
  • The videos I’ve been putting out the last few weeks are all excerpts from one overall conversation about bravery.

    In this podcast, I break down the different elements of courage to give you ideas on how you can apply this to your life to give yourself more opportunities and increase your self confidence.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Bravery is not the absence of fear: understanding that courage is wisdom rather than strength

    Fear mongering: identifying and resisting the manipulative tactics fear uses.

    Courage to be disliked: facing social anxiety and caring what people think of you.

    Confidence vs arrogance: how to build courage without becoming a jerk.

    Confidence quotes: short questions and statements that will boost your daily bravery in a practical way.

  • We’re going to look at relationships and how these are affected by nice guy syndrome. We’ll explore how relationships are different for nice guys and what the unique challenges are. We’ll look at what makes a great relationship work, as well as what causes toxic relationships and divorces.
    We’ll compare long term relationships with marriage. We’ll explore the specific issues with ADHD because it’s such a sought after topic.
    And then we’ll look at how to repair damage that’s already occurred

    Nice Guy relationships: definition
    How relationships work for the best possible connection
    Relationships vs marriage: what’s the difference?
    Relationships with adhd and nice guy syndrome
    Can relationships be fixed?

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  • What is social confidence?

    It might be the most important skillset and mindset for life success and satisfaction.
    This is the biggest struggle I see, evidenced by dishonesty, depression and loneliness, social media validation begging, and dismal dating experiences. Most people are faking social confidence or not even able to do that. In this podcast we cover what it is, why it matters, and how to build it.

    We'll look at:

    Social confidence meaning / definition - how the definition makes a big difference to your mindset
    A social confidence scale you can use to measure your progress
    The 5 I’s of confidence - a practical step by step guide to building confidence objectively
    Why is social confidence important? We'll look at the justification for making this your top priority
    Is social anxiety a lack of confidence? Can a confident person have social anxiety?
    Social confidence for introverts - a special look at shyness
    How to improve social confidence and how to boost social confidence in a practical way, no matter who you are

  • Listen Notes
    In this podcast episode, I break down some of the major psychological components that make up Nice Guy Syndrome. NGS is a cluster of different psychological disorders and struggles, and not every Nice Guy is the same. Some of these will apply to you, some won't. This podcast should help you figure out what type of Nice Guy you are, as well as how you should focus your recovery.
    We'll talk about Nice Guy Attachment Styles (avoidant and anxious), Nice Guy Narcissism, People Pleasing Syndrome, and comorbidity with ADHD and autism. Then we'll wrap up with looking at a general recovery approach that works for all types.

  • In the fantasy series "The Prince of Nothing" and "The Aspect Emperor" by R Scott Bakker, we are introduced to a concept called The Darkness that Comes Before. This describes the unknown place from where our urges and drives and decisions come from, that subconscious part of the brain that really calls the shots.
    In this podcast episode, I explore what occurs in that darkness, and how other people get into your mind to control you. We look at how to be sceptical about your own thoughts and feelings and beliefs, in such a way that ensures you make better long-term decisions and prevent others from manipulating you.

  • Introducing the Green Pill approach to dating and relationships

    In this podcast episode we’ll discuss about what I’m going to call the “Green Pill” approach to dating and relationships (as opposed to red pill or blue pill ideologies). I’ve named it that because green seems the right colour to signify integrity, growth, and nature / being natural.

    So with the Green Pill approach to dating you actually lose the word “dating” altogether because it’s too needy and full of desperation and transactional. It’s a complete paradigm shift away from getting something from other people. Instead, you focus on socializing with integrity. The primary purpose is to impress yourself with valued living. No more seduction techniques, hiding behind texting, sliding into DMs, online dating apps, setting up dates, or going to bars and clubs.

    Instead you fill your week with hobbies and activities that fulfil you. You turn everything you love into a social event, and you focus primarily on being as honest and brave and transparent as you can be in those situations, even if it costs you the love of everyone in the room. Rather than trying to “get” people and fit in or make them like you, you take the risk of losing everyone in order to be true to yourself. But at the same time, you don’t sabotage potential connections with avoidant tactics or contrarian disagreeableness. You employ powerful honesty principles to attract the right kind of people and repel the wrong kind, all while primarily focusing on engaging in activities you enjoy.

    If the honesty is loved, respected and reciprocated by someone you also like, then you invite them to join you in your life (but you don’t create new events just for them). You keep doing that until you’re only surrounded by the best fit possible people, and of course, your shameless honesty will naturally escalate things romantically as well. ————-

    This Green Pill approach is broken down in great detail in my Building Rapport course – you can access this and all my other courses with a free 7 day trial to my paid subscription – DM or email me [email protected] for access

  • In this podcast, I scoured the internet to find the most common arguments against honesty - the justifications for lying, manipulation, and keeping thoughts to yourself. I will address each of them with my counter arguments, including the most powerful cases I've ever seen: hiding Jews from the Nazis, and not telling a child that they're about to die!

  • Get your Daily Dose of Integrity with my FREE newsletter here:

    In the USA, divorce rates are 2.9/1000, meaning that 50% of all marriages end in divorce, averaging about 8 years before they crash. And USA is not even as bad as Russia, Maldives and Canada.
    But does this mean that the Red Pill narrative about how marriage is a bad idea for men is accurate?
    In India, divorce rates are 0.01/1000, meaning there are almost no divorces. Countries like Italy also do well. So what's really going on here?
    In this podcast, we'll carefully examine the real data - scientific evidence - about divorce rates, causes of marriage breakdowns, why every country has a different divorce rate, the truth about concepts like "hypergamy" and lack of commitment.
    And more importantly, we'll do what Red Pillers almost never do - look at the 50% of marriages that last a lifetime, and see what those couples are doing differently and what they believe that keeps their relationships solid.

  • Join The Integrity Army for free group coaching here

    Men struggle in dating and relationships to identify what it is exactly that women want from them. We're told a million different things about what's attractive and what creates a connection and how to get a girlfriend or how to make a marriage work.

    Here's some dating and marriage advice for men: the greatest gift you can give to another person has nothing to do with being impressive. It’s really all about vulnerability and authenticity: letting them into your secret world, where all of your fears and faults are hidden, and allowing them to share theirs in return. It can be as simple as completing a sentence that begins with:

    “I’ve never told anyone this before, but…”

    It feels deeply significant and touching when someone shares something that they’ve never revealed to anyone else before. You suddenly have meaning, significance and purpose in your life. You are here to share their secret. You've created a connection that can lead to a relationship.

    And it’s not even relevant whether or not they’ve shared it with others before. What’s most important is that it is a deep truth which brings you together in understanding. You both share what it means to be human.

  • Join my free group coaching program for confidence and integrity here:

    I’ve built a profitable coaching business since 2013 based on my brand of honesty and integrity.

    Naturally, in the beginning, this caused me some conflict and ethical dilemmas when it came to sales. The marketing tactics and strategies I was taught often conflicted with my values.

    I was told to create scarcity even when there was abundance. I was pressured to give time constraints even when there was plenty of time. I was advised to dig into my client’s pain points when they were already suffering enough.

    I thought,

    “Surely there’s a way to sell my coaching and products without selling my soul! There must be a way to make my sales targets without being salesy, or pushy, or manipulating in a harmful deceitful way.”

    Thankfully, there is.

    Selling doesn’t have to include manipulation, game play, seduction, lies, pressure, neediness, cut n paste tactics, focus on money, or selling something you don’t fully believe in.

    In this article, I’m going to give you my top tips on how to sell through value-based and relationship-based methods that ensure your client always gets a good deal and you’re honest and transparent throughout the entire process.

    Not only is this good for your soul, it’s actually super effective in creating trust-based long term relationships with clients who never feel buyers-remorse, never feel pressured or tricked, and always come out of it better than they went in.


    0:00 Intro
    02:51 Give freely to create leads
    08:43 Explore with them
    11:22 Only monetize the main thing
    12:58 See it from their perspective
    14:36 Be transparent about your goals
    17:33 Statements not questions
    18:54 Take your time slow down
    22:45 Collaborate on solutions
    25:18 Slow down on a yes
    28:49 Focus on long term relationships
    34:00 When it's time sell shamelessly
    36:53 Stay in touch
    39:00 Constantly collect feedback
    40:43 Conclusion and next steps
    22:47 Collaborate on solutions
    25:18 Slow down on a yes
    28:49 Focus on long term relationships
    34:00 When it's time shamelessly sell

  • How to start your own business doing a service you enjoy providing with people you love helping. BROJO members-only webinar on how to start-up a business based on delivering a service you enjoy providing, to people you love to work with. This will cover everything from thinking of a business idea, to testing it out, to getting your first client and growing from there.

  • Comment below with your opinions on this!

    Check out Jacob's YouTube channel here:

    And his other links, including options for supporting his work, can be found here:

    Jacob Skidmore, a.k.a The Nameless Narcissist, was officially diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and was aware that something was off since early childhood. Since realising that narcissistic behaviour has damaged his own life as well as harmed others, Jacob has set out on a path of revelation and discovery, looking for a way to live that is more beneficial to both himself and others.
    In this fascinating and honest interview, Jacob shares what it's like to be a narcissist, what goes on in his mind, what motivates him and drives him, and what he's hoping to achieve through sharing his struggle with the world.

  • Do me a favour! Like/dislike, comment and share to help promote my work (if you think it’s a good idea)

    To check out my videos, podcasts, books, courses and contact details, this site has it all

    In any given moment, a human being always has 2 things happening. One is that they have a goal, and two is that they are moving. How healthy that goal is, and how effectively they move toward it, will decide their quality of life. To move toward the healthiest goal possible with most accurate movement possible is the very definition of SUCCESS.
    In this podcast episode, I dive deep into a new concept that I'm calling The Shortest Path, as derived from the fantasy books The Prince of Nothing and The Aspect Emperor by R Scott Baker.
    I will show you a new way to look at decision making and behaviour to ensure that you are as successful as you possibly can be - striving towards integrity and confidence with the best moves available.

  • Brojo coaches Dan Munro and Mike Wells get together to chat randomly about all things related to difficult communication, especially trying to communicate with trolls and haters online, or dealing with forums and groups that have turned nasty.


    Do me a favour! Like/dislike, comment and share to help promote my work (if you think it’s a good idea)
    For more of my work, links, posts and contact details, this site has it all
    If you enjoyed this video, you can buy me a beer to support my work!

    If you enjoyed this, get access to more of BROJO’s content and dozens of confidence-building online courses by joining today. It’s FREE! Learn more here:

    BROJO is an international self-improvement community run by coaches Dan Munro and Mike Wells. We are focused on how to build confidence through living with integrity and authenticity. We help Nice Guys discover their masculinity, and we focus on supporting people-pleasers of all types to build confidence, integrity, and deeply connected relationships.

    For more personal support, contact Dan & Mike directly with your questions [email protected]





  • If you enjoyed this podcast, you can buy me a beer!

    In an effort to rolemodel the value of shamelessness, I've created this mini-autobiography highlighting some of the key moments in my life that caused me to develop Nice Guy Syndrome, and then later to recover from it through discovering authentic self confidence. I explore - my early school experiences with bullying and ostracism - the effects of strict parenting - being sexually ashamed and humiliated (including erectile dysfunction) - having fake friends - learning to use humour to make people like me - discovering the Pick Up Artist scene and diving deeply into seducing women - happening upon the discovery of radical honesty and how to connect with people - learning to confront others and why this was such a phobia for me And a whole lot more. I get deep and personal in this one
    If you enjoyed this, get access to more of BROJO’s content and dozens of confidence-building online courses by joining today. It’s FREE! Learn more here:

    BROJO is an international self-improvement community run by coaches Dan Munro and Mike Wells. We are focused on how to build confidence through living with integrity and authenticity. We help Nice Guys discover their masculinity, and we focus on supporting people-pleasers of all types to build confidence, integrity, and deeply connected relationships.

    For more personal support, contact Dan & Mike directly with your questions [email protected]





  • If you enjoyed this podcast, you can buy me a beer!

    Being a nice guy is actually a form of mental illness. It's the result of coping mechanisms we created in childhood and teen years to deal with traumatic events and painful situations. When good-hearted boys are faced with emotional harm and lack the tools to properly process, confront and deal with it, we come with an act: a way of behaving that keeps us safe, makes us feel loved, and avoids difficulties.
    In this podcast, I shared the top 10 traumatic experiences that happen to boys that lead them to become Nice Guys as adult men, and I expand on the theory that Nice Guy Syndrome is always a result of childhood trauma.
    If you enjoyed this, get access to more of BROJO’s content and dozens of confidence-building online courses by joining today. It’s FREE! Learn more here:

    BROJO is an international self-improvement community run by coaches Dan Munro and Mike Wells. We are focused on how to build confidence through living with integrity and authenticity. We help Nice Guys discover their masculinity, and we focus on supporting people-pleasers of all types to build confidence, integrity, and deeply connected relationships.

    For more personal support, contact Dan & Mike directly with your questions [email protected]





  • If you enjoyed this podcast, you can buy me a beer!

    In the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, we are introduced to the "upper limit problem", whereby people who should be more successful sabotage themselves, often subconsciously, due to fear of change and fear of success.
    Obviously, this seen to be a bad thing. Self sabotage is seen as some sort of harmful error in the brain's wiring system. But what if it isn't? What if success isn't as good as people think it is? What if our definition of success is a harmful and dangerous one that leads to scandals, mental breakdowns, and even suicide?
    In this podcast, we explore the upper limit problem and self sabotage from a contrary angle: what if self sabotage is actually a good thing?
    If you enjoyed this, get access to more of BROJO’s content and dozens of confidence-building online courses by joining today. It’s FREE! Learn more here:

    BROJO is an international self-improvement community run by coaches Dan Munro and Mike Wells. We are focused on how to build confidence through living with integrity and authenticity. We help Nice Guys discover their masculinity, and we focus on supporting people-pleasers of all types to build confidence, integrity, and deeply connected relationships.

    For more personal support, contact Dan & Mike directly with your questions [email protected], or complete an application for a FREE coaching session with a BROJO Coach:


    The Nice Guy Recovery Course
    A intensive, step by step guide to help Nice Guys and people-pleasers undo their programming and conditioning to become authentic, powerful and confident.

    The 3X Confidence and Authenticity Masterclass Program
    A complete in-depth guide on how to build your confidence by being authentic and living with integrity, following Dan Munro’s secret 3X Confidence formula.

    Shamelessness: Total Social Confidence
    Say goodbye to the “not good enough” story in your head, and all the social limitations that come from believing it.

    THE NAKED TRUTH: Using Powerful Honesty to Enhance Your Confidence, Connections and Integrity [book]
    Discover Dan Munro’s powerful honesty techniques so that you can be authentic and genuine without losing respect:

    Nothing to Lose: Using Curiosity to Destroy Hesitation, Procrastination and Limiting Beliefs [book]
    A philosophical examination of the confident mindset, from a scientific and practical viewpoint. This book will help you decode confidence into a set of beliefs and behaviours that you can control.

    Dan’s blog:

    The BROJO Online podcast:

    Mike’s blog:

  • Coaches Dan and Mike from Brojo talk about the struggles they've had staying disciplined with exercise and eating healthy, and what tools they use to overcome issues like low motivation, procrastination, lifestyle imbalance, and outside interference.
    If you enjoyed this, get access to more of BROJO’s content and dozens of confidence-building online courses by joining today. It’s FREE! Learn more here:

    BROJO is an international self-improvement community run by coaches Dan Munro and Mike Wells. We are focused on how to build confidence through living with integrity and authenticity. We help Nice Guys discover their masculinity, and we focus on supporting people-pleasers of all types to build confidence, integrity, and deeply connected relationships.

    For more personal support, contact Dan & Mike directly with your questions [email protected], or complete an application for a FREE coaching session with a BROJO Coach:


    The Nice Guy Recovery Course
    A intensive, step by step guide to help Nice Guys and people-pleasers undo their programming and conditioning to become authentic, powerful and confident.

    The 3X Confidence and Authenticity Masterclass Program
    A complete in-depth guide on how to build your confidence by being authentic and living with integrity, following Dan Munro’s secret 3X Confidence formula.

    Shamelessness: Total Social Confidence
    Say goodbye to the “not good enough” story in your head, and all the social limitations that come from believing it.

    THE NAKED TRUTH: Using Powerful Honesty to Enhance Your Confidence, Connections and Integrity [book]
    Discover Dan Munro’s powerful honesty techniques so that you can be authentic and genuine without losing respect:

    Nothing to Lose: Using Curiosity to Destroy Hesitation, Procrastination and Limiting Beliefs [book]
    A philosophical examination of the confident mindset, from a scientific and practical viewpoint. This book will help you decode confidence into a set of beliefs and behaviours that you can control.

    Dan’s blog:

    The BROJO Online podcast:

    Mike’s blog:

  • If you enjoyed this podcast, you can buy me a beer!

    Taking something personally means to assume that a critical piece of feedback or an offensive opinion is somehow directly relevant to you, and presents a threat that you need to defend yourself against. Taking it personally is probably the #1 cause of conflict in relationships, the workplace, and particularly online comments sections and conversations.
    In this podcast, we explore what taking it personally really is from a psychological/beliefs perspective, and how to change the way you respond to something healthier, more accurate, and more beneficial to your connections and relationships.
    If you enjoyed this, get access to more of BROJO’s content and dozens of confidence-building online courses by joining today. It’s FREE! Learn more here:

    BROJO is an international self-improvement community run by coaches Dan Munro and Mike Wells. We are focused on how to build confidence through living with integrity and authenticity. We help Nice Guys discover their masculinity, and we focus on supporting people-pleasers of all types to build confidence, integrity, and deeply connected relationships.

    For more personal support, contact Dan & Mike directly with your questions [email protected], or complete an application for a FREE coaching session with a BROJO Coach:


    The Nice Guy Recovery Course
    A intensive, step by step guide to help Nice Guys and people-pleasers undo their programming and conditioning to become authentic, powerful and confident.

    The 3X Confidence and Authenticity Masterclass Program
    A complete in-depth guide on how to build your confidence by being authentic and living with integrity, following Dan Munro’s secret 3X Confidence formula.

    Shamelessness: Total Social Confidence
    Say goodbye to the “not good enough” story in your head, and all the social limitations that come from believing it.

    THE NAKED TRUTH: Using Powerful Honesty to Enhance Your Confidence, Connections and Integrity [book]
    Discover Dan Munro’s powerful honesty techniques so that you can be authentic and genuine without losing respect:

    Nothing to Lose: Using Curiosity to Destroy Hesitation, Procrastination and Limiting Beliefs [book]
    A philosophical examination of the confident mindset, from a scientific and practical viewpoint. This book will help you decode confidence into a set of beliefs and behaviours that you can control.

    Dan’s blog:

    The BROJO Online podcast:

    Mike’s blog:

  • If you enjoyed this podcast, you can buy me a beer!

    Coaches Dan Munro and Angie McQuillin are both experts in helping people-pleasers become more assertive, confident and honest. Dan focuses on Nice Guys who struggle in their romantic relationships, while Angie focuses on C-Suite executives who want to be more assertive in their careers.

    In this epic 2 hour podcast, Dan and Angie dive deep into the concept of people-pleasing, and what it means to be a People Pleaser. They look at how to know if you are one, what the real impact people-pleasing has on your social life and your career, and what you need to change to become more confident, healthy and successful.

    Contact Dan: [email protected]
    Angie: [email protected]
    If you enjoyed this, get access to more of BROJO’s content and dozens of confidence-building online courses by joining today. It’s FREE! Learn more here:

    BROJO is an international self-improvement community run by coaches Dan Munro and Mike Wells. We are focused on how to build confidence through living with integrity and authenticity. We help Nice Guys discover their masculinity, and we focus on supporting people-pleasers of all types to build confidence, integrity, and deeply connected relationships.

    For more personal support, contact Dan & Mike directly with your questions [email protected], or complete an application for a FREE coaching session with a BROJO Coach:


    The Nice Guy Recovery Course
    A intensive, step by step guide to help Nice Guys and people-pleasers undo their programming and conditioning to become authentic, powerful and confident.

    The 3X Confidence and Authenticity Masterclass Program
    A complete in-depth guide on how to build your confidence by being authentic and living with integrity, following Dan Munro’s secret 3X Confidence formula.

    Shamelessness: Total Social Confidence
    Say goodbye to the “not good enough” story in your head, and all the social limitations that come from believing it.

    THE NAKED TRUTH: Using Powerful Honesty to Enhance Your Confidence, Connections and Integrity [book]
    Discover Dan Munro’s powerful honesty techniques so that you can be authentic and genuine without losing respect:

    Nothing to Lose: Using Curiosity to Destroy Hesitation, Procrastination and Limiting Beliefs [book]
    A philosophical examination of the confident mindset, from a scientific and practical viewpoint. This book will help you decode confidence into a set of beliefs and behaviours that you can control.

    Dan’s blog:

    The BROJO Online podcast:

    Mike’s blog: