
  • Episode 227: Stolen: Dr. Kat Rosenblatt on Surviving Human Trafficking & Exposing Groomers
    Show NotesListener Discretion Advised:This episode contains discussions about human trafficking, grooming, and abuse, which may be distressing to some listeners.If you or someone you know is in danger or being groomed, please call the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text "HELP" or "INFO" to 233733 (BEFREE) for confidential support. Help is available 24/7 in multiple languages.

    Dr. Katariina Rosenblatt is an author, international speaker, and lived experience expert on domestic violence and human trafficking. She is the Executive Director
    Of There Is H.O.P.E. For Me, a non-profit organization supporting victims of human trafficking and providing peer mentoring and support. Dr. Kat has fifteen years of experience in direct service, empowering survivors of sex & labor trafficking as well as domestic violence. She now has a team of survivor leaders and warriors who do the same thing, sharing their stories and empowering others, from survivors to survivors.

    Dr. Kat has written several articles and three books on human trafficking: Her memoir entitled Stolen: The True Story of a Sex Trafficking Survivor (Baker Publishing) and Trafficking in America: The Most Undetected Human Rights Violation of Our Time (Lambert Publishing). Her third book, entitled Human Trafficking Across Borders, will also soon be available on Amazon.

    With so many triumphs over unbeatable obstacles, Dr. Kat is now a much sought-after motivational speaker, author, and presenter on human trafficking and domestic violence and an inspirational leader to women everywhere.

    We welcome Dr. Katariina Rosenblatt to Bible Mysteries.

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Isaiah 2:6, Ephesians 5:11-12, Ezekiel 16:20-21, Jeremiah 32:34-35, Ephesians 6:12, Isaiah 24:5

    Human trafficking is happening in America and, in many cases, occurs in our communities and right under our noses. The insidious methods of groomers who prey on emotionally susceptible children often go undetected by the targeted victims and their families. Shockingly, the cartels behind the drug trade are frequently using illegal drugs as a means to entice and capture children for the sex trade, a far more lucrative business. Thank you, Dr. Kat, for opening our eyes to this horrifying reality. Soon, the Lord will return to pour out His vengeance on all who participate in such wickedness!

    Links: There is H.O.P.E FOR ME:
    Buy Dr. Kat's Book, Stolen:
    The National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888

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  • Episode 226: The Queen of Heaven Deception - Fallen Angel Poses as an Ancient Goddess

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    There is a growing trend in the UFO community to create a new narrative. Chris Bledsoe, Jake Barber, Stephen Greer, and many others are all pushing what equates to the worship of the queen of heaven in ancient Israel. A false gospel is being preached to the world, and they are among the false prophets and false apostles. Don’t be deceived! ETs are not benevolent entities of love and light trying to help humanity harmonize into a new vibration. It is something far more sinister.

    Fallen Angel Poses as an Ancient Goddess

    This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Latonya Brickhouse, Liza Rock, Heather Jones

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Jeremiah 7:17-18, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, Philippians 3:18-19, Galatians 1:6-9, 2 Corinthians 2:11, 1 Kings 22:19-23, Exodus 12:12, Revelation 17:3-6, 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, Genesis 3:1-5, 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12, Revelation 13:11-15, Matthew 24:24-25, 2 Timothy 4:3-4, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Romans 10:17, Isaiah 24:21, Acts 4:12


    Don’t be deceived by glowing descriptions of Hathor or the queen of heaven! The first thing Jesus warned about on the Mount of Olives in Matthew 24 was deception. He said false Christs would arise. We are indeed seeing this happen today. The current paradigm is quickly shifting to deceive millions into thinking benevolent space beings want to save us from destruction. These are fallen angels masquerading as angels of light, and their human false prophets and false apostles are promoting this agenda. We need to walk by faith and trust the Word of God. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!


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  • Episode 225: Let's Talk Hebrew - Unlocking the Hebrew Meaning of Love with Jeff Dodson

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    We welcome back my dear friend and brother in Christ, Jeff Dodson, to discuss the Hebrew language more. In particular, Jeff talks about the Hebrew word for love, and we explore the depth of its meaning.

    Do we really know what love is?

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.


    Love: אָהַב (aw-hav’) - to love


    There are several words for love in Greek, but only one in Hebrew. The truth that God is love is exemplified in the Hebrew word for love itself with the letters Aleph, Het, and Bet. Their meanings as letters equate to God, breath, and a temple, and is a picture of the Holy Spirit that seals each believer because of God’s love for us through His Son Jesus Christ!


    Jeff Dodson’s email: [email protected]

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  • Episode 224: The Fourth Reich Show Notes - Demonic Nazi Technology In The U.S. Hegemony

    When World War II ended, the Allies were amazed to discover the incredibly advanced technology used by the Germans. Operation Paperclip was implemented to import this technologically advanced knowledge to America. There is evidence that this technology was obtained by the Third Reich through satanic interaction with fallen entities. Was Nazis occult knowledge transferred to the US Hegemony to continue as the Fourth Reich? Was the atomic bomb a game changing weapon in more ways than one?

    This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Russell S., Kristin Randall, and Jackie Stopperan

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.


    Timing of Events:

    The Nazis were defeated on May 8, 1945, when Germany officially surrendered to the Allies, marking the end of World War II in Europe

    The first successful test of an atomic bomb took place on July 16, 1945, in New Mexico. It was developed at Los Alamos, New Mexico

    The bombing of Hiroshima occurred on August 6, 1945, and was dropped by the Enola Gay bomber

    After the war, the Enola Gay returned to the United States, where it was operated from Roswell Army Air Field, New Mexico

    Sometime between mid-June and early July of 1947, a UFO crash landed near Rosewell, New Mexico

    An explosion of technological advances has taken place since


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Genesis 3:4-5, Genesis 4:19-22, Genesis 4:19-22, 2 Peter 2:4-6, Leviticus 19:31, Deuteronomy 18:10-13, Isaiah 8:18-20, Daniel 2:40, Daniel 7:23-27

    *Enoch 3:7-10 was referenced, a non-canonical book


    We are in the 4th Reich, the fourth kingdom of prophecy, which will culminate in the kingdom of the antichrist. Technological advances in this kingdom are likely exploding due to occult knowledge offered by fallen entities in exchange for cooperation with them. This exchange is what happened in Nazi Germany, and it is also happening now. The alien abduction phenomenon is undoubtedly a part of this unholy contract. Woe unto them that call good evil and evil good!


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  • Jana Potts is a former oncology nurse, mother of three children, and wife to our co-host, John. We discuss her medical experiences and why holistic approaches and treatment modalities are rarely used in the Western medical ethos. Jana shares her testimony of salvation, her experience ministering to cancer patients, and how our bodies lack nutritional elements vital to good health.

    We welcome Jana Potts to the Bible Mysteries Podcast!

    Disclaimer: The content of this podcast is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. The views and opinions expressed are those of the hosts and guest and do not substitute professional medical guidance. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your medical treatment, diet, or wellness routine. Do not disregard or delay seeking medical advice based on the information presented in this episode.

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

    Links:Aleph-Tav Body SystemLearn more about the Hebrew, bioenergy of the human body and the building blocks of creation.

    Jana is a long-time friend who claims no expertise in medicine. She is actively searching for answers to better approaches to health through the Scriptures. Rather than a list of pre-prepared questions, we agreed to have an open, honest, and causal conversation about health, allowing the Lord to guide the conversation where He would. Please enjoy this eye-opening interview with Jana Potts!

    The spiritual aspect of health is rarely included in a modern treatment modality. Prayer, fasting, and honoring God’s exhortation to let the land and our bodies rest have been ignored for far too long. Perhaps returning to the laws the Lord gave to benefit His people is a good starting point for restoring health and vitality. Let’s begin with seeking the Lord’s will in our health journeys.

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  • Episode 222: Rules of Engagement Part 2 - How Humanity Ceded Power to Satan & the Final Battle Ahead

    Show Notes

    God has placed limits on the fallen entities' access to our world and our access to their realm. This limit is evident because fallen angels, with their advanced knowledge, power, and capabilities, could have easily seized control of the earth if it were permitted. Both sides have defied this divine decree and broken the rules of engagement, but the limits remain set in place. There is a misunderstanding about why Satan is the god of this world; it is not by God's appointment. It is by humanity's choice. Today, we let the Bible reveal the rules of engagement in the ongoing battle of good versus evil.

    This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Juliet DiMino, Ashley Fish, and Rebecca Tingle

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Genesis 11:5-6, 1 Corinthians 11:10, Daniel 2:42, Matthew 24:36-39, Luke 21:25-26, Jude 1:4, Jude 1:8-9, Jude 1:12-13, Revelation 17:12-14, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, Romans 1:18, Isaiah 24:5-6, Isaiah 26:20-27:1, Revelation 9:20-21


    Satan stated all power was delivered to him. It was ceded to him by humanity, exemplified in the Roman Empire's worship of the gods and Caesar as a god. When Christ died, the gospel grew under great persecution and thwarted Satan's dominion as Christianity spread. Satan, however, switched his tactics and slowly destroyed whatever gains the Church made by eroding morality and watering down sound doctrine. The Church is now weak and ineffectual, symbolized by the Laodicean age. Soon the rapture will occur to remove God's people, and the rules of engagement will be broken one last time as Satan mounts a final offensive against the Lord and His Anointed.


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  • Episode 221: Rules of Engagement Part 1 – Satan’s Authority, Fallen Angels & the Final Battle

    Show Notes

    God has placed limits on the fallen entities' access to our world and our access to their realm. This limit is evident because fallen angels, with their advanced knowledge, power, and capabilities, could have easily seized control of the earth if it were permitted. Both sides have defied this divine decree and broken the rules of engagement, but the limits remain set in place. There is a misunderstanding about why Satan is the god of this world; it is not by God's appointment. It is by humanity's choice. Today, we let the Bible reveal the rules of engagement in the ongoing battle of good versus evil.

    This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Bethany Andrew, Tatiana Hauk, and Elizabeth Karr

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

    Correction: In this episode Scott mistakenly stated the earth’s population as 12 billion. It is actually 8 billion, and we apologize for misstating the actual number.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    2 Peter 2:9-11, Psalm 115:16, Genesis 1:26-28, Daniel 4:17-18a, Luke 4:5-8, Romans 1:20-25, Genesis 6:1-2, 2 Peter 2:4-5, Jude 1:6


    Satan stated all power was delivered to him. It was ceded to him by humanity, exemplified in the Roman Empire's worship of the gods and Caesar as a god. When Christ died, the gospel grew under great persecution and thwarted Satan's dominion as Christianity spread. Satan, however, switched his tactics and slowly destroyed whatever gains the Church made by eroding morality and watering down sound doctrine. The Church is now weak and ineffectual, symbolized by the Laodicean age. Soon, the rapture will occur to remove God's people, and the rules of engagement will be broken one last time as Satan mounts a final offensive against the Lord and His Anointed.


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  • Episode 220: Immaculate Constellation

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    At the last congressional hearing on UAPs in November 2024, independent journalist Michael Shellenberger claimed sources inside the Pentagon revealed knowledge about a UAP program known as "Immaculate Constellation." While it does not surprise any of us the Pentagon would hide or house a secret program, I find the name intriguing and very revealing. What is the meaning behind Immaculate Constellation, and what is the Pentagon up to?

    This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Zachary Lemme, Donna Dobson, and Gary Robinson

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.


    "A source warned that simply printing the name ‘Immaculate Constellation’ could trigger government surveillance of me under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of whoever publishes it. They won’t comment on it, but talking about it will put you in the danger zone, I was told. They enforce the secrecy with a lot of vigor.”

    Michael Shellenberger, testimony before Congress Nov. 13, 2024Alleged Greada Treaty agreement between Gray Aliens and President Eisenhower: We would not be involved in their affairs and they would not become involved in ours• They would help us with developing our technology

    • They would not make a treaty with any other nation on Earth

    • They could abduct humans for various experiments, but had to provide names of all those they abducted to Earth’s Majestic 12 committee

    The public would not be informed about the existence of ETsScriptures:

    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Isaiah 13:9-11, Amos 5:7-8, Job 38:31-33a, 2 Peter 2:4-6, Isaiah 28:14-22, Psalm 82:1-8, Daniel 2:40-44, Revelation 9:20-21, Psalm 115:16, 1 Corinthians 11:10, Romans 1:18-24


    The aptly named Immaculate Constellation is very likely the covenant dark military agencies in the United States made with fallen satanic entities. Whistleblowers can only reveal the truth about such a program because it fits into the disclosure agenda. Drones, orbs, and UAPs are all part of this sinister deception. Jesus began the Olivet Discourse with a warning not to be deceived, and He concluded with the admonition to look up in the skies for signs. Are we not in the last days?


    Michale Shellenberger’s Congressional Testimony -

    The Greada Treaty -

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  • Episode 219: Drone and Orb Proliferation - Interview with Sylvia McKelvey

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    Recent drone and orb sightings were all over the news before they were replaced with politics and natural disasters. However, these UAPs have not gone away. Sylvia McKelvey is a MUFON investigator with personal experience concerning orbs. We get the benefit of her expertise as we discuss the orbs and whether drones are just a distraction from the supernatural origin of what is really going on.

    This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Sean Dixon, Lindsay Polittle, and Micah Hedges

    Introduction: Sylvia McKelvey has been a Christian investigator for over thirty years. She provided research materials for and appeared in the 1983 documentary The New Age: Pathway to Paradise, produced by WDFC Christian Television in Chicago, Illinois. She has been an investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and has served as the MUFON State Section Director for Santa Clara County in California.

    Sylvia is the author of Storm on the Horizon: The New Age, UFOs, and the Cosmic Christ, which we discussed on her first appearance on our show. She is a former United States Naval Reserve Hospital Corps Petty Officer and served on active duty during Operation Desert Storm. She lives with her husband in Northern California.

    Questions for Sylvia:

    From November until now, we have heard multiple reports of drone sightings worldwide, primarily in New Jersey. Do you have an opinion or any information on what these might be? The drone sightings may have been a distraction from the multiple orb sightings, which the media largely ignores. Do you have a sense of whether these orbs are man-made or supernatural? I shared a video of an entity appearing on a trail cam. Right before it manifested, an orb or ball of light appeared. Do you sense this is an actual orb like the ones you have experienced? A video was shown online of an orb that rotated and appeared like the one described in Ezekiel 10:10. Do you have any information on this orb, and is it different from other sightings? Is it possible these orbs are actual entities themselves? Could some orbs be probes or recognizance devices to collect data and observe human behavior? Is it possible some orbs are portals or “star gates” into the spiritual realm? Do you see a connection between the drones and orbs working together? Could this be a collaboration between dark military ops with reverse-engineered technology and the fallen angels with whom they interact? Do you feel that the government's attempt to ban specific social media platforms like TikTok is an attempt at a coverup? What is the actual numbers trend in UAP/orb sightings overall in the past 1-2 years? Is there a significant spike, or are sightings the same? Are they just getting better coverage via social media? We have sightings of craft shapes (tic-tac, saucer, jellyfish, orbs, triangular, drones, etc.). Is there any evidence that these are working together or are separate entities? What is your sense of what is going on? Is this a manifestation of the coming disclosure to reveal an “alien” deception to the world? You’ve seen and had interactions with orbs personally, but did you ever witness orbs or unusual phenomena while on active duty overseas? In Storm on the Horizon, you suggest the possibility of warring factions among the fallen beings. How might this manifest in an end-times deception?Takeaway:

    One thing is sure: the sky reveals more unusual phenomena than we usually see. Something is going on, and we may be seeing the beginning of the fearful sights and signs in the heavens Christ spoke about in Luke 21. There is a reason Jesus said that when these things begin to come to pass, Look up!


    LA Marzulli Orb/Fallen angel on trail cam:

    UFOs at 911 Twin Towers

    UAP Japanese Tsunami

    Weird Object During Japanese Tsunami (This was later filmed going over a roof top and onto another building)

    UAPs Over LA and Saucer

    Weird Object Flying Around LA During Fires

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  • Episode 218: Above All Gods: The Lord Reigns Supreme Over Every Fallen Entity, Angel and Demon

    Show Notes

    The Bible declares the Lord to be above all gods. While we often think of the gods as false gods and idols, these idols are images to worship fallen entities. Satan wants to be God, and Paul said that Gentiles sacrifice to devils. From the beginning, some gods opposed themselves to the Creator. Perhaps it’s time to examine why the Lord is the King over all the gods!

    This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: John McDonald, Judah Buxton, and Terry McClure


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Psalm 97:9, Psalm 95:3-7, Revelation 19:11-16, Exodus 18:10-12, Isaiah 14:12-14, Ezekiel 28:14-19, Revelation 12:3-4, 1 Corinthians 8:4-6, 1 Corinthians 10:20-21, 1 Chronicles 16:23-31, Psalm 135:3-7, Genesis 3:4-5, Ephesians 6:12, Philippians 2:5-11


    The gods, or fallen angels, have long held sway over the kingdoms of this world. They have been allowed to continue this rebellion according to God’s purpose and will, but their reign of terror is ending. Soon, the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will return. He is above all gods; every fallen entity, angel, demon, or human will bow down and acknowledge Christ as Lord. Are you ready?


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  • Episode 217: A Kingdom Divided – Unmasking the Spiritual Battle Behind Political Polarization

    America is currently a house divided against itself. While the majority may shift slightly left or right depending on the election year, we remain a deeply divided country. This division also happens in many other nations, particularly the West. While one side seeks to wield power over the other, the polarization that is taking place is being orchestrated by an unseen hand. Satan is the great divider, and humanity remains blind to the source of all division. We ignore the spiritual realm to our peril.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Wayne VanSandt, Deb Turner, and David Negele

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

    “Imagine you are a fish in a koi pond. Your entire life and attention are engaged in a battle between the speckled koi and the solid koi, each vying for control of the pond. Neither side has any idea that above the surface of the water, there is an entire world of beings far greater in intelligence in a realm they can’t comprehend. These beings breathe air, walk on two legs, and possess amazingly advanced technology. They are the ones fomenting the koi division that is polarizing the koi. These beings created the division between the koi to distract the koi from what they are really doing… taking over the pond.

    Stop fighting each other! Look above the surface.” - Scott Mitchell

    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Matthew 12:22-30, Amos 3:3, Ephesians 6:12, Acts 23:6-8, Matthew 3:5-8, Matthew 16:1-12, Daniel 2:40-44, Revelation 13:4-7, Revelation 6:12-17, Ezekiel 22:23-31, Psalm 115:16, Psalm 115:16, Revelation 19:11-21, Psalm 146:1-10

    The polarization of nations continues to distract us from the spiritual battle we wage. We don't fight this enemy with physical weapons; we fight it with the Word of God. Political engagements are an entanglement that diverts our attention away from the spiritual realm. Don't be deceived! Don't place your trust in men or princes! Only the Lord Jesus Christ can restore the mess Satan has made of this world's divided kingdoms.

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  • Episode 216: The Tents of Shem Part 2 - Interview with Ryan Pitterson - Biblical prophecy, Middle East occupation, and true Israel of God

    Show Notes

    What does it mean that Japheth will dwell in the tents of Shem? Could that refer to land only, or are there political, commercial, and genetic components to this cryptic prophecy? We continue our interview with Ryan Pitterson to discuss what this esoteric passage might mean and whether we are seeing it fulfilled in current events.

    This episode is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Billy Waldrop, Jason Fontan, and Lena Champlin

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.


    Tents: אֹהֶל (o’-hel) - tent, nomad’s tent, and thus symbolic of wilderness life, transience

    dwelling, home, habitation, the sacred tent of Jehovah (the tabernacle)

    Tabernacle: מִשְׁכָּן (mish-kawn’) - dwelling place, tabernacle, dwelling-place, dwellings

    (This Hebrew word always refers to the tabernacle of God and not tents. It is also translated dwelling place, but is mostly used in connection to the tabernacle Moses built: Of the tabernacle, by the, before the, upon the, rear up the, from off the, set up the, about the, etc.)


    Japheth = opened, widely extending

    Gomer = complete

    Ashkenaz = a man as sprinkled: fire as scattered

    Riphath = spoken

    Togarmah = thou will break her

    Magog = land of Gog

    Madai = middle land (Mede, Media)

    Javan = Ionia or Greece

    Elishah = God of the coming one

    Tarshish = yellow jasper (Spain?)

    Kittim (Chittim) = bruisers (Cyprus and northern Mediterranean

    Dodanim = leaders (Troy, Trojans?)

    Tubal = thou shalt be brought

    Meshek = drawing out

    Tiras = desire

    “Gog is indeed mentioned by the prophets of the Lord in other books of the Bible - just not by the name “Gog.” This is because Gog is just one of the seven vessels for the fallen angelic spirit of the Assyrian, or Apollyon, who reappears throughout biblical history. This is the same angelic spirit that will indwell the Antichrist at the opening of the Abyss in Revelation chapter 9.” - Ryan Pitterson, The Final Nephilim


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Genesis 9:25-27, Exodus 26:9-11, Psalm 78:54-61, 2 Corinthians 5:1-4, Genesis 10:2-5, Ezekiel 38:17, Ezekiel 38:1-4, Ezekiel 39:1-6, Revelation 3:7-9, Revelation 2:8-9, Matthew 13:44, Exodus 19:5-6, Psalm 135:4-5, Psalm 83:1-4


    Could the tents of Shem be a reference to Japheth occupying the lands of the Middle East? Is Gog actually already upon the mountains of Israel? Is he operating through them who are not Jews and the US Empire to eliminate the true Israel of God? Is the Lord about to turn them back and open the 6th seal of Revelation? Is an awakening taking place of who God’s true Israel is?


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  • Episode 215: The Tents of Shem Part 1 — Ryan Pitterson on Prophecy, Middle East Occupation, and the True Israel of God

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    What does it mean that Japheth will dwell in the tents of Shem? Could that refer to land only, or are there political, commercial, and genetic components to this cryptic prophecy? We welcome back our dear brother Ryan Pitterson to discuss what this esoteric passage might mean and whether we are seeing it fulfilled in current events.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Billy Waldrop, Jason Fontan, and Lena Champlin

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.


    Tents: אֹהֶל (o’-hel) - tent, nomad’s tent, and thus symbolic of wilderness life, transience

    dwelling, home, habitation, the sacred tent of Jehovah (the tabernacle)

    Tabernacle: מִשְׁכָּן (mish-kawn’) - dwelling place, tabernacle, dwelling-place, dwellings

    (This Hebrew word always refers to the tabernacle of God and not tents. It is also translated dwelling place, but is mostly used in connection to the tabernacle Moses built: Of the tabernacle, by the, before the, upon the, rear up the, from off the, set up the, about the, etc.)


    Japheth = opened, widely extending

    Gomer = complete

    Ashkenaz = a man as sprinkled: fire as scattered

    Riphath = spoken

    Togarmah = thou will break her

    Magog = land of Gog

    Madai = middle land (Mede, Media)

    Javan = Ionia or Greece

    Elishah = God of the coming one

    Tarshish = yellow jasper (Spain?)

    Kittim (Chittim) = bruisers (Cyprus and northern Mediterranean

    Dodanim = leaders (Troy, Trojans?)

    Tubal = thou shalt be brought

    Meshek = drawing out

    Tiras = desire

    “Gog is indeed mentioned by the prophets of the Lord in other books of the Bible - just not by the name “Gog.” This is because Gog is just one of the seven vessels for the fallen angelic spirit of the Assyrian, or Apollyon, who reappears throughout biblical history. This is the same angelic spirit that will indwell the Antichrist at the opening of the Abyss in Revelation chapter 9.” - Ryan Pitterson, The Final Nephilim


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Genesis 9:25-27, Exodus 26:9-11, Psalm 78:54-61, 2 Corinthians 5:1-4, Genesis 10:2-5, Ezekiel 38:17, Ezekiel 38:1-4, Ezekiel 39:1-6, Revelation 3:7-9, Revelation 2:8-9, Matthew 13:44, Exodus 19:5-6, Psalm 135:4-5, Psalm 83:1-4


    Could the tents of Shem be a reference to Japheth occupying the lands of the Middle East? Is Gog actually already upon the mountains of Israel? Is he operating through them who are not Jews and the US Empire to eliminate the true Israel of God? Is the Lord about to turn them back and open the 6th seal of Revelation? Is an awakening taking place of who God’s true Israel is?


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  • Episode 214: The Spiritual Realm - Is It More Physical Than We Think?

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    There is much we don’t understand about the spiritual realm. Call it another dimension if you wish, but there may be a misconception that this realm has no physicality. If that is so, all descriptions of things within this realm would be metaphors and not facts. It is not like God to mislead us with His Word. True, He encrypted Scripture by design, but He reveals the secret things to His saints. Today, we look at the spiritual realm to see what the Bible really says.

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Lora Huber, Justin Wenger, and Amber Romano


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    John 4:21-24, Hebrews 1:13-14, Psalm 104:1-5, Genesis 3:8, 1 Corinthians 15:45, Luke 23:39, Philippians 3:21, Psalm 45:1-8, Ezekiel 1:4-14, Ezekiel 1:15-20, Ezekiel 1:26-28, Revelation 4:1-8, Revelation 5:6-7, Psalm 78:21-25, Psalm 18:6-15, Matthew 27:50-54, Isaiah 66:15-16, Psalm 24:7-10, Revelation 12:7-9, 2 Kings 6:17


    The many verses that give us a glimpse into the spiritual realm show us a kingdom and civilization with crops, horses, armies, weapons, and thrones. If this is only understood metaphorically, then the Bible is somewhat disingenuous. If, however, it is to be understood literally, then human civilization is patterned after the spiritual realm because it is natural and has substance. We cannot see it yet, but there is a physicality to the kingdom of God that we cannot understand. May the Lord open our eyes to see!


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  • Episode 213: The Managed Agenda Part 2 – UFOs, AI, Elections & Demonic Activity | Round Table with Vicki Joy Anderson & Karin Wilkinson

    In our first-ever round-table discussion, Bible Mysteries Podcast welcomes distinguished authors Vicki Joy Anderson, and Karin Wilkinson. Join us for Part 2 of the Managed Agenda as we explore questions surrounding current events and hot topics related to the proliferation of UFOs, AI, the recent US elections, and demonic activity as the world appears to grow closer to nuclear war.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Shane Lines, Susan Starling, and Shannon Wing

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.


    The disclosure of UFOs is clearly a managed agenda. What human proxies are part of this agenda besides the principalities and powers?

    Are these human proxies aware of the spiritual forces behind the contracts for advanced technology, or are they deceived into thinking they are working with extraterrestrials?

    Are UFOs/Portals/Demonic activity proliferating specifically in the middle east/Holy land as war ramps up?

    Is it possible dark elements in the governments of Israeli and Arab nations are also in collusion with fallen entities?

    Beyond individual basis, is cooperation with black ops/dark government agencies inviting demonic activity into our lives yes personally?

    How deeply immersed is the Pentagon in the occult?

    What connection/agenda do fallen entities have to the immigration/child trafficking that is going on worldwide?

    Peter said Christ went about healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Is there a connection between disease and demonic activity beyond possession/abductions?

    Do you feel the percentage of those who have experienced abductions/paralysis attacks is increasing based on your encounters with people as you travel?

    Is a global nuclear war imminent based on NATO/Russian/Israeli/Chinese posturing, or cold this be saber rattling to bring on the UFO savior deception?

    What role is AI going to play in the coming deception?


    Our round-table guests bring experience and perspective that is both refreshing and sobering as we consider current global events. One thing is sure: while we may not have all the answers as to who and why, nothing surprises the Lord! God is in control, and His people can rest in the assurance that a perfect plan is unfolding.


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  • Episode 212: The Managed Agenda - UFOs, AI, & Prophecy (Part 1) Round Table Discussion with L.A. Marzulli, Vicki Joy Anderson, and Karin Wilkinson

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    In our first-ever round-table discussion, Bible Mysteries Podcast welcomes distinguished authors and filmmaker Vicki Joy Anderson, Karin Wilkinson, and the intrepid L.A. Marzulli. Join us for Part 1 of the Managed Agenda as we explore questions surrounding current events and hot topics related to the proliferation of UFOs, AI, the recent US elections, and demonic activity as the world appears to grow closer to nuclear war.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Shane Lines, Susan Starling, and Shannon Wing (October 2024)

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.


    The disclosure of UFOs is clearly a managed agenda. What human proxies are part of this agenda besides the principalities and powers?

    Are these human proxies aware of the spiritual forces behind the contracts for advanced technology, or are they deceived into thinking they are working with extraterrestrials?

    Are UFOs/Portals/Demonic activity proliferating specifically in the middle east/Holy land as war ramps up?

    Is it possible dark elements in the governments of Israeli and Arab nations are also in collusion with fallen entities?

    Beyond individual basis, is cooperation with black ops/dark government agencies inviting demonic activity into our lives yes personally?

    How deeply immersed is the Pentagon in the occult?

    What connection/agenda do fallen entities have to the immigration/child trafficking that is going on worldwide?

    Peter said Christ went about healing all that were oppressed of the devil. Is there a connection between disease and demonic activity beyond possession/abductions?

    Do you feel the percentage of those who have experienced abductions/paralysis attacks is increasing based on your encounters with people as you travel?

    Is a global nuclear war imminent based on NATO/Russian/Israeli/Chinese posturing, or cold this be saber rattling to bring on the UFO savior deception?

    What role is AI going to play in the coming deception?


    Our round-table guests bring experience and perspective that is both refreshing and sobering as we consider current global events. One thing is sure: while we may not have all the answers as to who and why, nothing surprises the Lord! God is in control, and His people can rest in the assurance that a perfect plan is unfolding.


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  • Episode 211 The Mystery of Wormwood: Prophecy of a Poisoned Earth, Flaming Angel, or Meteorite? Decoding End Times Judgment

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    A star named Wormwood will poison one-third of Earth's water during the time of Jacob’s Trouble. Is this an actual star, a meteorite, or an angel? How will one-third of the Earth's water be poisoned if a meteor falls on a single point of impact? What do the Scriptures tell us about the mystery of Wormwood?

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Charlotte Balke, Shawn Digsby, and Katherine Edmundson


    Wormwood: ἀψίνθιον (ap’-sin-thos) - wormwood

    the name of a star which fell into the waters and made them bitter

    Wormwood: לַעֲנָה (lah-an-aw’) - wormwood, bitterness (metaph.)

    The Greek apsinthos was also absinthium in Latin and is the source of the English word Absinthe, which refers to both the liquor and the herb wormwood. Artemisia absinthium, otherwise known as common wormwood, is a species of Artemisia native to North Africa and temperate regions of Eurasia, and widely naturalized in Canada and the northern United States. It is grown as an ornamental plant and is used as an ingredient in the spirit absinthe and some other alcoholic beverages.


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Revelation 8:10-11, Deuteronomy 29:16-20, Proverbs 5:3-5, Jeremiah 9:13-16, Jeremiah 23:15-21, Revelation 8:10-11, Revelation 1:20, Psalm 104:1-5, Isaiah 66:15-16, 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, Amos 5:6-7, Amos 6:12, Hosea 12:2


    The root of bitterness and wormwood that turned Israel’s heart away from the Lord will He pay back with Wormwood to poison a third of the waters during the time of Jacob’s Trouble. Wormwood appears to be a flaming angel who will accomplish a portion of God’s wrath. Not only will the earth stand in judgment of rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ, but unbelieving Israel will give an account for their transgression in rejecting Christ.

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  • Episode 210: Subdue the Earth-Exploring God’s Command to Adam, Biblical Meaning, and the Mystery of a Fallen World

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    God created man to replenish and subdue the earth. While we could do an entirely different episode on the word replenish, we will focus on subdue today. What was Adam to subdue, and why did it need subduing? Does it simply point to creation, or is the verse in Genesis indicative of a prior history on earth, a world that was? Let’s examine the Scriptures!

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Gabe Noska, Mick Bobic, and Scot Pickering


    Subdue: כָּבַשׁ kaw-bash’ - to subject, subdue, force, keep under, bring into bondage

    make subservient, dominate, tread down

    to be subdued

    Subdue: ὑποτάσσω hoop-ot-as'-so- to arrange under, to subordinate

    to subject, put in subjection

    to subject one's self, obey

    to submit to one's control

    to yield to one's admonition or advice

    to obey, be subject


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Genesis 1:27-28, Joshua 18:1, 2 Samuel 8:10b-12, Micah 7:19-20, Psalm 47:1-4, Philippians 3:20-21, Colossians 2:13-15, 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, Ephesians 6:12-17, Romans 14:11-12, Isaiah 45:20-25


    From the Word of God, man was created to subdue the fallen angelic realm. It is unclear how this would have been accomplished, but we can surmise that God would have equipped Adam to do so. However, Adam’s fall introduced sin into the human condition. Man was no longer equipped to subdue the enemy because of sin and death, but Christ was victorious over both! He will subdue all enemies under His feet shortly!

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  • Episode 209: The Seven Spirits of God-Exploring Who They Are and Their Role in Revelation

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    A special blessing is pronounce on those that keep the sayings of the prophecy of the book of the Revelation. It is difficult to understand, and it takes work and study to comprehend it. A listener recently asked what are the seven Spirits of God in the book of Revelation? They wondered if these could be the angels with the seven trumpets. Today we will explore the possibilities by examining the Scriptures to see who these seven Spirits are.

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Carol Jones Ashby, John Kirchman, and Stephanie Tsamasiros


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Revelation 4:2-5, Revelation 3:1, Revelation 12:3-4, Revelation 12:7-8, Hebrews 1:13-14, Revelation 1:4-6, Revelation 5:6-7, Hebrews 1:13, Revelation 8:2-5, Revelation 2:1, Revelation 8:6, Revelation 1:20, Revelation 15:5-8, Revelation 22:10-16


    Christ sent His angel to testify to John the words of the book of the Revelation. John records the book sent from Christ’s angel, and the seven Spirits receive it. The seven angels that send it to the churches are the seven Spirits that received it. It would appear that the seven Spirits before the throne and the seven angels who stand before God are the same. Since the seven angels who stand before God in Revelation 8:2 are the seven angels who blow the seven trumpets, the seven Spirits of God are also the seven angels who blow the seven trumpets and pour out the seven vials.

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  • Episode 208: The Heavens Declare - Interview with Dr. Jason Lisle

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    Dr. Lisle is a Christian astrophysicist who researches issues pertaining to science and the Christian Faith. A popular speaker and author, Dr. Lisle presents a rational defense of a literal Genesis, showing how science confirms the history recorded in the Bible. Brought up in a Christian family, at a young age he received Christ as Lord. Since then Lisle has always desired to serve the Lord out of love and gratitude for salvation, and to spread the Gospel message to all people.

    Dr. Lisle double-majored in physics and astronomy with a minor in mathematics at Ohio Wesleyan University. He then went on to obtain a Master’s degree and Ph.D. in astrophysics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. There, he used the SOHO spacecraft to analyze the surface of the sun, and made a number of interesting discoveries, including the detection of giant cell boundaries. Since then, Lisle has worked in full-time apologetics ministry. He wrote a number of planetarium shows for the Creation Museum, including the popular “Created Cosmos.” Dr. Lisle has authored a number of best-selling books on the topic of creation, including: Taking Back Astronomy, Stargazer’s Guide to the Night Sky, the Ultimate Proof of Creation, Discerning Truth, and Understanding Genesis.

    Dr. Lisle, welcome to Bible Mysteries Podcast!

    Bible Mysteries is an educational ministry podcast exposing the ancient spiritual battle in the modern world. We seek to reveal the secrets in the Scriptures that current satanic world systems are trying to suppress. Join us each week as we discuss things in the Bible the world doesn’t want you to know.

    This episode Is brought to you by the following Bible Mysteries Podcast Premium Subscribers or Seekers: Connie Guerrero, Karen Albright, and Katira Noska (September 2024)

    Questions for Dr. Lisle:

    Dr. Lisle, share with us your salvation testimony and how it led you to study physics and astronomy.

    How does Psalm 19 prophetically demonstrate the Lord Jesus Christ in declaring God’s glory in the heavens?

    Guide us through your understanding of the waters above the firmament in Genesis 1 and how it might connect to the sea of glass in heaven in Revelation 4 and 15?

    Verses in Isaiah and Revelation refer to the heavens stretched out as a curtain, rolled together as a scroll, and departing as a scroll. How would you understand this to take place?

    Do you think these passages could allude to a holographic universe theory?

    At Bible Mysteries we discount the idea of a flat earth and find it fundamentally flawed. What is your take on those believers who insist the earth is a flat disk with a solid “dome” firmament over it?

    Revelation 9, 11, and 17 refer to a bottomless pit. Considering the force of gravity, would this not be further proof of a spherical earth?

    Do you think there may have been a planet between Jupiter and Mars that was destroyed to create the asteroid belt? Might this tie into Psalm 89:10-11 and Rahab being broken in pieces?

    What do you think may actually occur when the sun turns into darkness, and the moon turns into blood per Joel 2 and Acts 2?

    Christ warned about fearful sights and signs in the heavens in Luke 21. Do you suspect this could include seeing the fallen angels and war in heaven of Revelation 12?

    Explain how you think New Jerusalem will be situated in connection to the new heaven and earth of Revelation 21?


    All Scripture references are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Psalm 19, Genesis 1, Revelation 4, Revelation 15, Isaiah 40;22, Isaiah 34:4, Revelation 6:14, Revelation 9, Revelation 11, Revelation 17, Revelation 21, Psalm 89:10-11, Joel 2, Acts 2, Luke 21, Revelation 12, Revelation 21


    Dr. Lisle approaches Scripture from a young-earth creationist perspective. While this may differ from our own understanding, we are happy to share his perspective with our listeners. We must all examine the evidence and go where the Holy Spirit guides us to see what the Lord would have us learn. We can certainly agree that God’s creation is infinitely wonderful, and we will spend an eternity discovering His marvelous works!


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