

    Episode Title: The Value of Valuing Education: Why What We Teach (and How We Teach It) Matters


    This episode of The Classroom Revolution delves into the profound importance of valuing education. We explore how finding meaning in our work as educators can enhance our passion, improve student outcomes, and foster personal growth. We'll discuss the critical role of literacy, critical thinking, and information processing skills in preparing students for success in the 21st century. Join us as we uncover the value of time in the classroom and how every moment is an opportunity for learning and growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    Finding meaning in our work as educators is crucial for job satisfaction and well-being.The long-term impact of the skills and knowledge we impart to students, including literacy, critical thinking, and information processing.How neglecting these essential skills can hinder students' future success and potential. (Include statistics from NAEP, Annie E. Casey Foundation, World Economic Forum, Educational Testing Service, etc.)Teaching is a continuous learning process for teachers and students and how challenges can lead to personal and professional growth.The importance of recognizing the preciousness of time in the classroom and making the most of every moment.

    Call to Action:

    Reflect on your OWN values as an educator. What motivates you? What impact do you want to have on your students?Consider how you can find more meaning in your work. Are there new strategies you can try? New resources you can explore?Embrace a growth mindset. How can you learn from challenges and setbacks? How can you foster a love of learning in your students?Explore our upcoming courses and membership for tools and resources to enhance your teaching skills and find greater fulfillment in your profession.

    Additional Resources:

    Classroom Revolution Podcast: Episode 11

    Title: The Literacy Checkup: Are Your Kids (and YOU) Thriving?

    Episode Summary:

    Join me, as I dive into the world of literacy, exploring what it means to be truly literate in the 21st century. Discover the red flags that might indicate your child is struggling, and learn how to foster a love of learning and a culture of literacy in your home or classroom. Plus, take the Literacy Challenge and join the Classroom Revolution community!

    Literacy Guide

    Key Takeaways:

     What is literacy? It's more than just reading and writing. It encompasses critical thinking, information literacy, and digital literacy. Why literacy matters: Low literacy levels are linked to lower academic achievement, reduced job opportunities, and poorer health outcomes. Literacy red flags: Learn the age-specific milestones and warning signs that your child might need additional support. The Mirror Test: Reflect on your own literacy habits and discover how you can be a better role model for your children or students. The Literacy Challenge: Take action and start a literacy revolution in your home or classroom!


    Download your Literacy Assessment Guide here: Literacy Assessment Tools: For Children: Standardized tests, informal assessments, reading level assessments For Adults: Free online tests, community college and literacy organization resources Recommended Reading Lists: Age-appropriate book recommendations for preschool through high school Tips for Improving Literacy Skills: Strategies for parents and teachers to foster a love of reading and writing Additional Resources:

    Why Literacy Matters:

     The Impact of Illiteracy on Society: The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reports that low literacy levels are associated with lower earnings, higher unemployment rates, and increased reliance on government assistance. The Literacy Crisis in America: ProLiteracy, a global literacy organization, highlights the negative impacts of low literacy on health, economic stability, and civic engagement. Early Childhood Literacy and Academic Achievement: A study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found a strong correlation between early childhood literacy skills and later academic success.

    Literacy Red Flags:

     Developmental Milestones for Young Children: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides a comprehensive list of developmental milestones, including literacy skills, for children aged 2 months to 5 years. Signs of Dyslexia in Children: The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity outlines common signs of dyslexia, a learning disorder that affects reading ability. The Importance of Early Identification of Reading Difficulties: The National Reading Panel's report emphasizes the importance of early identification and intervention for children with reading difficulties.

    The Mirror Test: Your Own Literacy Habits:

     The Importance of Reading Role Models: A study published in The Reading Teacher journal found that children who see adults reading for pleasure are more likely to become lifelong readers themselves. How Parents Can Help Their Children Succeed in School: The U.S. Department of Education offers tips for parents on how to support their children's literacy development at home. The Importance of Adult Literacy: The National Institute for Literacy emphasizes the importance of adult literacy for personal and professional success.

    Mentioned in this Episode:

     “Reading in the Wild”, Donalyn MillerSold A Story Podcast *Not mentioned in the episode but worth listening to!* 

    Connect with Classroom Revolution:

     Website: Social [email protected] Hashtag: #LiteracyCheckup

    Get Involved:

     Take the Literacy Challenge and share your progress on social media using #LiteracyCheckup Send a voice message to the podcast sharing your experiences and thoughts Subscribe to the podcast and leave a review! Join the Classroom Revolution community and connect with other passionate educators

    Music: by Mason Cahoon


    Thank you for listening to the Classroom Revolution podcast!

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  • Short and sweet, the podcast episode titled "Ep. 10 The Role of Metacognition in Learning" dives deep into the transformative power of metacognitive practices. The host shares a personal journey from mediocre to exceptional performance in dance through unwittingly applied metacognitive strategies, showcasing the profound impact of such practices on learning and teaching. The episode explores metacognition's definition, its historical background, and practical classroom applications, including planning, monitoring, and evaluating learning processes. Real-world examples and research findings underscore metacognition's role in enhancing academic performance, problem-solving, and adaptability.

    Introduction to metacognition's impact on personal and academic growth.Discussion on the historical emergence of metacognition in psychological research.Practical strategies for implementing metacognition in the classroom.Research findings on the benefits of metacognitive strategies for improved learning outcomes.Reflective questions to encourage educators to assess and enhance their teaching practices.Resources Mentioned: Resources: by:Mason CahoonInvitation for listener engagement via social media, email, and the podcast's Discord Discord server link:
  • Ballet Class Revolution Podcast

    Episode Title: "Guiding Your Dancer Through Audition Season" Host: Heather Cahoon

    Show Notes:

    Welcome to the show notes for our latest episode of Ballet Class Revolution, "Family Support: Guiding Your Dancer Through Audition Season." In this episode, we delved into the different aspects of preparing for and navigating through the ballet audition season from a family’s perspective.

    Key Highlights:

    Financial Planning for Summer Intensives: Discussed creative ways to budget and save for summer programs, including side hustles and scholarship opportunities.

    Balancing Dance, School, and Life: Offered strategies for managing time, prioritizing academics, and the importance of rest and downtime.

    Nutritional Advice for Peak Performance: Covered essential nutritional needs for dancers, meal planning tips, and the importance of staying hydrated.

    Emotional Support and Building Resilience: Emphasized the role of families in providing emotional support, encouraging a growth mindset, and helping dancers deal with rejection and stress.


    Downloadable Budget Planner for Dance Families: Stay on top of your financial planning with our specially designed budget planner for dance families. Download Here

    Audition Guide & Checklist: Get your hands on our comprehensive audition guide, complete with a checklist to ensure you're fully prepared for the audition season. Download Here

    Digital Planner Mentioned: NotionConnect with Us:

    Subscribe to our Podcast: Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe to get first word when one has been published.

    Follow Us on Social Media: Stay connected with Ballet Class Revolution. Follow us on Instagram, and Facebook for regular updates and behind-the-scenes content.

    Website: Visit our website for more resources, articles, and to learn more about our mission.

    Contact Us:Feedback/Questions: We love hearing from our listeners! If you have feedback, questions, or suggestions for future episodes, please email us at [email protected]


    Music by Mason Cahoon

    Thank you for joining us on this journey, and remember: In the Ballet Class Revolution, every step is a step towards greatness.

  • Show Notes for "Parents: The Unsung Heroes of Dance"

    Episode Overview: In this episode, we delve into the heartfelt experiences of four mothers whose daughters have taken diverse and inspiring paths in the world of dance. From college dance programs to professional ballet careers, these stories reveal the dedication, challenges, and joys of being a dance parent.

    Host: Heather Cahoon Guests: Surveys by four anonymous dance moms

    Topics Covered:

    Introduction to the Episode: Background of the project and the dance moms involved.

    The Start of the Dance Journey: Reasons and motivations behind enrolling their daughters in dance.

    The Commitment of Dance Parenting: Discussing the time, financial, and emotional investments required in supporting a dancer.

    Challenges and Sacrifices: Real-life challenges faced by the parents, including managing schedules, dealing with disappointments, and navigating the dance community.

    Moments of Pride and Joy: Sharing memorable experiences and achievements that filled the parents with pride.

    Balancing Dance and Family Life: How these parents managed to juggle dance commitments with other family responsibilities.

    Feeling Overlooked in the Dance Community: Experiences of feeling underappreciated or misunderstood by the dance community.

    Support and Resources for Dance Parents: What types of support or resources the parents found helpful or wish they had.

    Personal Impact of Being a Dance Parent: How being a dance parent affected their personal lives, relationships, and careers.

    Advice to New Dance Parents: Words of wisdom and guidance for parents new to the dance world.

    Additional Reflections: Final thoughts and stories from the dance parents.

    Key Quotes:

    "Seeing her overcome insecurity and stepping into confidence was incredible." "It's a juggling act, but seeing your child on stage makes it all worth it."

    Share your own dance parenting stories or ask questions by emailing me at [email protected] or DMing on Instagram at @BalletClassRevolution.

    Next Episode Teaser: Just in time for the holidays! The Nutcracker - A Timeless Christmas Tradition: Explore the significance of "The Nutcracker" ballet in the dance world, its history, and why it's a staple performance during the Christmas season.

  • Episode Overview: In this episode, we delve into the first part of the journey for new dance parents. We cover the initial steps your child will take in the dance world and discuss the integral role you play as a dance parent.

    Segments Covered:

    Understanding the Dance Journey Overview of a young dancer's progression.Different dance styles and their suitability for children.The Role of a Dance Parent The multifaceted commitment of dance parenting: time, emotional, and financial aspects.Tips on balancing these commitments with other life responsibilities.

    Key Takeaways:

    Understanding the various stages of dance progression helps parents support their children effectively.Recognizing the right dance style for your child can significantly impact their enjoyment and development in dance.The role of a dance parent is demanding but incredibly rewarding, requiring time management, emotional support, and financial planning.

    Resources: FREE Budgeting Spreadsheet for dance families:

    Next Episode Teaser: Stay tuned for Part 2 of 'Navigating the Dance World as a New Parent,' where we will cover the emotional aspects of dance parenting, celebrate successes, navigate disappointments, and discuss valuable resources and support systems available to you. It's an episode packed with insights and practical advice that you won't want to miss!

    Call to Action:

    Subscribe to our podcast for more insightful episodes.

    Visit our website for additional resources and information.

    Follow us on for updates and community interaction.


    Music by Mason Cahoon

    Closing Remarks: Thank you for joining me in this episode. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to deepen your understanding as a dance parent, we’re here to guide you through this incredible journey. Remember, you play a vital role in your child's dance world. Keep supporting, keep learning, and keep inspiring!

  • Podcast Title: Ballet Class Revolution

    Episode Title: Unleashing Your Potential: Health, Fitness, and the Power of Grit in Dance

    Release Date: 12/02/2023

    Guest: Andrew Burnell, Director of Tumbling and Acrobatics at Summerville Dance Academy

    Episode Summary: In this episode, we dive deep into the intersection of health, fitness, and mindset in the world of dance with our esteemed guest, Andrew Burnell. With a rich background in gymnastics, tumbling, and acrobatics, and his involvement in the dynamic performance world, Andrew brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. We explore the critical role of physical well-being, the mental aspect of dance training, and the concept of 'grit' - the growth mindset that fuels improvement and success.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Andrew Burnell's Journey: An overview of Andrew's impressive career in gymnastics, tumbling, and acrobatics. Insights into his experiences performing and teaching across various cities and platforms.The Importance of Physical Health in Dance: Andrew's perspective on the significance of fitness and conditioning for dancers. Practical tips on maintaining peak physical condition for performance.Mental Strength and 'Grit' in Dance: A deep dive into the concept of 'grit' and its relevance in dance training. Strategies for cultivating a growth mindset and resilience among dancers.Accountability and Improvement: Discussion on the role of accountability in personal and artistic development. How dancers can use self-reflection and feedback for continuous improvement.Nutrition and Lifestyle: Andrew's recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle choices that support dance training.


    Resources Mentioned:

    Studio Question Guide -

    Connect with Andrew Burnell:

    [email protected]


    Music by Mason Cahoon

    Subscribe and Follow: For more inspiring and insightful conversations, subscribe to our podcast and follow me on

    Closing Remarks: Thank you for tuning in to Ballet Class Revolution. Remember, the journey in dance is as much about the steps you take as the mindset you cultivate. Stay strong, stay focused, and keep embracing the grit that drives you forward. Until next time, keep dancing through life’s challenges and triumphs!

  • Show Notes for Podcast Episode 5: The Valuable Life Lessons of a Dancer

    Podcast Title: Ballet Class Revolution
    Episode Title: The Valuable Life Lessons of a Dancer
    Release Date: 11/26/23

    Host: Heather Cahoon

    Episode Summary:
    In this enlightening episode, we dive into the rich and multifaceted life of a dancer, uncovering the valuable elements and life skills honed through the art of dance. From the resilience built in the face of challenges to the unique cognitive-physical synergy developed, and the profound understanding of physical well-being, this episode explores how dance shapes individuals far beyond the performance stage.

    Key Discussion Points:

    Resilience in Dance:

    Exploration of how dancers develop resilience through training and performances.Discussion on adaptability, overcoming setbacks, and the strength gained from facing artistic challenges.

    Cognitive-Physical Synergy:

    Insights into how dance demands a unique blend of cognitive and physical skills.The benefits of this synergy on memory, spatial reasoning, and creativity.

    Physical Well-Being and Awareness:

    The importance of body awareness, nutrition, and physical fitness in a dancer's life.How these aspects contribute not only to dance performance but overall health and lifestyle.

    Applying Dance Lessons to Everyday Life:

    Real-life stories and examples of how these skills translate beyond the dance world.Insights on the broader impact of dance training.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Connect with Us:

    Follow us on our website for more resources and information.

    Call to Action:

    Subscribe to our podcast for more insightful episodes on the world of dance.

    Special Thanks:

    Thank you for staying along and listening. I hope it has offered some insight and reassurance regarding the value of dance!Music by Mason Cahoon

    Join us in the next episode where we will discuss empathy in dance education. Until then, keep dancing through life's challenges and triumphs!


  • Show Notes for Podcast Episode: The Pillars of Organization and Planning in Teaching Dance with Meg Eberly


    Podcast Title: Ballet Class Revolution

    Episode Title: The Pillars of Organization and Planning in Teaching Dance Guest: Meg Eberly

    Release Date: 11/18/23


    Episode Summary: Join us in an insightful conversation with Meg Eberly, an accomplished ballet educator and former professional dancer. In this episode, Meg shares her expertise on the importance of meticulous organization and strategic planning in the ballet class. She delves into her innovative use of spreadsheets for planning the dance year, setting class goals based on the students' entry-level, and ensuring their progress and potential are always at the forefront.


    Key Discussion Points:

    1. Meg’s Journey: A brief overview of Meg Eberly’s transition from a professional ballet dancer to an influential educator.

    2. Backward Planning Technique: Meg explains her method of planning the dance year by setting end goals first and working backward to ensure all objectives are met.

    3. Use of Spreadsheets: Discover how Meg utilizes spreadsheets to streamline her class planning, track student progress, and maintain organization throughout the dance year.

    4. Setting Class Goals: Discussion on how Meg sets specific goals for each class based on the skill level and potential of the students upon entry.

    5. Collaboration Strategies: Meg emphasizes the importance of collaborating with other teachers and studios to enhance the learning experience and create a more comprehensive ballet program.

    6. Fostering a Positive Environment: Insights into how Meg creates a positive and inclusive environment in her classes, focusing on student well-being and collaboration among teachers.

    7. Maintaining Focus on Student Progress: Strategies for keeping student progress and potential at the center of all planning and teaching efforts.

    8. Advice for New Teachers: Practical advice from Meg for new ballet teachers on organizing and planning their classes effectively.


    Resources Mentioned:

    - Google Sheets or Excel

    - Ballet teacher training curriculums/certifications

    - Facebook groups for collaborative tools

    Connect with Meg:

    - Email at [email protected]

    - Instagram DM @megeberly

    Call to Action:

    - Listeners are encouraged to share their own strategies for class organization and planning in ballet.

    - Download your FREE organizational cheat sheet!

    - Subscribe and leave a review for this episode.



    - Special thanks to Meg Eberly for sharing her valuable insights and experiences.

    - Music by Mason Cahoon


    Stay tuned for our next episode, Grace in Change, where we will discuss the art of adaptability and flexibility in teaching dance. For more resources and information, visit our website at and connect with us on social media at @balletclassrevolution.

  • Show Notes for Podcast Episode: Cultivating a Growth Mindset in Ballet Class

    Podcast Name: Ballet Class Revolution
    Episode Title: Cultivating a Growth Mindset in Ballet Class
    Host: Heather Cahoon 
    Episode Number: 3
    Release Date: 11/12/23

    Episode Overview: In this insightful episode, Heather dives into the revolutionary concept of growth mindset, introduced by psychologist Carol Dweck, and how it applies to ballet education. The discussion explores the science behind growth mindset and its profound impact on learning, teaching, and personal development in the realm of ballet.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Introduction to Growth MindsetCarol Dweck’s Groundbreaking ResearchThe Difference Between Growth and Fixed MindsetsNeuroplasticity and the Brain’s AdaptabilityThe Role of Dopamine in Learning and MotivationPractical Implications for Ballet Education

    Episode Outline:

    Introduction to the episodeWhat is a Growth Mindset?Carol Dweck's Research and Its ImpactGrowth vs. Fixed Mindset in BalletNeuroscience and NeuroplasticityDopamine's Role in LearningApplying Growth Mindset Principles in Ballet TeachingClosing Thoughts and Episode Summary

    Resources Mentioned:

    Dweck, Carol. "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success"Articles on Neuroplasticity and LearningStudies on Dopamine and Motivation

    Suggested Reading:

    List of books and articles on growth mindset and its application in education The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck (

    Connect with Us:

    Join the Ballet Educator Collective Facebook group for discussions and resources: us on Instagram @balletclassrevolutionVisit our website for additional resourcesGrowth Mindset Chart

    Call to Action:

    Share your experiences with a growth mindset in your teaching or learning journeySubscribe, rate, and review Ballet Class RevolutionStay tuned for our next episode on Class Planning and Organization with guest Meg Eberly


    Music by Mason Cahoon
  • Show Title: Speaking the Language of Dance: The Power of Effective Communication in Teaching

    Show Description: Dive into the often-overlooked art of communication in the ballet studio. In this episode, we explore the verbal and non-verbal cues that make for a compelling teacher, discuss strategies to overcome communication barriers, and understand how our words shape our students' dance education and self-esteem.

    Episode Number: 2

    Hosted by: Cahoon


    In This Episode: The Importance of Communication in Ballet

    - Understanding ballet as a language

    - The impact of verbal communication in teaching

    - How the 'how' is as important as the 'what' in our language Techniques for Effective Communication

    - Adapting teaching styles for different learners

    - The power of non-verbal communication and body language

    - Demonstrating intentions and corrections effectively Overcoming Communication Barriers

    - Identifying and addressing common communication challenges

    - Using metaphors and storytelling for complex concepts

    - Encouraging student self-discovery through guided questioning Communication Beyond the Studio

    - The role of communication in discussing progress and goals

    - Building trust and confidence through constructive dialogue

    - The long-term impact of teacher-student interactions Closing Remarks

    - Summary and key takeaways

    - Encouragement to share and subscribe


    Mentioned in This Episode: - The role of constructive feedback - Examples of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques - Tips for tailoring communication to individual students

    Follow-Up Material: - The Planner:


    Call to Action:

    - Don't forget to subscribe to Ballet Class Revolution for more insights.

    - Share this episode with someone who could benefit from better communication in their teaching.
    - We love hearing from you. Send your questions or comments to [email protected].


    - Music by: Mason Cahoon


    Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss the role of patience and empathy in teaching dance. For more resources, visit our website at, and connect with us on Instagram at @balletclassrevolution. Thank you for listening, and remember to keep speaking the language of dance with clarity and passion!

  • In Episode 1 of "Ballet Class Revolution", we embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of ballet's history, charting its transformative course over the centuries. We begin with the stately patterns and grandeur of the Italian Renaissance courts, leading to the technical intricacies and narrative-driven choreographies of the Romantic Era. As we venture into the 20th century and beyond, ballet techniques diversify, welcoming the advent of neo-classical and contemporary styles. Storytelling, once limited to courtly displays, evolves to incorporate both concrete tales and abstract themes. And perhaps most significantly, the art form begins to break from its Eurocentric origins to embrace greater diversity and representation, reflecting broader societal shifts. This episode highlights ballet's continuous evolution, capturing its resilience and adaptability. Stay tuned for recommendations on further readings and a sneak peek into our next episode's topic.