
  • In this conversation, we are joined by guest Fruzsina Szemzo who shares her fascinating journey of spiritual awakening that happened during a deep meditation. This experience was both a deep healing and an activation of her intuitive gifts.

    We discuss the importance of working with the body in the awakening process and how movement can help us process and release limiting beliefs and stagnant energies and create space for us to experience something new. 

    We also go deep into what it really means to live authentically post an awakening, the ego deaths that take place so that we can stand in our truth, and the importance of learning to let go.

    And so much more. This is an episode that covers a lot of interesting ground. We hope you enjoy it.

    TakeawaysThe body plays a crucial role in the awakening process, and movement and music can be powerful tools for shifting energy.Ego deaths are painful but necessary for growth and transformation.Letting go is a continuous process that involves releasing attachments and facing the shadow aspects of ourselves.We are in a pivotal time of building a new world, and those who hold the sacred knowledge and are committed to their soul purposes are creating a stronger foundation. Self-acceptance and releasing judgment are key to personal growth and spiritual liberation.The healing of the masculine energy is crucial for the well-being of men and society as a whole.Owning your truth and living with integrity is essential for personal growth and spiritual evolution.Being a wayshower and going first requires courage and a commitment to authenticity.Embracing your unique path and expressing yourself freely can lead to personal fulfillment and empowerment.
  • In this episode, we have an open, honest, and candid conversation about the challenges of the awakening process. We share our personal experiences of navigating a world filled with fear and how to be with what is while keeping our hearts open to the full potential that challenging times truly offer and the power that we have to effect that change.

    We dive into understanding consciousness and the ascension process and how we can use what triggers us to help us transform and heal. 

    We also explore the themes of moving from victimization to freedom, reclaiming our power, seeing the truth in others, and the importance of love, compassion, and self-discovery in our awakening journey.

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  • In this episode, we are joined by Vanessa Smith to discuss the concept of the soul and its importance in our awakening journeys. We explore the idea that we are not just human beings with a soul, but rather our soul has a human experience. We dive into the concept of the soul family and use tangible and current examples from own relationships to illustrate how our lives guide us to connect and collaborate with those we made agreements with on a soul level. 

    The importance of following intuition and creating new paths is also discussed, along with the impact of intuition on personal and collective growth. The episode concludes with an introduction to the Energy Guide program, which supports individuals in expanding their intuitive gifts and navigating energy.

    TakeawaysOur soul has a human experience, and the soul is a unique creative expression of all that is.Soul family members are part of our soul group and can support and activate our healing work.Following our intuition and connecting with our soul family is essential in navigating our awakening journeys. Soul families are energetically connected through a golden thread of light, and shifting within the soul family web can create changes in our lives.Healing and awakening journeys impact the soul family experience, and recognizing commonalities within the soul family can lead to deeper connections.Soul mirroring is a powerful tool for growth and transformation, allowing us to see ourselves reflected in others and experience a different kind of intimacy.Intuition is evolving and becoming more accessible, and it is important to trust and follow our intuitive hits.Relearning where to look for answers and cultivating a relationship with our intuition can lead to a more aligned and fulfilling life.
  • In this episode Kate shares her awakening journey, which began with the realization of her ego and its unhealthy impact on her life. She shares with us how the events that followed sparked an intense ego death and dark night of the soul that completely transformed her life. 

    In this conversation we explore the healing power of nature, how awakenings deepen our connection with our authentic selves and the importance of trusting, surrendering, and embracing the human experience. 

    We reflect on our own journeys of awakening and how every moment of our lives, is leading us to lessons, growth edges and experiences our soul wants us to have so that we can live into our full potential. 

    And finally we delve into understanding how to heal the unhealthy ego, our limiting beliefs and stories by cultivating compassion for it, so that we can live our lives as our authentic, soul selves.

    TakeawaysRecognizing and taking responsibility for our unhealthy ego expression is a crucial step in personal growth and self-discovery.Nature can be a powerful healer and teacher, reminding us of our connection to the world and the truth of who we are.A deep sense of presence, inner peace, and connectedness are some of the gifts of the awakening experience. Learning to trust and surrender to the force of life that is guiding and supporting us is made easier through our awakeningDeveloping compassion for the ego and approaching it with love can allows us the fully understand and heal our limiting beliefs and stories
  • In this episode, Amanda shares her personal journey with awakening, which was triggered by her mother's passing. She reflects on the impact of her mother's death and the questions it raised about the purpose of life and her own existence. 

    Amanda discusses the process of recognizing that she has had many awakening experiences and the importance of seeking guidance to navigate awakening and our own self-exploration.

    She shares the various modalities she has explored, including energy medicine, sound healing, plant medicine, meditation, and tarot, and how they have supported her personal growth and understanding of herself.

    Amanda also reflects on how her awakening journey has changed the trajectory of her life, bringing her more peace and acceptance. 

    She emphasizes the importance of trust and being open to new experiences as guiding lights for those who are beginning to awaken.

    TakeawaysAwakening experiences can be triggered by significant life events, such as the death of a loved one.Recognizing and understanding awakening experiences can lead to self-acceptance and self-responsibility.Seeking guidance and exploring various modalities can support personal growth and healing.Embodiment practices, such as meditation and energy work, can help individuals connect with their intuition and inner truth. Consistency in meditation practice can provide a foundation for personal growth and transformation.Awakening can bring more peace and acceptance into one's life.Trust and openness to new experiences are essential for those on the awakening journey.Synchronistic experiences can deepen our connection to the present moment and provide guidance.Life is constantly speaking to us, and being present allows us to listen and receive its messages.
  • In this episode of the Awakening Conversations podcast, we begin to unpack what an awakening is and what it means for us to awaken. The conversation explores many of the ways that awakenings can occur and how we can recognize the signs of awakening in our own lives. We discuss why more and more people are awakening at this time in human history and share how we as a collective are transitioning into a new paradigm and how our awakening plays a significant role in shaping the future.

    TakeawaysAwakening is a process of questioning one's reality and beliefs, and realizing that there is more to life than what meets the eye.Awakening is a personal and collective journey of self-discovery, growth, and transformation where we question existing structures and choose whether to continue giving power to them or create something different.More people are awakening at this time as we move from the old paradigm to the new and your awakening may play a role in shaping that new futureTaking personal responsibility for our lives and healing is essential in the awakening process.The awakening process leads to a deeper connection with others and a sense of guidance.The post-awakening experience can be confusing and isolating, but also transformative and empowering.
  • In this episode, we introduce the Awakening Conversations podcast and share how the podcast came into being. We discuss the importance of having conversations about the awakening process and emphasize the rewards and challenges of living authentically. We encourage you, our listeners, to keep an open mind as you listen to the different topics the podcast will expose you to and suggest you revisit certain conversations as you navigate and grow through your own awakening journey. We also highlight the transformative power of awakening on both a personal and collective level and invite listeners to engage with the podcast to make the show a collaborative experience.

    TakeawaysThe awakening journey is about opening ourselves up to more of life and discovering our authentic selves.Living authentically can be challenging but ultimately leads to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.No two awakening experiences are the same, and as you listen to the podcast take what resonates with where you are and leave the rest.Awakening has the potential to transform not only our personal lives but also the collective experience.