How wages are determined; Adam Smith: the bleeding heart; intro from Ha-Joon Chang (, outro from Anand Giridharadas (
Labor value vs money value; wage, profit, and rent; supply and demand pricing, natural vs market price. Intro and outro from the Comedy Bang Bang podcast.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Get that MONEY!!! ... and transportation. Intro and outro by Alan Watts ( Andrew Yang on the JRE ( Yuval Noah Harari addressing the RSA (
Send intro ideas into for some CHOCOLATE GOLD COINZZZ!!! Check out cellular automaton on Wikipedia and Robert Sapolsky's Stanford lecture on emergence on YouTube.
Of the Division of Labor - making pins, making nails, trading surplus swag.
History and context behind the publication of the book. A sample from the intro.
Sampled audio from Steven Pinker's interview on the JRE podcast. Find MacAskill's book Doing Good Better, on Amazon.
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Welcome! Here's a quick intro to the podcast and what I'll be reading for the next little while: The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith