
  • Reclining theatre seats, a tub of popcorn (which I usually dump a pack of peanut m&ms into- rapture!) and the Barbie movie with my home girls! (My mom, daughter and one friend 😁) Did you see it? I’d love to hear your take on it.

    I was excessively diverted 🤓. There was incredible wit and artistry in the visual details as well as the acting. It moved me to tears from both giant belly laughs and genuine poignant emotion, which was a beautiful surprise. What I thought would be frothy and frivolous fiction turned out to be deeply moving. Other people can talk about the balance of power in the world. I want to talk about your own balancing act of loving yourself and your husband.

    I know I questioned my role as I watched the movie and resonated with so many of the difficulties that we face as women and what a challenging job we have to, as was said in the movie, “tie ourselves in knots” for the people around us. So I questioned as I watched, “Are my teachings truly serving women? Am I showing up in a way that’s going to benefit them or am I just adding impossibly more to their already full plate? And here’s what finally came to me: There’s a false dichotomy presented in the movie. The idea that you are either living out your dreams and fulfilling your purpose- becoming President or winning the Nobel Prize, or you're dressed as a maid, and handing your man a brewski, as if those are two mutually exclusive options or pathways to choose from. But that notion is as fake as Barbie’s unattainable proportions.

  • Insights from an excerpt of THE 80/80 MARRIAGE by Nate Klemp PH.D. and Kaley Klemp

    Every so often (with about the frequency that someone besides you replaces the toilet paper roll), a certain turn of phrase is able to shift the dusty cumbersome furniture in your well-entrenched mind parlor, revealing something your innermost being has always known which had but awaited the illumination of your recognition, much like the opulent treasures concealed within Tutankhamun's tomb had awaited centuries to be unveiled.

    Such was the case when I read the following quote by Gay Hendricks: “In all times and in every way, we are getting exactly what we’re committed to getting.” Wait. Whaaaaaat?(In conjunction with the brilliant commentary of Nate and Kaley Klemp in their excellent book, THE 80/80 MARRIAGE…)There’s no way I’m committed to getting no understanding or warmth from my husband and no help around the house!Perhaps not. But taking responsibility is the ONLY POSITION OF POWER. You’ll get the greatest results in love and life when you adopt the uncomfy view that you are responsible for the results you’ve gotten so far. Look. I don’t believe that every rotten thing that has happened to you is your fault, or that you need to spend any time beating yourself up over your mistakes. Nor do I want you to assume responsibility to the effect that you feel paralyzed by the overwhelming size of it. What would be the point of that? But what if you took a curious, loving yet detached look at the aspects of your life you’re disappointed about and said, “What if somehow I am committed to those undesirable results?” Nate and Kaley Klemp, in THE 80/80 MARRIAGE, ask you to lead with that assumption, not because it’s true, but because the thought experiment will lead you to priceless and indispensable insights.

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  • You will never forget the way he looked at you on your wedding day. The way he just let the vision of you soak in, as if looking at you was the only item on his to-do list, and all he required for sustenance. During those heady days, he honored you, he delighted in you, he listened, and your thoughts mattered to him. You loved his energy, his enthusiasm and his decisiveness which picked up where yours left off. Sex was easy, desirable and fulfilling.

    Then the children came, and you were so excited for the shared love of your little ones to make your relationship even closer and more meaningful.

    You weren’t prepared for how parenthood would change the playing field, and how the demands suddenly exceeded your capacity. You needed him to anticipate your needs and be inquisitive as he used to be. You tried subtle, and not-so-subtle ways to let him know that you felt like you were drowning, but instead of being responsive, he would spit out some trite advice, making it your fault, and go find something else to do. He was no longer the loving, attentive man you married, and gradually your life’s forecast became cloudy and dismal. You had eagerly promised to live out your life with him, but you certainly weren’t making your vows to this new selfish, inconsiderate, distant version.

    Your feelings began to cool toward him. With each unsuccessful attempt to communicate, your faith and your optimism flagged. Every time you thought about reaching out to him, your brain said, “What’s the point?” So you tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on keeping busy and meeting your children’s needs instead. Your life began to lose its luster. It became more difficult to get out of bed. Though you tried to push these realities aside and barrel ahead with your “duties”, creeping thoughts of divorce became more and more frequent, because of the tiny glimmerings of hope you felt imagining a second chance to find a better man and a truer romance.

    However you don’t feel quite right about moving ahead. Your feelings don’t seem like a compelling enough reason to disrupt your children’s stability and dismantle a family structure which, however shaky, took years of effort to build. So you’re in limbo. Taking each day as it comes, and living a kind of half life in which you don’t tell your husband a fraction of what occupies your mind and heart, and try to distract yourself from the deep feelings of disappointment you have in your life.

    What happens next? We'll explore some possibilities in this episode.

    Message me "INFO" to learn more ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

    You deserve all the love and happiness you can hold.

  • My heart is full today. I recently finished such an inspiring book that encompasses the message I’ve been trying to express all this time with such clarity, and such humor.

    As Cheryl McClary, author of THE COMMITMENT CHRONICLES, so delightfully tells us, (actually I won’t share her words yet, I’ll share what’s coming from me after feeling her wisdom wash over me): If you’re going around being bummed out because you don’t like your husband, you have been handed a priceless gift:

    What?! Ok Summer, now you’ve boarded the bus to Mooncakeland. How can disliking my husband possibly be anything but one of life’s stinkiest dumpster fires? I mean, I’m stuck with him.

    Find out all about this great gift in this episode...

    Let me share how Dr. McClary summarized her complaints about her husband. You’re going to love this.

    • He is in touch with his feelings only when he gets a headache.

    • He believes his "feminine side" refers to his

    maternal relatives.

    • He thinks The Celestine Prophecy is a topless dancer

    on Bourbon Street.

    • He assumes The Road Less Traveled is the interstate under construction.

    Do any of those sound familiar? So after years of feeling disappointed with his cluelessness, She experienced a wonderful moment of awakening she described like this:

    “Jim is completely happy. He just wants everything to stay the same, which means I keep doing all I can to please him and make his happiness my main goal in life. No wonder he's so damn content! I would be, too. I am going to have to be the change agent.”

    “I had to take control of the situation. I was the one who was unhappy. I was the one who wanted a better relationship.”

    Learn more about how she did it in this amusing episode.

    Stay tuned, because this is going to be the great mission of my exciting, (and ridiculously affordable) upcoming offering: supporting each other through flipping our scripts, building our bliss, and lovingly offering our dear husbands a clue. It is going to be more fun than a stack of novels, a trough of muddy buddies and no one else at home. No. Now I'm overhyping. Nothing beats that. But it’s going to be fabulous! We’ll leave it at that. DM me "WAITLIST" on Instagram to get all the updates ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹.

    You deserve all the love and happiness you can hold.

    Source: THE COMMITMENT CHRONICLES by Cheryl McClary, Ph.D., J.D. Top Shelf Press

  • Last Sunday I got mildly annoyed with my husband for not making more of an effort to pitch in and move things along so we could get to church on time. He’s been wonderfully involved before, helping little kids get ready, etc., but has had a lot on his mind lately. And my bad, I didn't bother to ask. I missed the sacrament- my most important weekly ritual of spiritual renewal. I was a bit down in the dumps as we drove. Not a fun traveling companion. Well, let’s be real. As the consummate introvert, I’m never the life of the party, but you get the idea. Haven’t you done it yourself, hoping your downcast eyes would give him a clue? But I know that always backfires. So I just observed my feelings, monitored my thoughts, didn’t arrive at anything helpful to say and let it pass. In this episode you can hear all about what happened next...

    Stop mistreating and denying yourself in the hopes that your family will take pity on you. Instead, treat yourself as the queen that you are and watch your family follow suit.

    I want to see you have a joyful, loving Mother’s Day that’s full of gratitude and delight. So please don’t wait around and hope that it happens. Decide right now that it’s going to, and clear out any logistical and mental obstacles.

    If you have any questions and concerns around that, by all means, send them my way in the instagram chat!

    I’ve been a little quiet on social media because I’m in building mode, and so excited for my upcoming offers. But I’m always happy to chat and be educated about all the different circumstances you beautiful seekers are dealing with.

    And will you do me a favor? I’m sure you know another mama who could benefit from this episode, so please send her the link with some love! I’d be so happy for this episode to reach as many mamas as possible!

  • When we roll through the experience of noticing our blessings and feeling those feelings of enjoying, cherishing, and holding gratitude for what we have, we are strengthening the electromagnetic pull for additional enjoyment, cherishing and gratitude. We can feel it building upon itself as we consciously hold it, examine it and relish it.

    The snowball is an old metaphor, but for a reason, so don’t skip over it. Live into the snowball with me for a moment. The beauty in our lives, and our sense of it, sticks to itself, packs it on, gathers momentum and becomes larger and larger. Do you feel that? It is a real universal law. And it goes BOTH WAYS. Can you picture a snowball rolling back and forth in something of a concave cradle? Imagine that the cradle is settled into the top of a mountain, and on one side is the pull of your joy, and on the other is the pull of your despair.

    You are the snowball. You are rolling back and forth in this container, and one thought is ready to tip you over the top and send you careening down one side of the mountain or the other, packing on either the happiness or the despair. The negativity also gets sticky and packs more of itself on. In just the way you can use one piece of Play-Doh® to press and pick up all the other little crumbs of it your kids left on the table, one sticky negative thought puts feelers out for another, until your whole emotional windshield is splattered with squashed bugs and you can’t see a blessed thing. (Me and my mixed and also excessive metaphors. Apologies🙄)

    Just last week, my little snowball started tumbling down the bad side. It happens. And we need to bring our awareness to it. I had encountered a lull in my business, and my belief in myself and my future was gradually eroding. My optimism had dialed back and my positive snowball had settled into a plateau, leaving me vulnerable. I was teetering, and began a slow negative roll.

    Thoughts about just how goshdarn hard everything was, became very sticky, and piled on. Now when I looked at my husband, the little things that disappointed me were more glaring. It was as if my negatively charged ions were attracting his negatively charged characteristics. I’m just making stuff up, beauties, I know nothing about science, but I could observe what was happening inside me. (No, we don’t have a perfect marriage, but we are perfectly committed to working things through, which is better than perfect, as it’s an ideal container for growth. Anyway…) When we needed to make some logistical adjustments that left me with less effective work time, I found myself weeping. You can hear the rest of the story in this episode. Thanks for staying with me this far,

    Beautiful, I am so excited about what I am building for you behind the scenes right now. I have definitely switched to positive momentum and it’s spiraling! In the next couple of months I will have something amazing to offer you, so please stay tuned for updates. If you're not on my email list, please sign up here so you don't miss a thing!

    You deserve all the love and happiness you can hold. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

  • Have you noticed how much of a buzz catch phrase “healthy boundaries” has become? I notice a great deal of emphasis being placed on looking out for oneself- and that’s not a bad thing at all, but little is made of the experience of the person on the receiving end of the boundary- especially if the person has been sorted by a pop psychology label. It’s as if once they’ve been tagged as a “such and such”, they’re thought less worthy of consideration.

    James “Fish” Gill, Heart Coach, and self-proclaimed “conflict nerd,” has pointed this out. He is fascinated by human connection: how it is generated, and how it erodes over time with unskillful interactions. The day I stumbled across his Instagram account , was a fortuitous day indeed, and if you’re not following him already, do it with a quickness, because he will infuse your feed with sweet, full-bodied, heart broadening wisdom.

    In the wonderful episode of The Shared Road Podcast I listened to, hosted by Carly McDowell, called Setting Boundaries that Stick, 'Fish' explains that he has asked his audience how they feel when they’re on the receiving end of a boundary, and the response was unanimously negative. How do you feel when someone you love has called you out on an “unacceptable” behavior and informed you that you're expected to change in order to maintain the relationship or stay in that person’s good graces? Shamed? Belittled? Blamed? Rejected? Unseen? Misunderstood? Angry? Defensive?

    That’s most often how a boundary is received, because it places the receiver in the wrong- in a place of disapproval like a child who’s “in trouble”.

    In setting a boundary, we are making a statement about ourselves, indicating that we are not ok with some action of another. It’s a dangerous game, am I right? It feels, fraught with peril, especially for us introverts.

    But with a bit of “heartful” reflection, it doesn’t have to be. Fortunately, that is exactly the area where we introverts shine. Through the gift of this deliberate pondering, we can express a boundary in a way that’s a win for both parties.

    And this episode will help you start.

    Please listen to the full interview with James 'Fish' Gill here. And check out his amazing group coaching offerings, one coming right up next month.

    You are warmly invited to our free Facebook group, The Marriage Saving Society for Introverted Moms, which contains numerous trainings and resources to leverage your unique gifts in managing what can sometimes feel unmanageable. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

    You deserve all the love and happiness you can hold- and love digs deep ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹.

    If you liked this episode please consider leaving a review or sharing. Thank you!

  • What would it look like if the next action you took was purely for someone’s benefit? What if you looked at them and every desire of your heart was to see relief pouring over them or the beaming of sudden joy, or to embrace them until they had no doubt of your love? What if that person was you? What would be happening? What would you be doing or saying? What can you do right now, in this moment to offer yourself relief, sudden joy or the reassurance of love and your shining worth? What is it that stands in the way? Do you feel undeserving? Overwhelmed? Numb? I send you love. Please put your hand on your heart and receive it. Breathe it deeply in. If you are hearing this, you are loved more than you can possibly conceive of, and no matter what you’ve done or said, you richly, infinitely, deserve that love.

    This work can get lonely and life can get "lifey". Join our community here and get access to more detailed live trainings, worksheets and journal prompts. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

  • I want to encourage you to take more frequent phone breaks, and not just for the obvious reasons.

    What are the obvious reasons?  The obvious reasons are that it blocks out opportunities to interact and deepen your connection.  It takes the place of exchanges you might naturally fall into together.

    As Dr. Matt Townsend recently mentioned on Instagram, (& no the irony there is not lost on me) “Stop distracting yourself to death. You are sitting on the couch next to the most important person in your life and you’re distracted by the phone or the game.”

    A slightly less obvious reason is that it distracts you from feelings you need to dive into, process, learn from and express.  If you go for the immediate dopamine hit and numb your feelings on TikTok instead of sitting down with your journal and free writing:  “Why did I get so triggered and suddenly get sarcastic when he said he didn’t want to go to my parents’ for dinner?” You are denying yourself the vital messages for growth and self support that your feelings are straining and sweating to transmit to you, and the next time the trigger is applied, the sarcasm will shoot out again, possibly resulting in a relationship battering knock down drag out.

    And an even less obvious and more pervasive reason is...

    Message me here for questions and occasional advice.

    Join us in the free Facebook group for weekly trainings and resources.

    Quotes from Dr. Matt Townsend and Eve Dineen, Board Certified Behavior Analyst

  • I want to talk about what to do when he pulls away.  And it just might involve getting "selfish".  

    And I don’t necessarily mean dropping a couple grand for a spa day or buying yourself Stuart Weitzman heels, though if that's your thing, go for it!  I’ve just been reading the brilliant classic book THE DANCE OF INTIMACY by Dr. Harriet Goldhor Lerner and my highlighter pen is relinquishing its life in a consecrated quest to capture the profundity.

    It explains so much of what I strive to be about and to help you with, in a better way than I’ve ever been able to.

    Does the following quote not speak so succinctly to the mission and movement of Be the Change in Your Marriage? (Dr. Lerner from the book:) “Pushing a partner to change is about as effective as trying to make friends with a squirrel by chasing it.”

    Honestly, though, every time we reactively push for a different behavior from our husbands, we only get a more heaping dose of samesies.

    When our anxiety is high around a certain issue, we tend to either overfunction, as in calling the shots, taking over, focusing on the other person in an energy of worry or anger and becoming overly responsible, or we underfunction, distancing ourselves, freezing, ignoring and avoiding.

    And get this: none of it is bad or wrong!  Listen to this quote: “Overfunctioning, underfunctioning, fighting, pursuing, distancing, and child-focus or other-focus are normal, patterned ways to manage anxiety.  One way is not better or more virtuous than another.”

    So how do we close the distance with a spouse who’s ignoring us?

    This episode will give you some ideas.  To participate in a live group training this week on the same topic with accompanying worksheets, join us in this group.

    Message me here for questions and advice.

    REFERENCE: THE DANCE OF INTIMACY by Dr. Harriet Goldhor Lerner 

  • I hated myself for picking “the wrong man”.

    How could I be such an emotionally immature idiot as to jump into marriage with someone who made me so unhappy?

    Other people were in romantic, nurturing, connected relationships, but not me.  I had missed my chance by saying those “cursed ‘I do’ words” when I did.

    I fell into a deep depression by allowing myself to believe those thoughts.  It was difficult to get out of bed.  My disappointment in him came darn near loathing.  He could sense it, and was driven to do more of the avoidant, self-soothing behaviors that bothered me in the first place, which in turn prompted me to be more dumpy, negative and stinkfaced toward him.  I had no idea that my negative focus was actually creating more of what I didn’t want.  It does that, you know.  Like clockwork.  It’s a right foul shuzzbutt that way.  So I lurched around spending my one wild and precious life thinking I was under a curse from those “cursed ‘I do’ words”.

    But gradually, when I went deep into spirituality I started to open myself to a different view.

    And instead of feeling “cursed” with unhappiness, I became curious about what was growing and developing in me through the experience.

  • Come join me in my free Facebook group ❤️‍🩹WIVES CHANGING LIVES❤️‍🩹, because the Get Cozy by Valentine’s Day Challenge has been going HARD.  It’s really a crash course in transformation with 7 key points so far.
    On Day 1 we talked about having a vision for your life that guides your actions.
    Just listen to this amazing advice from David Cameron Gikandi:
    "Before you do anything, always ask yourself: 'Is this who I Am? Is this how I wish to define myself into a higher next?'"
    On Day 2, we talked about the three marriage advantages that come from taking bold actions which arise out of your driving sense of mission and purpose.
    On Day 3, we went through 17 questions to ask when tackling relationship obstacles to really broaden your perspective.  The PDF worksheet with all the questions is posted in the group, and you’ll have access to it when you join.
    One challenge participant commented that the experience took a lot out of her emotionally.
    It is definitely enlightening, if exhausting, to consider an obstacle from so many angles.
    On Day 4, We talked about why it can be so hard to apologize, and why it’s so important to do it anyway.  The worksheet came with a plug and play apology template which I dared everyone to fill out and send to their husbands.
    On Day 5,  we talked about shifting our focus.  What if your focus is only on the things that are supporting what you’ve decided about your husband because there is safety and predictability in being right, and justified, even if it means you’re unhappy?
    On Day 6, we talked about the number one, most important principle of communication.
    On day 7, we talked about rewriting your relationship history.
    On the worksheet we listed examples of the bitter view, stories like “I was drunk and immature when we met and I never learned who he really was,” and the better view, which might sound like, “This all happened for a reason and I’m going to learn what this has to teach me.”
    And we went over three vital steps in detail to changing your tragic backstory to your favorite romcom- or at least something you can be ok with.
    And that’s where we left off.  Kind of a firehose in the face if I’m honest.  Sorry about that, but I hope you’ll join the group if you haven’t because you can get all those valuable worksheets and all the videos to go with them, and you can work through them on your own timetable.  Watching and focusing on one per week would be ideal.  Valentine’s Day was our focal point, but that really doesn’t matter.
    We just used it as a symbol for leveling up your marriage to a more loving place.
    Jump in this weekend, cause we still have three more lives, Monday we’ll talk about intimacy, Tuesday, V Day, we’ll talk about celebrating your love, and Wednesday we’ll announce the prize winners, talk about how you can wrap your head around everything and next steps you can take.
    I really hope to see you in the group.

  • If you love this podcast, and you have not signed up for my free Get Cozy by Valentine’s Day Challenge yet, I want you to join us in my private Facebook group at this link forthwith!  ASAP.  We’re having a great time already.  It will be awesome for you whether your marriage is in serious trouble, or you just want to feel closer and have a lovely love day.
    We’re swapping a few tales that wouldn’t be appropriate for this podcast’s clean rating just between us girls.
    But it’s just barely started.  Still plenty of time to jump in! Each weekday between now and Valentine’s Day will have a journal entry, a wife dare and a short video with accompanying workbook page. You will earn points for posting accomplishments, supporting and inviting others and completing pages, toward winning prizes such as a smoking hot red nightie donated by Every Love Intimates and a fabulous bedroom game called Sheets and Ladders.
    In this episode, I’m sharing a part of the training and challenge I did in our group yesterday, and remember that if you join, trainings and challenges like this will happen everyday this next week!
    For today’s dare, I would like to give you the choice between two options, and I want you to carefully consider which one is most needed, and choose that one.  Here’s a clue: the one that seems hardest, that you don’t want to do, that’s the one you’re going to need to pick.  Isn’t life a stinker the way it always works out that way?
    In our first training I talked about embodying the person you aspire to be right now.  Having that compelling vision and feeling the emotions of that elevated state is so much more effective for behavior change than trying to exercise willpower.
    One of the dare options is to do something that the self you aspire to be would do.  Something that you will set aside time to do for yourself.
    Taking actions to step into the identity and mission you are meant to take on in this life is not selfish.  It makes you into a more beautifully tuned and impactful instrument in the hands of your creator.
    Selfishness is when you yield to those impulses that want to keep you small, stuck, comfortable and afraid.
    What is your sense of I Am inviting you to do?  Go to the bookstore?  A book club?  Buy some paints and a canvas? Sing karaoke? Spend an hour at the piano?  Go buy some power tools? Volunteer at the food bank? Get a pedicure?
    Having a project and a purpose, and letting your husband see it, has at least three advantages, that you can hear all about in this episode.
    So please join our Get Cozy by Valentine’s Day challenge!
    Can’t wait to see you there!

  • Ten and something years ago, I saw myself as the patient, longsuffering victim of my clueless, insensitive husband’s harsh communication.  And did he feel it?  Yes, he did.  But I was making a mistake I had no idea I was making.  And I was doing it all the Fraggle Rockin’ time.  And you might be doing it too.  And it’s ok.  We genuinely have no reason at all to believe we’re doing anything wrong.
    In fact, we have the following three reasons to believe we’re absostankin’lutely in the right!
    Check these out!
    Number 1. We are speaking in a perfectly calm, collected, patient, Strawberry Fields Forever kind of voice!  How could we possibly be in the wrong?  “Honey, I told you about Tanner’s piano recital three weeks ago.” Just listen to that warm good-naturedness.  So affable! Julie Andrews and Mother Teresa are more wrong than us!
    Number 2. We are speaking the Honest to Paul McCartney truth!  He is remembering wrong.  He is in denial. We are speaking the shining, unvarnished, glorious resplendent truth.  It is a verified fact that we told them about Tanner’s piano recital three weeks in advance, and we have the text convo to prove it. No fault here. No way, no how, nowhere, no place. And…
    Number 3.  Self care.  The hallmark virtue of the 21st century.  We speak up for ourselves.  WE are not to be trifled with, gaslighted, manipulated, slandered or pushed around.  We are woman, hear us roar.  Everyone knows it would be wrong to NOT point out that we had already told him about Tanner’s piano recital.  We would be betraying ourselves and the entire cause that the suffragettes risked their lives for!  Being heard!
    I rest my case.  There is no way we are possibly in the wrong.  He is the backward dunderhead with the problem.
    So what could possibly be the mistake?
    Find out in this episode.
    Coming soon, in my free Facebook group, Wives Changing Lives, a detailed training on this very hot subject, with accompanying mini workbook.
    Please message me if you’d like to join the group and get in on the action. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

  • I get so much value from the work of Dr. Benjamin Hardy on YouTube.  He is perhaps the most driven, focused, goal-oriented success story I have ever encountered, and every time I listen to him speak I end up with three or four more books on my must read list.  I’m going to borrow from his video I just watched yesterday called THE 3 FUNDAMENTAL LAWS OF SUCCESS. His three principles, my commentary.  And what does this have to do with marriage?  Listen on, sister.

    PRINCIPLE # 1: WE NEED A PURPOSEFUL, COMPELLING FUTURE.  The quote that Dr. Hardy kept coming back to is this one by Friedrich Nietzsche: “He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.”

    This was also quoted by Dr. Viktor Frankl in reference to his time in a Nazi concentration camp.

    Goodness, Summer, you brought up concentration camps in your last episode.  This podcast is getting really depressing.

    Fair point.  The reason I bring them up is that they really give the person quoting some street cred. When they speak of suffering you KNOW they’re not just talking about bunions or bad gas.  When someone like that tells you you can bear ANY how, as in ANY circumstances, they have some strength in their case.

    Thank you so much for listening.  I am so grateful for you.  I would love to meet up and talk with you.  I always learn so much from people’s stories, whether or not you join my program, so if you haven’t met with me yet for a complimentary session, please send me a message and get on my calendar, because there is no pressure to enroll and I will help you create that purposeful, compelling future that can be your guiding light for this new year beginning today.

    And you and your marriage will never be the same.

  • When Elie Wiesel gave his Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance speech, he imagined that the child he once was, the child who had staggered through the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps, an experience he dubbed The Kingdom of Night, was now addressing him. 
    "'Tell me,' he asks, 'What have you done with my future, what have you done with your life?' And I tell him that I have tried."
    “Every moment,” he goes on, “is a moment of grace.  Every hour an offering.” 
    One day you may ask your future self “What have you done with my future?” or “What have you made of me?” “What have I become?”
    What is your purpose? “University of Notre Dame sociologist Christian Smith found in his study of adults 18 to 23 that most of them believe society is nothing more than “a collection of autonomous individuals out to enjoy life.”*
    If we were to presuppose that this is actually the case,
    I submit that life cannot be fully enjoyed without a sense of fulfillment.  And that you cannot have a sense of fulfillment without a sense of meaning and purpose.
    And that (warning: unpopular opinion here) you cannot have a sense of meaning and purpose without some measure of self-sacrifice.
    Sacrifice is defined by Oxford as “an  act of giving up something valued (I add as examples: convenience, fun, time, tears, Peanut M&M's®) for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.”
    The very definition of parenthood, right?
    And the bulk of the reason our children are so precious to us is the investment of our time and the sacrifices we’ve made for them.  We can look at them and see, with satisfaction, little glittering accumulations of our time, Goldfish® Crackers, guidance and affection.
    So why don’t we feel the same way towards our husbands?
    For one simple reason...
    If you’d like some support and companionship through the taxing process of working on your marriage, send me a message, because I have a free Facebook group in the works which will include regular free trainings and resources, and I would love for you to be a part of it.
    You deserve all the love and happiness you can hold. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
    Elie Wiesel NIGHT
    *Rod Dreher, “A Christian Survival Guide for a Secular Age,” Deseret Magazine, Apr. 2021, 68.
    "Heart of War" reference in episode by The Arbinger Institute

  • I thought we could wrap up this year together, and get ourselves on a great trajectory for the New Year.  If you can listen to this at a time when you can pause it to write these things down, that would be awesome.

    Grab a notebook and a pen or the notes app on your phone or tablet.

    Some questions came from an Instagram post by MEL ROBBINS called Before you plan 2023, ask yourself these 5 questions.

    I sincerely hope that 2023 will be the most beautiful year of your life so far.

  • Thinking about the holidays and all you struggling mamas brought up a painful memory. I first divorced when my oldest was just under two. It was New Year’s Day when I moved out of our little family home and gave my little chubbins two homes instead of one.

    But even though I knew that relationship needed to end due to the vast disparity in our values, I was not prepared for what it would do to my memories. Specifically how painful it would be to look at photographs. Later, when I came across a photo of that little toddler, his eyes fixed on a battery operated train set up to circle around the Christmas tree, it was suddenly as if my heart had been frozen in liquid nitrogen and shattered by an evil, hammer-wielding, white lab-coated scientist. The tears. The sense of failure. The- this was his last Christmas at home. He will never remember his family. Look at him by the tree. I positively seethed in the sodden and inflamed misery of it.

    Why am I sharing this? It’s not to discourage you or shame you if you end up divorcing. In some cases, that’s the healthiest and wisest choice. And if that’s your needed path, you will weather that storm and see your way to brighter days.

    But I also want you to know that it’s no small matter. I have no wish to see you spring from the leaky boat of your marriage, only to find yourself gasping for breath in the eel-infested waters of raw, post-separation single parenting, when all the boat needed was a few yards of Flex Tape®.

    If you do divorce, photos of your former family will eventually become bizarre, like the alternate reality 1985A in Back to the Future 2 when Biff takes over the city. And that’s weird, right? But your former life feeling bizarre and surreal is better than everything feeling surreal right now in 2022 under your own roof.

    If you are feeling lonely and disconnected, I promise it doesn’t have to stay that way. Most of what your brain has been telling you about it is probably neither helpful, nor true. You have the well-carved paths you’ve walked yourself into, that feel like the way things absolutely are, and the ruts are so deep, you can’t see a way to climb out. But when you do, the sights and the smells and the open air will blow your mind.

    This will pass. The heartbreak will find a context, and you can wrap it in tissue paper and place it in a special drawer that WON’T be gaping open all the time and you’ll get to pick when you want to open it. You can begin to vibe with the way your story is emerging with curiosity, excitement and faith rather than wanting to rip out pages and cross out whole sections with your bleeding, siren red correcting pen.

    I would love to sit down with you and give you a chance to air out your compressed feelings during this wintry month of celebration and reflection. When you book a call, as my gift to you, this month only, you’ll receive a highly personalized audio guided visualization track that’s generally 6-10 minutes long, accompanied by relaxing music, and takes your mind and your heart on a journey of highly targeted reflection and healing. These are normally only available to my clients inside my signature coaching program, and they unanimously love them. There will be no pressure to enroll, and the only thing you really have to lose is a bit of your bottled-up emotion.

    Message me "HOLIDAY GIFT" on Instagram or TikTok to get started.

    You deserve all the love and happiness you can hold.

  • Thank you so much for following and placing me in Spotify’s top 25% of most followed Podcasts!  I’m so grateful for everyone who listens.  Thanks for opening your time and your heart to me.  It is a privilege.

    And speaking of your heart, I know it can weigh heavily around the holidays.  In a time of warmth and togetherness, it can ache that much more terribly to have the feeling that you and your husband aren’t batting for the same team.  The decorations seem pointless and the egg nog and peppermint bark feel more like short-lived palliatives than signs of celebration.  I’d like to be a bit better than a brief palliative for you right now, and help you to begin some healing.

    I want to share 3 ways to a peaceful home for the holidays.

    I would be most honored this holiday season, if you could give yourself the gift of investing further in that delicious peace at home, and join me inside my signature coaching program.  Today is the last day I’m publicizing my Black Friday special, but if you message me the code word PEACE on Instagram, you will lock in an unheard of discount and bonuses which I will honor if you book a call with me in the next week.  There’s no pressure whatsoever to buy, but if you do, you’ll be grateful you jumped on the chance now.  And I’ll be so grateful to join with you in creating the life-changing results my clients are reporting.  Hoping to see you soon on my calendar.

  • A lovely, amazing woman came to me in a marriage she feared was over.  Her husband was sleeping in his office and she struggled with the question of whether their union was worth saving.

    She felt unseen and undervalued and it seemed that her husband was warm and welcoming to everyone but her.

    Through our work together she had a massive shift.

    She realized that what she was experiencing from her husband was a reflection of how she was treating herself, and her husband was distancing himself from her because he felt helpless in the face of the needs she was presenting.

    Now her life is strikingly different.

    Through nurturing, healing work on her deep seated fears and wounds, she built up the strength to take bold new actions in the marriage.  She learned how to fulfill her own needs and then become more curious about the needs of others.

    She exercised outrageous love for herself and found greater love for her husband and family.  Her husband sensed the shift and was happy to start rooming with her again 🥰. He also sent surprise love texts and supported her special, solo vacation retreat.

    Months after finishing the program, she reports

    “I’m continuing to put what I learned with you into practice and I feel really good as a result.”

    My hope for all mamas, and the results I hope to inspire with all of my content and programs is threefold:

    Deep peace- in your heart, in your mind and your home Joyful confidence- in your speech, your actions and your problem solving Loving connection with spirit, with self and with spouse.

    So how do we get there?  First, we look at your emotional wellness.  Your beliefs are thoughts that have repeated themselves enough times that you accept them as true.  What beliefs are chillin’ like villains (apologies) in your mindspace?  Have your negative thoughts become self-sabotaging beliefs?  How would you rate your ability to observe thoughts that aren’t serving you and hand them their eviction papers? How intrusive are your negative thoughts?

    Secondly, for your emotional wellness, we’ll take a look at your feelings.  What feelings are you resisting, suppressing or stuffing?  How present are unacceptable feelings in your daily life?  What uncomfortable physical sensations are you experiencing that are rooted in emotion? What is your relationship with your emotions?  What do you tell yourself about them?  What are you making them mean about you?  When and how do they tend to regularly show up in your marriage?

    And finally, we’ll dig deep into your sense of self-worth.  How solid is it?  Does it change across interactions?  (Hear more questions in this episode.)

    These are the kinds of questions we’ll explore when you book your complimentary “Hope for the Holidays” Breakthrough call.

    Trying to craft warm holiday memories when your insides feel like the Snow Miser’s icy lair, it’s just NOT the play.  I want to make sure you’re feeling fully supported.

    So, during our call we will create a personalized Holiday Survival Guide with communication shortcuts and self-care remedies that will soothe and smooth your way through this unhinged season.

    There will be no pressure to join my program, but if you are considering further support,  I have structured an easier way than ever for us to make that happen, and with more bonuses.  But it’s only available if you book by December 2nd.  So message me on Instagram if you’re interested, and let’s get that setup before it goes away.

    You deserve all the love and happiness you can hold.  ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹