Join the BCI Guys (Colin Fausnaught and Harrison Canning) as they discuss all things Neurotechnology! Brain Stream will cover a wide range of topics in Neurotechnology, ranging from ethics to cutting edge technology. Join us as we explore a wide range of topics and discuss the future of the field! Future episodes will feature prominent figures in the Neurotechnology field, so make sure you subscribe to us on Stitcher, Google Play, or Apple Podcasts to stay up to date!
Harrison and Colin (The BCI Guys) are neurotech researchers and entrepreneurs dedicated to creating a brain-controlled future! Neurotechnology and brain-computer interfaces are devices that allow users to control machines with their thoughts and interact with technology in new ways. This revolutionary technology will change life as we know it, and soon will be as common as the touchscreen on your smartphone. Join us in learning about the brain-controlled future!
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