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The BackTable ENT Podcast is a resource for otolaryngologists to learn tips, techniques, and practical advice on all things ear, nose, and throat. Tune in to the BackTable ENT Podcast every week for candid conversations about rhinology, laryngology, otology, and head and neck surgery.
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Backtable Industry delves into the evolving landscape of healthcare, tackling topics such as models of care, advances in AI, and what these shifts mean for patients, providers, medical device / drug manufacturers, and the rest of the healthcare ecosystem. Listen on or on the streaming platform of your choice. You can also visit to browse our open access, physician-catered knowledge center.
Welcome to the Amplify OT Podcast. I’m Clarice Grote and I’m the host of the Amplify OT Podcast. I’m an occupational therapist by trade and a policy wonk by choice. The Amplify OT Podcast is where we break down healthcare policy and legislation to help you not only survive but thrive in this crazy US healthcare system. So, let's dive in!
Learn more about Amplify OT at -
Welcome to "How to Boost Your Confidence," the transformative podcast dedicated to helping you unleash your inner potential and embrace unshakable self-assurance. Hosted by individuals who've conquered self-doubt, this podcast is your essential guide to building and nurturing unwavering confidence. From practical exercises to mindset shifts, we delve into the psychology behind self-esteem and provide actionable strategies to overcome challenges. Join us as we explore ways to silence self-criticism, embrace your strengths, and cultivate a positive self-image. Tune in to elevate your self-confidence, step into your true self, and embark on a journey of personal empowerment. Get ready to transform your life – one confident stride at a time.
Welcome to the The Feel Better Naked podcast. Real life. Real women. No shame.
We take it from the drop it like it’s hot days, to I can’t get off the toilet.
In this podcast we tackle questions about real issues women have to face with their body, life, love & their career. Every week Dr Latisha and Dr Jennifer, both Physical Therapists and Business Owners will share from their life experiences and expertise on their journey to feeling better naked. Join us as we ask the questions you’ve never asked and have fun while doing it!
Follow Dr Latisha on IG @drlatishapt
Follow Dr Jennifer on IG
Follow The Feel Better Naked Podcast @thefeelbetternakedpodcast -
Oregon, with its pioneering approach to psilocybin legalization, provides the perfect backdrop for our exploration. We'll examine the state's regulatory framework and how it's shaping the future of psilocybin therapy, shedding light on the unique opportunities and challenges faced by the community of facilitators, therapists, and seekers alike.
Through heartfelt interviews and thought-provoking discussions, "How to Become a Psilocybin Facilitator" aims to demystify the process of how to become a fully licensed psilocybin facilitator.
Whether you're a curious explorer, a seasoned psychonaut, or a healthcare professional seeking to deepen your understanding, this podcast provides a safe space for dialogue, insight, and inspiration. -
ePrimaryCare Review podcast is part of the highly successful eLiterature Review series. Over 50,000 health care providers are subscribed to eLiterature Review in areas such as viral hepatitis, HIV, pulmonology, and diabetes. Join your colleagues in this highly-rated educational program.
ePrimaryCare Review Volume 1 covers key topics such as:
HIV: Provider and patient barriers to pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Type 2 diabetes: Management of older adults
COPD: Current and emerging therapies and individualizing therapies
COPD: Inhaled therapy strategies
It is practically impossible for time-pressed clinicians to stay current with new clinical developments by reading medical literature alone, despite the value of doing so. To address this, the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (JHUSOM), in partnership with DKBmed, has enhanced the way clinicians receive this vital information through our highly successful eLiterature Review series, spanning a variety of disease states and covering a wide range of clinical expertise. The nuances of each disease require a tailored approach to facilitate optimal learning techniques and knowledge retention. In previous eLiterature Review, some programs have been specifically directed to the specialist practitioner (eg, eCysticFibrosis, eNeonatalogy), but the majority have targeted a combination of both specialists and primary care clinicians that treat patients with chronic disease (eg, eDiabetes, eViralHepatitis).
ePrimaryCare Review was developed to address all primary care clinicians through their specialty lens โ educating clinicians on caring for the conditions they encounter in clinical practice. Primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurses are the front-line of care; providing them with expert analysis from the top minds in each clinical field creates a model from which caregivers and patients both continually benefit.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how. The Mel Robbins Podcast is the #1 podcast on the globe for a reason: Mel’s simple, research-backed advice has changed millions of people’s lives, and in every episode, she’s giving you all her hard-fought secrets, science-backed tools, and deeply personal stories, so you can change yours too. If you’re a new listener, you’re in the right place. Every episode will empower you to create a better life and help you take a step toward the life you want. Want more? Follow along at @melrobbins
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ to listen to new episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast ad-free.
Start a free trial now on Apple Podcasts or by visiting -
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You can travel at your age, level, status, and interest. Wherever you are in your journey through life, take a minute to consider where you want to travel and our tips will help you get there and our mistakes will make you smile, knowing you got this! Dr Mary Travelbest wrote "5 Steps to Solo Travel", and knows what you need to get going, one woman at a time.
A real and authentic podcast about happily achieving your goals in life! We will discuss topics such as mental health, money, travel, dating, mindfulness, success and everything you need to know to adopt an A-game mentality in 21 century and we will have fun doing it. We have outstanding guests who share their success and most importantly failure stories and inspire others to pursue their goals.
J3 University is an online education and coaching service made for bodybuilding and physique enhancement. Our podcast interviews experts in the field of research and coaching to bridge the gap between science and in the trench experience. Come and empower yourself to a higher level of physique development.