
  • Jane McFadden, an entrepreneur, former psychologist, author, neurodiversity specialist, and neuroscientist, shares her personal experience and academic knowledge on ADHD, entrepreneurship, and business.

    She discusses her journey from traditional psychology to starting her own psychology company (now the largest in Australia), and the challenges she faced in the early years as a neurodivergent individual.

    Jane talks about the importance of understanding neurodivergent individuals and breaking the stigma surrounding autism and ADHD.

    She shares her experiences with managing a team and the difficulties she faces in small talk, performance management and prioritizing tasks.

    Dive in to hear this open, raw and real conversation where Paula and Jane discuss neurotypical versus neurodivergent traits and the challenges and strengths of being an entrepreneur with ADHD and in particular, the unique perspectives and abilities of neurodivergent entrepreneurs overall.


    Neurodivergent individuals, such as those with ADHD and autism, may struggle in traditional work settings and with consistency in tasksUnderstanding and accepting neurodivergent individuals is crucial in breaking the stigma surrounding autism and ADHD.Neurodivergent individuals may have unique strengths, such as intense focus and attention to detail, that can contribute to their success in specific areas.Self-awareness and self-diagnosis are important for individuals with ADHD, even if they choose not to pursue a formal diagnosis.Being aware of how your brain works and understanding the needs of your team and family members is essential for creating an inclusive environment.


    00:00 Introduction and Background of Jane McFadden

    05:29 Starting Body and Mind Online: Challenges and Early Years

    12:43 Managing Staff and Overcoming Struggles

    18:10 Understanding Autism and ADHD: Language and Awareness

    29:09 The Expertise and Challenges of Being an ADHD Entrepreneur

    30:05 The Benefits of Entrepreneurship for Neurodivergent Individuals

    32:08 Navigating Team Management and Small Talk

    36:44 The Highs and Lows of ADHD and Entrepreneurship

    39:34 Finding the Right Balance and Prioritizing Tasks

    44:47 The Importance of Hiring Thinkers

    49:26 The Power of Self-Awareness and Inclusion

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  • In today’s episode, Paula shares her #1 philosophy in business and life and that is… the power of choice. In this personal share, she opens up about how this applies to various aspects of her life and business and how this belief is empowering and stress relieving!

    Paula shares personal examples of how she has applied this philosophy including closing her yoga studio during the pandemic and making numerous changes in her multiple businesses over the years.

    She also explores common situations where entrepreneurs may feel stuck and offers insights on how to approach them with a mindset of choice.


    Having a choice does not dismiss the feelings or discomfort we feel when things aren’t going the way we want them to.Recognizing our power to choose can be empowering and stress-relieving.Feeling stuck often comes from forgetting that we have a choice.When faced with a situation that is not ideal, we can choose to accept it, change it, or make a decision later.Making choices consciously and strategically will lead to positive outcomes and personal growth.


    00:00 Introduction: The Philosophy of Choice

    01:25 The Power of Choice in Various Areas of Life

    06:26 Personal Example: Choosing to Close a Business

    13:29 Common Situations: Feeling Stuck and Making Choices

    20:39 The Relief and Empowerment of Recognizing Your Choices


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  • In today’s episode, we’re diving into the world of Team Events and how to build High Performing Teams with the incredible Mykel Dixon - a jazz musician, award-winning speaker, award-winning author and recognised authority and professional speaker for Fortune 500 and ASX200 listed companies.

    He shares his expert insights on engaging participants and creating transformative experiences at team events. Starting with a clear purpose through to prioritising connection over content, Myke’s approach ensures that every event becomes an opportunity for meaningful interactions and lasting memories.

    Discover how you can design events that foster vulnerability, authenticity, and genuine connections. Whether you’re planning a team-building retreat or a company celebration, this episode will provide you with valuable takeaways to elevate your events and enhance your team's performance.

    Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more tips on creating impactful events and building high-performing teams!


    Start events with a clear purpose and set the right context to engage participants.Prioritise connection over content and create opportunities for people to connect with each other.Create a safe space for vulnerability and encourage authenticity.Events have the power to transform people's lives and create lasting memories.The purpose of events is to connect people to themselves and each other.


    00:00 Introduction to Myke Dixon

    07:03 The Importance of Connection at Events

    10:56 Creating a Safe Space for Vulnerability

    19:52 Designing Events with Purpose

    25:07 Overcoming Challenges in Event Planning

    32:25 The Power of Gifted Experiences



  • In this episode, Paula dives into the different types of subcontractors that are available, and in particular she compares hiring a Subcontracting Team to a Freelancer.

    She explains that while the terms are often used interchangeably, there are technical differences between the two and like all things, each different type has benefits and considerations to consider, to know what’s right for you.

    Paula compares the pros and cons of working with subcontractors, such as the potential for scaling up and accessing diverse expertise, as well as the cons of limited control and potential team turnover. She discusses flexibility and cost-effectiveness of working with freelancers, but also discusses the limitations of relying on a single individual.

    This episode will help you to work out which is right for you and what factors to keep in mind, including your stage of business, desired level of control, and specific project requirements.


    The key difference between Subcontractors and Freelancers including independent entities operating as individuals or companies with a team versus self-employed individuals who offer services to multiple clients without being tied to a particular company.The pros and cons of working with subcontractors that include the potential for scaling up and access to diverse expertise, but also limited control and potential team turnover.The pros and cons of working with Freelancers who can offer flexibility and cost-effectiveness, but are limited in capacity and individual skills and may be less reliable due to personal circumstances.How to know which is right for you - the key factors to consider including the stage of business, desired level of control, and specific project requirements.


    00:00 Introduction and Overview

    01:20 Defining Subcontractors and Freelancers

    06:26 Pros and Cons of Working with Subcontractors

    11:32 The Benefits of Hiring Freelancers

    19:27 Choosing the Right Option for Your Business


    Learn more about Paula's HIRING MASTERY™ Method here.


    Use coupon code PODCAST24 (at checkout) to get $300 off the upfront price. Use coupon code PODCAST24PP at checkout to get $50 off per month for the payment plan option.

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  • This episode addresses a commonly asked question which is How to Retain Employees. Paula discusses the elements to both Attract and Retain Loyal Employees and Team Members which to her, is much more than someone who just ‘stays’ and ‘shows up’ every day in your business.

    Paula starts by sharing what loyalty means to her and shares examples of how various employees have demonstrated that in her own businesses in the last 14 years, allowing you to reflect on what loyalty means to you.

    Paula then shares practical ways as an entrepreneur that you can ATTRACT and RETAIN loyal employees and team members starting with how you are showing up as the leader.

    Paula discusses the practical elements required to create a supportive work environment, lead by example, show appreciation, and support your team members to prioritise work-life balance which are all factors that LOYAL team members are looking for when they join a new business.


    Loyalty is more than how long you retain an employee in your business or the fact that they show up every day. It’s a deeper commitment to the team and the business.How to create a supportive work environment which is a crucial element for attracting and retaining loyal team members.The practical challenge of ‘leading by example’ as an entrepreneur in a small growing business.How being consistent in your actions and words helps build trust and loyalty in your team. The practical side of being able to prioritise work-life balance for your team and how being able to do this will contribute to an overall sense of loyalty.The importance of transparency, clarity, and realistic expectations when hiring and how this links to a long-term loyal team member.


    00:00 Introduction

    09:34 Creating a Supportive Work Environment

    13:08 Leading by Example and Consistency

    16:28 Showing Appreciation and Acknowledging Effort

    21:57 Prioritising Work-Life Balance

    27:04 Transparency, Clarity, and Realistic Expectations

    29:22 Conclusion

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  • In this episode, Paula Maidens addresses the importance of reference checks in the hiring process for small business owners. She shares unique insights into a candidate's past performance and work ethic, which you can gather from a reference check, including information that cannot be obtained through interviews or resumes.

    When conducted effectively, reference checks can confirm the accuracy of information, and provide a deeper understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. Paula dives into exactly how to extract that information so you can uncover potential red flags well before someone has been offered the job or has been employed to work with you.

    This episode also addresses how to handle negative feedback received during reference checks and whether that means you shouldn’t hire the person into your business.


    Reference checks ARE an important step in the hiring process for small business owners and this episode explains why that is the case and how to make them an incredibly helpful step for you.How to conduct a Reference Check so that potential red flags are uncovered so you know in advance if the candidate is the right fit for your role.Tips for effective reference checks given the limited time you may have with the person.What to do if you get a negative reference check. Should you still hire? Does that make them a no? What to consider and further examine to know what to do.


    00:00 Introduction and Importance of Reference Checks

    01:28 Insights from Reference Checks

    04:32 Confirming Accuracy and Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses

    07:34 Tips for Effective Reference Checks

    12:35 Handling Negative Feedback in Reference Checks

    16:21 Conclusion and Invitation to Learn More


    You can learn Paula’s HIRING MASTERY™ METHOD here.

    You can now get started at any time and join up to 3 months of group implementation calls for tailored guidance and support.


    Use coupon code PODCAST24 (at checkout) to get $300 off the upfront price. Use coupon code PODCAST24PP at checkout to get $50 off each month for the payment plan option.

    *Coupon codes expire 31st Aug 2024.

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  • Welcome to our Client Lessons Series.

    These are short sharp episodes where Paula Maidens draws on her client coaching calls each week to share a key lesson, learning or tip in a way that is quick and easy for you to digest.

    Client Lesson Summary

    In this episode, Paula shares a personal lesson from the universe about the importance of delegation and recognising when to ask for help.

    Despite having the ability to update her own website, Paula found that doing so was not always the best use of her time. She recounts her experiences with two major website mishaps and the valuable lessons learned about efficiency, delegation, and the importance of pausing before diving into tasks.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Importance of Delegation: Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Recognising when to delegate can save time and improve outcomes.Learning from Mistakes: Paula shares two stories where her attempts to update her website led to more problems, highlighting the complexities of seemingly simple tasks.The Value of Pausing: Taking a moment to assess whether you should do something yourself or delegate it can prevent mistakes and inefficiencies.Balancing Excitement and Patience: Paula discusses how adrenaline and excitement can lead to impulsive decisions and the importance of channelling that energy into effective delegation.

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  • In this episode, Paula Maidens discusses the difference between hiring a subcontractor and an employee. She addresses common assumptions and myths about each option and provides insights into the pros and cons of both.

    Paula covers the importance of considering three key factors: time, commitment, and control and offers insightful questions to help you assess what you need in relation to each of these areas to land on the right answer for you and your business.


    The key assumptions and myths that are made when it comes to subcontractors versus employees.Whether one model is more ‘flexible’ than the other and if one is better when you are starting out. Whether one arrangement is ‘easier’ than the other if it’s ‘not working out’.Why you should consider 3 key factors including Time, Commitment, and Control, and how to think about each of these to decide which is right for you.Things to consider with subcontractors include flexibility, training, other clients, their business goals and how this may affect your business in the long term.Things to consider with employees include the benefits of commitment, control and oversight, and why having a dedicated person in your business creating and following your processes can help you in the longer term.


    00:00 Introduction: Subcontractor vs. Employee

    03:10 Ending Relationships and Honoring Commitments

    09:07 Control: A Key Factor in Hiring

    10:53 Finding Clarity for the Right Hiring Model

    12:13 Hiring Mastery Method: A Program for Successful Hiring

    13:26 Conclusion and Call to Action


    You can learn Paula’s HIRING MASTERY™ METHOD here.

    You can now get started at any time and join up to 3 months of group implementation calls for tailored guidance and support.


    Use coupon code PODCAST24 (at checkout) to get $300 off the upfront price. Use coupon code PODCAST24PP at checkout to get $50 off each month for the payment plan option.

    *Coupon codes expire 31st Aug 2024.

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  • Welcome to our brand new Client Lessons series.

    These are short sharp episodes where Paula Maidens draws on her client coaching calls each week to share a key lesson, learning or tip in a way that is quick and easy for you to digest.

    Client Lesson Summary

    The theme of this lesson is the importance of pausing and not reacting immediately to every urgent situation that arises. By finding the power of the pause, entrepreneurs and CEOs can make considered decisions and regain control of their time and priorities.

    The lesson provides strategies for determining the true urgency of a situation and resisting the urge to react immediately.

    Key Takeaways

    Not everything that seems urgent actually requires immediate attention.By pausing and assessing the true urgency of a situation, entrepreneurs and CEOs can make better decisions.Most problems can solve themselves or be handled by someone else if given time.Taking a pause allows the initial emotional impact of a situation to dissipate, leading to better clarity of thought.By resisting the urge to react immediately, individuals can regain control of their time and priorities.


    00:00 The Power of the Pause

    01:29 Making Considered Decisions

    02:28 Letting Problems Solve Themselves

    03:26 Clarity of Thought

    04:45 Regaining Control


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  • In this episode, Paula Maidens discusses the stress that comes with having employees and provides practical tips and strategies to reduce that stress. She emphasises the importance of normalising the stress and reframing the mindset to view employees as an investment rather than just an expense.

    Paula also talks about the significance of effective communication, time management techniques, setting boundaries, and building a support system.


    Feeling stressed when you have employees is completely normal and acknowledging it is the first step to managing it effectively.Reframe your mindset to view employees as an investment in your business's growth rather than just an expense.Effective communication, regular check-ins, and team meetings can prevent misunderstandings and reduce stress.Implement time management techniques and set boundaries to protect your time and prioritise tasks.Build a support system, including a coach or mentor, and a peer group where you can be vulnerable and discuss your stress.View your leadership journey as a continuous learning process and invest in the training and development of your team.Reducing your own stress and supporting your team's growth will create a positive culture and reduce overall stress in the business.


    00:00 Introduction: The Stress of Having Employees

    03:10 Chapter 1: Normalising the Stress

    05:03 Chapter 2: Reframing Your Mindset

    09:40 Chapter 3: Effective Communication

    11:39 Chapter 4: Time Management Techniques

    16:52 Chapter 5: Building a Support System

    20:10 Chapter 6: Continuous Learning and Development

    22:46 Chapter 7: Creating a Positive Culture

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  • Welcome to our new Client Lessons series.

    These are short sharp episodes where Paula Maidens draws on her client coaching calls each week to share a key lesson, learning or tip in a way that is quick and easy for you to digest.

    Client Lesson Summary

    In this episode, we discuss the critical considerations when hiring someone to deliver the same services you provide, meaning when you are hiring someone to do more of what you already do.

    This applies to every single business owner and business type, whether you are service-based, e-commerce, in person or remote… It's essential to decide and distinguish between tasks that must be standardised and what areas can vary or where creativity can flourish.

    Tune in to hear practical examples and tips on how to ensure your team maintains the quality and integrity of your brand while allowing room for individual expression.

    Key Points:

    Introduction (00:00 - 00:30)Understanding Standardisation vs. Creativity (00:30 - 01:00)Example 1: Yoga Studio (01:00 - 02:30)More examples in different industries (02:30 - 03:00)Considering the customer experience (03:00 - 04:00)The importance of avoiding assumptions (04:00 - 04:30).Conclusion & Summary of key takeaways (04:30 - 05:00)


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  • In this episode, Paula Maidens explores the necessity of team meetings and how to make them effective. She discusses the signs of unnecessary meetings, such as boredom and long durations, and highlights the importance of impactful and purposeful meetings.

    Paula talks about how meetings can foster the key elements required to have a ‘high performing team’ and provides tips for making meetings impactful, relevant, and motivating.

    Dive in to hear practical advice including how to plan your meetings in advance so that the right participants are present and participating.


    Unnecessary meetings can be identified by key signs including boredom, long meetings and lack of interest from participants.The benefits of Effective Team Meetings and how they will foster and encourage a high-performing teamClear steps you can take to make meetings impactful, relevant, and motivating including planning the meeting in advance, defining outcomes and ensuring only the right participants are present.Hear Paula’s P-O-P method (Purpose, Outcomes, Participation) and how this can be used for effective meeting preparation.Team bonding and whether to incorporate these into regular team meetings


    00:00 Introduction: Are Team Meetings Really Necessary?

    03:20 Supporting Key Elements of a High-Performing Team

    05:40 Not All Meetings Are Made Equal

    07:08 Tips for Effective Meeting Planning

    11:21 The P-O-P Method for Meeting Preparation

    15:04 Focusing on Purpose, Outcomes, and Participation in Regular Team Meetings


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  • Welcome to our brand new Client Lessons series.

    These are short sharp episodes where Paula Maidens draws on her client coaching calls each week to share a key lesson, learning or tip in a way that is quick and easy for you to digest.

    Client Lesson Summary

    In this episode, Paula dives into the essential steps for business owners to take a well-deserved holiday without the stress of constantly checking in.

    Paula shares practical advice on how to set up your team for success and ensure you can genuinely relax while away.

    You’ll learn how to strategically plan your time off with four key questions that will guide you in preparing your business and yourself for a smooth and worry-free holiday.

    Client Lesson Summary

    Key Takeaways:

    Determine the Type of Holiday: Consider the level of engagement you want during your holiday. Do you want to be completely disconnected, semi-available, or okay with working a few hours daily?Inform Your Team: Based on the type of holiday, identify what your team needs to know to operate effectively in your absence.Set Notification Guidelines: Establish what information or incidents you need to be informed about while you're away.Choose Communication Methods: Decide how you want to be contacted in case of important updates or emergencies.

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  • Today’s guest with Paula Maidens is Dr. Hayley Kelly, a clinical psychologist and business coach, shares her journey of overcoming stress and burnout and offers insights on managing stress as an entrepreneur.

    Hayley explains the concept of allostatic load, which is the toll that stress takes on us, and emphasises the importance of understanding our individual stress responses and finding sustainable self-care practices.

    Throughout this conversation both Paula and Hayley share candidly their personal experience with stress, overwork and burnout in their businesses and lives and what they do on a day to day basis to support their natural tendencies and to juggle their busy lives as mothers, wifes and passionate entrepreneurs.

    Hayley talks about how entrepreneurs can align their actions in their business with their values and the importance of prioritising well-being both from her personal and clinical experience.

    She highlights the significance of un-committing to things that no longer serve us and taking care of our physical and mental health and shares practical suggestions that every entrepreneur can consider and apply to their business and lives.


    Understand your individual stress response and be aware of your allostatic load.Find sustainable self-care practices that align with your values and prioritise your well-being.Uncommit to things that no longer serve you and make choices that support your desired lifestyle.Take care of your physical and mental health as an essential part of achieving your goals.


    00:00 Introduction and Background

    02:52 Understanding Stress and Burnout

    06:12 Allostatic Load and Individual Stress Responses

    11:58 Normalising Stress and Making Choices

    24:52 Building Sustainable Self-Care Habits

    32:02 Mindfulness and Gratitude in Everyday Moments

    34:49 Aligning Actions with Values and Lifestyle

    37:52 Conclusion and Connecting with Dr. Hayley Kelly


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    Free Guide: The Ultimate Guide Step-by-Step Guide for Therapists to Create & Sell a Successful Online Program:



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  • Welcome to our brand new Client Lessons series.

    These are short sharp episodes where Paula Maidens draws on her client coaching calls each week to share a key lesson, learning or tip in a way that is quick and easy for you to digest.

    Client Lesson Summary

    In this client lesson, Paula talks about delegating leadership and how it is important as your business grows, and requires clear communication and specific expectations. When empowering someone else to lead, it's crucial to ensure they operate in the same way and have the necessary skills. Without proper development and guidance, performance can suffer.

    As your team grows, it's important to think about how the new leaders will manage and set expectations. Assumptions should be avoided, and specific conversations about management style and feedback should take place. Coaching and external support may be necessary to develop new leaders.

    Key Takeaways

    Delegating leadership is essential as your business grows and you can't lead all the people yourself.Clear communication and specific expectations are crucial for effective delegation.When empowering someone else to lead, ensure they operate in the same way and have the necessary skills.Performance can suffer if new leaders are not properly developed and guided.Think about how new leaders will manage and set expectations, and have specific conversations about management style and feedback.Coaching and external support may be necessary to develop new leaders.

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  • In this episode, Paula Maidens explores the impact of effective team management on brand experience through real-life observations of two very different renovation teams on her street.

    This episode could also be called “Lessons in Team Management from the Tradies on My Street!”

    You’ll hear Paula’s key insights on how she can see from the outside the systemisation, standardisation and team efficiency in two businesses she’s been watching… and how the behind of the scenes of a business may not be as hidden as you think… and in fact, it can significantly influence your clients' perceptions and ultimately, your business success.


    Paula opens the episode by discussing the often-overlooked impact of disorganised and systemised teams on clients and potential clients.The importance of team efficiency and how it shapes the overall brand experience.Paula describes her neighbourhood in North Brisbane, where multiple renovation projects have been ongoing.She introduces two distinct teams: Team One (builders renovating a house) and Team Two (house removal specialists) and shares her observations of them both and the impression that it’s left on her as an external observing party.

    Key Lessons

    Visibility of Inefficiency - Outsiders can easily detect if a team is disorganised and inefficient.Impact of Standardisation - Consistent processes lead to better efficiency and improved brand perception. Standardisation helps to manage team behaviour.Systemisation Benefits - Internal systemisation will help you get a higher return on investment (in your team) and the external benefits will include positive client interactions and brand consistency.

    00:00 The Impact of Team Effectiveness on Brand Perception
    05:38 Lessons from Two Different Teams on the Speaker's Street
    07:20 The Importance of Clear Instructions and Expectations
    14:24 Systemisation and Standardization for Efficiency and Brand Consistency

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  • Welcome to our brand new Client Lessons series.

    These are short sharp episodes where Paula Maidens draws on her client coaching calls each week to share a key lesson, learning or tip in a way that is quick and easy for you to digest.

    Client Lesson Summary

    In this client lesson, Paula shares an inspiring lesson from one of her recent private clients who has come to the end of her first round of private coaching working with Paula. She reflects on the progress of the client who, after three months of targeted coaching, transformed her perspective and management of her business.

    Paula talks about the common challenges, feelings and struggles that entrepreneurs feel as the sole owner in their businesses and shares the steps that led her client to feel re-energised and optimistic about the future.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Client's Initial Struggles - reflections from her first call and the feelings of chaos, vulnerability and questioning if her situation was normal.How they Formulated a Plan - to address the issues and improve the client's business experienceThe difference just three Months Later - how the client feels rejuvenated and sees the light at the end of the tunnel.Key Changes Implemented including Team Structure, identifying 3 key hires, conversations and how performance was immediately improvedMindset Shifts: What was needed

    This lesson will help you hear that regardless of how heavy and chaotic your current situation may feel, that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

    Small, impactful changes can get you significant transformations in a short period of time

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  • In this episode, Paula reflects on the past 12 months in her business and shares her end-of-financial year review. She discusses the decline in revenue but emphasises that she paid herself more in wages compared to the previous year, which is more important to her.

    Paula highlights her business value of chasing profit rather than just revenue and the details of how she conducted a cost review to cut unnecessary expenses in her business. She also talks about the changes in her team, her work-life balance, and her plans for the future.


    Focus on profit rather than just revenue to ensure a sustainable business.Conduct a cost review to identify and eliminate unnecessary expenses.Regularly assess your team and make necessary changes to improve efficiency.Strive for a healthy work-life balance and make adjustments as needed.Plan for future growth and explore new opportunities for learning and development.


    00:00 Reflecting on the Past Year: Revenue vs. Profit

    02:21 Cutting Costs and Increasing Wages: A Win-Win

    09:23 Adapting to Team Changes and Streamlining Processes

    16:00 Balancing Work and Life: A Work in Progress

    20:02 Looking Ahead: Plans for Growth and Learning

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  • Welcome to our brand new Client Lessons series.

    These are short sharp episodes where Paula Maidens draws on her client coaching calls each week to share a key lesson, learning or tip in a way that is quick and easy for you to digest.

    Client Lesson Summary

    In this conversation, Paula discusses the common feeling of “being mean” or “awkward” during the hiring process when including a test and offers the reframe that the idea of testing candidates can be kind and mutually beneficial practice.

    She shares personal experiences and examples to highlight the benefits of testing and the significant mutual value it brings to both the employer and the candidate.

    Key Takeaways

    Testing candidates is a common, fair and kind practice that provides them with an opportunity to showcase their skills and experience the role.The testing process benefits both the employer and the candidate by ensuring a mutual fit and long-term success in the role.Incorporating testing into the interview structure is essential for hiring the right person and creating a mutually beneficial hiring process.

    Key ideas

    Getting somebody to do a test is actually the kindest, the fairest, the best possible thing that you can do for them.Think of testing as a mutually beneficial activity that you incorporate into your interview structure.

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    Instagram: @paulamaidensconsulting

    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams

  • In this episode, Paula shares her experience of hiring a Filipino virtual assistant, providing an in-depth look at the hiring process and valuable insights for businesses considering hiring virtual assistants from the Philippines.

    She breaks down the step-by-step process, highlighting the importance of clarity, research, and trial periods in ensuring successful offshore hiring.


    Cost Efficiency and Business Optimisation: Offshore hiring of Filipino virtual assistants can lead to significant cost reductions and enhanced business efficiency.Clarity in Job Requirements: Clearly outlining job requirements is crucial for successful hiring in the Philippines.Thorough Research and Comparison: Conducting detailed research and comparing potential candidates are essential for making confident hiring decisions.Value of Trial Periods: Implementing trial periods helps assess communication, skills, and work quality before committing long-term.Paula’s Comprehensive Hiring Checklist: Paula's checklist offers a detailed guide for businesses considering hiring Filipino virtual assistants.

    Key Ideas

    Significant cost reduction potential - Hiring virtual assistants from the Philippines can greatly reduce business costs.Paid Trials for Assessment: Using paid trials as the final part of the hiring assessment ensures the right fit.


    00:00 The Offshore Hiring Experience: Insights from Paula Maidens

    08:01 Clarity and Research: Key Elements of Offshore Hiring

    13:00 The Trial Period: Assessing Offshore Candidates


    Download my Hiring Checklist - outlining the steps you should go through to make sure you are ready to hire at

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    Facebook: @paulamaidensbuildingawesometeams