
  • Beau Billington, founder of The Free Agent, discusses the concept of fractional and interim roles in the corporate world. He explains that fractional roles offer extreme flexibility and are a fraction of a work week, allowing professionals to work with multiple clients at the same time. He also highlights the importance of finding the right fit between the free agent and the company. Beau shares that companies are starting to understand the value of fractional executives and are embracing this model. He mentions that the billing model for fractional roles can vary, but having a set number of hours per month with the flexibility to roll them over is becoming more popular. Beau also discusses the distinction between strategic and tactical fractional roles and how companies are looking for professionals who can do both. He shares his own journey of becoming an entrepreneur and starting The Free Agent. Beau Billington shares his journey of starting a fractional executive agency and provides insights on best practices for those considering a career in the fractional space. He emphasizes the importance of being entrepreneurial and transparent with family members about the risks involved. Beau also highlights the need to validate your value proposition and ideal client profile before launching your venture. He believes that the fractional space is just getting started and sees a growing demand for fractional executives as more companies prioritize work-life balance and seek expertise on a project basis. Beau envisions a future where a significant percentage of companies operate with a fractional workforce.

    Beau's Contact Information

    Key Takeaways

    Fractional roles offer extreme flexibility and allow professionals to work with multiple clients at the same time.Finding the right fit between the free agent and the company is crucial for a successful fractional engagement.Companies are starting to understand the value of fractional executives and are embracing this model.The billing model for fractional roles can vary, but having a set number of hours per month with the flexibility to roll them over is becoming more popular.There is a distinction between strategic and tactical fractional roles, and companies often look for professionals who can do both.Beau Billington shares his own journey of becoming an entrepreneur and starting The Free Agent. Being entrepreneurial and transparent with family members is crucial when starting a fractional executive agency.Validating your value proposition and ideal client profile before launching your venture is essential.The fractional space is just getting started, and there is a growing demand for fractional executives.Small businesses and mid-size companies can leverage fractional expertise to gain efficiencies and access talent they couldn't afford full-time.The future of work will see a shift towards a more fractional workforce, with companies prioritizing work-life balance and project-based expertise.

    Sound Bites

    "To me, the very essence of fractional is no wrapper, right? Like it's extreme flexibility.""Fractional is a fraction of a work week. It could be, you know, five hours a week, 10, 20, 35, etc.""The billing model we use is a hybrid of retainer and hourly.""I like solving problems and making introductions and connections.""It was about seven months before I got my first paycheck.""It can take a while, but it's really about having the ability to look back and take an audit of what you're doing well."

    The Journey from Corporate to Entrepreneurship

    Understanding Fractional Work and its Value

    The Evolving Billing Model for Fractional Work

    Embracing the Value of Fractional Roles

    Navigating the Transition from Consulting to Agency Work

    Challenges and Insights in Starting a Business

    The Future of Fractional Work

    Best Practices for Fractional Work and Career Transition

  • Jessie Schwartz is the founder of Strategic Packaging Partners, an organization that helps CPG and cosmetics companies maximize their packaging spend. She escaped corporate in 2019 and has since grown it into an agency that offers a range of services. Jessie shares her journey, discussing the challenges and opportunities she encountered along the way.
    She emphasizes the importance of leveraging your network, being creative, and staying curious in order to succeed as a contractor or fractional business owner.
    Jessie also provides insights into pricing strategies and meeting customer needs. In this conversation, Jessie Schwartz shares her advice for starting a business and the importance of setting up an LLC, getting legal services, and having the right insurance. She also emphasizes the need for a website and personal development in entrepreneurship.
    Brett Trainor highlights the importance of defining what you want and the flexibility of building a solo business. They both discuss the value of reading books and networking in the entrepreneurial journey. Overall, the conversation provides valuable insights and tips for aspiring escapees.


    Strategic Packaging Partners helps CPG and cosmetics companies maximize their packaging spend.Leveraging your network and being creative are key to finding clients and opportunities.Pricing strategies for contractors and fractional business owners can vary based on complexity and value.Meeting customers where they're at and providing the value they need is crucial for success.Being curious, adaptable, and willing to learn are important traits for contractors and fractional business owners. Set up an LLC for your business and avoid expensive services by going to the .gov site.Get legal services to review contracts and legal documents to protect yourself from unfavorable clauses.Consider different types of insurance, such as general liability and errors and omissions, based on your industry and risk level.Have a website, even if it's just a landing page, to establish an online presence and provide contact information.Invest in personal development and read books to enhance your skills and mindset as an entrepreneur.Network with others in your industry to make connections and learn from their experiences.Define what you want in your entrepreneurial journey and be open to evolving and growing your business.Manage your time effectively by scheduling tasks and prioritizing rest and self-care.Building a solo business offers flexibility and the ability to control your own growth.

    Jessica’e Links

    Sound Bites

    "We come in and help you guys maximize your packaging so it delivers the most value to your consumers and your bottom line.""It was about 2010 or 2012 maybe that corporations in general started doing kind of rounds of layoffs.""Reaching out to people you've known in the past and just letting them know what you're doing is key.""Save yourself some headache. Set up an LLC on your own.""Legal services are helpful to review contracts and protect yourself from unfavorable clauses.""Consider different types of insurance based on your industry and risk level."


    00:00 Introduction and Overview

    00:50 Maximizing Packaging Spend for CPG and Cosmetics Companies

    01:21 From Corporate Escape to Entrepreneurship

    04:54 The Importance of Networking in Fractional Contracting

    08:21 Curiosity, Creativity, and Adaptability in the Contracting Space

    10:19 Navigating Pricing Strategies as a Fractional Contractor

    14:33 Meeting Customers Where They Are and Providing Value

    16:18 The Value of Subcontracting in Building a Business

    18:27 Navigating Contracts with Legal Services

    19:03 Understanding Insurance Coverage

    20:49 The Importance of Having a Website

    25:06 Building a Network and Making Connections

    28:18 Investing in Personal Development

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  • Ashley Evenson shares her experience transitioning from management consultant to becoming a fractional CMO. She secured her first client quickly and is excited to offer her expertise and elevate their marketing strategy. Ashley emphasizes the importance of being hands-on and not being above the work, which has been well-received by her clients. She also discusses the low risk and high value proposition of fractional talent for businesses. Ashley plans to have three income streams, including fractional work, speaking engagements, and workshops. She encourages others to trust the process and enjoy the journey.


    Transitioning from corporate to fractional work can be quick and successful with the right approach.Being hands-on and not being above the work is a valuable trait for fractional CMOs.Fractional talent offers a low-risk, high-value proposition for businesses.Having multiple income streams, such as fractional work, speaking engagements, and workshops, can provide financial stability.Trusting the process and enjoying the journey are key to finding fulfillment in the fractional world.

    Ashley's Links:

    Sound Bites

    "Do not be above the work.""Trust the process. If you build it, they will come.""Fractional talent is the future."


    00:00 Introduction and Ashley's Current Work

    05:35 The Tipping Point: Deciding to Leave Corporate

    09:09 Getting Started in the Fractional Space

    25:07 Exploring Speaking Engagements

    28:06 Final Thoughts and Where to Connect with Ashley

  • Summary
    In this episode, Brett Trainor discusses the importance of networking for escapees and provides a four-part framework for effective networking. He emphasizes the need for a targeted approach and highlights the value of networking with referral partners. The four parts of the framework are: target, intro, offer, and ask. Trainor explains how to identify the right people to connect with, set the tone for the connection, communicate the problem you solve, and make a direct request for referrals. He also suggests offering a free strategy session as a way to add value to the networking process.


    Networking is a critical technique for building a business as an escapee.A targeted approach is essential for effective networking.Networking with referral partners can be a powerful way to grow your business.The four-part framework for networking includes: target, intro, offer, and ask.Offering a free strategy session can add value to the networking process.

    Sound Bites

    "Networking is a core technique for building your business.""Referral partners and networking should be the core of your business development activities.""Seek advice, not feedback, when networking."
  • Summary
    Jake Stahl is a fractional CLO and a corporate escapee who helps companies onboard and train their salespeople. He also provides coaching on neurolinguistic programming to help salespeople and executives overcome mental blocks. He shares his journey of leaving the corporate world and transitioning into consulting and fractional work. Jake emphasizes the need to reframe the concept of fractional roles and highlights the importance of networking and building relationships for finding clients. The importance of referrals and targeted outreach in building relationships and generating business. The power of asking questions and showing genuine interest in others. The value of serving and adding value before selling. The benefits of referring clients to others when it's not in your lane. The approach to pricing as a fractional professional. An overview of Frac 2024, a conference dedicated to fractionals.

    Jake Stahl LinkedIn:
    Jake's Website:
    FRAK 2024:


    Fractional roles are valuable in helping companies onboard and train their salespeople.Coaching on neurolinguistic programming can help salespeople and executives overcome mental blocks.Networking and building relationships are crucial for finding clients in the fractional space.Reframing the concept of fractional roles can help organizations understand the value they provide. Referrals and targeted outreach are crucial in building relationships and generating business.Asking questions and showing genuine interest in others can lead to stronger connections and opportunities.Serving and adding value before selling can build trust and loyalty with potential clients.Referring clients to others when it's not in your lane can create value and strengthen relationships.Pricing as a fractional professional should be based on the value you provide and should not be discounted.Frac 2024 is a conference dedicated to fractionals, providing networking and learning opportunities for professionals in the industry.

    Sound Bites

    "I help salespeople and executives get past those mental blocks.""Frac Conference is one of the only conferences dedicated strictly to the Fractional Executive.""The referral is so important and maybe some super targeted outreach.""The secret weapon is really just getting them to ask you.""Don't tell them what you do. Because eventually if you serve them enough and you ask them enough questions and show interest, they're going to come back to you."
  • Summary
    In this episode of The Corporate Escapee I was a guest on the Lee Ann Pepper's Class Reunion Podcast recently and she was kind enough to allow me to share the discussion with my audience. I shared my journey from corporate America to becoming a corporate escapee. We discuss the challenges faced by GenXers in the corporate world, the rise of ageism, and the need for alternative career paths. I share my insights on fractional jobs and how they offer flexibility and freedom outside of the traditional corporate structure. I also talk about the importance of finding balance and prioritizing mental and physical health. The conversation highlights the need for GenXers to explore new possibilities and embrace a different approach to work.

    Key Links:
    Class Reunion YouTube Channel:
    Class Reunion Podcast:


    GenXers in corporate America are facing challenges such as ageism and limited career advancement opportunities.Fractional jobs offer a flexible alternative to traditional full-time corporate positions.Finding balance and prioritizing mental and physical health are important considerations when exploring new career paths.There are opportunities to monetize corporate experience and find fulfillment outside of the corporate structure.Exploring new possibilities and being open to change can lead to a more fulfilling and enjoyable career.


    Embracing Flexibility and Freedom with Fractional JobsNavigating the Challenges of Corporate America as a GenXer

    Sound Bites

    "There are opportunities to monetize corporate experience and find fulfillment outside of the corporate structure.""Finding balance and prioritizing mental and physical health are important considerations when exploring new career paths.""Fractional jobs offer a flexible alternative to traditional full-time corporate positions."
  • Today, we have a very unique guest, Jesse Cole is the owner of the baseball team, Savannah Bananas. And I believe he has the blueprint for Escapees (& businesses) to stand out and separate themselves from the crowd.

    When different is better than better, you want to make sure you are highlighting what makes you YOU.

    Get to know this passionate entrepreneur and learn what it takes for your startup to stand out.

    We’ll talk about:

    How Jesse is changing baseball through differentiation [01:12]Constraints force creativity, but you learn by doing [05:19]The blueprint for becoming the ONLY [08:10]Own the problems [08:37]Create Noise [09:26]The 3 Loves [09:55]Why do you do what you do [10:53]Different is better than better [14:01]Make sure you develop raving fans [17:01]Why you should create the ‘Wow’ factor [19:41]Focus on what you can control [24:43]What else Jesse is thinking about next [26:58]You have to keep pushing forward & do new things [29:40]Set aside time to think about the future [30:45]The one thing Jesse recommends [33:24]

    Resource Links:
    The Savannah Bananas Website (

    About Our Guest:

    Jesse Cole owns the baseball team, Savannah Bananas, which has currently sold out 32 straight games and has a waitlist in the thousands for tickets.

    Jesse is also the author of "Find Your Yellow Tux - How to Be Successful by Standing Out,” and the host of the Business Done Differently Podcast.

    Jesse believes to be successful you need to Stand Out and Be Different. He is passionate about creating attention, loving your customers more than your product, and loving your employees more than your customers.

    Get in touch with Jesse through his LinkedIn.

    If you liked this episode, please don’t forget to tune in, subscribe, and share this podcast.

  • In this conversation, Ethan Bull shares his journey of building Pro Assisting, a fractional executive assistant service agency, with his wife. They started the business in 2018 after leaving their corporate jobs. Ethan discusses the challenges they faced in finding their first clients and the importance of having a financial plan and resources before starting a business. He also highlights the benefits of fractional support and services for small and medium-sized businesses. Additionally, Ethan talks about the healthcare considerations and options for entrepreneurs, particularly in New York State. In this conversation, Ethan Bull discusses the role of executive assistants in the fractional space and the benefits of building a network of fractional C-suite executives. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a consistent flow of new prospects while also building long-term relationships with clients. Bull also highlights the value of being a two-sided marketplace and the benefits of working with independent contractors. He shares insights on the chief of staff role and the unique support that executive assistants can provide to both billionaires and solopreneurs. Bull concludes by offering advice on networking, taking risks, and the compounding nature of small tasks in business.

    Ethan's Website:


    Ethan Bull and his wife run Pro Assisting, a fractional executive assistant service agency with 30 assistants and 60 clients across the country.They started the business in 2018 after leaving their corporate jobs and used various tactics to find their first clients, including leveraging their network and using LinkedIn.Having a financial plan and resources, such as a six to nine-month runway, is crucial before starting a business.Fractional support and services provide flexibility and cost savings for small and medium-sized businesses.Healthcare considerations for entrepreneurs vary by state, and it's important to research and understand the options available.Ethan and his wife started the Pro Assisting Academy in 2023 to help career-minded executive assistants future-proof their careers. The term 'executive assistant' in the fractional space can encompass various roles, including business partner, chief of staff, project manager, assistant/scheduler, and personal assistant.Building a network of fractional C-suite executives can be beneficial for sharing prospects and maintaining a consistent flow of new leads.Working as a two-sided marketplace, where assistants are compensated appropriately and have the opportunity to start their own businesses, can provide security and balance.Executive assistants can provide valuable support to both billionaires and solopreneurs, offering a range of services tailored to their specific needs.Networking, taking risks, and consistently performing small tasks can contribute to the success of a solopreneur or business owner in the fractional space.
  • In this episode, Brett Traynor shares a five-step plan to help listeners find their first customer while still working in a corporate job. He emphasizes the importance of having a second income stream and diversifying risk. The steps include checking your employment agreement, identifying the problem you will be solving, identifying your initial target market, reviewing and prioritizing your network, and developing your messaging, positioning, and initial offer. Brett also highlights the value of asking for advice and using the 20-10 strategy to engage potential customers. He encourages listeners to take action and learn from their mistakes.


    Finding your first customer while still in a corporate job can provide a second income stream and help diversify risk.Check your employment agreement to ensure there are no conflicts of interest.Identify the problem you will be solving and focus on a specific target market.Review and prioritize your network to find potential customers or connections.Develop your messaging, positioning, and initial offer to engage potential customers.Ask for advice and use the 20-10 strategy to have valuable conversations with your network.Take action and learn from your mistakes to gain confidence and understanding in your offering.
  • This episode outlines the six stages of the escapee journey for GenXers stuck in corporate and provides guidance on how to get unstuck at each stage. The stages are: awareness, pre-escape (curious, interested, fearful), taking action, learn and earn, grow, control and freedom. The ultimate goal is to reach stage six, where one has the confidence and freedom to pursue their own path. The conversation emphasizes the importance of taking action, testing, and learning, as well as seeking support from communities of like-minded individuals.

    There are many GenXers stuck in corporate who are unaware of their options or unsure of how to get started on a new path.

    The six stages of the escapee journey are: awareness, pre-escape (curious, interested, fearful), taking action, learn and earn, grow, and control and freedom.Taking action is crucial for progress and success. It separates those who stay in corporate from those who pursue their own path.Joining a community of like-minded individuals can provide support, resources, and opportunities for collaboration.
  • Summary
    In this episode, Michael Haynes shares insights and guidance on how corporate escapees can build their own B2B professional service practice. He emphasizes the importance of expertise and the need to deliver advice, insights, and recommendations to clients. Haynes highlights the significance of listening and researching the market to understand target industries, customers, and decision-makers. He recommends becoming visible in the target market by leveraging professional associations and collaborating with thought leaders. Additionally, Haynes discusses the process of finding the first customer and suggests testing strategies before fully committing. In this conversation, Michael Haynes shares insights on building a professional services business. He emphasizes the importance of understanding your focus and strengths, as well as determining your target market. Building a strong network and referral engine is crucial for acquiring clients. Michael also highlights the significance of creating a content strategy and being visible where your target audience seeks information. Transitioning to sales involves understanding the challenges and priorities of your prospects and building a mutual action plan. Micro events, such as roundtables and forums, can be effective in engaging with prospects and providing value. Finally, Michael emphasizes the need for clarity and a buyer-driven approach when building and growing a professional services practice.


    Corporate escapees have massive opportunities to build their own B2B professional service practice.Delivering advice, insights, and recommendations based on expertise is crucial in the B2B professional services industry.Listening and researching the market helps in understanding target industries, customers, and decision-makers.Becoming visible in the target market through professional associations and collaborations with thought leaders is essential for success.Testing strategies before fully committing can help corporate escapees find their first customer and refine their approach. Understand your strengths and determine your focus in order to build a successful professional services business.Build a strong network and referral engine to acquire clients.Create a content strategy and be visible where your target audience seeks information.Transition to sales by understanding the challenges and priorities of your prospects and building a mutual action plan.Engage with prospects through micro events, such as roundtables and forums, to provide value and unlock conversations.Maintain clarity and a buyer-driven approach when building and growing a professional services practice.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    00:27 Opportunities for Corporate Escapees

    03:04 The Importance of Expertise in B2B Professional Services

    04:00 First Steps for Building a Professional Service Business

    06:06 The AIR Framework: Advice, Insights, and Recommendations

    07:39 Listening and Researching the Market

    11:21 Finding the Sweet Spot and Targeting Customers

    18:06 Next Steps: Visibility and Becoming Referable

    20:36 Becoming Visible in the Target Market

    21:04 Finding the First Customer and Testing Strategies

    21:18 Understanding Your Focus

    23:34 Building Your Network and Referral Engine

    26:27 Creating a Content Strategy

    29:15 Transitioning to Sales and Discovery Meetings

    32:44 Micro Events and Engagement

    41:06 Considering the Path of Building a Professional Services Business

  • Summary

    This is a special episode of the Corporate Escapee podcast. I was recently interviewed on hot new podcast called Your Work Friends. It was a fun conversation with the 2 hosts Mel and Francesca. They are two HR leaders with no filters.

    Your Work Friends Linktree:

    Your Work Friends Podcast:

    Join the Your Work Friends LinkedIn Group:

    Brett Trainor, founder of The Corporate Escapee, discusses the growing trend of freelance fractional work and how it can provide opportunities for corporate professionals to escape the nine-to-five grind. He emphasizes the importance of defining your goals and expertise, building a supportive community, and avoiding common pitfalls in the transition to freelance work.

    Trainor also highlights the benefits of fractional work for businesses, including cost savings and access to specialized expertise. He predicts that the freelance fractional market will continue to grow and offers advice for those considering a career pivot. In this conversation, the guest discusses the importance of designing your life and incorporating work into it. They share examples of individuals who have built their lives around their passions and created successful businesses. The conversation also highlights the opportunities in solo businesses and the possibility of achieving high revenue with the right freelancers or virtual assistants. The guest emphasizes the importance of time and encourages listeners to take control of their lives and find alternative paths. The conversation concludes with a reminder to tap into your main character energy and build the story you want.


    Freelance fractional work provides opportunities for corporate professionals to escape the nine-to-five grind and find more flexibility, freedom, and control in their careers.Defining your goals and expertise is crucial in transitioning to freelance work and building a successful business.Building a supportive community of like-minded individuals can provide valuable connections, support, and learning opportunities.Avoiding common pitfalls, such as overcomplicating the process and falling for scams, is important in navigating the freelance fractional market. Design your life and incorporate work into it.Solo businesses offer opportunities for high revenue.Take control of your life and find alternative paths.Tap into your main character energy and build the story you want.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    03:03 The Corporate Escapee Mission

    04:23 Who is The Corporate Escapee For?

    05:19 Success Factors for Freelance Fractional Work

    07:16 The Growing Market for Freelance Fractional Work

    09:43 The Future of Freelance Fractional Work

    13:01 The Benefits of Fractional Work for Businesses

    14:24 The Transition from Traditional Employment to Fractional Work

    16:38 The Importance of Trust and Autonomy in the Workplace

    17:56 The Role of Culture in Organizations

    19:45 The Challenges of Maintaining a Strong Company Culture

    22:07 The Importance of Defining Your Goals and Expertise

    25:22 The Financial Aspects of Freelance Fractional Work

    30:08 Making Space for a Career Pivot

    36:53 Building a Supportive Community

    39:41 Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Freelance Fractional Work

    41:02 Defining Your Goals and Solving Problems

    45:32 Designing Your Life

    46:00 Building Your Life and Incorporating Work

    47:26 Opportunities in Solo Businesses

    48:28 Rapid Round: Life After Leaving Corporate

    49:19 Negotiating and Saying No

    50:14 Working from Unconventional Locations

    51:42 Time Blocking and Calendarizing

    52:13 Superstitions and Comfort in Work

    53:22 Taking Control of Your Life

    54:20 Driving Towards Your Goals

    55:00 Main Character Energy

    55:34 Closing Remarks

  • Summary
    In this episode, Tamara Loring, from the Entrepreneur Source, discusses the need for change and the possibilities that exist beyond the corporate world. She emphasizes the importance of overcoming limiting beliefs and seeking support from mentors and coaches. Tamara also explores the fear of success and the concept of becoming You 2.0. She encourages listeners to design their lives and explore different possibilities. Finally, she highlights the importance of taking action and involving others in the journey towards a better future.

    Links: The Entrepreneurs Source


    Don't be afraid to explore possibilities beyond the corporate world.Overcome limiting beliefs and seek support from mentors and coaches.Embrace the fear of success and be open to new opportunities.Design your life and create a vision for your future.

    00:00 Introduction and Background

    03:17 The Need for Change

    08:39 Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

    13:08 The Importance of Support

    17:44 The Fear of Success

    23:25 Designing Your Life

    27:22 Becoming You 2.0

    29:43 Exploring Possibilities

    36:56 Taking Action and Involving Others

    38:05 Conclusion and Contact Information

  • Summary
    In this conversation, Brett Trainor and Don Oehlert discuss the decision to stay in corporate or pursue other opportunities. Don shares his background as a former corporate employee and his transition into career coaching. They explore current trends in the corporate world and the reasons why individuals may choose to leave. They also discuss the challenges of micromanagement and the potential future of organizations. Don provides insights on the importance of onboarding and the role of AI in business. The conversation concludes with advice for those considering a career change.


    Consider the reasons for staying in corporate, such as job security, health insurance, and the opportunity to lead and mentor others.Explore alternative career paths, such as fractional work, consulting, or coaching, which allow you to leverage your skills and experience.Develop a plan and ensure you have the necessary resources, including financial stability, legal protection, and a strong marketing strategy.Focus on onboarding and creating a positive experience for new employees, as this can greatly impact their decision to stay with the company.

    00:00 Introduction and Background

    00:37 Discussing Current Trends

    04:05 Reasons for Staying in Corporate

    06:31 Career Coaching and Positioning in the New Corporate Landscape

    09:53 Clients' Reasons for Leaving Corporate

    11:27 Challenges in Corporate and Micromanagement

    13:55 The Future of Organizations and the Rise of Fractional Work

    18:03 Should I Stay or Should I Go?

    23:21 Considerations for Leaving Corporate

    27:20 The Importance of Onboarding

    30:59 The Role of AI in Business

    33:30 Closing Remarks

  • Summary
    In this conversation, Brett Trainor interviews Matthew Mottola about freelancing in the enterprise space. They discuss the impact of layoffs and the rise of freelancing, the shift from transactional to strategic freelancing, and the importance of building relationships and aligning incentives in freelancing. They also explore the role of platforms in finding freelance work, the opportunities in the enterprise space, and the considerations for working with enterprises. The conversation concludes with a discussion on industries and roles embracing freelancing and the future trends in the freelance economy.


    The rise of freelancing is driven by the need for flexible talent and the shift from transactional to strategic freelancing.Building relationships and aligning incentives are crucial in successful freelancing engagements.Platforms can be a valuable resource for finding freelance work, but freelancers should also leverage their network and personal connections.Industries such as media and tech have been at the forefront of embracing freelancing, but opportunities can be found in various sectors.Freelancers should consider setting up their business structure and be prepared to adapt to the requirements of working with enterprises.

    00:00 Introduction and Background
    03:23 The Impact of Layoffs and the Rise of Freelancing
    08:00 The Shift from Transactional to Strategic Freelancing
    13:13 Building Relationships and Aligning Incentives in Freelancing
    16:46 The Role of Platforms in Finding Freelance Work
    22:09 Finding Opportunities in the Enterprise Space
    25:34 Setting Yourself Up for Success as a Freelancer
    29:42 Industries and Roles Embracing Freelancing
    35:19 Considerations for Working with Enterprises
    39:09 Closing Remarks and Future Trends

  • This special episode is a recording of a LinkedIn live session called Quitting Your Day Job. This is part of John Arms’s Fractional Revolution Podcast.

    In this episode we talk about the how and why to quit your day job. If you are trapped and need a way out, take a wander through today's podcast with my guests Terra Fletcher, FCMO and speaker, and Brett Trainor, host of The Corporate Escapee.

    Links to the original:


    The conversation explores the reasons for quitting a day job and the opportunities in the fractional revolution. It emphasizes the importance of mindset and commitment in making the transition. The conversation also discusses the other side of quitting a day job and the benefits of self-determination and flexibility. The conversation covers various topics related to quitting a day job and transitioning to independent work. The chapters explore financial planning, time management, the value of time and prioritization, working smarter, defining what you want, the second half of life and wisdom, ageism and the value of experience, setting goals and planning, the impact of work stress on health, the benefits of independent work, open communication and financial planning, and creating a self-determined life. The conversation also provides resources for those interested in quitting their day job.


    Quitting a day job can provide more freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment.The corporate path may not always align with personal goals and values.The fractional revolution offers opportunities for specialization and remote work.Having a plan and a positive mindset are crucial for success.The other side of quitting a day job can bring a sense of purpose and control over one's life. Meet with a financial advisor and accountant to understand your financial obligations and how to manage your finances as an independent worker.Read 'Free to Focus' by Michael Hyatt for guidance on time management and prioritization.Reflect on what is truly important to you and define your goals.Consider the wisdom and experience you have gained over time and how it can be valuable in your independent work.Openly communicate with your personal stakeholders, such as family members, about your plans and involve them in financial discussions.Educate yourself and seek resources, such as books, podcasts, and conferences, to support your transition to independent work.
  • Summary

    In this episode, Brett Trainor interviews Laura Lynch, a certified financial planner and founder of the Tiny House Advisor. They discuss Laura's escapee journey from corporate life and her transition to financial advising. They also explore the concept of tiny living and its financial implications. Laura emphasizes the importance of aligning work with personal values and redefining retirement based on individual goals and fulfillment. They also touch on the benefits of renting versus buying a home and the need for financial planning as a couple. Overall, the conversation provides valuable insights for corporate escapees looking to make a change and live a more fulfilling life.


    Align your work with your personal values to find fulfillment and create a lifestyle that suits you.Consider the financial implications of tiny living and explore options like renting versus buying a home.Redefine retirement based on your own goals and desires, focusing on autonomy and choice in how you spend your time.Engage in financial planning as a couple to ensure both partners are empowered and on the same page.


    00:00 Introduction
    00:39 Laura's Work and Background
    02:07 Laura's Escapee Journey
    05:02 Motivation to Make the Change
    06:18 Transitioning to Tiny Homes
    08:30 Preparing for the Transition
    10:17 Starting Laura's Own Business
    12:46 Financial Considerations for Corporate Escapees
    13:41 Mindset Shift and Runway Planning
    15:42 Crafting Work Around Values
    17:21 Redefining Retirement
    20:00 Realistic Understanding of Retirement Savings
    23:28 Financial Planning as a Couple
    25:39 Aligning Work with Personal Values
    27:00 Taking a Sabbatical and Renting vs. Buying
    30:47 Exploring Tiny Living
    36:08 Conclusion

  • On this special episode is my conversation with Matthew Mottola on the Human Cloud podcast. They were kind enough to let me share it with my audience. If you are interested in the freelance future, especially at the enterprise level, this podcast is for you. They also have a ton of great content:

    Episode Summary

    In this conversation, Brett Trainor discusses his journey into fractional work and the opportunities it presents. He highlights the benefits of fractional work, such as flexibility and the ability to work with multiple clients. He also emphasizes the importance of networking and focusing on a specific problem or industry to build a healthy pipeline. Trainor believes that fractional work is the future of work, as it allows companies to access specialized talent and build scalable organizations. In this conversation, Brett Trainor discusses the importance of retaining senior leadership and the value of fractional work arrangements. He emphasizes the need to retain knowledge and training when senior leaders leave, rather than experiencing a sudden drop in performance. Brett shares his favorite book, 'Who Not How,' which highlights the importance of focusing on finding the right people to solve problems rather than getting caught up in the 'how' of doing things. He also reveals his favorite animal, the dolphin, and explains why he admires their intelligence and carefree nature. Listeners can connect with Brett on LinkedIn or visit his website for more information.


    Fractional work offers flexibility and the ability to work with multiple clients.Networking and focusing on a specific problem or industry are key to building a healthy pipeline.Fractional work is the future of work, allowing companies to access specialized talent and build scalable organizations.
  • Summary

    In this episode, Brett Trainor interviews Michael Easter, author of 'The Comfort Crisis.' They discuss the importance of discomfort and challenging environments for personal growth and health. Michael shares his journey in the Arctic and how it made him realize the impact of comfort on modern life. They also explore the benefits of challenging oneself mentally and physically, the impact of mortality on decision-making, and the truth about fad diets and nutrition. Additionally, they discuss the benefits of rucking and spending time outdoors. Michael recommends finding ways to be grateful as a daily practice. The conversation explores the idea of appreciating what we have and being grateful for the improvements in our lives over time. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the abundance and advantages we enjoy in the present moment. The guest shares his personal experience of how gratitude has made his life better and encourages listeners to savor every moment. The conversation also mentions the book 'The Comfort Crisis' and provides information on where to find more content from the guest.


    Embracing discomfort and challenging environments can lead to personal growth and improved health.Challenging oneself mentally and physically can lead to a shift in mindset and reframing of fear.The rise of comfort in modern life has disconnected us from the discomforts that are important for our health and happiness.Reflecting on mortality can help prioritize what is truly important in life.Fad diets often focus on eliminating certain foods, but the key to nutrition is finding a balance and being mindful of calorie intake.Rucking, or walking with a weighted backpack, can provide endurance and strength benefits without the high injury rate of running.Spending time outdoors and connecting with nature has numerous mental and physical health benefits.Finding ways to be grateful on a daily basis can improve overall well-being and perspective.

    Introduction to Michael Easter and The Comfort Crisis

    The Importance of Discomfort and Challenging Environments

    The Mental and Physical Benefits of Challenging Yourself

    The Impact of Comfort on Mental Health

    The Importance of Reflecting on Mortality

    The Truth About Fad Diets and Nutrition

    The Benefits of Rucking and Outdoor Fitness

    The Importance of Spending Time Outdoors

    Recommendation: Find Ways to Be Grateful

    Appreciating What We Have

  • Today is a special episode

    I was recently a guest on Laura Lynch’s Less House More Moola Podcast. We have a lot of synergies Focused on Helping GenXers find and build their best lives.

    She was kind enough to let me share this as an episode on my podcast. It is not often where I get to share my journey from the 9-5 grind to a corporate escapee and discuss the mission of helping other GenXers break free from corporate.

    Episode Overview
    This conversation explores the challenges faced by GenXers and the opportunities for them to create a fulfilling and independent life. It discusses the importance of defining what you want and designing your life around it. The conversation also highlights the value of expertise-based businesses and the future of work. It emphasizes the need for confidence, courage, and a support group when going solo. Additionally, it explores the alignment of tiny living with GenX values and the financial challenges and family needs that GenXers face. The conversation concludes by discussing how to determine if going solo is a good idea. In this conversation, Brett Trainor discusses the importance of creating a fulfilling next chapter in life. He emphasizes the need to move away from the traditional retirement age mindset and instead focus on finding what truly lights you up. Brett shares his own journey of starting a podcast and how it has energized him. He encourages listeners to explore their passions and create something meaningful out of nothing.


    Define what you want in life and design your work around it.Build confidence and courage to go solo.Embrace the opportunities of expertise-based businesses.Consider the financial challenges and family needs when going solo.Align your housing with your values and financial situation. Move away from the traditional retirement age mindset and focus on finding what truly lights you up.Creating a fulfilling next chapter in life involves exploring your passions and creating something meaningful.Starting a podcast or pursuing a solo business can provide new opportunities and energize you.We are fortunate to live in a time where pursuing our passions and designing a life aligned with our values is more possible than ever.