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Hey! For those that have no idea who I am... I'm Angel Long and I've been in porn for nearly 20 years! I started performing and then directing. My podcast is a way for me to catch-up with other performance and talk about life in the adult industry! New episodes posted every Sunday and head over to my website to see me in action.
Be entertained, empowered and encouraged. Soul Searching showcases relatable people with extraordinary stories. If you're seeking purpose, meaningful relationships and joy at work and home, this show is for you. It's an inspiring mix of positive psychology, documentary, and professional and personal development.
You'll get practical wisdom on how to thrive at work with leadership lessons, communication tips, and ideas to help you develop greater confidence. Learn ways to be happier at home with mindset and parenting strategies. You'll reflect on your own life, career, challenges and relationships so you can change your beliefs and patterns to live a life of joy.
Hosted by Nikki Kloeppel, who brings 15 years as a leadership and life coach helping over 10,000 men and women from all around the world to succeed at work and find meaning in life. Many of the strategies you'll learn are crowdsourced from these inspiring leaders and the best practices they've shared. Nikki is a motivational speaker and educator with Dale Carnegie Training, sharing tips from "How to Win Friends and Influence People" and "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living" and an Educator with The Gottman Institute "7 Principles for Making Marriage Work" and she and her husband have been leading couple's retreats for 15 years. Instagram @nikkikloeppel and watch new videos every Friday @nikkikloeppel on YouTube and LinkedIn
Season 1 Practical Wisdom Stories: Here are stories from when we were little, have won and lost competitions, been bullied and stood up to authorities. Tales of building character at camp, overcoming injuries and studying abroad. Narratives of job interviews gone wrong, mentoring gone right, leadership wins and parenting fails.
Why? These life lessons offer Practical Wisdom: insight to help us be resilient, successful and happy. They teach us how to change our mindset, overcome imposter syndrome and trust ourselves so we can lead and inspire.
These are authentic and raw. People are vulnerable as they share what they discovered about human nature and themselves. Please trade perfect sound and script for imperfect human experience. -
For credit union women by credit union women.
We are two former credit union marketers on a mission to inspire women in this great industry to become the best versions of themselves. By being vulnerable, thinking positively, talking about our daily struggles and fears, and building each other up, we will connect strong, fabulous credit union women to help them become more confident and empowered leaders. -
What if we challenged the status quo and embraced our own vision of success? Could that lead to greater happiness, fulfilment and a more meaningful life rather than simply chasing material goals society tells us are important?
Let's explore how redefining success could change everything. Join Tony Grebmeier as he dives deep into the stories of successful people from all walks of life.
If you want a community devoted to helping others find fulfillment through entrepreneurship, head over to today- let's start climbing Success Mountain together!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This show brings you an insight into business happening in Qatar and the MENA region. We peel away the layers of a company to reveal how the company works and the people behind it.
We find out why and how people wanted to set-up their business here in the MENA region and what have been the highs and lows in doing so. -
برنامج شاهين شوكاست من أفضل البرامج العربية التى تهتم بالتطوير وموازنة جوانب الحياة وتجمع بين العرض والبودكاست حيث نستضيف أشهر وأفضل الخبراء في مختلف المجالات للحصول على أفضل تجربة للجمهور.
Shahin ShowCast is one of the best Arabic programs, The program combines the show and podcast so that we host the most famous and best experts in various fields to get the best out of the experience for the audience. -
بودكاست من زكاها يهتم بتطوير الذات وتنمية المهارات والصحة النفسية وقوة الثقة بالنفس وقوة الشخصية و المهارات الناعمة مثل مهارات التواصل الفعال ومهارات التغيير ومهارات التفكير و فن الحوار والاقناع و المهارات الشخصية وإدارة الوقت والذكاء العاطفي والذكاء الاجتماعي و التسويق الشخصي و مهارة القيادة و ملخصات وتلخيص الكتب
معنا ستعرف قيمتك ورسالتك الحقيقية في الحياة بفضل الله بودكاست من زكاها مع أسامة جاد، من افضل بودكاست عربي تطوير الذات وتعزيز الثقة بالنفس في الوطن العربي لأنك إن شاء الله سوف تعرف نفسك وتطور نفسك وتسوَّق لنفسك
●حساب الفيسبوك الشخصي هيفيدك تحدد رسالتك بشكل واضح
●لو عايز تستفيد بشكل أكبر، تابعنا على قناة اليوتيوب
●وللتواصل عبر البريد الإلكتروني
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
أهلًا بيكم في أحدث بودكاست من وومينا بعنوان "إيه العلاقة"، هيقدمه لينا منت وعمر سمره إللى هيكلمونا عن العلاقات من زاوية ممكن تغير نظرتنا تجاه شريك الحياة في مجتمعنا. هيتكلموا عن أساسيات العلاقة الصحية بناءً على تجربتهم الخاصة والمراحل إللى مروا بيها في العلاقة من المواعدة إلى الصداقة إلى المواعدة مرة ثانية وأخيرًا الزواج وترابط الأسرتين وتفاصيل تانية كتير.
في الموسم الأول، هنتكلم في كل ما يخص العلاقات من موضوعات شائكة، منها القيم المادية والحزن والصحة النفسية والحميمية و الخيانة و الحدود الشخصية والحرية.
منت أخصائية علم الجنس الجسدي ورائدة في مجال اللياقة البدنية في مصر ومؤسسة أول مدرسة للفنون الجوية في مصر PoleFit.
أما عمر، فهو مغامر ورائد أعمال وأب ومتحدث، وهو أول مصري يصل إلى قمة إفريست والقمم السبع، ووصل كمان بالتزلج إلى القطبين الشمالي والجنوبي.
اشترك في قنوات وومينا على منصات البودكاست المفضلة عندك وعلى اليوتيوب عشان تشوف الفيدوهات كاملة، وهيبدأ عرض الحلقات كل اسبوع بدءًا من 31 يوليو.
Welcome to إيه العلاقة , Womena’s newest podcast where hosts Mint and Omar Samra are going to talk about relationships in a way that changes how we think of partnerships in our society.
Mint and Omar Samra will explore the building blocks of healthy relationships from their own experience in dating, being friends, dating again, getting married, blending families, and so much more. In Season 1, we’re diving into all the difficult conversations: how to navigate money values, grief, mental health, intimacy, infidelity, boundaries and freedom within relationships.
Mint is a somatic sexologist and pioneer in Egypt’s fitness industry as the founder of PoleFit, the country’s first aerial arts school. Omar is an adventurer, entrepreneur, father and speaker. He is the first Egyptian to climb Mount Everest, the 7 Summits and ski to both the Geographic South and North Pole.
Subscribe to Womena’s channels on your favorite podcast platforms and on YouTube to see the full videos! Episodes drop weekly starting July 31.
Social Media
Follow Womena @Womena
Follow Mint @mintelmokadm
Follow Omar Samra @omarsamra -
البودكاست ده بيحكي قصتي و تفاصيل اتعلمتها في رحلة الحياة. حلمي إني أفيد الناس بقصتي ومشاركتي بأفكاري أكيد هتضيفلك حاجة. أتمنى لكم تجربة ممتعة.Insta: @hazem_elfkh Support this podcast:
How do you turn a creative hobby into a sustainable, lucrative, business?
How have some creators been able to supercharge their side hustle, assemble a team, and start to generate reliable income - all without burning out?
Angus Parker and George Blackman work for Ali Abdaal - a YouTuber, podcaster and entrepreneur with a combined audience of more than four million people. In this podcast, Angus and George sit down with impressive ‘Creatorpreneurs’ from around the world and break down the practical steps for scaling a side hustle and quitting your job.
They’ll also be chatting to people just like them - those who work for Creatorpreneurs, to shed some light on how it’s possible to enter the creator economy without necessarily wanting to create content yourself.
Angus is Ali’s Director of Operations, and helped grow his YouTube channel into a business which turned over nearly $5 million last year. George was hired as one of Ali’s writers in 2021 and is now Head of Content for the Creatorpreneur brand.
Through these conversations, the podcast aims to showcase the legitimacy of the creator economy in 2022, and to highlight the different routes Creatorpreneurs have taken on their journey to success. -
Have you ever been ready to take a risk and do what you’ve always dreamed of? Then fear and negative mindsets creep in. You wonder if you’re smart enough, experienced enough, or just plain good enough. That resistance builds imaginary walls that ultimately hold you back.
We help attack these voices in your head on the Fear is a Liar podcast. Ronnie interviews entrepreneurs who share how they embraced these fears in light of risk, self-doubt, failure, and unknowns. Their stories will help you challenge your own fears, fuel your success, and inspire you to go for what you want.
Ronnie was inspired to produce the narrative format of the show by his favorite podcast: How I Built This with Guy Raz, from NPR. Check out Ronnie's website: -
Need help navigating the “career” part of being a NEW Instructional Designer or E-Learning Developer? I’m Nyla, a mid-career Instructional designer and I’ve created the podcast to help new instructional designers find their footing. Because doing it on your own can seem daunting at first. Support this podcast: