Ayurveda & Yoga in 5 minutes by NAyurYoga
Egypte · Natalie is an Ayurvedic Life & Health Coach and Yogateacher
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- Alternatieve gezondheid
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Ayurveda & Yoga are sister sciences that are thousands of years old and yet they are more relevant today than ever.
But what actually is Ayurveda and what lies behind terms such as Dosha, Vata, Agni & Co?
In this podcast we get weekly to the bottom of the Ayurvedic and Yogic way of life and experience how we can integrate them into our modern lifestyle in small steps.
This includes tips, meditations, things worth knowing, exercises and whatever else I can think of...... All in just 5 minutes!
It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a veteran yogi, there's something for everyone here.
Looking forward to it!
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