"He was youthful again.""He's a complex little fellow.""It's just that curated image.""I'm the office curmudgeon.""I think about it so much.""What the fuck is Jack saying?""Are you German?""What a douchey comment.""That's a point of pride.""I hope so.""Cut the cord, mom.""It's an aphrodisiac.""Well, you go along. Yeah.""Just a confidence.""Not all Nazis are bad.""Your ears are burning, yeah.""It's wave particle duality.""Time is relative.""There's levels to this show.""It's all Joe's fault."
Sound Bites
"It's a good winter drink."
"He has to buy big hats."
"It was very misogynistic."
"I thought it was kind of funny."
"It was so over the top."
"Being a dad, a girl dad's great."
"Women are way more complicated."
"I would like to try that."
"Drugs. They're fun."
"I broke up with people for less."
"You're attractive. Nobody cares."
"You're hot. It doesn't matter."
"Just call her dude."
"It's all about proportion."
"Women are more selective."
"Barry Dingle, that's pretty bad."
"See you, everybody."
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Sound Bites
"Quit breathing.""That would be great.""I felt like I broke.""What? That's great.""We got our first paid ad!""What a prude!""Doing this with love.""I know nothing!""I just lost it.""It's a good story.""I think he's my dog now.""Happy Valentine's Day.""You feel bad for them.""That sounds great.""I did my part.""That's a little weird.""It's pretty weird, man.""This relationship's over." -
Our friends review our latest episode, The Cuck Chair
Sound Bites
"I swallow them down with alcohol.""You know, what's missing right now?""That's the cuck chair!""I got Chlamydia for Christmas.""I did once on a first date...""That's no big deal. Who cares?""That's a wrap.""I just want to die from COVID.""Buy a bathrobe. Buy some bathrobes.""I never wanted to see her again.""Your reaction was priceless though.""Your marriage is doomed, isn't it?""There's no win, honest to God.""Why wait till it gets too bad?""You need to win therapy." -
Our Ai friends (Overlords?) review our latest episode, Robot Love.
Sound Bites
"Boundaries are good."
"He quit via text."
"I have zero fucks left."
"Never let them see you bleed."
"I took MDMA on a plane."
"He's my little peacock."
"It was going well!"
"AI thinks of each of us."
"She's often the voice of reason."
"What if we had an after show?"
"That could be interesting."
"I might be able to do that."
"AI's so awesome."
"That's so good, I love that."
"I could see why she liked it."
"That sounds sad."
"Humor makes life more bearable."
Sound Bites
"I used to set an alarm for 3 a.m." "You tried to kill me!" "You scared me!" "What a sad story that guy had." "It's an interactive show." "It's so well written. It's great." "I like to feel the book." "What is it about that word?" "I hate that word." "That's a gross sounding word." "I think she still does." "I just think you're so beautiful." "I just kind of gradually cruise." "How do I approach this?" "You can't go from thumb to fist." "You motherfucker!" "That would be fun." "Goodbye everybody." -
Sound Bites
"I feel so bad for you." "I wore a mini skirt to school." "What would your dad say?" "It's a George Bush thing." "I have no idea." "Nobody's done that since 1974." "That's how they creep back in." "That's terrifying." "I blame it on Vision Quest." "It's like cultural amnesia." "I think Katie's was way better." "That's a good one." "That's fucking great." "That's a monstrous thought." "That's a good point too." "That's pretty true, right?" "It would be terrifying to me." -
Sound Bites
"MMA, I was going to say NFL."
"What do you think she said?"
"Kevin can go fuck himself."
"It's a fucking insane movie."
"The Flat Earthers!"
"I don't know about this guy."
"Comedy is of its time."
"Women aren't funny?"
"It's a really good show."
"That's creepy, ew."
"That's so funny, it's con me."
"You can jerk off onto that."
"It's just happening."
"I can take that, man."
"That's uncomfortable."
"Is it glory hole cheating?"
"That's a nice sentence."
"Nothing wrong with that."
"There are no bad ideas, guys."
Keywords: facial hair, driving anecdotes, Uber accidents, holiday experiences, tipping culture, New Year's celebrations, sports discussions, music, bass guitar, concert experiences, underpants police, Galaxy Gas, personal stories, learning music, bass lines, Gregg's journey, party culture, drugs, drug education, social dynamics, personal experiences, podcast nemesis, humor, Tiki party, media influence, addiction, Reddit, nemesis, podcast rivalry, AI, misinformation, deepfakes, relationships, social media, competition, humor, storytelling, nostalgia, podcasting, nemesis, social media, relationships, humor, pop culture, ethics, personal stories, modernity, AI, cloning, genetic engineering, technology, nuclear power, literature, decision making, privacy, future, gatherings
Sound Bites
"Are you okay?""It's just a car.""600 cookies!""You look great.""Slap that ass.""Power napping?""He was a boxer.""Dick Handler.""Wow, Joe Lewis.""We're bad counsel." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ -
Sound Bites
"You know, I like hats, you know.""I love them too.""That's a lot of iced tea.""He trusts me implicitly.""I was a child and I matured.""Two fights in 28 years?""We just don't fight as a couple""She knows how to manage me""It totally does reset my brain""I love musicals""Wicked is fucking amazing""It happens every once in a while""I never fiddle with the hole""I always sit down. Only at home." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ -
Sound Bites
"I am fucking awesome.""He's a troll.""It's part of the Broadway series.""I have a no Muppets policy.""Athletes die twice.""There's still plenty of time.""I just wear them out.""I'm having a blast in my 50s.""Ben Folds fans are like cultists.""I like all music. It's cool.""What a way to go.""I want to control the music.""I want them to fear they might.""This is called negotiation.""Zero seasickness guarantee.""I think it's probably... douchey.""We can sure try.""Put together like an infographic.""I got a little VD." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ -
Sound Bites
"I just hate parties.""I want to go higher!""Netflix sucks.""There is no code.""I just shit.""Here, this is gross.""Oh, gross!""Did it smell?""That's nasty!""Get a vasectomy." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ -
Sound Bites
"I always wanted to disappear.""I love you and you hate me.""It's creative destruction, right?""Damn it, did you all know that?""How the fuck did I not know that?""You are excellent, buddy.""What the fuck?""That's a long question.""You do not have permission.""That's a friend.""That's it.""You'd like, that's, you know.""That got dark.""That's a positive way to end.""Maybe she did goat yoga.""Just lean into that for sure.""He's just a creep for sure.""Avoid your father-in-law." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ -
Sound Bites
"The second take is always worse than the first."
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"I had too many notes, that never works for me."
"I had a panic attack because I thought I was fucked up."
"Ketamine instantly blocked suicidal ideations."
"Do you find the death pool appalling?"
"Wrestling is horrible at this level."
"Hilary Duff's baby is gonna be born soon."
"That's a fucking huge payout."
"It's a dark game. I'm very uncomfortable with it."
"We'll do it live!"
"You're like Icarus, Bert."
"There's gonna be a Netflix documentary on Iron Maiden."
"I fucked a cousin."
"He does look like a cousin fucker."
"If 23andMe revealed..." -
Sound Bites
"We lost power about one o'clock on Wednesday.""It was terrifying.""We were one of the last areas to get power.""How could we survive?""Normal prep, not like doomsday preppers.""It was not pleasant.""Nobody goes to the used record store""I saved a life this weekend""Three days, right?""Mom jokes will always be funny.""Let's talk about dead people.""I'd like to bury my balls in your pocket.""I just wouldn't want like some uptight parent calling.""I definitely didn't want my kids to be like the kids who go to college and never fucking drank.""I would worry that I would be getting in trouble.""Who hasn't dropped a load on somebody's photo?""Maybe she's got a big face.""Is that what we're doing?" ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ -
Sound Bites
"You seem grouchy.""My mom fell getting off of her cruise.""He's doing his best at lowering expectations.""You think because you like ice skating, means you have low T?""I'm never going to amusement park again.""I had a whole plan.""I became very afraid that we were about to crash.""Let's do it again!""It was so traumatic, he had to go." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ -
Sound Bites
"That looks like my mom.""We think everyone else looks old.""Do we look like that?""I think wives can be stolen.""Are you allowed to take life insurance out on somebody?""We could all kick in 100 bucks and submit five names.""That's love, man, right there.""I can't wait to hear all about it.""No one likes the AI voices." ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★ - Laat meer zien