
  • Bee Adamic is the founder and CEO of Liberty Music PR. In the early stages of her career Bee realized that even though she didn’t want to be a music artist, she could navigate pretty well in this industry. She was able to do that by taking all kinds of opportunities and trying a little bit of everything. According to Bee, that’s the secret for combining purpose and work: to have different experiences and see what resonates with you the most. Later in her journey, Bee tells us that she suddenly had to manage motherhood and a corporate job which, at the time, was the cause of a lot of fear, but also excitement. Bee also shares in which way a new baby affects the productivity of the parents, especially if they work in the music industry. Tune in!

    Key Highlights

    Bee explains how she took a lot of opportunities in the early stages of her career which allowed her to experience a little bit of everything and see what she truly wanted to do as a job; Bee talks about motherhood and how it’s a cheerful moment to any women even though being a mom sometimes causes a lot of fear – which is normal, especially if you have a corporate job; Bee talks about how having a baby sometimes help productivity because you know you have limited hours to work; Bee explains that new parents want to be included in work communication whenever possible, because most of them are actually looking forward to get back to their projects and responsibilities; Bee shares tips to integrate family and work colleagues in social environments, despite not being easy for a lot of new mothers.

    Powerful Quote by Bee

    “I had to start from the bottom and work my way up. [
] I just kept opening as many doors as I possibly could.” – Bee Adamic

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  • Welcome to this week’s episode of Break the Record Podcast! In this episode, Anna interviews music industry veteran publicist William Luff to talk all things related to working in music, the behind-the-scenes of being a music PR, handling career transitions and potential PR nightmares.

    William tells the listeners an intense moment of his personal life in which he was fired, but managed to take a lesson from it: learning that “endings are always new beginnings.” William also shares his strategy when dealing with ‘PR nightmares’ and how he applies the ‘4Bs’ of Public Relations to control the situation for his clients/artists. Tune in!

    Key Highlights

    How William started in the music industry, got his dream job only to be frustrated with a sudden lay-off and what lesson he took from it; How William sees the music industry nowadays, and how new people working in this area – publicly or behind-the-scenes – should see it also; William shares the ‘4Bs’ strategy when he is dealing with a negative situation happening to one of his clients/artists, and how you can apply it to your own personal and professional life.

    Powerful Quotes by William

    “The music industry is obviously hugely about who you know, in many ways. But the most important thing is: it’s what you know.” – William Luff

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  • In this episode of Break the Record podcast, Anna talks about the do’s and dont’s when it comes to music release. Anna explains the importance of marketing the new music, talking about it on social media, and all the best practices about planning and structuring the release. In addition, Anna shares tips to overcome the feeling of being “too salesy” (a.k.a. having shame of selling) on social media when promoting the new music, and how you should focus more on the work and effort you put into your work rather than what other people think. Artists should be seen and heard; marketing is the key for that to happen.

    Key Highlights

    Anna discusses the best guidelines to release new songs, and how to plan, structure, and market it the best way; Anna shares honest tips about self-promotion, social media, and how to overcome the barriers of feeling to “salesy”.

    Powerful Quotes by Anna

    “Make peace with the fact that you’ll always have a bit of resistance going to the next level.” – Anna Turunen “What we are anxious about is usually what we are excited about at the same time. So go towards your fear.” – Anna Turunen

    Episode Resources

    The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

    Kim Petras on Spotify | Apple Music

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    Instagram: @theannaturunen


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  • In this episode of Break the Record Podcast, Anna sits down with therapist and performance coach, Olivia James, to discuss different techniques and specific tools that artists and performers can use to get ready for big events and special performances. Olivia explains that regulating the central nervous system is essential to handle anxiety, but not all techniques will work for everybody because each person is different. Olivia also shares simple tips to deal with performance anxiety, detailing the importance of having a community of people who have dealt with the same problems in the past. Tune in!

    Key Highlights

    Olivia talks about the importance of preparing and getting ready for the performance by using awareness techniques; Olivia shares specific tricks and techniques to regulate the central nervous system ( fight-flight-freeze response); Olivia also explains that every individual is different so not all techniques to get rid of performance anxiety will work for everyone, that’s why is so important to find a method that works for you; Olivia shares actual at home tips to handle performance anxiety, and also how important is to surround yourself with people who has had the same kind of issue;

    Powerful Quote by Olivia

    “Sometimes performance anxiety can strike with somebody who has never had that problem, and that in itself can become a torment.” – Olivia James “The more you prepare the less likely it is your mind will go completely blank because the neural pathways of what you want to do will be so much stronger.” – Olivia James

    Episode Resources

    The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

    Blind to Betrayal: Why We Fool Ourselves We Aren’t Being Fooled by Jennifer Freyd and Pamela Birrell

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    LinkedIn: Olivia James

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  • In this solo episode of Break the Record podcast, Anna shares with the listeners some great news about the launch of her artist coaching business Break the Record Coaching! Artists are the superheroes of the modern world, yet they are entirely lacking proper mental and emotional support to thrive on the job. They are expected to be everything for everyone: always online, on stage, on ‘creative mode’. The entertainment industry sells them the dream, but no real tools for how to make it a sustainable career and lifestyle.

    The artist job description has changed dramatically in the past 10 years, from the traditional cycles of studio-promotions-tour, to more short-lived campaigns combined with never-ending social media presence. To the artist, this means having to do more work than ever before in history.

    Find out what led Anna to start Break The Record Coaching, who it’s for, what coaching can do to help and support artists, and other details!

    Key Highlights

    Anna tells the listeners what Break the Record Coaching is all about and what people can expect from it.

    Powerful Quote by Anna

    “It’s not just about the career. Everything in your personal life will also bleed into your career and vice-versa.” – Anna Turunen

    Episode Resources

    Neurohacker Collective (Code: BTRPOD to get 15% off):<clid=

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  • In this episode of Break the Record podcast, Anna Turunen and counsellor Denise Devenish discuss the byproducts of artists who already deal with mental health issues such as anxiety and depression to work in the music industry. The boundless environment of the current music industry can be a big trigger and that’s something that is not talked about frequently, although it should be. Denise also shares her own story having a breakthrough at a very young age and how the assistance of a professional, not only helped her, but also inspired her to follow the same career.

    Key Highlights

    Denise talks about her own breakthrough at a very young age dealing with mental health problems as well as regular youth concerns and how the initiative of seeing a professional helped her immensely; Denise shares that the fact that she was helped by a counselor inspired her to follow the same career because she understood she could also help others to deal with the same problems she faced; Denise and Anna discuss how the music industry is potentially a big trigger for artists who already have mental health issues, and how this needs to be more addressed and talked about; Denise explains the concept of “holding space” for someone dealing with mental health difficulties; Denise highlights a few directions you can initially follow when you identify what’s wrong regarding your mental health and decide to ask for help.

    Powerful Quotes by Denise

    “Counseling and therapy and seeking support doesn’t need to be a crisis point.” – Denise Devenish “I think it’s really important in the music industry and just in the world to promote taking care of your mental health – and daily. This isn’t something you do now and then.” – Denise Devenish “The [music] industry is definitely a risky place for people that are already predisposed to having emotional mental health difficulties.” – Denise Devenish

    Episode Resources

    Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine

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    Instagram: @denisedevenishcounselling

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  • In this episode of Break the Record podcast, Anna Turunen and creative director, influencer and artist Nikita Andrianova explore the topics of ‘grooming’ – how young people are being exploited in the music, fashion, and entertainment industries. Nikita shares with us the importance of holding onto one’s self-identity because the idealization of a dream can change who we truly are. Nikita also shares about her career transition from fashion to music.

    Key Highlights

    Nikita talks about career choices, especially in the fashion world, and how they include much more than just the profession; they include a type of lifestyle that comes along; Nikita talks about how young girls are ‘groomed’ to become someone unrealistic just to follow a dream and reach a goal; Anna shares her vision on how the role of women in different industries nowadays are defined as powerless and vulnerable, no matter what;

    Powerful Quotes by Nikita and Anna

    “I think the hardest part and the big realization is how much self work it takes to unlearn the ‘grooming’ afterwards, to unlearn what you know about yourself.” – Nikita Andrianova “Ultimately, we only know what we know right now and we can only work with what we’ve got, so you might as well do the most with that.” – Nikita Andrianova “Every time you break your shallow a little bit more, the gold comes out.” – Anna Turunen

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  • In this episode of Break the Record podcast, Anna sits down with the founder and CEO of The Familie and Unlisted/Brand Lab Steve Astephen. Steve is an experienced sports and entertainment entrepreneur who has worked with top talent from the NFL, NBA, golf and, in music, Machine Gun Kelly.

    Anna and Steve discuss his experience with Ayahuasca and how it helped him to heal old wounds and to see everything else in his life more clearly afterwards. Steve also shares a really powerful story where, after trying out Ayahuasca, he finally had the chance to connect with a friend to have some closure from their relationship.

    It’s really interesting that a few situations in life allow you to heal everything in your past and present that needs to be healed. But in order to do that, it’s easier if you first let go of yourself. That is the exact reason why Ayahuasca and psychedelics in general are becoming popular over the last few years. Besides supporting others with anxiety and mental health related symptoms, this kind of substance helps with mental clarity and Steve describes how this experience happened for him. Tune in!

    Key Highlights

    Steve explains the reasons why he considers Ayahuasca a medicine instead of a recreational drug; How Ayahuasca helped Steve to see his whole life in chapters and heal what needed to be healed from his past; Steve shares a particular moment when trying out Ayahuasca where he could connect with a past friend and finally have some closure on their relationship.

    Powerful Quotes by Steve about Ayahuasca

    “I've really changed. There’s no doubt that medicine changed me for the better in so many ways. But, I still have work to do.” – Steve Astephen “In general it is for everyone, as long as you realize what you could potentially see or learn about yourself.” – Steve Astephen

    Episode Resources

    University of Adversity Podcast on Apple Podcasts & Spotify

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  • Riku PÀÀkkönen is a Finnish music industry veteran who founded the legendary heavy metal label Spinefarm and was involved with the signing and developing of the biggest music exports out of Finland such as Nightwish, Children of Bodom and Blind Channel. Today, Riku is the managing director of Ranka Kustannus, a Finnish record label and music publishing company, and a Board Member of Music Export Finland.

    In this episode of Break the Record podcast, Anna and Riku PÀÀkkönen talk about how artists should be paying more attention to leaving a legacy instead of focusing on new trends and going from one movement to another. Riku also explains the importance of navigating through business conversations with grace and sympathy but, at the same time, saying what needs to be said. Riku exemplifies this situation talking about how he deals with artists – especially new artists – looking to expand their success and be more known by the great public.

    In addition, you will hear some recommendations from Riku and Anna about the career in music as a whole. As Anna highlighted in this episode: “It’s a career made for tenacious people.”

    Key Highlights

    Riku shares a few tactics on how to deliver a message in a business conversation with honesty; How artists from smaller territories can have an advantage in the early stages or their development, and how to approach building an international career; It’s really important to have a vision when working with music, and it’s a career model for tenacious people; You need to build trust to succeed; How new artists are going from one movement to another without getting deep into any of them (not leaving a blueprint); Riku explains that young artists need one great track and then go from there; More artists should be thinking about keeping integrity and leaving a legacy;

    Powerful Quotes by Riku and Anna

    “I hate being fake and this is something that there is too much in the business. By being honest, you save a lot of time.” – Riku PÀÀkkönen “When artists have a strong vision about what they are doing, they will know better at the end of the day.” – Riku PÀÀkkönen “It’s not a short game, even though you may have some quick wins along the way, or you may have some quick losses along the way, this is really an industry for tenacious people.” – Anna Turunen

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  • Each artist and creator has a unique relationship with money. Money is what gives us the safety to keep moving forward, but can also be the one thing holding us back. Either way, one thing is crucial to know: your success, your talent, and your creativity are not measured with money; they are measured with different types of outcomes.

    Lauren Rozwadowski is a mindset and success coach working with music industry professionals, creatives and new business owners. She founded her business Courage Core with a mission to help people live more consciously and courageously and "get out of their own way" to truly thrive. Lauren has worked in the music industry for 10+ years at PPL, Warner Music UK and as an accomplished singer and songwriter. As an independent artist she has performed in some of the best venues in the UK and across Europe performing her self penned and self released albums ‘We Will Need Courage’ and ‘Woman In The Arena’, both of which received Radio, Press support and TV Syncs. Lauren is also on the Beat Board of the Featured Artist Coalition which represents the rights of featured artists in the music industry.

    In this episode of Break the Record Podcast, Anna and Lauren talk about limiting beliefs and scarcity mindset when it comes to money. They highlight how important it is to develop a better connection with money using simple actions, like switching the language we use when talking and thinking about it. You will learn that the value of money is subjective and, in fact, goes beyond the value of our work.

    Key Highlights

    Lauren shares her background when she had a lot of limiting beliefs and self doubt before working with music; Lauren talks about how she was able to improve her confidence by putting herself out there; Her career working as a coach and a mentor, helping other artists to find their confidence and to be more self-reliant; They talk about the value of money and how it is very subjective from person to person; It’s important to have a positive thinking around money and to improve the language you use with it; Other people’s success and your success can coexist; Your success (and your creative work) is not measured with money;

    Powerful Quotes by Lauren and Anna

    “Before money can even come into your life you need to do the work internally and simultaneously have a better experience externally.” – Anna Turunen “It’s about not convincing yourself consistently and telling yourself consistently that you’re broke, that you’re poor, that you’re not good with money.” – Lauren Rozwadowski

    Episode Resources

    The Featured Artist Coalition

    PPL UK

    Money Mindset Journal Prompts
    Imposter Syndrome EFT Tapping Video

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    LinkedIn: Lauren Rozwadowski

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  • In this week’s episode of Break the Record Podcast, Anna welcomes Joanne Croxford for a discussion about mental health awareness, diversity in today’s society, and how we can make change doing our part. Joanne talks about her background in the music industry and how the topic called mental health was a common theme among her team at the time.

    Sometimes people who suffer from mental health issues cannot see through the problem, but, if you’re trying to help, it’s important not to tell them how they are feeling. Oftentimes, the origin of the problem is some sort of response to trauma so engaging with the person is the best way to deal with it. A lot can happen when we listen without judgment and not to judge is the first step to actually help.

    Key Highlights

    Joanne talks about her background working 17 years in the music industry; Joanne explains that mental health in the music industry was a common thing to discuss back in the early years of her career; Sometimes people who suffer from mental health issues cannot see through the problem and reality seems a lot different than it actually is; Oftentimes the origins of some addictions are responses to old traumas; It’s important not to tell how a person dealing with mental health issues/addictions is feeling, engage with them instead; Anna and Joanne discuss tokenism and inclusion nowadays; How early education is fundamental to change people’s perceptions about acceptance and diversity.

    Powerful Quotes by Joanne

    “The mental health conversation was always happening in my workplace, and I didn’t realize how much of an anomaly that was until I started talking to my other friends.” – Joanne Croxford “Addiction is the most conning enemy of life.” – Joanne Croxford “It’s really important that we don’t assume people’s pronouns based on how they present, because it’s about how the person feels.” – Joanne Croxford “Diversity is how things look on the outside, inclusion is how people feel when they’re inside.” – Joanne Croxford

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    LinkedIn: Joanne Croxford

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  • Hit play and join us for another episode of Break the Record Podcast! This week, Anna answers a few questions from her audience about multiple topics: how the UK and US radio scenario presents itself nowadays – and how the engines work when there’s new music being released, the roots of narcissistic personalities and how Anna dealt with a narcissist in her previous relationship.

    In addition, Anna talks about how she sees the intimacy and lack of touch that we’re all going through in these difficult times since COVID, her personal experiences with sexuality and really interesting stories about sex clubs.

    Key Highlights

    Sexuality, personal experiences, and talking about it in childhood; Intimacy and how we all coped with not being able to touch each other; Differences between the UK and US radio industry; Characteristics of a narcissistic relationship; How narcissist people resist the idea of getting rid of the ego; Anna’s message if you’re going through the same situation.

    Powerful Quote by Anna if you’re in a toxic relationship:

    “You are actually being given a gift to find your boundaries, to stand very sternly in your reality, to not have somebody steal your reality from you, and to have the power within you to say: ‘No, I’m better than this.’” – Anna Turunen

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  • Welcome to another episode of Break the Record Podcast! This week your host Anna Turunen welcomes HellĂš Weston for a conversation about intuition, body energy and the benefits of breathwork. We tend to be skeptical about certain experiences, but as soon as we start noticing differences and actually begin quieting our minds
these experiences can change our lives.

    Among many benefits of practicing breathwork, healing old emotions is one of the most important. Through breathing cohesively we are able to restore energy and clear our brain, bringing unhealed feelings to the surface and, with time, we can even reach a point of surrender and complete calmness. HellĂš explains that breathwork also puts you in control and in the driver seat of your life.

    Key Highlights

    HellĂš talks about her history with hypnotherapy and breathwork; Breathwork is excellent for restoring energy, feeling clear, and improving memory & brain function; Different people need different approaches (hearing, seeing, sensing) when practicing breathwork; Why moments of breathwork are like ceremonies/special occasions; HellĂš explains that breathwork puts you in control; What is intuition vs. what is not intuition (intuition goes beyond our knowledge); The importance of trying new things even if you feel fear of doing it;

    Powerful Quotes by HellĂš

    “For me breathwork is the most powerful way to get into connection with your true WHY.” – Hellù Weston “The many different styles of breathwork will lead to a different experience and a different result.” – Hellù Weston

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    Resources Mentioned

    Owaken Breathwork

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  • Welcome to another episode of Break the Record Podcast! Join your host Anna Turunen and guest Elley DuhĂ© in this week’s episode as they talk about the importance of not boxing ourselves into labels – especially in the music industry. How we present our truth and message to the world is more important than fitting in a genre or music type and that’s the main story Elley shares with us today.

    You will also hear how being inspired with other women in the music industry was fundamental for Elley’s growth, but not enough to avoid living episodes of body shaming. In addition, Anna and Elley talk about attention deficit and its relation with making music, healing their relationship with the masculine through methods like celibacy and boundaries, spirituality as a healing channel and the importance of having a community who supports our dreams and projects.

    Key Highlights

    The importance of having a community around our work; Protect ourselves first to, then, protect others; Elley talks about outside pressure on women’s bodies in the music industry; Attention deficit and its relation with creating music, organization, and making life simple; Why we should not box ourselves into labels; Elley talks about spirituality and how it saved her.

    Powerful Quotes by Elley

    “If I could save someone from going through all the stuff I put myself through or that I went through, I would just want girls to be so safe and protected and valued, because I never really was.” – Elley DuhĂ© “My own spirituality, really diving into that, and exploring that has been a lifesaver.” – Elley DuhĂ© “Sometimes you have to love people from a distance. That’s how I see things.” – Elley DuhĂ©

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  • Welcome to another episode of Break the Record Podcast! Join your host Anna Turunen as she has a really sensitive conversation with journalist and author, Rhian Jones. Rhian’s book, “Sound Advice: The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy and Successful Career in Music,” connects important topics like physical health and mental awareness and is intended for musicians and professionals in the music industry.

    Anna and Rhian talk about the importance of having simple, small actions in our routines to help us manage aspects of mental health (i.e. anxiety or depression); how beneficial it is to know yourself and the environment you have chances to thrive in; and why controlling habits and situations desperately doesn’t mean you have control over your life. They share why it’s important to identify these situations.

    Key Highlights

    What the music industry is doing to protect artists’ mental health? Why it’s important to know yourself and know in which environment you have a chance to thrive; Why it’s important to identify and recognize your boundaries; Controlling specific things like your food, or overdoing something like exercise doesn’t mean you have control over your life; Rhian talks about a study mentioning musicians and why they are more prone to have eating disorders, for example; Simple actions that can be introduced in our routines (which can be interpreted as “good” coping mechanisms).

    Powerful Quotes by Rhian

    “I think that sort of stuff is also really helpful for all music industry employees to go through because it helps you spot the signs, the signs of people struggling and then it gives you the information that you need in order to be able to help them effectively.” – Rhian Jones about mental health charities like Mind. “We all have mental health so we all have personal stories.” – Rhian Jones

    Follow Rhian!

    Instagram: @jonesjourno

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    Instagram: @theannaturunen


    Resources Mentioned

    Sound Advice by Rhian Jones and Lucy Heyman

    The Guardian: ‘So much pressure to look a certain way’: why eating disorders are rife in pop music

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  • Welcome to this week’s episode of Break the Record Podcast! This week Anna Turunen talks with Bryson Roatch, a creative director in the music industry. Bryson started his career photographing his brother’s band Papa Roach on tour which led to a full time career as content producer, photographer, music video director and creative director.

    Anna and Bryson also talk about Bryson’s past having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and forced on dozens of different medications throughout his life, the importance of speaking our truth to create connections with people, the way mental health correlates with awareness and living in the present moment, what are the key secrets to make a relationship work, and the importance of educating ourselves on a daily basis. Bryson also tells us how being creative and artsy really does wonders for him as forms of therapy.

    Key Highlights

    How Bryson got into the music industry through photography and video shooting and the beginning of his journey working with the creative scenery; Why boundaries are important to avoid a burnout; The creativity side of us takes a lot of time in our routines (but it’s worth it in the end); Mental health, mental awareness and its correlation with living in the present; Reasons why the cancel culture shouldn’t be happening (Hint: we all are going through something and doing the best with what we have); Self-worthiness is vital to build relationships; Speaking our inner truth and being vulnerable breaks the barrier for other people to do it too; Educating ourselves makes us move forward – personally and professionally.

    Powerful Quotes by Stephen

    “I just don’t know why we spend time in the past and in the future and not right now, but I think sometimes it is important to spend time in the past and future because it drives that present moment to do something.” – Bryson Roatch “I’m not afraid to expose my truth. What holds me back sometimes are the one or two people that I really would care what they think.” – Bryson Roatch

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    Instagram: @brysonroatch

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    Instagram: @theannaturunen


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  • Welcome to this week’s episode of Break the Record Podcast! In this week’s special solo episode, your host Anna Turunen shares with us the best way to increase exposure being an artist and how to gain more visibility with your music. These insights about the music industry are much needed if you are willing to pursue this career.

    In a Q&A style, Anna also talks about hypnotherapy, the proven benefits of this practice, meditation, how to calm the mind if you struggle with overthinking, and how you can use the concept of brain-heart coherence if you have a busy mind. To wrap it all up, Anna shares her personal experience with Bufo and psychedelics.

    Key Highlights

    What’s the best way for an artist to gain more exposure; Lifestyle benefits of hypnotherapy; Tips on meditation for busy minds (brain & heart coherence); Anna’s psychedelic experience with Bufo;

    Powerful Quotes by Anna

    “Your mind will make some noise, and that’s the practice. It’s not about how slow your mind is. It’s about showing up to do the work every day.” – Anna Turunen on meditation. “That to me was like an experience as close as I can get to understand what it really means to be in a vibrational universe and in a vibrational state whilst being out of my physical body experience.” – Anna Turunen on her psychedelic experience with Bufo. “All transformation is internal first.” – Anna Turunen

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    Instagram: @theannaturunen


    Resources Mentioned:

    Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process (CIA .pdf document)

    Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov

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  • Welcome to this week’s episode of Break the Record Podcast! Listen to your host Anna Turunen as she interviews Stephen Daltrey. Stephen is a therapist and performance coach working directly with executives, leaders, decision makers, and entrepreneurs. Through his company Music Industry Coaching – MIC, Stephen assists people in music to success – not by handing them a solution, but by helping them find it.

    In addition, Anna and Stephen talk about why the music industry needs to be more associated with the coaching industry, why artists nowadays would benefit from having a coach, differences between working with a coach and working with a therapist, and the importance of relationships and human connections to level up your work performance and your life quality.

    Key Highlights

    What does it look like to be coached vs. be in therapy; Why everyone would benefit from having a coach; Common themes related to executive and entrepreneurs clients; Stephen’s 4 steps for success in life (that most people don’t know); Why creating a work persona and a non-work persona doesn’t work in the long term; Stephen’s mission with music & coaching through his company MIC;

    Powerful Quotes by Stephen

    “Therapy is healing the past to function today whereas coaching is about taking you from today, taking you forward towards achieving your goal.” – Stephen Daltrey “The client is the expert, you’re not the expert. Your job is to support the person to look inside to find their answers.” – Stephen Daltrey about Coaching “The basis of leadership or being a boss is about creating relationships and the basis of all relationships is trust.” – Stephen Daltrey

    Follow Stephen!

    Instagram: @stephen_daltrey


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    Instagram: @theannaturunen


    Resources Mentioned:

    High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

    The Inner Game of Tennis by W. Timothy Gallwey

    Coaching Performance by John Whitmore

    Free Personality Test (16 Personalities)

    Anna’s reading list for powerful personal development:

    Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza

    Radical Acceptance by Tara Branch, Ph.D

    Mastery by Robert Greene

    12 Rules For Life by Jordan Peterson

    A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

    Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

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  • Welcome to this week’s episode of Break the Record Podcast! Join your host Anna Turunen as she has a really honest conversation with Vylana Marcus. Vylana is an artist and musician who followed her passion with music from a very early age. After having participated in musical competitions like American Idol, Vylana got frustrated with the industry for a while only to rediscover her purpose with music later in life.

    You will also hear in this episode everything about Sound Healing and its power to ground you, connect you and calm you down. Vylana talks about the importance of having such a therapy form in your life and the power it influences over people looking for restoration, harmony and equilibrium.

    Key Highlights

    Vylana’s background with music and her dream to be a singer; How Vylana was able to repurpose her passion with music at a certain point; How music helps us deal with feelings and deep emotions; Vylana explains the concept of Sound Healing; Vylana’s current projects with new music; How Vylana maintain her physique and wellness routine;

    Powerful Quotes by Vylana

    “Being a little girl with this dream, living that dream and finding out I had no idea who I was, having to go on this path of actually finding who I was
 Only to find music again and to repurpose in a way that was in alignment for me. And the reason it is in alignment with me is because it is being of service.” – Vylana Marcus “If you look at music in general, whether it is heavy metal, or hip hop, or whatever it is that you might feel attracted to listening to it, it’s expressing some aspect of you that you feel aligned with.” – Vylana Marcus “When you exhibit a lot of self love everything in your world mirrors that.” – Vylana Marcus

    Follow Vylana!

    Instagram: @vylanamarcus

    Spotify: Vylana

    Follow Anna!

    Instagram: @theannaturunen


    Resources Mentioned:

    Sound Medicine by Kulreet Chaudhary

    The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible by Charles Eisenstein

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