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    Welcome back to Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar!

    Today, I'm delving into a subject that's been lighting up conversations everywhere – the stages of relationships and marriages. It's a hot topic, and I'm here to shed some light on why these stages happen and how to navigate them successfully.

    In this episode, I explore the different stages of relationships, starting with the blissful honeymoon phase, moving through depolarisation, and addressing the challenges of de-masculation. I share personal insights and examples, offering a roadmap for transforming relationships from conflict to connection.

    By understanding our authentic energies and learning effective communication, couples can navigate challenges and build stronger, more fulfilling partnerships.

    Key Takeaways:

    Recognise the stages: Understand where you are in your relationship journey without blame or judgment.Educate yourself: Dive deep into understanding masculine and feminine energies and how they impact relationship dynamicsArticulate your needs: Learn to communicate consciously and honestly about what's going on in your relationship.Resolve conflicts: Embrace healing and forgiveness as essential steps towards restoring intimacy and connection.Test new strategies: Experiment with techniques to regulate emotions and foster understanding during challenging moments.

    Whether you're in the honeymoon phase or facing relationship struggles, remember that commitment to growth and understanding is key to building a lasting, fulfilling partnership.

    Thank you for joining me on this journey of exploration and discovery. If you have questions or want to learn more about my mentorship programs, reach out. Remember, the foundation of life is strong, healthy relationships, and together, we can create a world of love, abundance, and fulfillment. Until next time, take care, and God bless.

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    Hello, and welcome back to Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar. Today's episode unfolds organically, just like the messages I trust will guide us.

    In this candid episode, I delve into the intertwined realms of marriage and menopause, drawing from my personal journey of navigating through both. Reflecting on my own experiences, I explore the profound impact of menopause on relationships, particularly marriage. From the upheaval of hormonal imbalances to the challenges of maintaining connection and understanding, I share insights garnered from my own journey.

    Key Takeaways:

    Embracing Honesty: Acknowledge the real root of your emotions and reactions, whether it's hormonal imbalances or genuine concerns.Prioritise Education: Equip yourself with knowledge about menopause and its effects, and actively seek solutions to alleviate symptoms and maintain balance.Conscious Communication: Practice articulating your feelings with clarity and compassion, fostering understanding and connection in your relationship.Resolve with Grace: Release resentment and tension by letting go of grudges and embracing forgiveness and understanding.Embrace Playfulness: Experiment with new approaches and patterns in your relationship, fostering joy, laughter, and intimacy.

    Remember, amidst the whirlwind of menopause and the complexities of marriage, you hold the power to shape your narrative. Embrace each moment with grace, honesty, and love, and watch as your journey unfolds with beauty and resilience. Thank you for joining me today. Until next time, take care and stay blessed.

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    Hello and welcome back to Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar. Today's episode is truly special as we explore the magical journey of art, energy, and inspiration. I'm thrilled to introduce our guest, Kasia Sifantus, whose story will leave you inspired and uplifted.

    In this episode, Kasia shares her journey as an artist, revealing the profound connection between her art and energy. Initially hesitant to speak on the podcast, Kasia's journey took a remarkable turn when her artwork, inspired by the podcast, touched the life of a woman battling depression. This experience ignited Kasia's belief in the transformative power of her art. Through meditation and intuition, she channels energy into her paintings, creating pieces that resonate deeply with her clients. Despite moments of doubt and struggle, Kasia's unwavering belief in her purpose fuels her artistic journey, leading to unexpected opportunities and profound connections.

    Key Takeaways:

    Channeling Energy: Kasia's art is a manifestation of energy, inspired by meditation and intuition. By tuning into the energy of her surroundings and clients, she creates paintings that evoke profound emotional responses.Belief in Purpose: Despite facing challenges and moments of doubt, Kasia's unwavering belief in her purpose sustains her artistic journey. She emphasises the importance of trusting the process and remaining open to the universe's guidance.Transformative Power: Through her artwork, Kasia has witnessed the transformative power of creativity. Her paintings have the ability to uplift spirits, inspire hope, and bring joy to those who encounter them.

    Kasia's story is a testament to the magic of art and the power of belief. As we navigate our own journeys, may we embrace the creative energy within us and trust in the transformative power of our passions. Thank you for joining us on this inspiring episode of Beyond the Words. Stay tuned for more stories of creativity, connection, and inspiration.

    Kasia's Resource Links:

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    Welcome to another episode of "Beyond the Words"! I'm thrilled to have you here as we delve into inspiring stories and powerful insights to fuel your journey to success.

    In this episode, I had the privilege of speaking with Fares Hatoum, a remarkable individual whose journey is a testament to resilience and determination. Fares shares his transformative experiences, from facing personal challenges to launching successful ventures like the Best Wealth Network. We explore the importance of mindset shifts, taking action, and trading fear for faith, offering valuable lessons for all aspiring entrepreneurs.

    Key Takeaways:

    Resilience in Adversity: Fares' journey highlights the power of resilience in overcoming life's challenges, demonstrating that setbacks can be springboards to success.Taking Action: Fares emphasises the importance of taking action and seizing opportunities, even in the face of uncertainty.Mindset Shifts: We discuss the significance of mindset shifts, from seeking certainty to embracing uncertainty, and the role it plays in personal and professional growth.Community and Connection: Fares shares the importance of surrounding oneself with the right people and building meaningful connections to accelerate success.Trading Fear for Faith: The podcast concludes with a powerful message from Fares to trade fear for faith, inspiring listeners to pursue their dreams with courage and conviction.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking motivation, guidance, and actionable insights to navigate life's challenges and achieve their goals.

    Fares Hatoum Resource Links:

    Thank you for tuning in to "Beyond the Words"!

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    Hello lovely souls, welcome back to another soul-nourishing episode of Beyond the Words. Today's conversation was an absolute gem, diving deep into the intricacies of relationships, masculinity, and femininity.

    In this heart-to-heart dialogue between Kevin Bruce Scott and myself, we journeyed through the realms of safety, vulnerability, and growth within relationships. We explored the profound significance of feeling safe within ourselves and how it lays the groundwork for genuine connection with our partners.

    Here are some key takeaways to carry with you:

    Creating Emotional Safety: True safety in relationships encompasses both physical and emotional aspects, allowing partners to be authentically themselves.Redefining Stoicism: Stoicism isn't about suppressing emotions but acknowledging and managing them without letting them dictate our lives.The Power of Keeping Promises: Keeping commitments to ourselves is pivotal for personal growth and transformation.Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies: Understanding the delicate dance between masculine and feminine energies in relationships is essential for fostering harmony and intimacy.Cultivating Curiosity and Growth: Embracing curiosity and continuous growth are vital for deepening intimacy and connection in our relationships.

    This episode was truly enlightening, offering insights that have the potential to transform lives. Until next time, stay curious, stay open, and keep nurturing those beautiful connections in your life.

    Kevin Bruce Scott Resources:
    Website: and and

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    Welcome back to Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar. I'm thrilled to introduce you to a remarkable individual whose warmth and sincerity are as palpable as his success. Today, we delve deep into the journey of Kevin Santiago, a man whose dreams know no bounds and whose heart knows only compassion.

    In this enlightening episode, Kevin shares his extraordinary journey from dreaming big as a young basketball player to manifesting a thriving restaurant empire. Through his captivating storytelling, we witness the power of unwavering faith, the importance of releasing the "how," and the transformative nature of embracing love over bitterness.

    Key Takeaways:

    Dream Fearlessly: Kevin's journey exemplifies the transformative power of dreaming big and believing in the seemingly impossible.Faith in Action: By aligning clear intent with elevated emotion, Kevin demonstrates how faith becomes the moving cause of intelligence and action.Release Control, Embrace Trust: Kevin's experiences underscore the importance of surrendering the "how" and trusting in a higher intelligence.From Bitterness to Compassion: Kevin's candid exploration of his journey from bitterness to compassion serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of love.

    Kevin Santiago Resource Links:
    Restaurant Website:
    Email: [email protected]

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    Hello and welcome back to Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar. Today, I am thrilled to introduce you to an extraordinary individual whose journey of self-discovery and transformation will leave you inspired. Join me as we dive into the cosmic world of Shiny B Unsal.

    In this captivating episode, I sit down with Shiny B Unsal, a modern-day teacher and master certified coach with a passion for empowering others. Shiny shares her remarkable journey from a corporate background to embracing her true calling as a cosmic leader and educator. We delve into her unique approach to teaching, blending neuroscience, quantum physics, and positive psychology to create her NeuroShine technology. Shiny's courage to follow her heart and do things her way serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of authenticity and self-belief. Through her story, we discover the transformative power of getting comfortable with discomfort and the profound impact of embracing love as the ultimate religion.

    Key Takeaways:

    Embrace discomfort as a catalyst for growth and transformation.Follow your curiosity and do things your way, unapologetically.Shift your perspective on judgment and criticism; prioritize self-belief.Recognize the power of love as the highest frequency for personal and collective evolution.It's never too late to rewrite your story and create the life you desire.Find fulfillment in serving others and sharing your unique gifts with the world.

    Thank you for joining us on this enlightening journey with Shiny B Unsal. Remember, your cosmic potential awaits.

    Shiny B Unsal Resource Links:


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    Welcome to "Beyond the Words" podcast with me Dimple Thakrar. In today's episode, we dive deep into the world of technology, its impact on society, and the quest for a better digital future. Joining me is Frank McCourt, a leading voice advocating for change in the tech industry. Let's explore together.


    In this enlightening conversation, Frank Mcourt and I delve into the pressing issues surrounding technology addiction, data ownership, and the need for a new internet paradigm. Frank eloquently articulates the urgency of addressing these challenges and presents Project Liberty as a beacon of hope for a more humane digital landscape. We discuss the power of collective action, the importance of education, and the role of the community in driving meaningful change.

    Key Takeaways:
    We delve into key insights from OUR BIGGEST FIGHT, exploring how we can revolutionise the internet for a healthier digital future. Join us as we uncover five crucial points shaping the discourse around technology, data, and societal impact.

    Insight #1: The Broken Internet
    The internet's flawed architecture fuels a crisis in youth mental health, spreads misinformation, and threatens democracy. Big Tech platforms hoard value while society pays the price.
    Insight #2: A Path to Change
    Shifting power from dominant platforms to individuals through Project Liberty's DSNP protocol can revolutionize the digital ecosystem, enabling data control and healthier platforms.
    Insight #3: Personal Data Matters
    Our digital data is exploited by tech giants, leading to dehumanization. Prioritizing human values can harness technology for positive impact.
    Insight #4: Prosperity Through Decentralization
    A decentralized web offers economic innovation and growth by granting individuals digital property rights, fostering a new, inclusive digital economy.
    Insight #5: Urgency for Action
    We're veering off course from an internet designed to unite. With AI advancements, action is imperative. Project Liberty offers hope for a better future through internet redesign.

    Thank you for tuning in to this thought-provoking episode of Beyond the words podcast. Don't forget to share your thoughts and feedback with us at ourbiggestfight. Together, let's embark on a journey towards a brighter digital future.

    Frank McCourt Resource Links:

    Book link Bio Forbes interview

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    Hello and welcome back to Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar. What a podcast episode I have for you today! This discussion stemmed from a profound conversation with a dear client, igniting insights that had to be shared with the world.

    In this episode, we delve deep into the transformative power of authentic decision-making. I share personal anecdotes and realisations, highlighting the importance of aligning our decisions with our true desires and boundaries. We explore the concept that our beliefs and energy frequencies shape our reality far more than the words we speak. Through anecdotes and introspection, we uncover the pitfalls of people-pleasing tendencies and the liberating shift towards prioritising self-care and authenticity.

    Key Takeaways:

    Manifestation through Belief: The universe responds to our energetic frequencies and beliefs, manifesting outcomes aligned with our innermost convictions.Authenticity in Decision-Making: Prioritise your well-being and authenticity when making decisions, rather than solely considering others' needs.Embracing Boundaries: Saying 'no' authentically is an act of self-love and empowerment, redirecting and protecting both yourself and others.Sharing Stories: By sharing your experiences and insights, you contribute to the collective growth and well-being of others, creating a ripple effect of positive change.

    Thank you for tuning in. Remember, your authentic decisions hold the power to transform not only your life but the lives of those around you. Embrace your truth, set boundaries, and watch as your reality aligns with your deepest desires.

    Stay blessed, take care, and remember, you are loved.

    Dimple Thakrar Resource Links:


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    Hello, lovely listeners, and welcome back to another captivating episode of Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar! Today, I'm thrilled to share with you an extraordinary conversation that delves deep into the realms of healing through conscious sexuality. Buckle up for an insightful journey with our remarkable guest, Juliette Karaman.

    In this episode, we embark on an enlightening journey with Juliette Karaman, as she candidly shares her transformative experiences with conscious sexuality. Juliette's story unveils how exploring BDSM and conscious sexual practices became powerful tools for her healing journey, particularly in addressing past trauma. Through vulnerable storytelling, she reveals how reenacting past experiences in a controlled environment allowed her to rewrite the narrative of her trauma, ultimately leading to profound healing and liberation.

    Key Takeaways:

    Healing Through Conscious Sexuality: Juliette's journey highlights the profound healing potential of conscious sexual practices, such as BDSM, in addressing deep-seated trauma.Rewriting the Narrative: By reenacting past experiences in a safe and controlled environment, individuals can rewrite their trauma narratives and reclaim their sense of empowerment.The Power of Presence: Juliette emphasises the importance of presence and embodiment in healing, encouraging listeners to unclench and embrace the present moment.Creating Safe Spaces: Through her unique approach to holding space, Juliette creates environments of safety and liberation, where individuals can explore their vulnerabilities and experiences without judgment.Embracing Pleasure: Beyond traditional notions of sexuality, Juliette invites listeners to explore pleasure in all its forms, finding joy and liberation in the present moment.

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    In this week's episode of Beyond the Words, Dimple delves into the intriguing realm of quantum consciousness and its impact on decision-making and energy shifts. Join her on a journey as she explores the interconnectedness of past, present, and future moments, sharing personal experiences and insights along the way. Discover the power of trusting intuition, embracing quantum manifestations, and releasing fear to unlock your true potential.

    Key Takeaways:
    1. Intuitive Flow: Trusting in the flow of inspiration can lead to profound insights and meaningful connections with others.

    2. Spiritual Awakening: Exploring spiritual growth involves embracing experiences that may transcend conventional understanding, leading to personal transformation.

    3. Authentic Decision-Making: Making decisions based on what truly aligns with one's inner truth and well-being is essential for personal fulfilment and growth.

    4. Parallel Universes: Recognising the interconnectedness of past, present, and future moments allows for a deeper understanding of the quantum nature of existence.

    5. Empowerment through Self-Worth: Embracing self-worth and authenticity can empower individuals to make choices that serve their highest good, even if it entails short-term discomfort.

    6. Energy and Intention: Being conscious of energy shifts and setting clear intentions can help manifest desired outcomes and create positive transformations.

    7. Quantum Manifestations: Acknowledging the power of quantum manifestations enables individuals to tap into their innate potential and shape their reality consciously.

    8. Community Connection: Sharing experiences and insights with others fosters a sense of belonging and supports collective growth and understanding.

    Dimple Thakrar Resource Links:


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    Welcome to this episode of the podcast! In today's enlightening conversation, I had the pleasure of interviewing Amy Elizabeth, a true expert in human design. Amy shares her journey to human design and how she took a leap of faith to pursue her passion. She discusses the importance of self-trust and authenticity in achieving success. Amy also explains how human design can be tailored to different learning and teaching styles. She provides advice on trusting yourself and embracing everything happening for you.


    Take a leap of faith and trust the process, even when it doesn't make logical sense.Cultivate self-trust and embrace your authentic self.Understand and honour different learning and teaching styles.Everything is happening for you, so trust the journey and have compassion for yourself and others.

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    Welcome back to Beyond the Words with me Dimple Thakrar! In this enlightening episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with the incredible Dr. Niikee, whose energy is as enchanting as a fairy's flutter. Join us as we delve into the realms of energetic healing and spiritual awakening.


    Dr. Niikee shares her fascinating journey into naturopathic medicine and the integration of body, mind, and spirit. From research science to embracing the subtle energies within us, she reveals how she found her true calling in helping others tap into their unique gifts and stand in their truth. The conversation unfolds to explore the concept of energetics and its profound impact on our physical and emotional well-being. We learn how past experiences and ancestral beliefs shape our energetic fields, affecting our health and inner harmony.

    Key Takeaways:

    Energetic Medicine: Understand how everything, including our thoughts and emotions, carries energy that influences our health and vitality.Intuitive Healing: Embrace your inner wisdom and trust the intuitive guidance that leads to profound healing and transformation.New Earth Consciousness: Step into the paradigm of rapid evolution and accelerated healing, where old limitations dissolve, and new potentials emerge.Open Channeling: Explore the power of being an open channel for divine energies to flow through, transcending the constraints of traditional healing modalities.Self-Discovery: Embrace your uniqueness and release the need for external validation, allowing your authentic self to shine brightly.

    Join us on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we navigate the transformative energies of the new earth. Remember, the path to healing begins within, and the possibilities are endless when you trust in the wisdom of your soul.

    Connect with Dr. Niikee:


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    Welcome back to another episode of Beyond the Words with me, Dimple Thakrar. Today, I'm thrilled to host Cynthia Dovell, an inspiring architect delving into the realms of spirituality and spatial design. Cynthia shares her transformative journey from traditional architecture to integrating human design and gene keys into her practice.

    In this enlightening conversation, Cynthia unveils the profound connection between our bodies and built environments. She highlights the importance of honouring our bodies' signals and translating spiritual potential into physical spaces.

    Cynthia's unique approach blends spirituality with architecture, offering a fresh perspective on design that nurtures and supports individuals' well-being. She introduces concepts such as human design and gene keys, explaining how they inform her design process to create spaces aligned with clients' energies.

    From understanding personal energy types to crafting sacred spaces, Cynthia empowers listeners to embrace holistic living and create environments that resonate with their essence.

    Join us as we explore the intersection of spirituality and spatial design, discovering the transformative power of aligning inner and outer worlds.

    Key Takeaways:

    Body-Mind Connection: Cynthia emphasises the significance of listening to our bodies' signals and honouring our innate wisdom.Spiritual Integration: Learn how human design and gene keys offer insights into personal energy dynamics, empowering individuals to align their spaces with their spiritual essence.Holistic Design: Explore the concept of designing spaces that nurture emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, transcending traditional architectural approaches.Empowerment through Space: Discover how intentional design can foster a sense of belonging, support personal growth, and enhance overall quality of life.

    For more information about Cynthia's services and offerings, listeners can reach out to her via Instagram ( or through her architecture business (

    Thank you for tuning in to today's episode of Beyond the Words. Remember, the key to having it all is knowing that you already do. Wishing you a blessed day filled with peace, purpose, and profound self-discovery.

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    Dimple Thakrar extends a warm welcome to listeners, introducing a special guest, Peter King, whom she met in the Tony Robbins community. She describes Peter as a beacon of mature masculinity and a caring individual who deeply impacts those around him.

    Dimple and Peter delve into the concept of grounded masculinity and its profound impact on embracing femininity. They explore personal journeys, emphasizing self-validation and understanding masculine-feminine dynamics. The conversation navigates through relationship challenges, highlighting alignment, growth, and spiritual truth. Practical strategies for maintaining groundedness and nurturing connections are discussed, along with the importance of clarity and confidence in leadership.

    Key Takeaways:

    Embrace grounded masculinity to foster healthy relationships.Navigate relationship challenges with alignment and growth.Practice self-awareness and nurture connections for grounded living.

    Get ready to explore the transformative power of love and truth in fostering deeper connections and personal growth.

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    Join us for a compelling conversation between Dimple Thakrar and her incredible guest Amber Harrison, as they unravel the layers of empathy and delve into the intricacies of human connection.


    In this episode, Dimple and Amber embark on a profound exploration of empathy, its role in fostering meaningful connections, and its transformative power in our personal and professional lives. Through candid exchanges and heartfelt reflections, they offer valuable insights into cultivating empathy and deepening our understanding of others.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Heart of Empathy: Explore the essence of empathy and its profound impact on our relationships and interactions.Embracing Vulnerability: Discover the role of vulnerability in cultivating authentic connections and fostering empathy.Practising Empathetic Listening: Learn practical tips for honing empathetic listening skills and truly understanding others.Building Emotional Resilience: Gain insights into the importance of emotional intelligence and self-awareness in navigating challenging situations with empathy and compassion.

    Connect with Amber:

    Website: One-to-one consultations "The Unfurled Woman" package details on the website.

    I'd like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our wonderful guest, Amber Harrison, for sharing her wisdom and experiences with us. Remember, dear listeners, that growth often begins with a single step, and Amber has provided us with valuable insights to help us along our journey towards self-discovery and empowerment. Don't forget to check out her website and connect with her on social media. Until next time, stay curious, stay inspired, and keep exploring beyond the words. God Bless!

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    Welcome to another enlightening episode of "Beyond the Words"! I'm delighted to have you join us as we explore the depths of manifestation, human connection, and the profound teachings we can glean from our equine companions.


    In this episode, we embark on a transformative journey with Dimple and Jin Ong, diving deep into the art of manifesting dreams and desires. From simplifying the process to drawing parallels with the wisdom of horses, we uncover invaluable insights into personal growth, leadership, and the power of intention.

    Key Takeaways:

    Simplicity in Action: Dimple shares wisdom on simplifying manifestation and taking inspired action towards our goals, urging us to embrace simplicity.Investment and Leadership: We explore the importance of leading by example and investing in ourselves to pave the way for others to follow suit.Speed of Achievement: Analysing transportation analogies, we highlight the significance of seeking support to accelerate our journey towards success and fulfilment.Proximity and Power: Proximity to mentors and like-minded individuals is identified as a catalyst for growth and empowerment, fostering collaboration and shared learning.Lessons from Horses: Jin reflects on her experiences with horses, uncovering profound lessons on boundaries, consistency, and trust in relationships, drawing parallels between equine behaviour and human emotions.Reflection on Sensitivity: We delve into how horses serve as mirrors for human emotions, prompting introspection and self-awareness, and how this sensitivity extends to our interactions with others.Manifestation and Trust: Trusting in the unfolding of desires, setting intentions, and dreaming big are highlighted as essential elements in the manifestation process, fostering a sense of empowerment and alignment with our true purpose.

    Jin Ong Resource Links:


    Thank you for tuning in to this enlightening conversation. Remember to stay connected with us on social media and continue your journey of self-discovery with the "Beyond the Words" podcast. Until next time, keep manifesting your dreams with intention and trust!

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    Welcome back to *Beyond the Words* with me, Dimple Thakrar. Today's episode is an absolute treat! I am joined by the delightful Shilamida. Strap in, because laughter is guaranteed!

    Shilamida's vibrant energy and infectious laughter are sure to lift your spirits. We dive into her journey from triggering first impressions to deep connections and authenticity.

    Key Takeaways:
    1. Authenticity Overcomes Triggers: Despite initial triggers, meeting Shilamida in person revealed her authentic, joyous self, teaching the power of genuine connection.

    2. Balancing Playfulness and Seriousness: Shilamida's journey highlights the challenge of balancing fun and seriousness, especially in online spaces, where authenticity often takes a backseat.

    3. Embracing 50 Shades of Self: Shilamida's podcast, '50 Shades of Shilamida', showcases her evolution from solely focusing on gratitude to embracing life's complexities and sharing her multifaceted self.

    4. Navigating Social Media Impact: From joyous moments to marital conflicts, Shilamida discusses the impact of her social media presence on family dynamics and the importance of privacy amidst vulnerability.

    5. Service and Business: Shilamida emphasises her social media presence as a blend of service and business, highlighting the years of personal and professional growth behind her success.

    Creating Joy Every Day:

    Gratitude Practice: Starting the day with gratitude shifts perspectives and attracts positivity.Connection Through Touch: Embracing physical touch fosters joy and connection.Dance Like Nobody's Watching: Dance and music bring instant joy and liberation.Random Acts of Kindness: Spreading love and blessings fosters joy and heals relationships.Appreciating Small Moments: Finding gratitude in everyday experiences amplifies joy and abundance.

    Shilamida's journey reminds us to embrace authenticity, find joy in simplicity, and navigate the online world with purpose and positivity. Tune in for laughter, wisdom, and inspiration!

    Remember, life's journey is a blend of laughter and tears, but it's our authenticity that lights the way to true joy.

    Shilamida Resource Links: Website:

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    Hello, lovely listeners! Welcome to another insightful episode of Beyond the Words. I'm thrilled to have you join me for a heart-to-heart conversation with the remarkable Matt Hall. Today, we explore the intricacies of navigating life's challenges, finding strength in vulnerability, and the profound impact of mindset on our overall well-being.

    In this captivating episode, Matt Hall, shares his journey of overcoming life's challenges. We delve into the emotions surrounding heartbreak, the power of vulnerability, and the pivotal role mindset plays in cultivating resilience. Matt's reflections provide a refreshing perspective on the human experience, emphasising the significance of embracing both the highs and lows.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Power of Vulnerability: Matt eloquently expresses how vulnerability is not a weakness but a potent tool for personal growth. Drawing from personal experiences, he underscores the authenticity and connection that vulnerability fosters.Navigating Relationship Struggles: Reflecting on a recent breakup, Matt discusses the tools and self-development practices that facilitated his swift recovery. He acknowledges the intense emotions of such experiences while emphasising the resilience that can emerge.Impact of Mindset: Matt shares a compelling study on stress perception, revealing how our mindset towards stress significantly influences our health and lifespan. This insight sparks a thoughtful discussion on the broader implications of mindset in various aspects of life.The Slow Way is the Fast Way: Highlighting the value of a measured and intentional approach, Matt encourages listeners to savour the journey rather than rushing towards goals. The concept of 'do less better' serves as a powerful reminder to prioritize quality over quantity.

    Connect with Matt Hall:

    Join us for a conversation filled with laughter, vulnerability, and profound insights into navigating life's intricate tapestry.

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    Welcome back to Beyond the Words! In this episode, Dimple introduces the incredible Nadine Termeer, a freelance singer and human design coach. They dive into the fascinating intersection of Nadine's singing career and her journey into personal development.

    Key Takeaways:

    Nadine seamlessly merged her roles as a singer and human design coach, finding a beautiful harmony between her passions.Human design is a system based on the time of birth, combining astrology, the chakra system, Kabbalah, Chinese I Ching, and scientific principles.Understanding your human design provides insights into your energetic blueprint, gifts, decision-making process, and impact on others.Different authorities in human design determine how individuals make decisions, offering valuable insights into relationships and personal growth.Nadine's intuitive approach adds a magical touch to human design readings, providing a unique and transformative experience for her clients.

    Nadine's Resource Link:

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