
  • Dr. Yugal K MISHRA is one of India’s most well-known and skilled cardiac surgeon. He is Chief of Cardiac Services, Chairman & Chief Cardio Vascular Surgeon at Manipal Hospitals. He is also President of the Society of Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgeons of India, President of the India Association of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons and Council Member of the Association of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeons of Asia.

    Dr Mishra is one of the renowned Robotic & Minimally Invasive Heart Surgeons in Asia. He has performed more than 500 robotic cases in India.

    Some facts about him :

    He has over 30 years of experience.He has done more than 20 000 successful proceduresHe has written more than 200 scientific research papersHe has trained more than 100 cardiac surgeons

    In this episode, Dr. Yugal Mishra explains the benefits and challenges of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) compared to traditional open-heart surgery in India. Dr. Mishra highlights that while MICS offers advantages and that MICS is more expensive due to the advanced equipment and expertise required, but it can ultimately be more cost-effective by reducing hospital stays and enabling patients to return to work sooner. Dr. Mishra discusses the technical challenges, including managing complications and the importance of advanced technology in improving surgical outcomes.

    LinkedIn Profile : Yugal Mishra

    Dr. Mishra Website :

    In this episode, Dr. Yugal Mishra explains the benefits and challenges of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) compared to traditional open-heart surgery. Dr. Mishra highlights that while MICS offers advantages and that MICS is more expensive due to the advanced equipment and expertise required, but it can ultimately be more cost-effective by reducing hospital stays and enabling patients to return to work sooner. Dr. Mishra discusses the technical challenges, including managing complications, and the importance of advanced technology in improving surgical outcomes.

    About Behind the OR

    Behind the OR is the official podcast channel by Peters Surgical. Here, we invite you to step into the world of surgery, where we uncover what happens behind the closed doors of the operating room and beyond. Each episode features in-depth conversations with expert surgeons, providing insights into the latest surgical techniques, innovations, and the daily lives of those who dedicate themselves to saving lives.

    Founded in 1926, Peters Surgical is a French company with a global presence in over 90 countries. As a reference group for surgical practices worldwide, we are dedicated to improving surgical outcomes through innovative medical devices, including surgical sutures, hemostatic clips, and surgical glue. Our expertise lies in designing, manufacturing, and distributing these devices.

    Visit our website here :

  • In this episode, Dr. Mahmoud DIAB will explain in detail what Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) entails when performed through minimally invasive surgery. He will discuss the specific challenges faced in the operating room (OR) during this procedure, as well as the benefits it offers to patients.

    Dr. DIAB will define CABG, he will then elaborate on how this traditional procedure is adapted for minimally invasive techniques, which typically involve smaller incisions and specialized instruments.

    Dr. Mahmoud Diab is a cardiac surgeon recognized for his expertise in complex heart surgeries and innovative surgical techniques. With a career spanning several decades, he has contributed to advancements in cardiac surgery, particularly in minimally invasive procedures. Dr. Diab's commitment to patient care allowed him to be known in the medical community. He is involved in young surgeons training, and he supports them by pushing the boundaries of cardiovascular medicine.

    LinkedIn profile: Mahmoud Diab | LinkedIn;

    About Behind the OR

    Behind the OR is the official podcast channel by Peters Surgical. Here, we invite you to step into the world of surgery, where we uncover what happens behind the closed doors of the operating room and beyond. Each episode features in-depth conversations with expert surgeons, providing insights into the latest surgical techniques, innovations, and the daily lives of those who dedicate themselves to saving lives.

    Founded in 1926, Peters Surgical is a French company with a global presence in over 90 countries. As a reference group for surgical practices worldwide, we are dedicated to improving surgical outcomes through innovative medical devices, including surgical sutures, hemostatic clips, and surgical glue. Our expertise lies in designing, manufacturing, and distributing these devices.

    Visit our website here :

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  • In this podcast, Dr Bleri CELMETA explore the history and evolution of cardiac surgery.

    The series covers early challenges, such as :

    The belief that Heart Surgery was impossible and fatalThe invention of the heart-lung machineSignificant milestones like Alexis Carrel's vascular techniques and the first successful heart surgery in 1896

    The podcast highlights the advancements that made modern cardiac surgery possible, emphasizing the evolution of medical practices and technologies.

    Dr. Bleri Celmeta is a cardiac surgeon operating on the Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery Unit in Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio Hospital (Milan, Italy). He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Padova-Italy in 2014, then completed his residency program in Cardiac Surgery in the same university in 2020. His professional background included also a fellowship in Cardiac and Thoracic Surgery in the University Hospital of Nantes-France (2019-2020). 

    He is the author of numerous publications and conference presentations with particular interest in minimally invasive cardiac surgery, and review editor of various international Journals (Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, Frontiers in Surgery, Innovations: Technology and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery, among others). Dr. Celmeta is a member of the Working Group on Cardiovascular Surgery - European Society of Cardiology (ESC), Italian Cardiac Surgery Society (SICCH) and Italian Society of Echocardiography and Cardiovascular Imaging (SIECVI).

    LinkedIn profile: Bleri Celmeta | LinkedIn

    About Behind the OR

    Behind the OR is the official podcast channel by Peters Surgical. Here, we invite you to step into the world of surgery, where we uncover what happens behind the closed doors of the operating room and beyond. Each episode features in-depth conversations with expert surgeons, providing insights into the latest surgical techniques, innovations, and the daily lives of those who dedicate themselves to saving lives.

    Founded in 1926, Peters Surgical is a French company with a global presence in over 90 countries. As a reference group for surgical practices worldwide, we are dedicated to improving surgical outcomes through innovative medical devices, including surgical sutures, hemostatic clips, and surgical glue. Our expertise lies in designing, manufacturing, and distributing these devices.

    Visit our website here :

  • The room given to surgical techniques across the various communication channels, whether through lectures and conferences or through the multitude of audiovisual media, is overwhelmingly significant. However, let us not forget that before the technique, there are certainly years of human adventures. From the benches of medical schools to the long companionship required in cardiovascular surgery, it entails thousands of hours spent with patients, among colleagues, in the operating room, and significantly beyond.

    After 20 years of expatriation in France, between Paris, the French West Indies and Toulouse, Dr. Hassan DEBBAGH, a cardiovascular surgeon, decided to practice in Morocco, his country of origin. Between legitimacy and challenge, the leap into the unknown did not wait: assembling a team and offering his skills in what could be considered a medical desert in his specialty was truly important to him. His first intervention will focus on the reasons that led him to make this life decision, and the different aspects he had to consider in his approach to a medico-social environment that certainly had not waited for his return to evolve.

    Dr Hassan DEBBAGH is passionate about valve repair and aortic surgery, circulatory assistance and transplantation. He has been part of the French-Carribean Mobile Circulatory Assistance Unit, Vice-President of the French Association of Young Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeons. His recent ambition is to be a driving force of proposals in the Moroccan healthcare ecosystem.

    Visit his LinkedIn Profile : Hassan Debbagh - LinkedIn

    About Behind the OR

    Behind the OR is the official podcast channel by Peters Surgical. Here, we invite you to step into the world of surgery, where we uncover what happens behind the closed doors of the operating room and beyond. Each episode features in-depth conversations with expert surgeons, providing insights into the latest surgical techniques, innovations, and the daily lives of those who dedicate themselves to saving lives.

    Founded in 1926, Peters Surgical is a French company with a global presence in over 90 countries. As a reference group for surgical practices worldwide, we are dedicated to improving surgical outcomes through innovative medical devices, including surgical sutures, hemostatic clips, and surgical glue. Our expertise lies in designing, manufacturing, and distributing these devices.

    Visit our website here :

  • L’espace accordĂ© Ă  la technique chirurgicale Ă  travers les diffĂ©rents canaux de communication, que cela soit en congrĂšs ou Ă  travers la multitude de mĂ©dias audio-visuels proposĂ©s, est grandement majoritaire. Mais n’oublions pas qu’avant la technique, il y a certainement des annĂ©es d’aventures, des aventures humaines. Des bancs des facultĂ©s au long compagnonnage que requiert la chirurgie cardio-vasculaire, ce sont des milliers d’heures passĂ©es auprĂšs des patients, entre collĂšgues, au bloc opĂ©ratoire, mais aussi grandement en dehors.

    AprĂšs 20 annĂ©es d’expatriation en France, entre Paris, les Antilles-Guyane et Toulouse, le Dr Hassan DEBBAGH, Chirurgien cardio-vasculaire, a dĂ©cidĂ© d’exercer au Maroc, son pays d’origine.

    Entre lĂ©gitimitĂ© et challenge, le grand saut dans l’inconnu ne s’est pas fait attendre : composer une Ă©quipe et proposer ses compĂ©tences dans ce qui pourrait ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme un dĂ©sert mĂ©dical dans sa spĂ©cialitĂ© lui tenait rĂ©ellement Ă  cƓur. Sa premiĂšre intervention se focalisera sur les raisons l’ayant amenĂ© Ă  prendre cette dĂ©cision de vie, puis les diffĂ©rents aspects qu’il aura dĂ» considĂ©rer dans son approche d’un environnement mĂ©dico-social, qui n’avait certainement pas attendu son retour pour Ă©voluer.

    Le Dr Hassan DEBBAGH est passionnĂ© de chirurgie valvulaire conservatrice, de chirurgie aortique, d’assistance circulatoire et de transplantation. Il a fait partie de l’unitĂ© mobile d’assistance circulatoire des Antilles Françaises et a Ă©tĂ© vice-prĂ©sident de l’association des jeunes chirurgiens thoraciques et cardiovasculaires français. Il aspire plus rĂ©cemment Ă  ĂȘtre une force de propositions au sein de l’écosystĂšme sanitaire marocain

    Visitez son profil LinkedIn : Hassan Debbagh - LinkedIn

    À propos de Behind the OR

    Behind the OR est le canal de podcast officiel de Peters Surgical. Nous vous invitons à pénétrer dans le monde de la chirurgie et à découvrir ce qui se passe derriÚre les portes fermées du bloc opératoire et au-delà. Chaque épisode présente des conversations approfondies avec des chirurgiens experts, donnant un aperçu des derniÚres techniques chirurgicales, des innovations et de la vie quotidienne de ceux qui se consacrent à sauver des vies.

    Fondée en 1926, Peters Surgical est une société française présente dans plus de 90 pays. En tant que groupe de référence pour les pratiques chirurgicales dans le monde entier, nous nous consacrons à l'amélioration des résultats chirurgicaux grùce à des dispositifs médicaux innovants, notamment des sutures chirurgicales, des clips hémostatiques et de la colle chirurgicale. Notre expertise réside dans la conception, la fabrication et la distribution de ces dispositifs.

    Visitez notre site web ici :

  • Today, more and more surgeons are talking about Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS). The patient is the center of everything, and this is the reason why surgeons are challenged every day in the OR to offer the best of themselves. MICS is a new era of surgery which allow to the patient optimum conditions before, during and after the procedure.

    But what means MICS? What are the challenges to perform MICS ?

    In this episode, Dr. Gianluca TORREGROSSA explains how Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery plays a special role in the current era of cardiac surgery.

    Dr TORREGROSSA was graduated from the University of Padua Itlay in 2006. In 2011, he was a part of the team who implanted the first total artificial Heart in Italy. Few years later he was appointed Associate director of Robotic Heart Surgery at Mount Sinai St Luke (NYC), then joined the Cardiac Robotic and Minimally Invasive Division of Surgery at University of Chicago and since 2021 he is the Director of the Robotic Coronary Program in Main Health Hospital Philadelphia. Dr Torregrossa is the author of more than 80 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including 1 book. He serves as reviewer for several journals, and his current h index is 12. Finally, he speaks 4 languages and crossed the Sahara twice on his motorbike.

    Visit his LinkedIn profile: Gianluca Torregrossa | LinkedIn

    About Behind the OR

    Behind the OR is the official podcast channel by Peters Surgical. Here, we invite you to step into the world of surgery, where we uncover what happens behind the closed doors of the operating room and beyond. Each episode features in-depth conversations with expert surgeons, providing insights into the latest surgical techniques, innovations, and the daily lives of those who dedicate themselves to saving lives.

    Founded in 1926, Peters Surgical is a French company with a global presence in over 90 countries. As a reference group for surgical practices worldwide, we are dedicated to improving surgical outcomes through innovative medical devices, including surgical sutures, hemostatic clips, and surgical glue. Our expertise lies in designing, manufacturing, and distributing these devices.

    Visit our website here :