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    One of the subjects Paul discussed in his letter to the churches of Galatia was a comparison of living with our ā€œsinful selfā€ and living ā€œby the Spirit.ā€ If a person lives out selfish desires, the ultimate result is a sinful life. Sin is the fruit. In contrast, when Christians allow the Holy Spirit to control their lives, they will do the good things that please the Holy Spirit and God. This kind of life is the fruit of the Spirit.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Galatians 5:16-26Galatians 5:22-23Luke 6:43-45Matthew 7:15-20Matthew 12:30-37


    Two choices. Who will lead? (Galatians 5:16-18)Choice One: Self in Control (Galatians 5:19-21)Choice Two: The Spirit in Control (Galatians 5:22-26)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Consider what words need defining in this Scripture. Be more general with younger children. Be ready to answer older children's questions, particularly about the sins listed. In all cases, be appropriate to the age of the child.Eat fruit as you talk about the Fruit of the SpiritSing the Fruit of the Spirit Song

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Invite class discussion to help participants better understand the implications of a Spirit-led life. Discussion starters might be as follows:Firstly, imagine a world where everyone lives according to the sins listed in Galatians 5:19-21. Then compare that with a life guided by the Spirit as found in Galatians 5:22-23. How might each world play out to its logical conclusion? Where would living out the desires of the flesh lead? What kind of family, neighbourhood, community and nation would result from this? Create a chart listing the fruit of the Spirit and provide each participant with a copy. Encourage them to keep a tally over the next 2-3 weeks. They can place a tick or check mark on the chart each time they witness other Christians displaying the fruit. For example, if they see someone hold the door open for someone else to pass through first ā€“ they could tick off ā€œloveā€ and ā€œpatience.ā€ Compare results. Spend time in prayer to thank God for these displays of the Spirit.

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: The Fruit of the Spirit

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    The church in Corinth had many problems, and Paul addressed those in the two letters he wrote to them. He instructs that their internal bickering and selfishness could be solved if they practised one thing: LOVE. In this chapter, Paul gives practical advice on what love is and how to practice it.

    When teaching, emphasise that love is how you treat people and not just an emotional feeling.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    1 Corinthians 13


    Good actions mean nothing if not based on love (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)Love is expressed in action (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)Love lasts forever (1 Corinthians 13:8-13)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Make a craft involving hearts. A good phrase to write on the crafts is ā€œLove never endsā€ from 1 Corinthians 13:13. Discuss each attribute of love in the context of a childā€™s world.Encourage children to memorise 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. They can finish this off with the first phrase of verse 13 (love never ends)Sing songs about love:Ha-la-la-la SongHello Hello SongLove is Something If You Give It AwayL-O-V-E Song

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Questions and conversation starters: Share about the most loving thing someone has done for you. Why did you consider it the most loving? What makes it stand out? Discuss what aspects of love are the most challenging. Imagine a church that is fully loving. What would the Sunday worship assembly be like? How would members interact with one another? As a class, choose one of the qualities of love Paul mentions in this chapter, and then, for one month, practice this quality toward one another in the class. You might brainstorm ways this can be done. For instance, to practice ā€œlove is kind", you might write a note of encouragement, take someone out to eat and pay for their meal or speak affirming words to them.

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Chapter of Love

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    During the Passover meal, Jesus gave new meaning to the unleavened bread and fruit of the vine. He told the disciples that from now on, they were to eat and drink it to remember the significance of his death on their behalf.

    We take the Lordā€™s Supper each week as a memorial celebration of Christā€™s death, burial, and resurrection.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    1 Corinthians 11:23-34

    Matthew 26:26-30Mark 14:22-26Luke 22:14-20I Corinthians 12:27Exodus 12:12-131 Peter 1:18-19Ephesians 1:7


    Description of the Lordā€™s Supper (I Corinthians 11:23-26)Teachings about the Lordā€™s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:27-34)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Guide the children in making homemade communion bread and grape juice. For fun, you could press grapes to make the juice.Artwork: Have children draw or paint a cross in the centre of a paper. Draw pictures of the bread and wine on either side of the cross representing Jesusā€™ body and blood. Underneath the picture, children can write, ā€œDo this to remember me.ā€ I Corinthians 11:24

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Questions:What are some memorable times in taking the Lordā€™s Supper? Do any of them stand out? Why?Why is the Lordā€™s Supper meaningful to you? How is it special?Have the class brainstorm different ways to practice celebrating the Lordā€™s Supper that highlight its importance. For instance, the Lordā€™s Supper is an act of unity of Godā€™s people. What practice in taking the Lordā€™s Supper will convey the thought of unity of the church? (My suggestion: hand out the bread and fruit of the vine, and after the prayer for the bread, have everyone eat it together. Do the same for the cup).

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Meaning of the Lordā€™s Supper

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    Paul wrote a letter to the church in Ephesus to help them understand Godā€™s power and how He wants Christians to behave. To help them be ā€œstrong in the Lordā€, Paul uses an example of a soldierā€™s battle armour to explain that God gives Christians spiritual weapons of strength to fight Satan.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Ephesians 6:10-18Ephesians 1:21-22James 4:71 Peter 5:8-9Colossians 2:15Romans 8:37-39

    Old Testament References to Armour:

    Isaiah 59:16-17Isaiah 11:5Isaiah 49:2Isaiah 52:7


    The Spiritual Battle (Ephesians 6:10-13)How to stand (Ephesians 6:14-17)Pray (Ephesians 6:18)

    Tips for teaching children:

    The subject of evil powers and the Devil is very serious and should be handled carefully with children. Children should be aware of the enemy and understand that he wants to turn us against God. On the other hand, they need to know that God has more power than the Devil. If we pray and follow God, then we do not need to be afraid or worry that the Devil might overpower us. Teachers should stress the power and love of God over any mention of the Devil.Show illustrations of soldiers of Paulā€™s time and talk about the various pieces of armour Paul mentioned.Video games often depict an enemy attacking the ā€œgood guyā€. In the games, the player usually tries to load the ā€œgood guyā€ with weapons and powers so that he can fight the enemy. Ask older children to share about a game. Compare this to being prepared with Godā€™s power to fight our enemy, the Devil.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Questions for Discussion: How do these evil spiritual forces manifest themselves in our world (including our social, political and religious structures)? How does prayer fit into this battle? What is the purpose of each of these pieces of armour? How do they work together to protect the wearer? Paul was on the front line of the battle. What evidence of the battle is there in your congregation?Spend time in prayer for one another, committing as a group to put on God's full armour and help one another do the same.

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: The Christian Armour

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    From infancy and throughout his life, Timothy studied the Scriptures and learned about God. His father was an unbelieving Greek, but his mother and grandmother were followers of God and taught him well. As a young man, Timothy joined the Apostle Paul on missionary journeys and continued serving God in many ways over his lifetime. He was like a son to Paul and one of his most trusted co-workers.

    Emphasise that we can be like Timothy and begin to learn about God from an early age.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 16:1-52 Timothy 1:3-72 Timothy 3:14-151 Thessalonians 3:21 Timothy 5:23Hebrews 13:231 Corinthians 4:17

    Tips for teaching children:

    Show the class some of the material used to teach children younger than them. They will notice that the material seems babyish. Let them enjoy that they have ā€œmatured in the Lordā€ since that time.Arrange to have the children visit a class of younger children and observe their class.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Use this free online concordance to find the 25 references to Timothy in the New Testament. Provide these verses to the class and ask them to describe Timothy.Consider the following discussion questions: What is something new that you have learned about Timothy? Is there anyone you know that reminds you of Timothy? How?How did Timothy demonstrate his faithfulness to God and his friendship to Paul? What one or two things about Timothy do you want to be more like? How can Timothy encourage you in your faith?

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Timothy

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    For the two years Paul was in Rome, he was allowed to live in his own rented house with Roman guards keeping an eye on him. While there, he often invited the Jews to come to his house and hear about Jesus. Some of them became Christians. From later writing we know Paul also spent time writing epistles (letters) to the churches he had visited. Many of these letters are the books we find in our New Testaments today.

    We can tell others about Jesus using various media, including books, letters, websites, podcasts, videos and more.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 28:16-31

    Verses where Paul mentions prison:

    Ephesians 3:1Ephesians 4:1Philippians 1:17Philippians 1:13Colossians 4:3Colossians 4:182 Timothy 2:9Philemon 9-10


    Paul speaks to people about Jesus while under arrest in Rome (Acts 28:16-31)Paul writes letters (Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Help the children find the table of contents in their Bibles and point out all of Paul's epistles.Write notes or send pictures to someone to explain something from Godā€™s word.Older children could brainstorm various media that could be used to teach about Jesus. After brainstorming, guide the children in designing their own versions. This could include cards and letters, bookmarks, website articles, podcast episodes, videos and more.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Questions to ask the class: What is Paul hoping to accomplish by meeting with the Jewish leaders right after he gets to Rome? What does the ending of the Book of Acts mean to you? How would you write Acts 29 if you were carrying on with the thought of 28:31? How is the message about Jesus ā€˜unhinderedā€™ in your community?Imagine that you are Paul. Write a brief letter from Paul to your congregation and say what you believe Paul would want to say. Be prepared to read your brief letter to the class and discuss it.

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Paul's Last Days and Letters from Prison

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    Having been falsely accused and imprisoned, Paul was transported by ship to Rome under military escort. During the storms, an angel told Paul that he and every man on board would be saved. Heavy storms blew the ship off course and caused it to break up near the island of Malta. God's protection meant Paul finally arrived in Rome after surviving a storm, a shipwreck, and even a snake bite.

    When we are in danger, we can ask God to protect us.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 27:1 through 28:16


    Paul and a Roman guard set sail for Rome (Acts 27:1-12)A Storm and a Shipwreck (Acts 27:13-440Paul on the island of Malta (Acts 28:1-11)Paul travels from Malta to Rome (Acts 28:11-16)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Trace Paulā€™s trip on a mapSpread a blue cloth or bedsheet and have children hold it along the outside edges. Place a toy boat inside. Children can have fun moving the cloth around and watching the boat toss around like a storm.Provide a printed copy of the scripture for each child. Older children can follow your instructions and examine the scripture. Instruct them to:circle the place namesunderline the names of peoplehighlight stated emotionsdraw pictures in the margins

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Check out the VizBibleMaps website for an excellent map of Paulā€™s mission journeys, including his journey to Rome. Be sure to note the copyright information on the More Info tab at the bottom of the page.Read these two chapters but with a twist. When you get to Acts 27:24, have someone play the link to the sounds of a storm at sea while the text is read all the way down to the end of chapter 27. Storm at Sea 1Storm at Sea 2 (StormAtSea.mp3 ā€“ Pixabay)Here are some questions you can ask the class: Who has experienced a storm at sea? What emotions did you experience? What did you do? How does God reveal himself in this story? How does Paul demonstrate his faith on this voyage? How would you want to demonstrate your faith?

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Paul Survives a Shipwreck

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    Paul had been falsely accused of causing trouble in Jerusalem. Although innocent of these accusations, he was kept prisoner in Caesarea and made to appear before a succession of governors and leaders, including Felix, Festus and even King Agrippa. At each court appearance, Paul spoke freely about his Christian faith. His accusers could never prove him guilty, and Paul eventually used his right as a Roman citizen to ask to be sent to Rome to appear before Caesar's court.

    Emphasise using every opportunity to tell others about Jesus.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 24-26


    Paul before Governor Felix (includes the Jerusalem Jews and lawyer) Acts 24:1-27Paul Before Governor Festus (includes appearance before King Agrippa) Acts 24:27-26:32

    Tips for teaching children:

    Practice words and phrases to use when talking about JesusHave children draw themselves in the centre of a piece of paper. They can add other children around themselves. As you discuss ways to talk about Jesus, have the children draw speech bubbles.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Divide into three groups and read the scriptures below. Aterwards, come back together and report what the main ideas or points were. What did you learn about Paul and his faithfulness to Jesus in these three situations?One group reads and summarises Paulā€™s trial before Felix in chapter 24.Another group can read Chapter 25 and summarise Paulā€™s trial before Festus. A 3rd group can read chapter 26 and summarise Paulā€™s speech before Agrippa. Questions: Read Acts 9:15-16 and ask how Paul fulfilled Jesusā€™ commission. How has Paul demonstrated his faithfulness to Jesus and Jesusā€™ commission? How are Paulā€™s words and actions helpful or encouraging to you? Who is Jesus sending you to tell them about him? Who needs to hear the message about Jesus? Pray for those people and pray for an opportunity to tell them the message about Jesus

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Paul on Trial

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    Paul was under arrest in Jerusalem because of false accusations by the Jews. Paulā€™s Roman citizenship demanded a fair hearing, so the Roman commander in charge set up a meeting with Jewish priests and the Sanhedrin. This meeting ended in chaos, with Paul back in protective custody.

    Paulā€™s young nephew overheard some of the Jews plotting to kill Paul, so Paul asked him to tell the commander. The commander had no choice but to arrange a large military escort to take Paul to Caesarea, the nearest headquarters of Roman rule.

    One night, amidst all these events, Jesus appeared to Paul and told him to have courage because he would be going to Rome to testify about his faith.

    Emphasise that young people can do great things for God. Donā€™t wait until you get ā€œolderā€ to serve God.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 22:30-23:351 Timothy 4:12


    Paul appeared before the angry Jewish council (Acts 22:30-23:10)Jesus visits Paul (Acts 23:11)Paulā€™s nephew reports a plot (Acts 23:12-22)The Roman commander sends Paul on to Governor Felix (Acts 23:23-35)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Talk about the effect Paulā€™s young nephew had on the situationMemorise 1 Timothy 4:12 and have the children list ways they can be an example of faith to others. Research online to learn about influential children in history and of our time.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Have a few people in the class google ā€œAnanias, the High Priestā€ and ā€œFelix, the governorā€ to learn a few more things about them, including something of their possible character. Share some highlights with the class to know more about these characters in the story. Ask the class: ā€œWho was your favourite uncle? Why?ā€ The hero of this story is Paulā€™s unnamed nephew. How have children been brave in your congregation? Find ways to honour the children of your congregation to make them feel special because they are.One more question: ā€œWas Paul showing a lack of faith in Jesusā€™ promise when he sent his nephew to the Roman commander?ā€ Why or why not?ā€

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Paulā€™s Nephew Uncovers a Plot

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    At the conclusion of his third missionary journey, Paul followed the direction of the Holy Spirit in making his way to Jerusalem. As he stopped along the way, many Christians warned him of the dangers awaiting him. In Caesarea, a man named Agabus prophesied that the Jews in Jerusalem would harm Paul if he went there. Despite all of these warnings, Paul was determined to obey the Holy Spirit. In Jerusalem, Paul met with an angry crowd and was arrested. None of this stopped Paul from preaching about Jesus.

    Emphasise having the determination to do what is right even when challenges arise.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 20:13 through 22:29Galatians 6:9


    On the way to Jerusalem (Acts 20:13-21:14)Farewell to Ephesian Elders in Miletus (20:17-28)Other stops and farewells along the way (21:1-6)In Caesarea with Philip and Agabus (21:7-14)In Jerusalem (Acts 21:15-22:29)Taking advice from James and others (21:15-25)An angry mob and an arrest-includes Paulā€™s sermon (21:26-22:22)Paulā€™s treatment as a prisoner (22:23-29)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Define ā€œdeterminationā€: The feeling we have that makes us keep going even if things get difficultHelp the children understand that mistakes can help us learn lessons. Sometimes, the bad things that happen to us help us learn to be stronger.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Ask one of the more artistic members of the class to draw a blank map of Paulā€™s world and write in the places mentioned in the text where Paul and his companions travelled. The names of the places can be written on the map as the story of his journeys from Troas to Jerusalem is read.Paul meets with the elders from Ephesus and tells them things that are important. This is is farewell address to them. If you were to give a farewell talk to your church, what would you say to them? What would you want them to know and or do?Paul is given the opportunity to speak to a hostile group about how he became a follower of Jesus. What is your story? How did you become a follower of Jesus? How has your understanding of what was expected of you as a follower of Jesus changed since you began this journey?

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Paul Goes to Jerusalem

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    In the last stages of his third missionary journey, Paul stopped in Troas and met with the church in an upstairs room. During Paulā€™s very long preaching, a young man named Eutychus went to sleep and fell out of a window and onto the ground below. Paul miraculously brought the boy back to life.

    For a practical lesson, help students understand how to pay attention and participate with the church in listening when Godā€™s Word is being preached.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 20:7-12


    Paul preaches until midnight (Acts 20:7-8)The young man, Eutychus (Acts 20:9-10)Paul continues to preach until morning (Acts 20:11-12)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Discuss how to pay attention when Godā€™s Word is being preached. Use paper or a notebook to write or draw what is being said.Participate in the worship service (Sing and pray).Look up verses in your own Bible.Before worship begins, ask the preacher what words he plans to discuss most. Keep a tally of those words during his sermon. If the word is Jesus, mark every time he says ā€œJesus.ā€ At the conclusion of worship, the preacher might be interested in seeing your list and might like to know how often you heard him say the word or words.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    One of the insights from our story today is that part of what Paul was doing in speaking at the gathering was using dialogue instead of monologue. An effective teacher will include the class in the discussion, will ask questions that drive the class back to the text, will ask other questions that challenge the class to reflect on the text and reflect on their lives, and will ask questions that challenge them to do something with what they have learned. As a teacher, ask the class: ā€œWhat can help you be a better listener when the word is being preached? I think the class will come up with some good responses. You may want to keep these good listening skills in mind: look at the teacher/preacherwork to concentrate and minimise distractionsopen your Bible and follow alongtake noteshave a water bottle to keep hydrated.

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Eutychus Falls from a Window

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    During his third missionary journey, Paul returned to Ephesus and spent three years there. He taught about Jesus in the synagogue and a city school. Some of the most unusual miracles in the Book of Acts occurred during Paulā€™s stay in Ephesus. They were so convincing that magicians and sorcerers burned their expensive sorcery books and turned to God. So many people stopped worshipping idols (and buying idol statues) that a silversmith named Demetrius led a riot against Paul.

    Jesus is more powerful than any power in heaven or earth. Tusting in practices such as sorcery, magic, witchcraft, or horoscopes is trusting in another power above Jesus.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 19:1-41Ephesians 6:10-18Romans 8:37-39Ephesians 1:18-23


    Paul teaches in Ephesus (Acts 19:1-10)The power of Jesus over the spiritual realm (Acts 19:11-20)Anger in the city of Ephesus (Acts 19:21-41)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Be respectful of the varying ā€œrulesā€ among families concerning exposure to negative spiritual influences. Some children are not allowed to watch certain movies or read particular books, while the parents of others consider the same books safe ā€œfantasyā€ reading.Collect horoscopes and predictions from magazines and coffee shop papers. You could also print these out from online articles. Guide children in cutting these out. Write the scripture Ecclesiastes 8:7 in the centre of a poster and glue the clippings around the border.Sing songs about the power of God over satan.My God is So Big SongShake the Devil OffRoll the Gospel ChariotThis Little Light of Mine

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Online maps, photos, illustrations and articles (check copyright conditions in each)Map of Paul's 3rd journey. Temple of Artemis (Wikipedia) The Day Dream Tourist blog. Questions: In what ways did the spiritual forces of darkness manifest themselves in this story? How was Jesusā€™ power manifested in the several stories in this chapter? How can we, as followers of Jesus, guard ourselves against the spiritual forces of darkness? I want to suggest 1) reading the Scripture, 2) prayer, and 3)

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Paul and the Dark Powers of Ephesus

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    In Corinth, Paul met a couple named Priscilla and Aquila. The three of them built tents together to earn a living. Whenever he was not making tents, Paul taught people about Jesus. After a year and a half, Paul, Priscilla and Aquila travelled to the city of Ephesus together. Priscilla and Aquila stayed in Ephesus to make tents and tell people about Jesus, while Paul went on to Antioch. A while later, when a great teacher named Apollos came to Ephesus, Priscilla and Aquila invited him to their house and explained baptismā€™s real meaning. Apollos was grateful and went on to Corinth, where he continued to share the good news of Jesus.

    In whatever career or job we choose, we can play our part in helping others know about God.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 18:1-28


    Priscilla and Aquila meet Paul in Corinth (Acts 18:1-4)Paul teaches and troubles in Corinth (Acts 18:5-17)Priscilla and Aquila travel with Paul and stay in Ephesus (Acts 18:18-23)Priscilla and Aquila teach Apollos (Acts 18:24-28)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Have the children make a tent using sheets and blanketsTalk to the children about what they would like to do for a job when they grow up. In that job, how can they be a Christian, and how can they help others know about Jesus?Collect items relating to various jobs or careers (stethoscope, firemanā€™s hat, hammer, chefā€™s hat, etc.) Children can guess the job or career as you show each item. Next, ask the children to think about ways a person in that career might help others know about Jesus. A carpenter might fix something at the church that is broken. A doctor might pray with his patients. A chef might cook food for a teacher so he or she can have the energy to teach more people about Jesus. The children will help you think of more ideas.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    As the teacher, it will be helpful to Google ā€œEpicureanismā€ and ā€œStoicismā€ or find material in a Bible encyclopaedia/dictionary and write down summaries of their philosophies, especially as Paul touches on aspects of them in the speech on the Areopagus. Bring this info to class and share it with the class as a background to the story. Wikipedia links: EpicureanismStoicismAsk the class these kinds of questions: What does Paul affirm about this ā€˜unknown Godā€™ that he is now making known to them? What are the attributes of God? What does he want them to know about the true and living God? Ask the follow-up questions: In what ways does this speech challenge us about who the true and living God is?

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Priscilla and Aquila

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    Paul continued his second Missionary Journey by stopping in the wealthy and cultured city of Athens. Idols and altars of false gods filled the city. Paul addressed a group of philosophers meeting on a rock hill called the Areopagus (Mars Hill). Idols were humanity's attempt to make gods, but Paul preached that humans cannot make the true God. God has created humans, and all that is in the world. There is only one God, and it is wrong to put anything above him.

    God is the only one worthy of our worship. We should not think or act as any person or thing is more important than him.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 17:16-34Psalm 145:2-3


    Paul teaches in Athens (Acts 17:16-21)Paulā€™s Sermon at the Areopagus (Acts 17:22-31)Responses to the Message (Acts 17:32-34)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Research online or in the library to find information about Athens. Look for photos of the Areopogus, where Paul spoke.Talk about idols. These could be statues and temples like in Athens. In a general sense, anything we worship or think is more important than God can be called an idol.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    As the teacher, it will be helpful to Google ā€œEpicureanismā€ and ā€œStoicismā€ or find material in a Bible encyclopaedia/dictionary and write down summaries of their philosophies, especially as Paul touches on aspects of them in the speech on the Areopagus. Bring this info to class and share it with the class as a background to the story. Links to Wikipedia:Epicureanism Stoicism Questions and Discussion topics:What does Paul affirm about this ā€˜unknown Godā€™ that he is now making known to them? What are the attributes of God? What does he want them to know about the true and living God? In what ways does this speech challenge us about who the true and living God is?

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Paul Preaches in Athens-Mars Hill

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    Paul continues his 2nd Missionary Journey by visiting the cities of Thessalonica and Berea. Several people began to follow Jesus in Thessalonica, but others were jealous and caused trouble. Paul went on to Berea where the people received the message of Jesus with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul said was true. Troublemakers from Thessalonica soon followed and caused so much trouble that the Christians escorted Paul to Athens for his own safety.d

    We should follow the example of the Bereans and study Scripture to understand what is true.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 17:1-15

    2 Timothy 2:15


    Paul and Silas preach in Thessalonica (Acts 17:1-4)Jealous Jews retaliate (Acts 17:5-9)Paul teaches in Berea (Acts 17:10-15)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Help the children learn how to use their Bibles. Talk about it being a collection of 66 books gathered into one book. Look at the table of contents together. Teach them how to look up a Scripture reference (book, chapter, verse). Practice looking up verses using that same format. Simple verses for the beginning Bible reader might be Genesis 1:1 and John 3:16.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Questions to ask the class: 1) Why would Paul go to the synagogue first to preach about Jesus? Who would be his audience? 2) What could they have been preaching about Jesus for the Thessalonians to understand them as claiming Jesus is a rival king to Caesar? 3) How serious is this charge about Jesus?As a teacher, it is good to develop your skills in studying the Scripture. Here are some tips to keep in mind when reading, studying and preparing for your class: 1) Read the text in its context. Donā€™t just pick out one or two verses out of their context. Things make sense when put into their context. Read the passage and then re-read it, thinking about how the text flows and how the parts of the text connect. Try to get into the habit of reading paragraphs instead of single verses. Context is everything.

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: The Noble Bereans

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    Paul cast an evil spirit out of a young slave girl, but her owners were angry and brought Paul and Silas before the city magistrates. Even though they were both beaten and thrown into prison, they were heard singing hymns and praying to God during the night. After an earthquake, Paul and Silas taught the jailer and his household about Jesus. Before the night was over, they were all baptised. The next day, Paul and Silas were released from prison.

    In Christ, we can experience true joy despite our circumstances.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 16:16-40

    Philippians 4:4


    Paul helps a slave girl (Acts 16:16-18)Paul and Silas are arrested and imprisoned (Acts 16:19-24)Miraculous release from prison. Salvation for the jailer (Acts 16:25-34)Freedom and respect (Acts 16:35-40)

    Tips for teaching children:

    As you tell the story draw two stick figures (Paul and Silas) and draw chains on them. Guide the children in drawing vertical lines down the paper to represent the prison bars.Make and decorate a poster from the verse Philippians 4:4Make paper chains

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Read the story in the class. Choose various people to read the different parts. Choose a narrator, Paul, jailor, and city officials. Say this to the class: ā€œUsing your imagination, what were the songs they might have been singing?ā€ Why do you think they were singing and praying? What would you have been doing at midnight if that was you?Why didnā€™t Paul mention that he was a Roman citizen before he was beaten? Why only the next day?

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: A Jailer Becomes a Christian

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    After sailing to Macedonia, Paul arrived in the city of Philippi. When he found a group of women gathered beside a river praying, he told them about Jesus. One of the women was Lydia, a businesswoman who sold expensive purple fabric. When Lydia heard about Jesus, she was baptised. Then, everyone in her household was baptised, too. Lydia was so happy that she invited Paul and his friends to stay at her house.

    Baptism was a natural response to the message about Jesus. Use this opportunity to discuss the meaning of baptism.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 16:10-15Romans 6:3-4,Acts 2:38, 41Acts 22:161 Peter 3:18-22


    Travel to Philippi (Acts 16:10-12)Lydia and her household were baptised (Acts 16:13-15)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Paul travelled on Roman roads. Older children can research the Via Egnatia with making purple dye from natural products (flowers, purple cabbage, beets, berries). Children will enjoy dipping white cotton cloth in these.Tie-die a T-shirt shirt purple.Baptism Craft: Cut a small figure of a person from thick paper and tape or glue it on a stick like a puppet. Cut a hole in the bottom of a plastic cup, then push the stick down into the cup and through the hole. The stick will stick out the bottom of the cup, and the ā€œpersonā€ will be inside. Lift the stick up and down, and the ā€œpersonā€ appears to go in and out of the waters of baptism.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    If practical and possible, organise the class to study this lesson by a stream, a river, a lake, or even a swimming pool, whatever works best. Be sure to spend time in prayer. Make it more special by sharing a meal. Although baptism was not a major focus of this lesson, it is important to note that the text explicitly mentions Lydia and her household being baptised. You can ask the following discussion questions: 1) What body of water were you baptised in? A baptistery, a swimming pool, lake, or river? 2) What are some memories you have of the place you were baptised? 3) Who has experienced being baptised at the same time with family/friends? What was it like then and now?

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Lydia Becomes a Christian

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    Paul suggested to Barnabas that they re-visit the churches they had established on their 1st missionary journey. Before leaving Antioch, he and Barnabas disagreed over who they should take with them, so they took different people and went to different places. Paul re-visited churches and attempted to enter new areas to teach people about Jesus. The Holy Spirit actively guided Paul and his companions, and one night, Paul had a vision of a man from the region of Macedonia standing and begging him to come and help. By entering Macedonia on this, his 2nd missionary journey, Paul will now taking the Gospel to Europe for the first time.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 15:36 through 16:1-10


    A Rough Start to the Journey (Acts 15:36-41)Timothy joins Paul in Strengthening the Churches (Acts 16:1-5)Missionaries Led by the Spirit (Acts 16:6-10)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Learn about missionaries. You might interview one, send letters, or print pictures of places where missionaries work.Trace Paulā€™s missionary journey on a map.Sing I Can Be a Missionary

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Look at a map of Paulā€™s 2nd mission journey to put his travels in context. The show notes will have a link to the Viz Bible maps A good question that calls for some imagination is: What might Timothyā€™s growing up be like in a mixed race and faith home? What challenges might he have faced? What about those today growing up in a home with different ethnicities and faiths? How can the church best serve them?Guide the class into exploring the possible dynamics of Barnabas and Paul not budging on their view of John Mark. Who was right? Why? Who was wrong? Why? Why do you think Paul was so adamant against John Mark joining them on this journey? What is helpful to us as we read and reflect on this incident and its results?

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: Macedonian Vision

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    The Holy Spirit directed the Antioch church to send Barnabas and Saul on a mission trip to teach people about Christ. This trip is often called ā€œPaulā€™s First Missionary Journeyā€. One of the stops on this journey was the city of Lystra, where Paul healed a man who had never been able to walk. A frenzied crowd first worshipped Paul and Barnabas as gods, then turned on them and stoned Paul. Despite this, Paul miraculously stood up after the crowd left as if not injured. After revisiting some of the previous stops, Paul and Barnabas returned to the Antioch church to tell them all of the things God had done.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 14:8-23


    Response to a Miracle (Acts 14:8-13)Paulā€™s Sermon (Acts 14:14-18)Paulā€™s stoning and exit (Acts 14:19-20)Strengthening the churches (Acts 14:21-23)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Find Antioch, Lystra, Derbe and Iconium on a mapMake a relief map out of salt doughTalk about how the crowd became angry and stirred up. Relate this to Proverbs 22:24-25Illustrate how one bad person can make a crowd turn bad. Build a tower of cards or blocks. Pull out one piece from the bottom and watch the tower fall apart.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Even though we only covered part of the 1st journey in this episode, I suggest you read the whole of ch.13-14. In a class, the best way to do this is to divide the text up and assign different readers. Reading the whole story makes it more compelling and helps to understand the context. Consult a map that outlines this 1st mission journey. There is an excellent series of maps here: Ā© Copyright 2018 Robert RouseAsk a few people to calculate how many kilometres/miles they travelled on this journey. Ask a few others to Google the average travel time on foot between the cities mentioned in chapters 13-14, considering the average travel time with a small group with supplies.Here are a few questions you can ask: 1) What can we learn about God from this story? 2) What can we learn about how to tell others the good news from this story? 3) Why is strengthening churches and forming leadership important to Paulā€™s purpose in planting churches? What can we learn from this for our churches today?

    Full teaching instructions free from Mission Bible Class:

    Bible Lesson: An Angry Crowd in Lystra

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]

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    King Herod (King of the Jewish people) persecuted Christians and ordered the arrest of the apostle Peter. The whole church was very afraid, so they gathered together in a house to pray. While they were praying, an angel visited Peterā€™s prison cell and miraculously released him. Peter found his way to the house where the church was praying. Peter then went into hiding. Herod continued to seek public approval desperately and even allowed people to praise him as if he were God. An angel struck Herod with an illness, and he died a terrible death.

    Bible verses used in this episode:

    Acts 12:1-24


    Persecution and Arrest (Acts 12:1-5)An angel frees Peter from prison (Acts 12:6-11)Peter reunites with the praying church (Acts 12:12-19)Herod dies (Acts 12:2024)

    Tips for teaching children:

    Talk about prayer and pray together.Learn a new method of prayer and try it in class. Make an angel craft.

    Tips for teaching adults:

    Ask these discussion questions: 1) Why does God allow James to be killed but orchestrate Peterā€™s escape from death? 2) What can we learn about prayer?Visit a prison; write a letter of encouragement to prisoners; interview someone who has worked in prison ministry.

    Scriptures quoted from the International Childrenā€™s BibleĀ®, copyright Ā©1986, 1988, 1999, 2015 by Tommy Nelson. Used by permission.

    Excerpts from Mission Bible Class used by permission.

    For questions or comments email: [email protected]