
  • Just reading this title, don't you want to sink your teeth into a dense, spongey, doughy texture, chomp on the egg-layered crust, and enjoy the taste of freshly made challah? Of course you do. Anyone who knows anything about Judaism knows that challah is one of the tastiest and most iconic foods of Jewish cuisine. But why do we eat challah and why did we land on this particular recipe for our rituals?

    Sarah Klegman, co-creator of Challah Hub, has probably made thousands of Challahs. She's a pro and she shares her recipes, experiences, and knowledge on the vast history of challah with Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew. Sarah and Chaz bond over their love for various recipes while embracing Jewish holidays like Shabbat and Rosh Hashanah. Tune in to grow your appetites and knowledge of challah!

    00:00 Introduction
    04:10 Local Jewish business owner
    06:57 The history of challah
    11:23 Cutting vs. Ripping
    13:13 Community connections
    17:13 Rosh Hashanah challah vs. Shabbat challah
    22:21 New challah recipes
    25:13 Blessings around Jewish bread
    26:26 The role bread plays in meals
    30:05 Conclusion

    About Sarah Klegman:
    Sarah Klegman is a versatile creative professional who wears many hats—writer, international speaker, and strategic consultant. She helps businesses and individuals with brand strategy, growth initiatives, and various forms of writing, from creative projects to professional communications. Her dynamic career has spanned managing stand-up comedians, serving as Chief Happiness Officer for an AI startup, and co-founding a challah company. She facilitates writing workshops for Jewish women and has spoken at Limmud festivals worldwide, weaving vulnerability and Jewish wisdom into her approach. Sarah's work has been featured in The Huffington Post and The LA Times, and she's made appearances on Comedy Central, The Great British Baking Show (PBS), and KTLA.

    Connect with Sarah Klegman:
    YouTube @sarahkleg  
    IG @SarahKleg
    X @SarahKleg
    LI: Sarah Klegman

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  • Bad things keep on happening to good people. In what world is that acceptable and how could God let that happen? People who are suffering and undergo unsurmountable levels of pain struggle with this question all of the time. Many lose their belief in God over this question. For others, it strengthens their connection to God.

    Rabbi Asher Resnick has gone through a lot in his life, yet he's a great person. Rabbi Resnick is no stranger to pain. He has dealt with things that you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. Drawing for Torah and Jewish teachings, Resnick shares his wisdom with Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, easing the minds of those who listen ensuring that there's something bigger happening. 

    00:00 Introduction
    09:06 Dealing with suffering deepened my faith 
    13:03 Life distracts from feeling God's unconditional love
    15:28 Focus on future
    18:07 Using trauma to make the world better
    22:44 Judaism emphasizes choice and finding life's meaning
    24:45 Finding hope again
    30:38 Success from trauma and resilience
    32:12 Conclusion

    About Rabbi Asher Resnick:
    Rabbi Asher Resnick was born and raised in LA, and graduated from UCLA with a BA in Psychology. He received rabbinic ordination from Aish HaTorah and the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. He served as a senior lecturer at the Institute of Jewish Legal and Medical Ethics in San Francisco, and at the Aish HaTorah Branch in New York.

    Rabbi Resnick is currently one of the Educational Coordinators of Aish’s Executive Learning Center, and a senior training lecturer for Aish HaTorah’s Rabbinical Ordination program. As a close student of the late Rabbi Noach Weinberg zt”l, he developed a special expertise in addressing fundamental issues in Judaism, as well as in bringing classical texts to life. He established his website to make his wealth of material accessible to a far wider audience.

    Connect with Rabbi Asher Resnick:
    Buy "Pain is a Reality, Suffering is a Choice":
    Learn more about Rabbi Asher Resnick at

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  • Free Will doesn't exist... or does it? Afterall, all of our decisions are impacted by the decisions right before... right? Philosophy may not be your strong suit but surely we simply come into existence and act on our needs and what's around us. It's nice to feel like we make decisions but surely we're just animals like the rest of the living organisms on this Earth, thus we have no free will.... right?

    Rabbi M.Z. Dubov has much more to say on this! Free will does exist even with G-d in the picture! Dubov highlights the part conscience and a freed mindset play in the understanding of our place in the universe. Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew and someone who once believed there was no free will, takes a deep dive into Jewish philosophy.

    00:00 Introduction
    06:19 Paradigm shift
    08:36 Discovering Jewish tradition
    12:06 Realized free will concerns
    13:54 Free will exists if a higher consciousness exists
    18:28 Debate over free will among believers and atheists
    23:46 Determinism vs. free will in Jewish philosophy
    27:28 Einstein theory
    29:00 Decisions result from inputs.
    34:23 Universe is not synonymous with God.
    36:58 Humans are thoughts in God's infinite consciousness
    40:14 Deterministic existence nullifies genuine human experience
    42:34 Universal love, independence, image of God
    46:49 Realize you are a soul, not a body
    49:39 Survival vs. Lifestyle
    52:15 Conclusion

    About Rabbi M.Z. Dubov: 
    Born in Minsk, Belarus, MZ grew up in Brooklyn in an immigrant family which fled the USSR due to antisemitism. He attended public school until enrolling in the Boston College Carroll School of Management, from which he graduated with a B.S. in Operations & Business Consulting. During his time at BC, he became heavily involved in Israeli Advocacy, co-founding “Eagles for Israel.” While running diplomatic and cultural events, MZ met Rabbi Chananel Weiner, a student of Rabbi Noach Weinberg zt”l (the founder of Aish). Rabbi Weiner opened MZ’s eyes to the depth and beauty of his Jewish roots. After graduation and before jumping into the corporate world, MZ came to Aish to learn more and decided to stay, having found his calling in life. With seven years of Torah study under his belt, MZ received Rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Nachum Barowski and Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl. He acts as the Director of the FoundAISHons program, in which he teaches daily and serves as a mentor to students past and present. Rabbi MZ enjoys playing basketball, hiking, taking joyrides, listening to music, and teaching his kids about this wonderful world in which we live. He and his wife often host for Shabbat in their home in French Hill, Jerusalem.

    Connect with M.Z. Dubov:

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  • What's happening with the Jewish people right now? Can we agree on anything? Is it even worth debating anymore? Up is down and down is up. Explanations fall on deaf ears and those who we once thought were Jewish are raising children in a completely different faith. Our identity seems to be in perils... or is it?

    Shoshanna Stein, known for being a Jewish teacher and content creator, gives a humbling and realistic take on what is happening to our identity and culture. While Jews are constantly at odds with each other on how to live as a Jew, Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, enters with an open mind to investigate the implications, statistics, and practices that Jews hold so dear (such as Shabbat).

    00:00 Introduction
    05:53 The Jewish identity is much more meaningful
    07:30 Mindfulness in daily life leads to gratitude
    11:27 The beauty of unexpected prayers.
    14:56 The power of shabbos
    19:21 Connecting humanity to Godliness
    22:23 Antisemitism in the diaspora
    24:07 Strive for unity to uphold Jewish values
    29:19 Conclusion

    About Shoshanna Stein:

    Born into a Chabad family, Shoshanna Stein hails from a highly orthodox background. At 18, she relocated to Israel, she pursued studies in fashion in Tel Aviv where she got her degree.
    Shoshanna is a mother of three and is passionate about art, using her experiences to create meaningful and spiritual pieces. Her profound connection to Judaism is evident in her vibrant Jewish life, which combines Chabad and Sephardic influences. A particular focus is the Ki Tov Project, which conveys the belief that everything is essentially good. Now involved in the Hebrew Academy, she aims to bring the Ki Tov Project to schools in Miami and beyond.

    Connect with Shoshanna Stein:

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  • How many times have you clasped your hands together, looked up at the sky, and BEGGED G-d for something only to get crickets in return. Praying to G-d can be a disheartening and even intimidating task for some. This is an incredibly valid and real experience and anyone who believes in G-d would be lying if they said that was never their experience. But what if there was a better way to ask for things?

    Jesse Orenshein, known for his valiant and impressive efforts on the famous TV show American Ninja Warrior, tells his story about the eye-opening epiphany that changed the course of his Jewish journey. Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, who recently learned how to pray and daven from his most recent trip to Israel, refines his understanding thanks to Jesse and his tried and true experiences. 

    00:00 Introduction
    03:09 Asking G-d for Things
    07:16 American Ninja Warrior experience
    09:22 Out of Body experience
    13:14 Difficulties of competing while religious
    18:27 Grace and sacrifice
    22:00 Miraculous changes
    24:40 Impacts of Israel
    26:48 You can't always get what you want
    30:06 Persistence and luck
    33:58 Custom prayer can follow Rambam's format
    35:42 Conclusion

    About Jesse Orenshein:
    Jesse Orenshein is a children's book author, screenwriter, and 4-time competitor on NBC's hit show, American Ninja Warrior. His recent appearance on Season 16 gained mass Jewish recognition, after Jesse iconically put on a back-up yarmulke when his first one fell in the water. Jesse competes on ANW to inspire Jews around the world, especially the four loves of his life - his wife and three beautiful daughters.

    Buy Jesse Orenshein's books at:

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  • You turn on your TV or go on your phone and the first video that pops up is insurmountable destruction of Gaza. A once complete society is now in rubble, leaving bloodied bodies and children behind. And who's responsible? Israel. Surely this is a genocide, right?

    Well, it's true that Gaza is in ruins but characterizing what's going on in Gaza as a genocide is tone deaf. Sam Fried, a former paratrooper and two-time veteran of the Israeli Defense Forces, has continued his fight by speaking on behalf of Israel and the IDF. Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, takes common misconceptions and narratives seen from his @badjewpod tiktok account and tests Fried on his responses to dig deeper and find the truth.

    00:00 Introduction
    03:51 Speaking for peace
    06:56 Genocide?
    11:22 Echo chambers on social media
    16:09 The IDF's draft
    18:45 Displacement of Palestinians
    20:05 The heinous nature of war
    25:40 The principals of the IDF
    27:17 Not playing fairly
    31:37 Reflections on October 7th
    34:43 Dialogue, peace, and disagreement are necessary
    36:30 Conclusion

    About Sam Fried:
    Sam Fried is 27, from New York, works in finance at an international bank, and served in the IDF Paratroopers from 2020-2022. On October 7th, Sam knew he had to take action to protect Jews and eradicate the inhumanity that Hamas brought to the world. Sam is a First-Sergeant Paratrooper reservist in the IDF who recently returned from fighting in Gaza. He served as a commander of a squadron and as a sharpshooter in the middle and south of Gaza for approximately 50 days on the front lines fighting Hamas, as well as several high-priority missions in the West Bank. Since returning home, Sam has been committed to Hasbarah (Israel advocacy), speaking to Jewish and non-Jewish communities around the country whether at universities, churches, mosques, on panels, debates, synagogues, schools, etc. to promote his thee foundational pillars: 1) Empowering Jews and allies to be proud in today’s environment, 2) Peace through dialogue, and 3) Humanizing the IDF.

    Connect with Sam Fried:
    IG @samfried26

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    Ig @BadJewPod

  • The Torah is central to Judaism. There’s no debate there. But why is it relevant to our daily lives? It’s a history book… about supernatural things that we can’t possibly relate to… right?

    Joey Swaid, a young and bright yeshiva student in Jerusalem, Israel, speaks the words of wisdom and truth relating Torah and it’s relevancy to our daily lives. While offering a deeper perspective on the turbulent state of our people, he also provides practical steps to add meaning and depth to your week and perspective on the world’s current state. 

    About Joey Swaid:
    Joey Swaid is currently entering his third year at Yeshivat Mikdash Melech in Yerushalayim. He is passionate about inspiring others and offering Chizuk. with Hashem’s help, he shares a weekly recording of the Devar Torah on the Parasha every Friday on his WhatsApp chat. 

    Connect with Joey Swaid’s WhatsApp Chat here:

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  • We have to fast? Again? Yep. For another 25 hours, Jews are told to fast for what is considered the saddest day in the Jewish calendar. Tisha B’Av is a holiday some know very fondly while others have never heard of. It commemorates the destruction of the 1st and 2nd Temples along with other exceptionally tragic moments in Jewish history. What is the meaning of this? What did we do to deserve this? Why does this keep happening?

    Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser, known for his comedic and unique style of speaking, jumps onto Bad Jew to explore the deeper ideas behind this portion of our history. Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, gets a crash course to the Jewish diaspora, the tragedy that have struck our generations, and explores what we can do to change the outcome of the future (Moshiach!)

    Special thanks to Yosef Behar of Oshpiza ( for making this interview possible. 

    About Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser:
    Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser received a Bachelors Degree in Humanities from the University of California at Santa Barbara. For 12 years he surfed internationally on a professional level. He is also an accomplished mountain biker and professional musician. He received rabbinic ordination from Aish HaTorah and the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem. His areas of expertise are Kabbala, Spirituality and Psychotherapy.

    Connect with Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser:
    YouTube - @RabbiYomTov  
    IG - @rabbiyomtov 

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  • Hashem is this infinite being, for lack of better term. He's all-encompassing and created us out of nothing, indicating his sheer power. Yet, it's a mitzvah to pray and is a commandment to pray during certain times. So then... does he need anything or not? And of all things, why prayer?

    Prayer is an area of specialty for Rabbi Ephy Greene of Aish HaTorah's Yeshiva in Jerusalem, Israel. During a 'swearing in' ceremony by the IDF, Ephy goes into detail on why Hashem wants us to daven and seek spirituality within ourselves. Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, learns why it's a necessity to get closer to Hashem.

    00:00 Introduction
    04:33 Life-changing moments
    07:08 Questioning purpose 
    10:09 Our relationship with God depends on us
    16:07 The search for meaning
    18:06 Informal prayer expresses vulnerability
    20:57 Structure is essential
    25:31 Torah is God's communication and vision
    27:10 Living a moral life through heartfelt prayer
    30:54 Conclusion

    About Ephy Greene:
    Rabbi Ephy Greene has been teaching in the US & Israel for over 20 years. Growing up the son of a Conservative rabbi, but attending Orthodox schools, Ephy experienced Jews and Judaism in a variety of contexts, from USY retreats to studying with Chassidim in the Mir. Rabbi Greene has been teaching in Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem for the past decade. He is also a Jewish singer/songwriter, inspirational speaker, and loving, but slightly embarrassing dad!

    Connect with Rabbi Ephy Greene:
    Listen to music by Ephy Greene on Spotify

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  • Buttoned-up clothing. Black and white style. Tight and uncomfortable. Covered and hot. No designs nor messages. And definitely no ankle. That's the summary of modesty. The concept of 'covering up' is one of the most difficult and seemingly oppressive aspects of Judaism. What if there was a much-needed paradigm shift on this idea?

    Moriel Shviki, an outspoken advocate for modesty and its values, comes onto the podcast to break preconceived notions about the controversial idea. Shviki explains to Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, that such a refocusing of external display causes for a different sense of freedom. There's a message the world could learn and Moriel explains just that!

    00:00 Introduction
    05:34 Adopting a positive social media approach for modesty
    09:09 Comparing ourselves, pursuing sexiness, and human nature
    10:10 Struggling with self-confidence and validation on social media
    13:21 Limited exposure to modesty, but a starting point
    16:37 New concept aligns with mitzvahs and symbolism
    22:06 Sarah exemplified modesty and spiritual strength
    25:21 Struggle with dressing against my convictions, guilt
    28:28 Shift to kosher living led to judgment
    30:11 Conclusion

    About Moriel Shviki:
    Moriel was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, in a traditional but not religious Israeli family. Her upbringing included cultural practices like Shabbat dinners without deep religious engagement, making her feel like an outcast at times. She attended a reformed preschool, which did not leave a significant impact on her. At 11, her family moved to Chile, where she adjusted to the language easily but found the cultural shift challenging. This was her first time attending a religious school, which had a profound impact on her. She learned Hebrew, how to pray, and began to connect with God in a personal way. Despite this, she did not keep Shabbat or kosher initially. After two years in Chile, Moriel's family returned to LA, where she continued her education at religious schools, including EMAC and Valley Torah High School. She regrets not having a bat mitzvah during this period. The experience in Chile helped shape her Jewish identity and connection to her faith.

    Connect with Moriel:

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  • Have you ever had a religious person knock on your door and ask you to join them at church? Have you ever had a preacher on the street shout at you for living differently than them? Ever notice that none of those figures are Jewish? As a matter of fact, Jews know better than to not try to convert people as it is a sin according to their bible. Yet... the Jewish population is so small. Couldn't they use the numbers?

    Yo Mark Jean is a hip hop artist and content creator who is in the middle of his conversion process. While he's not officially a Jew at the time of this recording (July 2024) he brings to the podcast a vast amount of Torah wisdom and knowledge that debunks different ideas designed to guilt Jews into converting into other religions. Mark Jean also shares personal stories and discoveries to Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew.

    00:00 Introduction
    03:53 Proselytizing
    08:35 Perfecting the world
    12:49 Historical Jewish conversion and reasons behind it
    14:03 Mass conversion to Christianity as an easy choice
    17:32 Torah authenticity
    21:14 Predictions and liberation
    25:15 Debates with Christian community
    29:11 Torah is not just for Jews
    29:48 Conclusion

    About Yo Mark Jean:
    Born in Queens, NY, D’Mark Jeantine — known by his artist name, Yo Mark Jean — brings his culture, faith and values to his music. Jean started making music at age 7 with a regimented schedule of private lessons. He’s from a family formed by music; his parents met while his father was a guitarist in a musical group back in New York. As he grew into a professional, Jean found that mixing beats for other artists made way for opportunities and connections.

    You can hear music from Yo Mark Jean on Apple Music, iHeart and Spotify

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    Ig @BadJewPod

  • Israel is the only pro-LGBTQ country in the Middle East but does that mean you should automatically be a Zionist? Probably, but for a vast majority of LGBTQ members, especially Jews, they are faced with the inner conflict of crossing political lines and personal values, stepping aside from the guidelines of their political affiliation's doctrine. How can they navigate this dilemma?

    Marcus Breman, better known on TikTok as @yourfavoritegayzionist, discusses this dilemma from a personal experience. Having lived in both the United States and Israel, Marcus makes commentary paving his own path for his opinions and political stances. Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, works to understand this complicated positioning and where U.S. politics fits into the morality that Zionism has built. 

    00:00 Introduction
    03:10 The younger generation
    06:32 Switching political parties
    11:42 Israel's anti-discrimination laws for LGBTQ+
    14:23 Diverse voter motivations in U.S.
    17:19 LGBT asylum controversy in the West Bank
    20:06 Israel is THE successful decolonization project
    23:47 Echo chambers
    29:33 Biden vs. Trump's Zionism
    30:54 Conclusion

    About Marcus Breman:

    Connect with Marcus Breman:
    TikTok @yourfavoritegayzionist

    Connect with Bad Jew:
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    Ig @BadJewPod

  • One of the most intimidating things about being on your Jewish journey is answering the question, "What kind of Jew are you?" There are so many ways 'to Jew', how can you possibly choose? And once you do, who said you're personally ready to be labeled in a specific way?

    Instagram and TikTok star Melinda Strauss is no stranger to this concept. Knowing that the Jewish identity is personal, she emphasizes how to navigate the constant barrage of communal standards while giving the breakdown for how to follow mitzvahs and practices that work best for you.

    00:00 Introduction
    06:11 Funny commentary
    09:10 Embrace your identity and choices, and respect others
    10:46 Orthodox Judaism: diverse sects united by Torah
    13:17 Calling me a sinner is also sin
    17:21 Being a Jew is diverse and personal
    21:53 Envying others' Jewish school and religious choices
    23:05 Discovering Judaism as a couple
    27:23 Discovering practical blessings broke my rigid perceptions
    32:00 Fear of future, toxic shame, seeking help
    32:42 Conclusion

    About Melinda Struass:
    Melinda Strauss, a Jewish Content Creator on social media with over 1 million followers on TikTok and Instagram, is well known for her educational videos about Orthodox Judaism, Jewish history, discussing Antisemitism and Zionism, sharing her kosher recipes and her everyday life. Born and raised in Seattle WA, Melinda now lives with her family in New York. 

    Melinda has been blogging and sharing her recipes since 2011 and she will be debuting her first cookbook in Fall 2025. 

    Connect with Melinda:
    IG and TikTok: @therealmelindastrauss 
    YouTube: @therealmelindastrauss  

    Connect with Bad Jew:

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    Ig @BadJewPod

  • All Yeshivas are notoriously known for giving life-changing education. Teaching Judaism with a higher kind of discipline while embedding principles to live by is not something that happens overnight. You hear of people that stay for a week. You hear of people that stay for years. But does it really provide you with ALL the tools you need in life?

    Daniel Mouyal is known for his collaborations with musicians like Kosha Dillz. Before the reputation we know today, he desired a complete 180 in his life. He went to Yeshiva and has since thrived off the Torah's teachings while paving his own path. Did Yeshiva teach him EVERYTHING? He discusses this with Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, to highlight his experiences and truth. 

    00:00 Introduction
    03:57 Daniel's pursuits
    07:34 A year at Yeshiva
    13:52 Seek power through selfless prayer
    15:19 Stories of Yeshiva part 1
    20:13 Stories from Yeshiva part 2
    20:50 Joys of not knowing
    25:14 Conclusion

    About Daniel Mouyal:
    Daniel Mouyal is 28 years old and resides in Miami, Florida. He is known for his music and does stand up comedy and acting. 

    Connect with Daniel Mouyal:

    Connect with Bad Jew:
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    Ig @BadJewPod

  • Just remember what they taught you in grade school: When you're public speaking, just imagine everyone's pants are down... That trick never worked did it? Public speaking is hard. Giving a sermon to a high-expecting congregation is harder. 

    Rabbi Daniel Steinberg is no stranger to the difficulty of trying to inspire and emotionally elevate a crowd. Being very familiar with the film industry, sales, and Jewish needs within a community, Steinberg teaches Chaz Volk the fundamentals of speaking to a Jewish crowd. Tune in to learn how to engage and communicate with the broader Jewish community. 

    00:00 Introduction
    05:39 Existential doubts
    09:42 Speaking to needs
    12:04 Ethos, Pathos, and Logos behind Bad Jew
    14:40 Commandments
    16:48 Stand-up comic's connection to audience reactions
    22:48 Unexpected movie sparks discussion about Zionism symbolism
    25:12 Public speaking is about authenticity, not polish.
    27:19 Conclusion

    About Rabbi Daniel Steinberg:

    It's true. I was an intern for SNL, wrote for Howard Stern, & spent 2 years performing stand-up comedy in NYC and San Francisco clubs before moving to Palo Alto, CA to pursue a career in community outreach & Jewish education.

    After 6 years of community-building work, I assumed the role of Marketing Director for a start-up co-founded by Alan Dershowitz.

    I then went on to start a digital marketing & e-commerce consultancy, where my innovative storytelling & copywriting skills helped my ​clients earn upwards of $1MM in yearly revenue. 

    These days, I draw on my eclectic experiences in the worlds of entertainment, education and marketing to help rabbis find their authentic voice, craft meaningful Drashos & build strong relationships with their congregations.

    Connect with Rabbi Daniel Steinberg:
    Linked In: Daniel Steinberg

    Connect with Bad Jew:
    [email protected]
    Ig @BadJewPod

  • Probably the most challenging question any religious person could answer from an agnostic person is "Is God Real?" The religious person might say "Of course he is real!" "And how do you know?" "Can't you feel it?" Of course, we all know 'feeling' is not enough.

    Rabbi Aaron Zimmer and Rabbi Elie Feder produced a podcast called "Physics to God" to go beyond the feeling of God. Using the scientific method along with their understanding of physics and mathematics they are able to quantifiably prove that Hashem made the universe and is indeed the embodiment of everything we know.

    00:00 Introduction
    05:02 Math and Physics
    06:26 Proof of God
    11:56 Laws of nature
    15:45 Atoms and life
    19:10 Fine tuning and constants
    21:30 Parallel Universes
    25:06 Intelligent Creator
    27:39 Laws of nature
    30:07 Conclusion, Physics to God

    About Rabbi Aaron Zimmer:
    After earning a physics degree and receiving rabbinical ordination from Rabbi Yisrael Chait, Aaron Zimmer considered furthering his education through graduate school. However, his intellectual curiosity extended far beyond the realm of physics, encompassing a diverse array of fields, including philosophy, mathematics, and psychology. Capitalizing on his blend of analytical and philosophical skills, Aaron utilized his personal resources to venture into commodity futures trading. This endeavor involved commodities such as oil, natural gas, cotton, sugar, and coffee. His strategic approach was deeply rooted in the conceptual frameworks of physics and the Brisker Method for Talmudic analysis. After an eleven-year career marked by success in commodity trading, Aaron decided to retire. In his retirement, Aaron channels his intellectual energy into studying various branches of knowledge, including the Talmud and physics. He resides in Lawrence, New York, along with his wife and their five children.

    About Rabbi Elie Feder:
    Elie Feder earned a PhD in mathematics from the CUNY Graduate Center and received Rabbinic ordination from Rabbi Yisrael Chait. Since 2004, Elie has been a mathematics professor at Kingsborough Community College. He has published many papers and delivered numerous talks in graph theory, which is his field of mathematical research. As a teacher, Elie has a passion for simplifying complex topics for his students. Recently, he authored a book "Gematria Refigured," which presents a rational, nonmystical approach to gematria as a tool of uncovering the significance of quantity and fine tuning in Torah, life, and the universe. For more information, you can visit Elie’s website,, and listen to his podcast, Gematria Refigured+. Elie resides in Far Rockaway, New York, with his wife and their four children.

    Connect with Rabbi Aaron Zimmer and Rabbi Elie Feder
    Facebook: @Physics to God (Page; not group)
    X/Twitter: @PhysicsToGod
    Instagram: @physics_to_god

    Connect with Bad Jew:
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    Ig @BadJewPod
    TikTok @BadJewPod

  • WE FINALLY RECEIVED THE TORAH! Time to enjoy the taste of milk and honey. But why? Can our Jewish stomachs really handle all of that dairy and what are we actually celebrating when we look at the history of the Torah - the constant tug-of-war we have with the values God laid out for us? Have we, an exiled people, really earned a celebration?

    Sruly Meyer, known for his incredible online recipes, embraces Shavuot - his favorite out of all of the favorite holidays. Aside from it being a tasty holiday, Meyer highlights how the Torah is our marriage contract and how our relationship with God has been "on a break" and why. Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, enjoys an educational 30 minutes of learning why Shavuot stands as one of the most unique metaphysical experiences.

    00:00 Introduction
    05:58 Our relationship with God
    06:33 Hashem's marriage contract with us
    12:20 Relationships and Shavuot
    15:15 Improving our relationship with God
    17:34 Israel, the ultimate gift
    20:20 Spiritual connection
    25:49 Jewish resilience post October 7th
    28:02 Torah is sweet
    30:09 Conclusion

    About Sruly Meyer:
    Sruly runs a marketing agency in Hollywood, Florida. He is a home cook and recipe developer who runs a food and travel blog, discussing local food scenes and daily Jewish life. He is a proud Jewish father and business owner.

    Connect with Sruly Meyer
    IG and TikTok @srulycooks

    Connect with Bad Jew:
    [email protected]
    Ig @BadJewPod
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  • It goes without saying that the internet can be a disgusting display of human nature. Anonymous trolls, scams, and false information run rampant and they're not hard to run into. A centerpiece to this disturbing reality is the adult entertainment industry which has never been known to treat people with dignity. Exposing people of all ages to this content can do a variety of harmful things but the worst is that it enables everyone to participate in it including the young. 

    Solomon Friedman of Ethical Capital Partners recognized this truth. While his calling was not a religious one, he has helped make the internet a safer place by incorporating device-based age verification technology and sharing such recognition software with law enforcement. Friedman is responsible for putting up roadblocks in front of every nefarious action that takes place on a variety of adult sites. Chaz Volk, host of Bad Jew, learns that bringing light to the darkest of places means taking on unpopular projects while showing proud leadership and poise. 

    00:00 Introduction

    05:35 Adult industry pioneered key internet innovations

    07:06 Surprising ideas about ethics in internet marketing

    11:19 Online platforms need moderation and safety measures

    16:14 Opting out, age gates needed for online content

    19:47 Internet privacy is essential for freedom and democracy

    22:40 Jurisdiction of freedom

    23:51 Tech giants and governments needed for safer platforms

    26:55 Legal, meets safety standards, limits certain content

    30:16 Conclusion

    About Solomon Friedman: 

    Connect with Solomon Friedman
    Solomon is a trial and appellate lawyer, representing individuals and organizations before all levels of court in Canada. He is certified as a specialist in criminal law by the Law Society of Ontario.

    For over a decade, Solomon has been a trusted voice at Parliament, regularly appearing before Standing Committees of both the House of Commons and Senate in Canada, providing testimony about criminal, regulatory and constitutional law matters.

    Solomon is a legal author and commentator. He has published dozens of academic and popular articles and is the co-author of Canada’s leading text on firearms law and regulation.

    He also lectures widely to audiences of defence lawyers, judges and police officers on a wide spectrum of criminal and regulatory law topics. 

    Solomon's work has been recognized by his peers in both the legal and broader business community. In 2014, he was named one of the Forty under 40 by the Ottawa Business Journal and the Ottawa Chamber of Congress. In 2016, he was given Precedent Magazine's Precedent Setter Award. In 2018, he received the Regional Senior Justice Award by the County of Carleton Law Association.

    Solomon is an adjunct law professor, teaching The Law of Evidence and Advanced Criminal Evidence at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law.

    Prior to his call to the bar, Solomon clerked for Justice Morris Fish of the Supreme Court of Canada. Solomon came to the law following rabbinical studies in Israel, where he was ordained in 2005.

    Connect with Solomon Friedman:

    Connect with Bad Jew:

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  • Do you feel lonely? Do you feel it's time to find your true love? Do you feel hopeless in the romance department? Many of us do including me. If you're like me, Chaz Volk, the host of this show, you have spent many sleepless nights staring at the ceiling wondering what the future holds and if you're even worthy of your desires. 

    In the quest to find my b'sheret ("meant to be"), I interview "Coach" Daniel Ratner hailing from Israel to explain the necessary pieces that need to be in place in order to find love. Coach draws from the wisdom of workshops he has led and books he has written to explain what necessary elements must be existent in order to survive the four stages of love.

    00:00 Introduction
    04:42 Discipline
    08:40 The Four Phases of Love
    09:37 Listening is key for meaningful relationships
    14:32 Embrace growth
    18:13 Physicality and attraction
    20:43 The issue with getting physical too soon
    24:05 Fully understanding your partner
    29:19 Attracting the right people
    31:55 The beauty disadvantage
    35:15 Conclusion

    About Coach Daniel Ratner:
    Coach Ratner was a world-class rare coin dealer & real estate developer in America. He has now transitioned himself into an influential educator for organizations who seek inspiration. His focus is on fostering meaningful relationships, building self-esteem, and providing spiritual motivation. His 5th book, “Infinite Marriage: The 4 Phases of Loving Relationship”, was released in May 2024.

    Connect Coach Daniel Ratner:
    Podcast: Living in Clarity - available on all podcast platforms!

    Connect Bad Jew:
    [email protected]
    Ig @BadJewPod
    TikTok @BadJewPod

  • Now more than ever before, your people need YOU! Anti-Israel and anti-Jewish rallies have spread like wildfire across the nation. Students get harassed on campus just for being Jews. The few Jews that do join the encampments are tokenized and glorified in hypocritical ways. No matter how much light we shed on the situation, our adversaries come back more aggressively. This is an uphill battle. 

    Such battles don't stop Marla Friedson, co-host of Schmuckboys, from joining the counterprotests. Marla and her friends regularly post on social media and take to the streets to share their voices proudly. Friedson joins Chaz Volk on Bad Jew to discuss what it takes to effectively and accurately speak on behalf of Israel. Volk takes this opportunity to assess how the international Jewish community is doing when it comes to sharing information as well. Tune in to become inspired to take the streets and speak on behalf of those that can't!

    00:00 Introduction
    03:12 Judaism as a moral basis for activism
    08:39 Unity within activism
    09:42 The value of attending rallies
    13:21 Avoiding misinformation
    18:42 Credibility
    20:19 Responsibility in influence
    23:44 Accuracy and literacy
    26:29 Jewish intimidation and antisemitism
    31:22 Zionism
    34:12 The undeniable tie of Judaism and Zionism
    36:47 Education is key to combating antisemitism

    About Marla Friedson:
    Marla Friedson is the receptionist at Circle of Confusion, a tv/film production and management company. She is also a freelance producer, having worked on a variety of content from unscripted TV to short films to the US Tennis Open. Marla is the co-host and co-producer of Schmuckboys, a podcast about Jewish dating, Jewish identity and antisemitism. Her and co-host Libby Walker interview Jewish guests from all walks of life and release new episodes every other week through the Jewish Journal Podcast Network. Marla is very involved in Jewish organizations in L.A. serving on the board of AishLIT and working part-time as the Head of Operations for Jews Talk Justice, a Tel Aviv Institute project. She is a vocal activist for the Jewish people, using her social media platform to help educate others.

    Connect with Marla Friedson:
    IG @marsbars36
    Tune into Schmuckboys on your favorite podcast platform

    Connect with Bad Jew:
    [email protected]
    Ig @BadJewPod
    TikTok @BadJewPod