Keen to augment your blood transfusion game but confused as to when, where and why? Join the Bloody Minded boffins as we cover all the major modifications to blood products you can order. More importantly, why you should and sometimes shouldn't bother ordering them. Have a sensible conversation with your blood bank after you listen to this episode.
00:58 - How the blood bank actually works
04:03 - Aged Products
07:30 - Frozen Cells
10:32 - Transfusing the Bombay phenotype
12:10 - Leukodepletion
13:57 - CMV negative
19:17 - Irradiated units
19:52 - TA-GVHD
27:58 - HLA Matching
32:46 - Take home messages
Check out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be. All that blood doesn’t just arrive when you snap your fingers together. The REALITY is you need the TIME and SPACE to thaw that frozen plasma and the strength of MIND to keep all the components in the right ratios. Only the chosen few with the POWER of transfusion medicine and the SOUL of the laboratory can direct the most immense of transfusions - the massive transfusion. Listen to this episode and maybe you can run the GAUNTLET of the MTP.
1:45 - What is an MTP?
4:10 - A bleedy example
7:11 - Activating the MTP
8:52 - Consent in MTPs
11:16 - MTP packs
12:27 - Crossing plasma groups
15:30 - 1:1:1 Transfusion
17:29 - Whole Blood Transfusion
19:49 - Acidosis
22:21 - Hypothermia
23:14 - Hypocalcaemia
25:12 - Resus Associated Coagulopathy
25:49 - DIC
26:58 - Trauma Induced Coagulopathy
29:19 - Summary of Resuscitative Endpoints
31:05 - Viscoelastic testing
33:12 - Factor Concentrates
34:55 - Take home messagesCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
It’s an early trip to the lab this season to explore exactly how we safely match the blood in the bank to the patient on the ward. Follow your trusty hand-labelled group-and-hold tube as we unpack what actually goes into blood grouping, antibody screening and the final hurdle, the crossmatch!
0:52 - Nick lives in squalor, surprising nobody
2:56 - The Group
4:22 - The Forward Group
6:53 - The Reverse Group
10:55 - The Antibody Screen
18:12 - DAT vs IAT
20:39 - The Crossmatch
25:08 - Anamnestic Antibody Responses
27:58 - Phenotyping
30:25 - Episode SummaryCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
We’re back again to answer all of your questions- what’s exactly is a "unit" of blood and how do we go about giving it? What on earth is the difference between FFP and ELP and cryodepleted plasma? And what do each of them sound like, if you were to interpret them via a completely unnecessary collection of household objects? As always, we’ve got you covered.
00:55 - Bashar's special presentation
03:42 - Where do we get blood from?
05:53 - Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC)
08:20 - When and how to transfuse PRBC
11:07 - Clerical checks
13:02 - Platelets
18:12 - Plasma products
18:32 - Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP)
20:00 - FFP vs ELP
24:00 - Cryodepleted plasma
25:10 - Cryoprecipitate
27:24 - Albumin
28:15 - Fractionated clotting factors
29:07 - Immunoglobulins
31:12 - Leukocyte tranfusion
34:57 - Reducing transfusion-transmitted infection
38:00 - Take home messagesCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
We’ve been out of line with the rest of #FOAM #MedEd podcasts for the longest time. Forget that haematology stuff, it’s time to talk about RESUS. Break out your adrenaline, it’s time to crack some chests and… wait what? You meant Rhesus? With an H? Oh right… okay. Put down those trauma shears as the only thing we’ll be cracking open are the ISBT Red Cell Immunogenetics guidelines. Join the Bloody Minded Crew take you though the basics of blood grouping with a focus on ABO and Rhesus.
0:56 - Cale needs help with the target
3:00 - Intro to blood groups
6:02 - What is a "blood group?"
8:40 - Historical diversion on blood groups!
9:47 - Cale speaks flawless German
13:49 - The ABO group: the hatted and the hatless
18:12 - The Bombay phenotype! No hat, no hair.
20:38 - ABO frequencies
21:11 - ABO compatibilities
21:49 - Interesting (to us) ABO tidbits
24:43 - Intro to Rhesus
29:13 - Nomenclature - RhD, C, c, E, e
36:27 - Wiener classification (brace yourself)
46:27 - Take home messagesCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Do you fear – The Power of Blood? Have you been warned – You can’t Hurry Blood? Today we tackle all the ways Blood (and love) can go wrong. . . and how to manage it on the wards.
Too cryptic? Join Bloody Minded's own consultant haematologist Dr Alison Chandler and the rest of the Bloody Minded Crew as we cover the many and varied reactions patients can have when you try and fix that haemoglobin level on the ward.Timestamps
00:53 - 3-4 nerds chatting about nonsense
03:37 - Your first transfusion reaction
05:08 - What is a transfusion reaction?
5:52 - Categorising transfusion reactions
7:26 - Acute febrile reactions
17:20 - Summary of acute febrile reactions
17:45 - Acute non-febrile transfusion reactions
22:11 - Workup and management of an acute reaction
37:44 - Delayed febrile reactions
50:08 - Delayed non-febrile reactions
53:46 - SummariesCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Myeloma beware, it's time to bring out the big guns. We are incredibly thankful to be joined by a peak predator of plasma cells, Dr. Christian Bryant. He is a consultant Haematologist at RPA in Sydney, has a PhD on the immunology of myeloma and is driven by a passion to improve the treatment and understanding of all things myeloma.
2:18 - Intro to Christian Bryant
3:05 - Why Haematology?
5:31 - Why (oh god why) myeloma?
7:28 - Heavy metal, heavy chains
9:28 - Chromothripsis - The Cause That Breaks The Camel's Back?
13:45 - In praise of plasma cells
18:38 - Genomics to risk-stratify precursor states - should we bother?
20:32 - Predicting response and high risk disease
21:43 - IMS Criteria - High Genomic Risk
28:22 - Response Kinetics - When are you nervous?
31:31 - Balancing maintenance Len vs. secondary malignancies
39:34 - Other agents for maintenance?
44:44 - CAR-T - A New Hope?
49:10 - T cell exhaustion
50:21 - What are the CAR-T target molecules for MM?
53:27 - Any hope for a cure?
57:35 - MRD MattersCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Ferritin keeps climbing and you’re getting jumpy? Did you consult Haem and then they were bedside 5 minutes later? Ever had to donate your own blood to test the patient for something? Join Nick, Cale and Bashar as we unpack a very special bonus episode on another deadly TLA, HLH.
3:24 - History of HLH
5:26 - What is a histiocyte?
7:44 - How do you turn *off* an immune response?
8:52 - HLH - A Definition
10:49 - What are NK cells?
13:03 - Primary HLH - "HLH Disease"
13:34 - Secondary HLH - "HLH Syndrome"
14:46 - Causes of familial HLH
16:34 - Infective causes
18:05 - Malignant causes
20:24 - Clinical presentation and diagnostic criteria
32:47 - H-Score
34:36 - Treatment - Replacing Your Dodgy Off Switch
38:04 - Prognosis
38:55 - Take Home MessagesCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Thankfully, it's time for an actual expert to join us again on Bloody Minded! We are thrilled to be sitting down and chatting with A/Prof. Tracy King, Myeloma CNC from RPA Hospital in Sydney, Co-Founder and past president of the HSANZ Nursing Group. From convenient treatment schedulers to the side effects we should be thinking more about to many ideas to improve clinical practice, this is a veritable hour of power worth diving into.
2:23 - Intro to Tracy King
3:30 - A Nightingale Sang in Hammersmith Square
5:22 - How did you get into myeloma nursing?
9:35 - If not nursing, what?
10:50 - What is a CNC?
14:12 - Nursing expertise in myeloma - best supportive care
16:57 - The most asked questions
19:54 - Strategies to manage complex regimens
23:13 - MyeTxScheduler - A Godsend
26:37 - What do we miss, what should we be asking more?
28:21 - The crux of communication issues
29:33 - "What matters to you today"
29:49 - Patient advocacy groups
32:04 - Steroid side effects - there's just so much dex...
35:37 - M protein variations - how to see the forest for the trees
38:22 - Time toxicity
45:44 - Quality of life assessment tools
49:35 - How to get started in advocacy/education/further work?
51:57 - Organisations - find your tribe
Also we promised to link MyeTx here so have at it out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
All that glitters isn’t gold, and all that paraproteins isn’t myeloma. But if we’re not going to blame myeloma, then what else might be responsible? Hold on to your M-Spikes as we the Bloody Minded Team dive into the weird and wonderful world of paraproteins causing havoc in patients without myeloma. This episode isn’t for the faint of blood so get ready for an advanced look at paraproteins and take a bit of the U out of MGUS.
2:12 - The Problem with "Unknown" Significance
8:45 - Waldenström's macroglobulinemia/Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma
11:17 - Marginal zone lymphoma
12:42 - Cold Agglutinin Disease
15:09 - Heavy chain disease
16:27 - POEMS Syndrome
23:10 - Other Paraproteinemic Neuropathies
25:55 - TEMPI
27:03 - CANOMAD
29:16 - Schnitzler Syndrome
31:34 - Scleromyxedema
34:06 - The “paraprotein AND...” approachCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Its time to hit the hot girl summer of haematology (we're in Australia after all) but also the hot boy winter and Autumn and Spring. Because our patients are hot all year round and sadly all night shift and possibly all throughout your ward round.
Welcome to our next On The Wards episode looking at fevers in the haematology patient with a focus on the management of febrile neutropenia. There's a lot to cover in this jumbo sized episode and we're super happy that Dr Alison Chandler agreed to return after last time.
2:08 - Episode Overview
4:47 - What is Febrile Neutropenia?
8:59 - Reminder: What are neutrophils
13:08 - Where did the neutrophils go?
18:24 - Why is FN a big deal?
20:00 - Assessing the neutropenic patient
30:15 - Antibiotics: Get them in
33:29 - Bugs: What grows?
36:15 - That fever isn't going away
41:01 - After the fever
42:24 - Can we make the neutrophils go up?
48:00 - Prophylaxis
52:50 - SummaryCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Can’t get enough of obscure haematological lab chat, can you? Well we’ve got good news for you! Join us today as we delve even deeper into the arcane depths of flow cytometry, mass spectrometry and cytogenetics as they apply to myeloma. We promise we didn’t just make these words up.
02:23 - Flow cytometry: overview
04:01 - The flow cytometer: practical aspects
09:01 - How we interpret flow
11:44 - Myeloma flow markers
14:32 - Quality in flow
21:26 - Mass spectrometry
25:59 - Cytogenetics
27:46 - Cytogenetics assay principles
30:30 - Karyotype abnormalities
31:44 - FISH and SNP arrays
33:05 - Cytogenetics and prognostication in MM
39:59 - Take home pointsCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Thought you were free of myeloma acronyms? Don’t be ridiculous - this is the haematology lab! We were born in the acronyms, moulded by them. We didn’t see a complete word until advanced training and even then it was nothing but BLINDING. Your lab tests betray you because they belong to us… but in this episode we’ll let you in on some secrets. Join Nick, Cale and Bashar in the haematology (and closely adjacent immunology) lab as they chat about just how we do that electrophoresis, why an iEPG is different to an EPG and just how useful Bence-Jones proteins are(n’t).
3:15 - Bone marrows - not as bad as they sound?
4:25 - What even do we do with the marrow?
10:57 - Eponymous plasma cells with weird morphology
13:04 - EPG - Electrophoresis
22:23 - IEPG - Immunoelectrophoresis
29:09 - What's the deal with Bence Jones proteins
33:27 - SFLC Measurements
37:07 - The Hook/Prozone Effect
40:55 - Light chain measurement in renal dysfunction
44:32 - Take Home MessagesCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
MGUS and Myeloma too simple for your tastes? Do you like vague presentations and biopsying many tissues in a sometimes wild goose chase? Why does Congo have all the birefringent apples? Go 'AAaah' as we TTRy to unpack ALl the problems that come with that most protean of disease - Systemic Amyloidosis!
3:04 - Pathophysiology of Amyloid
6:52 - All The Subtypes of Amyloid
7:56 - AA Amyloid
10:08 - ABeta2M Amyloid
11:04 - Age-Related Amyloidosis = wtATTR = WTTA = SSA
14:38 - AL Amyloidosis
16:24 - Diagnosis of Amyloid
22:25 - Clinical Presentation of Amyloid
27:10 - Prognosis
32:17 - Take Home MessagesCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
RVd, KTd, CyBorD, DVd, EloRd - Looks like the cat got on the keyboard. Oh wait, this is just the myeloma regimens in day therapy today.
Come on a journey as we attempt (mostly successfully) to avoid drug trade names! Let go of your proteasome inhibitions, phenotype your red cells and let us modulate your understanding of what it is to treat myeloma with an alphabet soups worth of drugs. We sincerely apologise to our endocrinology colleagues for how much dexamethasone we use in this episode but also generally.
4:00 - Overview of the treatment journey
9:49 - Steroids - not the bulking kind
13:54 - Immunomodulators - the IMiDs
19:46 - Proteasome inhibitors - Bortezomib, Carflizomib
24:45 - Monoclonal antibodies - Daratumumab, Elotuzumab
28:31 - SINE Inhibitor - Selinexor
29:27 - Antibody-drug conjugates - Belantamab mafodotin
30:27 - CELMoDs - Iberdomide, mezigdomide
31:06 - Standard chemotherapy
33:15 - Autologous stem cell transplant
38:21 - T-cell directed therapy - BiTes, CAR-T
40:57 - Supportive careCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
I do not like blue eggs and ham,
I do not like them, Sam I Am.
They crowd and clump, they grow too fast,
Causing troubles that can last.
They make my bones feel weak and sore,
And through my kidneys they gnaw!
I do not like blue eggs, you see,
They're signs of something wrong with me.
3:35 - Recap of MGUS + smouldering myeloma
4:42 - Clinical case - Mr. Peter Rotein
8:15 - What is rouleaux?
10:30 - Bone marrow biopsies - what, how, how much ow?
15:29 - Multiple myeloma
16:41 - CRAB Criteria
18:26 - SLiM Criteria
19:24 - Clinical presentations of myeloma
21:48 - Plasmacytomas
22:56 - Causes of myeloma?
24:45 - PrognosisCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Ordered something you shouldn’t have and accidentally found a paraprotein again? Shame on you, but now you have to do something with it. Maybe you were genuinely suspicious for myeloma. If incidentally discovered lab findings are leaving you smouldering, this is the episode for you!
Join Nick, Cale and Bashar as they chat about the spectrum of plasma cell dyscrasias, and cover the precursor conditions MGUS and Smouldering Myeloma.
2:53 - What is a paraprotein?
5:56 - The heavy chain component
9:40 - The spectrum of plasma cell disorders
10:12 - MGUS
11:33 - How common is MGUS?
15:24 - You've found a paraprotein - what next?
17:38 - IMWG MGUS Criteria
19:47 - Mayo Score for Risk Stratification
22:25 - Serum free light chain ratio
24:25 - Bence Jones proteins
26:21 - Smouldering myeloma
27:30 - IMWG Smouldering myeloma criteria
29:16 - Risk of progression to MMCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
A is for Antibody. B is for B-cell. C is for Cryoglobul… wait no we’ve covered that already. If you struggle to tell your thymus from an isthmus, can’t see the humour in humoural immunity and think a bursa is just some fancy elbow cushion then THIS is the episode for you. Join the Bloody Minded Crew as they dust off their undergraduate immunology degrees, get back to the classroom and cover the foundations of the immune system in preparation for tackling our upcoming malignant diseases.
3:43 - The Immune System
4:50 - The Spleen
5:36 - The Thymus
6:19 - The Lymph Nodes
8:19 - The Innate Immune System
13:16 - The Adaptive Immune System
16:56 - VDJ recombination
21:21 - MHC/HLA
24:54 - Antibodies!
27:42 - Class switching
28:58 - The purpose of Plasma Cells
30:33 - An immune response - start to finishCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Help! After a disastrous 3 way ward swap you now have to cover the haem ward as an intern in... 45 minutes time. If only there were some way you could get a crash course on everything you might need to know. Well are you in luck today! Join our new guest host Dr Alison Chandler for a whole new subtype of episodes, our new "On the Wards" series.“ These are for those new interns and residents who have been drafted to cover the dreaded haem wards and need to prepare all the practical day to day things.
On this inaugural On The Wards episode we'll cover the haematology ward round, how to read a haematology note and plan for some planned admissions. Keep an eye out for these every so often in between our conventional topics.
1:09 - Who is Dr Alison Chandler?
3:43 - What makes haem scary?
8:20 - Three top tips for haem JMOs
14:34 - The haem ward round - letters and numbers!
27:50 - Always look at the blood count
34:08 - Planned admissions
38:02 - Extra things to do on haemCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
Tired of listening to the three of us? Why not listen to an actual expert!? Today we're joined by Dr Danny Hsu, consultant haematologist, clinical lead of Immune Haematology & Therapeutic Apheresis at Liverpool Hospital, THANZ council member and all around top bloke to dig down into the nitty gritty of TTP and PNH.
Any question you might have about these conditions Dr Hsu is your go to. Sadly we didn't ask him every question you might have, but he certainly came up with incredible answers to the ones we asked of him.
1:15 - Intro to Dr Danny Hsu!
7:19 - Getting into nonmalignant haem
9:55 - TTP in practice
14:03 - Intricacies of TTP diagnosis
25:15 - Managing TTP in the the longer term
28:55 - PNH chat!
38:57 - Final words and outroCheck out show notes, additional references and (sometimes) extra content at
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