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The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology (and, now, ancient history of the Mediterranean) told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dansk Film Podcast er en podcast der tager sig kærligt af danske film, danske tv-serier, dansk filmmusik, teater og danske skuespillere.
Vi kommer i dybden og bestræber os på at komme både foran og bag kameraet og fortælle historier som ikke er hørt før. Fra dem der var med eller andre som har gode historier at fortælle. Vi har også nyheder, anmeldelser og mange andre spændende ting.
Dine værter er Thomas Sode & Danni Jørgensen.
Husk at følge os på Facebook:
Og at abbonere på Itunes store:…/…/dansk-film-podcast/id1124154396 -
NB! Vi har fået ny kanal --> (den hedder "Kendisraketten" og ikke længere "Kendisraketten's Podcast"- ret nemt at huske.) da vi har indgået samarbejde med Aarhus Studenterradio. Hop derover og find summerdition, festivalreportager og Sæson 2 !
Kender du den dér fornemmelse af, at du formentlig ville være en stor stjerne, en berømthed, en god gammeldags kendis, hvis bare verden forstod hvor genial/talentfuld/fantastisk/dygtig/dedikeret, du egentlig er? Men at det samtidig kan være lidt svært rent faktisk at få komponeret den sang, skrevet den roman, skabt det kunstværk, trænet til de 100 meter bryst, som helt sikkert vil bringe dig det sidste stykke? Jo du gør så, indrøm det bare.” -
Riki Lindhome talks to people in the entertainment industry and asks them how they got their careers. There's no road map for show business and everyone's story is different, so Riki interviews people about how they started, how they've kept it going and what they've learned along the way.
Disneyhjørnet er en podcast af to disneyfanatikere, der gerne vil dele deres kærlighed til Disney - en klassiker ad gangen.
Vi vil i hver episode tage fat på en disneyklassiker, hvor vi vil anmelde den og snakke om filmen helt generelt. Vi starter selvfølgelig med disneyklassiker film nummer 1 og så videre derfra. -
Idiot’s Array is a Star Wars podcast hosted by Alan Zaugg, Mark Sutter, and Ryder Waldron. We bridge the Star Wars galaxy, from the movies to the comics, the novels to Star Wars Rebels and The Clone Wars. On Idiot’s Array we discuss Star Wars in a fun and intelligent way. We’d be honored if you’d join us at the Sabacc table!
Contact us:
Twitter: @idiotsarraypod
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Idiot’s Array
Alan: @jedizaugg
Mark: @MarkESutter
Ryder: @RyderWaldronDDS -
In addition to long form narratives like Godsfall and The Dungeon Rats, RPGs are amazing at creating limited-run podcasts. This is the central idea behind Neon Rival Presents. Starting with Tomb of Annihilation, we will continue to explore various stories across multiple universes.
Masterpiece Theatre meets Mystery Science Theater 3000 in a podcast of highbrow readings and lowbrow commentary. Comedians Kelly Nugent and Lindsay Katai come together to read aloud classic and not-so-classic literature from the public domain and provide real-time commentary with the help of special guests. Subscribe now to experience the best and worst from the likes of Edgar Allen Poe, Virginia Woolf, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Sherwood Anderson, Jack London, and many more... no one escapes their scathing and/or fawning reactions. Produced by the Forever Dog Podcast Network.
The world's only media podcast™. Support the show on Patreon! Have You Seen This? BONUS episodes
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.