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Healthy building expert Andrew Pace uses his 30+ years experience to produce this weekly podcast, dedicated to the discussion and education of home health and human wellness. With over 30,000 satisfied clients all over the world, Andrew has a keen awareness of the issues relating to chemical sensitivity, green building, mold remediation and toxicity reduction. As a healthy home consultant, Andrew continues to be sought after to assist on projects all over the world, but his true passion is to educate as many folks as possible, using this free platform. Andrew's company GDC/Building For Health, continues to be the global leader of healthy home supply and education.
Lidar com a natureza é um constante aprendizado. E quando colocamos questões profissionais no meio dessa relação, envolvendo clientes, propostas, projetos, consultoria, plantio, tratamento do jardim e mais um monte de detalhes administrativos, tudo parece ficar um pouquinho mais difícil (porém o aprendizado é muito maior). Esse é um podcast para bater papo sobre o universo da jardinagem, paisagismo e aspectos relacionados com o gerenciamento do próprio negócio, dedicado a profissionais e amadores.
O podcast que acredita que toda boa história precisa de um bom cenário.
Nando Reis entrevista personalidades sobre todos os seus cantos no mundo: os bairros onde nasceram e foram criadas, onde já moraram, onde estão agora, além da relação com as suas coisas, a sua gente e os seus lugares favoritos.
O Lá Onde Eu Moro é uma produção do QuintoAndar, a maior plataforma de moradia da América Latina para aluguel, compra e venda de imóvel. -
Join me on my journey for knowledge. Explore the wonders of plants, plant science, bugs, and environmental issues. Support this podcast:
Natural Health Tips for Busy Moms To Feel Their Best
**TOP 2% of Podcasts in the World**
Do you want to switch to more natural products in your home, but every time you try to, you end up feeling overwhelmed by all the options and information out there, so you just give up?
Wanting to have a garden to grow food for your family, but you don’t have the time to research how to get started?
Does it feel like your dreams of homesteading and holistic living will never happen because of the extra cost it would take?
Feel like if you can’t do this whole natural living thing perfectly, there’s no point at all in even trying?
Welcome, friend! This podcast is going to help you learn how to work towards your dream for homesteading, gardening, and holistic living in small, simple steps that WON’T overwhelm you.
Hi, I’m Ashley. I’m a wife, Jesus follower, and Mom to some amazing kids. As I began having children, we quickly realized that several of our kids had some special needs. This sent me on a journey of nonstop research and countless hours of trying to figure out ways that I could make changes to our lifestyle to help my children thrive, despite the challenges.
I was so stressed out, feeling like I needed to change everything at one time. I was keeping up with therapies, dietary changes, communication challenges, while also trying to implement this holistic lifestyle, and I was BURNT OUT.
I finally realized that this all-or-nothing mentality was keeping me paralyzed from actually making real, lasting, progress on my goal for helping my kids. I had to decide to start making one small change at a time, then build from there. It was a process of learning to let go and rest in Jesus, to learn that even if I couldn’t get rid of all of the toxins in our home, or only give my family organic food, Jesus had me on this journey to better health for my family and I had to do it in a way that was sustainable as a busy Mom caring for my neurodiverse kids.
And you know what? Because I was willing to slow down and take small intentional steps towards changing our food, growing a garden, switching to natural products, and learning how to prepare holistic remedies for my family, it meant that over the years this has just become a way of life for my family. Without stress, or overwhelm, or constantly feeling like I wasn’t doing enough. I’ve learned to walk this holistic journey in a way that works for me AND my family.
If you’re ready to hear from another Mama who understands the extra challenges we face every day while parenting our kids with special needs, who can come alongside you on this journey, showing you how to take simple steps towards better health for your family, then this is the podcast for you!
Pop in your earbuds, reheat your coffee for the third time and let’s do this!
Connect with me:
[email protected]
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Mil ideias por metro quadrado é o programa da Arquiteta Cris Paola que compartilha ideias, tendências e dicas de arquitetura, design, feng shui e empreendedorismo. Cris é palestrante da ABCasa Fair, jurada e embaixadora do Prêmio GIA no Brasil, principal premiação mundial do varejo em artigos para casas. Também, ministra aulas para ESBRE (Escola Superior de Bares e Restaurantes), além de trazer importantes parceiros no currículo como a ABRASEL, Viva Decora e Revista It Home.
O podcast para quem gosta de design, decoração, arquitetura e cidades – comandado por Ju Oliveira e Mari Wenzel, duas jornalistas de gerações diferentes, com formações e experiências complementares e super atentas aos movimentos e tendências desse universo.
O Ambiências aborda, através de um viés feminino, nosso habitat em todas as escalas, da casa à cidade – todos os ambientes que frequentamos, e que influenciam até mesmo o nosso estado de espírito. A cada quinze dias tem um episódio novo no ar. Salve na sua playlist e acompanhe! -
O Podcast Guararapes traz assuntos que abordam o universo de interiores. Foi pensado para você arquiteto, designer de interior, profissional de marcenaria ou decorador, que está sempre atento à tendências e ideias para projetos modernos, criativos e ousados.
Se você quer surpreender seus clientes com as melhores soluções, você não pode deixar de apertar o play! -
🎤🎨🛠 Enjoy moments of an avid DIYer/Salvage Furniture Painter 👩🏽🎨 Follow along during my journey with discussions in life, business, home renovations, DIY, crafting, and being creative within my business, We Chic’d It! With previews on our road trips - Rehab Road Trips plus Chic & Sip paint parties.
🎧 Like something you hear, tell me. 🎤 Want to hear more about something I’ve said, definitely let me know! @wechicdit everywhere on social media -
Oi oi Pessoal!!
Aqui é Adri da CASA DO LENÇOL e MADRIGAL ENXOVAIS - Designer de Interiores.
Resolvi criar esse Podcast para facilitar a vida de mulheres e homens que buscam dicas sobre enxovais e do mundo de Decoração.
Venho desvendar os mistérios do mundo do enxoval junto com a decoração. -
Neste podcast você encontrará dicas valiosas para tomar decisões contratuais mais assertivas e diminuir a probabilidade de transformar o sonho da construção da casa própria em um terrível pesadelo.
CONSTRUÇÃO SEM DECEPÇÃO é um podcast desenvolvido pelo Engenheiro Civil e Professor Paulo Vitor, mais conhecido como Paulinho das Estruturas, com o objetivo de instruir as pessoas que estão propensas a contratar engenheiros e arquitetos para o projeto e construção de suas casas. -
From historic homes to contemporary architecture, brick is one of the most popular design elements around the world. However, it's easy to get the impression that creative use of brick can be limited. This podcast shares the inspiring stories of architectural leaders and how ideas of the past inspired ingenious designs of today. Each episode will stretch the imagination and fuel your next innovative solution with brick.
See more at -
Enthralling stories and insights into the global consumer goods industry: The Ambiente podcast gives in-depth information about the current themes that are shaping the market. International experts provide exclusive inside knowledge, among others acclaimed designers talk about future design trends and scientists and consultants explain new developments and strategies. Listen in.