This week we have our winners for our Haiku contest, we figure out which one of us is an extrovert, and what we've been playing in the pre-release tavern brawl.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week Stormraige is joined by Teddo and Smarms as they talk about the theorycrafting event for the Emerald Dream. For our give aways there are two ways to enter!
1) Email Smarms' at [email protected] your personal wet dream smut from the POV of a Emerald Dream Hearthstone card about another Emerald Dream Hearthstone card.
2) Email Blizzlet... [email protected] a haiku about your favorite Emerald Dream Hearthstone card.
3) Post in Discord your haiku about your favorite Emerald Dream Hearthstone card.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
This week it's just Stormraige and guest JustAGuy as they talk about the Warlock reveals from Into The Emerald Dream.
Also... Butts. That's just a little special treat for those that read the captions.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we talk about SO MANY CARDS! That's right. Ten whole new cards. We also talk about some of the horniest cards that have ever existed and we add a new way to rate our cards. Shapes! Don't ask. We don't have anymore details than you do.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we talk about the brand new expansion! Into The Emerald Dream! Well... kinda... sort of... We talk about the fuckability of trees and whether or not playing cards is moral. That's like talking about the expansion right?
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week Teddo and Stormraige talk about year of the raptor.... or at least we start... hey did anyone not get a standard pre order bundle for great dark beyond? Boy I'm not sure if anyone reads this. First person to email Blizzlet@gmail asking for it and I'll check to see if we still have it (but you also have to have left a review for the show).
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we talk about the most recent patch for Battlegrounds and Standard! Stormraige takes credits for the return of one of his favorite Battleground minions, Smarms talks about her furry filled WoW team, and Ted does his very best to pull the steering wheel to the left.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we bring you a very special episode. It's... exactly as unhinged as you expect it to be given the first thirty seconds. We do not actually encourage you to listen to Ted. But it is a good bit. Does anyone read these descriptions?
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week Teddo and Stormraige talk... Hearthstone? Okay well we also really talk Starcraft, but we're both genuinely quite excited about the newest set. Infestor is the bestor!
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we discuss the newest Zerg units for the newest Hearthstone's mini set Heroes of Starcraft. It only takes us about 30 minutes to talk about Hearthstone but we get there eventually!
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we still don't have a TON of news, but we do briefly talk about what games we've been playing, the BGs bans list, and Stormraige comes up with a handful of news games to try out. Can you beat the hosts?
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week the crew talks about the very important question... how much Pegasus was in last year's Hearthstone? Some? We take a look back at 2024 and look forward to our hopes beyond hopes for what Hearthstone could have in 2025!
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week the crew gets into a good ole fashion discussion about... the health of Hearthstone? Stormraige loses a fight to a blanket, Smarms has enhancements, and Teddo is actively organizing a board game during the entire podcast. Oh and it's a bit shorter than normal cause my parents went to bed early. What a day.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we talk about the newest balance patch for Hearthstone! We check in on the standard meta (and how little we're playing), and Battlegrounds, and we stop by to learn about what the Woke Agenda is up to.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we have... not a lot of news! In fact so very little amount of news that Stormraige and Smarms just kinda vibe for an hour and generally talk Hearthstone. We also talk about the very important aspect of how does one get Stormraige to suck their D?!
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we talk about the biggest news of the week! BG season 9! It's an absolute blast and Stormraige will one day find a way to win... but probably not this week. We also briefly talk about last week's news since we were off! It's just Smarms and Stormraige and that's a lot of chaos energy.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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A very Blizzlet Thanksgiving indeed! We talk NO Hearthstone since we don't know what happened in the last seven days... we recorde this one early so you'd have a chance to listen to us during the days that matter most! DAYS WHERE WE CONSUME MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF TURKEY!
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we decide get real into the battlegrounds news! Wait. Sorry did I say battlegrounds news? I meant to say pissing on Ronald Reagan's grave. That's on me.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
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This week we have a genuinely important update about the state of Blizzlet.
After that we talk about expected nerfs and buffs and what we think might happen at the Warcraft Direct panel that happened.... ohh earlier today? Man I was not fast enough in editing this time around.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
You can buy merch here:
This week we start off by talking about the election. Then we do our best to pivot to our normal content of Hearthstone! Mostly? We're still pretty bummed so its a lot of gallows humor but hopefully you can relate.
Logo Created By: Nate Wolfe. Modifications by Gingersaurous
Theme Song By: Se7enist.
You can buy merch here:
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