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Welcome to the Heart Centered Revolution podcast! We are Jen and Ramtin Pourvasei, and we aim to uplift and inspire you by sharing wisdom and techniques from Kudnalini Yoga and other consciousness practices. Listen to learn tools to feel connected to your true self, and to understand what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. Each episode ends with a short pranayam, or breathing meditation. Learn more at
For millennia they have called us mad, disturbed and even dangerous…But you know now that what they feared most was our divine feminine power…The power to rebalance our world in ways they tried to make us forget, to denounce, to ridicule - even within and amongst ourselves.Together, we can rebirth the illogical, non-linear, intangible yet visceral elements of the universe with which our planet craves reunion.Join me as I delve into some of the most taboo subjects of our culture, unpicking and unpacking what truly lies at their beating heart. -
Moments to nurture your soul and awaken your potential.
Create sacred space for insight, relaxation, spiritual growth and meditation.
Tune into your soul’s wisdom.
Navigate and overcome life’s challenges.
Explore hidden lessons that lie just below the surface.
Experience moments of spiritual discovery and personal transformation. -
Velkommen til Vendepunktet, en podcast med samtaler om livet.
Dybest set er der ingen, der ved, hvad der er den rette vej i livets helt store sammenhæng. Alle veje er blot læring på vejen hjem til os selv, vores oprindelige natur. Undervejs må vi slippe mange af de tillærte overbevisninger, som kan begrænse os i at leve et liv i frihed. Ved at dele vores livserfaringer kan vi genkende vores fællesmenneskelige sår og minde hinanden om, at livet er fyldt af muligheder, og at der er mere til livet end det, vi kan se med det blotte øje.
Jeg har en uddannelsesmæssig baggrund som læge, psykoterapeut, mindfulness instruktør og forfatter.
Gennem livserfaring og selverkendelse er jeg blevet bevidst om, at jeg er mere end min krop, mine tanker og min historie. Jeg er også den bevidsthed, der iagttager min krop, mine tanker og min historie. Det giver mig en frihed, til at slippe bindinger til noget, jeg tror, jeg er, og som blot er forbigående oplevelser og fænomener. Erkendelsen af vores oprindelige natur har medført en indre fred, og frihed, som fortsat er der, hvis jeg fra tid til anden skulle falde tilbage i gamle mønstre og overbevisninger. Livet leves fortsat blot med en anden bevidsthed.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is going to be the best thing that has ever happened to me That is the sentence that arrived in my head when I found the lump in my left breast in October 2021. I knew it was what most people refer to as cancer.
And it truly is the best thing that has ever happened. It has become the greatest love story of my life!
In this podcast I am sharing my experience and perspectives through talks, conversations and interviews with people who are on or has been on this journey too.
I am not a doctor and I am not pro or con any treatments in general. I respect and understand that there are as many roads to healing as there are people.
I am the founder of the community and movement Rising Through Cancer (you are welcome to join on Facebook) -
A one man show about the healing + transformative power of self-love.
I'm here to teach you how to truly heal + live your most well and delicious life, through practice of self-love. This is NOT a conversation about fluff and unicorns and glitter. This is SOUL MEDICINE about coming back home to the Love that we are, and how being at home in that Love has the power to heal, transform, and manifest whatever we desire. Tune in on your favorite podcast platform, and subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. -
In this shifting world, heading into the Age of Aquarius - the terms of life are changing
People don’t want to conform to society
They want more meaningful careers and relationships
They are less motivated by money and more motivated by internal wisdom
More psychic gifts are coming online and even more near death experience conversations are being talked about
Plant medicines are making a come back, but how do you partake of them safely?
People are becoming more health conscious but where does one turn amidst so many magic pills and quick fixes?
How does one really meditate and quiet the mind?
How does one go about becoming more in tune and more ”spiritual”?
Misty Magdalena Grace and her guests are here to help you improve your health and wealth creation, by going INWARD to ultimately trusting your own innate Wisdom
But how do we do that?
Tune in to learn!
Formerly known as Lois Koffi, now her ceremonial spiritual name is Misty Magdalena Grace (Magdalena for short).
She is a plant medicine woman/spiritual teacher & microdosing coach, focused on mental/physical/spiritual health.
She specializes in psilocybin, ayahuasca, jurema and psilohuasca.
She has been a coach for 23 years, coaching 20,000 plus people in both health and fitness, as well as business/sales. She has seen so so many people focus on the external DOING of goal setting, new year’s resolutions and intention setting and realized that most of our success lies WITHIN.
She has had her own awakening journey of working through addictive behaviors, depression/anxiety and struggles as well as many victories and successes. She has lost 12 friends to suicide and many to addiction and has a huge vision/mission to help people safely with sacred plants (noting there is a wrong way and a best way to partake) She has trained with several plant medicine women and shamans through initiations and deep dive healing over 50 times.
She is here for YOU to get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health and wealth limitations. She helps guide you with love and compassion with mind/body/spirit fitness as a transformational coach using guided visualization and many other tools in her vast tool belt to get you to live the life you LOVE with superconscious creation with your Higher Self - living YOUR TRUTH. -
Awakening: The Podcast is hosted by metaphysical doctor, bestselling author and spiritual guide Dr. Heather Kristian Strang.
Awakening: The Podcast delves into:
**Living in the Golden Age - now
**How to live Spirit-Led/Source-led/led by The Divine during these times
**Your Advanced Technology body & how to work with it for your Highest Destiny & Health
**WTF is really going on during this time in consciousness
**The Ascension / Embodiment / Unification Awakening process
**Becoming a Divine Human in Form
**Oracle Readings to guide you
Dr. Heather Kristian Strang, you can call her Dr. Kristian, was guided to co-create this podcast as a support for those on the spiritual Awakening path.
This podcast is for those who desire to better innerstand their body's, this Earth experience, their relationships and how to navigate it all with greater ease, Love, Joy, Peace, Prosperity and Miracles. -
The Connections with Jackie podcast is hosted by gifted psychic medium, Jackie Kenner, and is a must-listen for anyone deep in the woo that also likes making bank.
Jackie unravels mysteries of the quantum world and explores the modern mystic’s roadmap to laws of wealth and manifesting abundance with integrity. She is an expert in breaking down complexities in the most casual way—making the esoteric accessible for the average person.
Tune in to expand your abilities and scale your wealth. -
Welcome to the Weaving Web of Consciousness podcast- a space for people with open hearts and minds who are on a journey of expanding consciousness.
My name is Marta and I will be sharing with you my conscious healing journey. Since I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and having a really challenging time as a mother of a child diagnosed with autism & ADHD, I’ve been researching and trying out ways of restoring health & ease in my body and my family.
Additionally, with my best friend Anna, we’ll be exploring the great conscious transformation happening in the world, we’ll be learning the new ways of being, while we’re respectfully saying goodbye to what no longer serves us.
Join us on an adventure of building bridges across modern and ancient wisdom, magic and science, feminine and masculine energies and many more concepts that truly need connection as we’re building a better world for all beings.
And let’s learn together how to embrace our humanity with all of its ups & downs. -
Guddommelig sex - En podcast der rykker
Velkommen til Guddommelig Sex, hvor sexolog Robert Lubarski har sat sig foran mikrofonerne sammen med Trance Medium Dennis Søndergaard, der kanaliserer viden og indsigt fra højere bevidstheder.
Robert Lubarski har fået lov til, at spørge om alt, og denne mulighed bruger han til, at få mere viden om noget meget essentielt for mennesker, nemlig kærlighed og sex.
Trance Medium Dennis Søndergaard har siden 2002 beskæftiget sig med at Inspirere og oplyse udviklingsorienterede personer til en højere livsenergi, bevidsthed og større frihed for: krop, sind og ånd.
Vi håber, at Guddommelig Sex giver dig glæde og gavn.
God fornøjelse.
Trance Medium Dennis Søndergaard
Foredrag, privatsessioner kurser.
telefon: 29 16 44 55
Robert Lubarski:
Foredrag og privatsessioner omkring shamanisme, bevidsthed, parforhold og sexualitet
telefon: 29 84 08 44
Hvis du vil ha os ud live, så både “Merlin” og Robert Lubarski kan besvarer spørgsmål om kærlighed og sex, så kontakt os. -
Lyslevende samtaler om livet, lyset og hverdagens ritualer. Forfatter og spirituel mentor Stine Schou Kvistgaard inviterer dig med i en serie af samtaler, der udforsker, hvordan vi kan leve et liv med mere selvkærlighed, og hvad vi selv kan gøre for at skrue op for det lys, vi har indeni. Samtalerne vil desuden dykke ned i, hvad vi kan bruge vores spiritualitet og sensitivitet til, og hvordan vi kan skabe mere hverdagsmagi gennem små selvkærlige ritualer. Podcasten og videoserien Lyslevende er kommet til verden i forbindelse med udgivelsen af Stine Schou Kvistgaards bog af samme navn. Du kan finde videoversionen af podcasten, eller læs mere om bogen "Lyslevende" med 25 selvkærlige og spirituelle ritualer til livsmestring og hverdagsmagi, her: God fornøjelse!
Har du nogensinde haft lyst til at udforske spirituelle principper på et dybere niveau? Og vil du lære at integrere dem i din dagligdag? Så er denne podcast noget for dig!
”De Hjælpsomme Engle" er en spændende podcastserie, hvor den spirituelle erhvervsrådgiver Rikke Hertz og forfatter og instruktør Hella Joof går sammen for at udforske og afmystificere spiritualitet.
Igennem spørgsmål fra jer, lyttere, udforsker Rikke og Hella dybden af spirituelle løsninger. De deler deres personlige erfaringer og indsigt i, hvordan du kan anvende disse principper i din dagligdag. Deres mål er at give dig konkrete værktøjer og inspiration, så du kan integrere spiritualitet på en meningsfuld måde og skabe en dybere forbindelse til dig selv og verden omkring dig.
En gang om måneden inviterer Rikke og Hella forskellige, inspirerende gæster til "Det Etiske Samråd", hvor de udforsker forskellige emner og dykker ned i temaer, der berører os alle – alt ud fra et spirituelt perspektiv. -
International #1 bestselling author GREG AMUNDSON brings an electric combination of enthusiasm, credibility, and real-world experience to his sermons and messages on discipleship, leadership, the warrior spirit, and self-mastery.
The Greg Amundson Show is a weekly Podcast where Greg will educate and inspire you to live with passion, purpose, and a greater understanding of God's Word. Greg's use of storytelling to illuminate life changing principles and concepts is world renowned, and will become a cherished addition to spiritual seekers from all Faith backgrounds.
Greg teaches that through a disciplined use of your thoughts, words, awareness, and attention, you can achieve a mindset of positive expectancy, personal belief, and an unshakeable Faith in the One True God of the Holy Bible. Tune in for a life changing experience! -
Denne podcast er for dig, som er en søgende sjæl, og som ikke stiller sig tilfreds med det første og bedste. Den er for dig, som er nysgerrig på eksistentielle spørgsmål. Den er for dig, som gerne vil møde nogle inspirerende personligheder, som vil give deres bud på, hvad spiritualitet er, og hvilken rolle det kan spille i vores liv. Måske finder du inspiration til dit eget liv? Hør dem her eller på min hjemmeside, hvor du også kan læse om mine møder: https://www.sjæ
Kærlighedsmøder er en podcast for dig der vil noget med din seksualitet. Podcasten handler om tantra, sex og kærlighed – og vi skal mere end bare snakke om det, for tantra skal opleves og helst helt tæt på. Tantra kan noget og i podcasten vil du lære om tantriske teknikker og ritualer. Du kommer til at være vidne til den den forvandling der kan finde sted, når man elsker med et åbent hjerte med lyset tændt. Din vært hedder Alfarr og er tantrisk sex- og kærlighedscoach. Alfarr har faciliteret tnatramøder siden 2009 og driver til daglig kursusvirksomheden Tantraværkstedet hvor par og singler kan lære tantra i trygge rammer. I hvert afsnit kan du følge et kærlighedsmøde mellem to eller flere mennesker. Mød par, singler, mænd og kvinder som har det tilfælles at vi vil noget mere med seksualiteten og vil tættere på kærligheden ❤️
Gerry Starnes, MEd, is an award-winning author, teacher, and shamanic practitioner. The Shamanic Passages Institute is an online resource for individuals interested in exploring shamanic concepts and practices, and incorporating them into their everyday lives. This show offers programs on a variety of topics specifically designed for beginners and intermediate learners.
Welcome my beautiful friends! I am your host - Kaila Corsiglia ✨I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery for over ten years. I am a master at experimenting and spent my entire 20’s in a grand experiment, finding what works and what doesn’t work in the realm of self-development, spirituality, law of attraction, manifestation, and other deeper ”woo-woo” topics like channeling, past life regression, subconscious reprogramming, EFT, and so much more.Now, entering my 30’s and after 2 full years within my mentoring business, I feel like I am finally cracking the code. Over the last 4 years, by means of all that I learned through my years of experimenting:- I successfully quit corporate America- I travelled for 6 months full-time along the Pacific Northwest- I moved from Chicago to Washington State where I lived for nearly 2 years- I created an intuitively led business & started mentoring women to be led by their inner being and how to manifest more effectively- I watched in awe as their lives started to change like mine had- As I write this now it is August of 2023 and I am in my villa in Bali, where I have been living for just shy of 1 year- Currently I am expanding my business and writing 2 books that I intend to publish in the next yearI made it my life’s mission in my late teens to live an extraordinary life; I carry around a letter I wrote to myself when I was 19 that says just that. 12 years later, I think I’d make that 19 year version of myself very proud. I use this platform to share all of my favorite creation tactics; I consider myself what Abraham Hicks refers to as a ”deliberate creator” and most of my episodes speak on how to become one yourself. I love to simplify techniques that are tried and true, explaining them in ways you may have never heard before, a lot of what I teach is ’manifesting at the expert level” because most of us have been learning this work for so long that we deserve that title. I also love to share my own breakthroughs and areas that I am manifesting within; little tidbits of my story. I’m excited for you to be here and thank you so much for tuning in.
The Moved To Meditate Podcast is a place for vibrant discussions about mindfulness, movement practices, and ways to find more balance and presence in daily life. Here, you’ll find down-to-earth resources to help you progress on your path, as well as insightful conversations with mindful movement, yoga, meditation, and dharma teachers from a range of traditions.
On this podcast, we spotlight embodied approaches to mindfulness and the more contemplative aspects of movement practice. Together, we’re exploring topics like gentle therapeutic yoga, meditation, somatics, yin yoga, qigong, nervous system practices, and more.
Listen in, and connect to a community of like-minded practitioners.