creating an EBTIECHI (Even Better Than I Ever Could Have Imagined) root canal. Ginny and Katie discuss how quick the mind can be to label certain conditions or external experiences as "bad", and how awareness can instigate the creation of an experience beyond the mind's doom and gloom stories. Are you open to the concept that events are neutral, and we have the power to create the meaning we desire? Are you ready to play in the energy of anything is possible? Please join us for our EBTIECHI challenge: listen to the episode, catch an awareness of a story, recreate in the spirit of EBTIECHI, and share your story with Ginny and Katie at .
Have you ever experienced the teeter-totter of expanding into what you want and then feeling pulled back in fear? What the heck is that all about?!
In this episode Ginny and Katie explore not only the possible "whys", but also offer practices to continue to expand into what you desire- in trust, ease and flow.
A few key points from the conversation:
💫 Acknowledge the fear of getting what you want is coming from the mind.
💫 Where is your "want" coming from? What is your why?
💫 Acknowledge the part of you that knows you are being called.
💫 Practice trust by tuning into Truth/All That Is/your Inner Being/Source.
💫 When fear arises, notice if you are in the future. What is true now?
💫 You can choose a new response to fear.
💫 Everything about the future is unknown. With what energy would you like to create in the unknown?
As you prepare to listen, bring to mind a goal or outcome you are desiring. Now ask yourself, in what energy would you like to create the journey? Do you believe that setting an energetic intention can guide your decision making and create an outcome that is even better than you ever could have imagined? This episode provides practical examples to expand your understanding of this "new way", with many laughs sprinkled throughout. Get ready for joy, joy, joy!
Join Ginny and Katie for an exploration into the concept of a soul desire, in which they discover awarenesses for questions like:
What is soul desire?
What is a mind desire?
How do they work together?
How do you follow soul and mind desires?
Can a soul desire change?
And if it feels inspired, join Ginny and Katie in the #surpriseabundace game and enjoy the expansion of abundance in ALL forms! Email with your shares, comments, and questions.
Welcome to an exploration into creating friendships steeped in trust and depth, stemming from a fabulous listener question. If you are feeling the desire for expanding into more love, trust, freedom and joy with friends, new and old, know that the feeling is an invitation to realize your creating power. It starts with YOU! Here are few journal questions to tune into your Truth.
*Can I open to the feeling of “it’s all here now?” Why or why not?
*Can I trust others to take care of their own emotions? Why or why not?
*Can I release old stories and judgments? Why or why not?
*Who do I want to be in this moment?
*Can I grant others the freedom to be who they want to be?
This podcast is your joyful invitation to feel the energy of Awaken Your Truth 2024. a 9 month transformative experience beginning February 2nd, 2024. For more information, visit .
This podcast is an exploration into one of the mind’s biggest fears: accepting what is now! Your mind might even be currently squirming and resisting this topic, because its job is to fix all the wrong things about our lives. Or is it???
What if by resisting what is, you are actually blocking the effortless flow of your dreams? What if your most powerful creating energy comes from accepting and appreciating the Now? What if stopping a fear-based/mind-soothing action is enacting the trust that your dreams are unfolding perfectly? What if shifting from low vibration/fix-it energy to higher vibration allowing/appreciation energy creates more juicy goodness to allow and appreciate?
Put your mind in the backseat and join Ginny and Katie in this joyful Now!
If you have listened to this podcast for a while, you have definitely heard Ginny and Katie talking about their Inner Beings. In this episode, they respond to a beautiful listener request to dive a bit deeper into the topic. This episode is filled with the joy of connecting to one’s eternal Truth and following the nudges of intuition to enjoy the magical unfolding of a high vibration life! If you are interested in a practical example of what this looks like in “reality”, take a listen!
You can visit to learn more about the January 2024 Inner Being Awakening experience.
What if there was no such thing as “needing to make a decision”? What if life could feel more flowy, present and inspired- as opposed to agonizing about what you should or should not do in the future? If this feels intriguing, then you don’t want to miss Ginny and Katie’s exploration into trusting the nudges in the present while embodying your power as a creator. YOU get to choose what is a “good” or “bad” decision! So why not choose:
Everything is for me.
Everything always works out.
The moment I accept an “unwanted” external event, I create an opening to flow.
I don’t have to make a decision now.
I can trust that I can follow inspiration in the moment.
Katie and Ginny also want to remind you that flow and freedom are created from actions made in flow and freedom, rather than decisions made in fear.
This podcast arose from an expansion experience in which Katie felt her mind filled with an intense case of the “shoulds” and “not enoughs”. The discussion explores how feeling off can be viewed as an opportunity to expand into more of what you are desiring, as well as how you might begin to feel safe breaking free from the shoulds that are ready to be released. You are a powerful creator and you get to choose your journey. Even if your external circumstances don’t feel like your ultimate desires, you always have the freedom to decide who to be and what to feel about your grand adventure on Earth.
This episode stems from a beautiful Truth Tribe member’s post-retreat question: “How do I maintain the energy of this magical weekend without reliving the past?”
Have you experienced a fabulous event, vacation, or a course and then wondered how to keep that momentum rolling? Ginny and Katie propose that all those juicy good feels were caused by you living your truth and showing up authentically. This is a fantastic awareness as it demonstrates that YOU are the source of the magic, not the external experience. Press play to discover how to share more of your magical self in your “back-to-normal” life. :)
If you have ever read or heard about how vital it is to love yourself, but have questioned how exactly to do that, or what loving yourself even means, this podcast is for you. Inspired by the closing words from a 1994 Ali Macgraw yoga VHS, Ginny and Katie explore how love is what’s left when you let go of everything you don’t need. As always, this podcast is full of giggles and joy, as well as the foundational energy of love.
Join Ginny and Katie for an exploration about the powerful energy of "neutral". They discuss how the process of releasing resistance and becoming neutral about a sticky topic unclogs the pipes and allows the magic to flow.
Please send in comments, questions, or ideas for future topics (or living harmoniously with mosquitos tips)! If you are enjoying the show and inspired to leave a review, it would create a joyful moment, for sure. :)
In this episode, Ginny and Katie share how the energy of surprises opens the doors to potential and possibility. Ginny describes how being in the Now of a surprise is like the pure joy of connection to Source energy. Can you create a little bit of space to be delightfully surprised? Can you tap into the joy of creating a surprise for another? We would love to hear what you create!
What does it mean to consciously create an adventure?Have you ever considered that the energy of planning (or not planning!) creates the unfolding of an adventure? Are you curious about how to use your intuition on adventures?
In this episode, Katie and Ginny share their adventure awarenesses as they recap a recent joyous journey!
In this episode, Ginny and Katie dive into a particularly perplexing and common mind question: I know I want to do something, so why am I not doing it?
You will hear interesting insights from Ginny’s inner being, as well as plenty of real life examples to visualize how this can come into play in individual journeys.
If if feels inspired, connect with Ginny and Katie at We so enjoy your questions, comments and joyful moments!
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