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Líkt og í öllum þvottakörfum landsins þá er þar að finna mismunandi efni og mismunandi liti. Í þessum þáttum munum við einmitt ræða allt á milli himins og jarðar þegar kemur að íslenskum körfubolta. Tökum viðtöl við hetjur úr hreyfingunni og veltum fyrir okkur hlutum sem allir ættu að tengja við.
Körfuboltaþátturinn Boltinn Lýgur Ekki, sem hefur verið leiðandi í körfuboltaumfjöllun á Íslandi, er kominn á Suðurlandsbrautina, heimili körfuboltans á Íslandi.Fjallað er um móður allra íþrótta á hispurslausan hátt. Íslenski boltinn í aðalhlutverki en NBA verður á sínum stað ásamt heitum tökum og góðum gestum.Það eru Véfréttin sjálf, Sigurður Orri og Tommi Steindórs sem stýra þættinum sem er í þráðbeinni á X977 alla fimmtudaga frá 16-18.
Drew & Jay Link up to cover all things British Basketball Support this podcast:
One person's continuing journey to become a better basketball coach. Episodes include interviews with basketball coaches & other leadership experts from Idaho and beyond. Email: [email protected].
Locked On Sun Belt podcast is the daily podcast that keeps you ahead of the games and the first to know the latest news, analysis, and insider info from every team in the Sun Belt Conference. Dave Schultz, the afternoon host on Sports Radio 105.5 WNSP in Mobile, AL, and formerly of 103.7 The Game in Lafayette, LA, provides your daily Sun Belt fix with expert opinions, film reviews, interviews, recaps, local analysis, and coverage of all things going on in the Sun Belt. You’ll hear about all the rivalries, the triumphs, and the unforgettable moments from Centennial Bank Stadium to Lakefront Arena and all points in between. The Locked On Sun Belt podcast puts you in the middle of all the roaring crowds at every gridiron battle and courtside for every buzzer-beating shot. The Locked On Sun Belt podcast takes you beyond the headlines for the inside scoops from the biggest stories inside the legendary teams of the Sun Belt Conference. The Locked On Sun Belt podcast is part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Your Team. Every Day.
I love talking hoops! High School, College, Professional... Coaches, Players, Games, X's & O's... You name it! If it is hoops I am interested and love talking about it. However, the longer I am around the game, the more it becomes clear to me that everyone who has a passion for this great game has a story to tell, that is so much more than just talkin' hoops. Don't get me wrong, I still love talkin' basketball with anyone who has an interest in the game from almost any angle, but the real stories of Basketball and Life are what this podcast is all about.
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The NCAA Podcasts channel uses multiple different shows (NCAA Social Series, Inside the NCAA, College Sports Conversations) to interview individuals who have unique insight into the world of college sports. Produced by the NCAA, episodes delve into the most pressing topics of the day and offer behind-the-scenes points of view from those who shape college athletics.