
  • Healing, Boundaries, and Closure.

    Welcome to Brown Table Talk! Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick discuss a deeply personal encounter with a former toxic boss. They share insights on healing, setting boundaries, and achieving closure, all while providing practical tips for women of color facing similar workplace challenges. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation.

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    (01:12) - Today's Topic: Running into a Former Toxic Boss
    (02:54) - Mita's Story: The Encounter Begins
    (06:00) - The Awkward Dinner Interaction
    (08:37) - Reflections on Healing and Closure
    (15:08) - Dee's Perspective on Toxic Relationships
    (19:29) - Setting Boundaries and Moving Forward
    (23:06) - Tips for Handling Toxic Encounters

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!

    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick discuss the challenges women of color face when transitioning roles within their workplaces. They delve into personal experiences and stories from others, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries and creating effective transition documents to ensure a smooth handover for both internal and external moves. The hosts also stress the responsibility of leaders to support transitions respectfully and the importance of having management and organizational development processes in place to capture critical role information. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    (00:35) - The Mission of Brown Table Talk
    (01:16) - Earring Envy and Supporting Women of Color Founders
    (02:16) - Navigating Internal Promotions and Training Replacements
    (11:24) - The Importance of Transition Documents and Setting Boundaries
    (20:55) - Concluding Thoughts and Tips for Smooth Transitions

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  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!

    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick focus on how to navigate having a toxic boss, incorporating perspectives from a Black woman and a South Asian woman. They highlight the importance of not just surviving but thriving in professional environments, despite adversity. The hosts emphasize the value of community feedback and the concept of a live show to broaden their mission's reach. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    (01:10) - The Vision: From Podcast to Live Show
    (02:18) - Celebrating Community and Listener Impact
    (02:45) - Navigating the Workplace: The Top Concerns
    (03:35) - Deep Dive: Surviving a Toxic Boss
    (06:14) - Strategies for Coping and Planning Your Exit
    (15:07) - Finding Support and Reclaiming Your Power

  • Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick focus on the challenges women of color face with 'dry promotions'—where individuals receive a higher job title without the matching salary increase. They discuss the implications of these promotions on workplace equality, the gender pay gap, and how such practices can undermine efforts to create inclusive work environments. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    Dee C. Marshall
    Mita Mallick

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    (00:38) - The Mission of Brown Table Talk
    (01:13) - Today's Hot Topic: The VP Title Without the VP Salary
    (02:42) - Exploring the Concept of Dry Promotions
    (11:41) - The Impact of Dry Promotions on Pay Equity
    (21:13) - Strategies and Tips for Leaders on Handling Dry Promotions

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk Season 10!

    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick delve into the complexities and risks associated with giving feedback to bosses in corporate America. Drawing from personal stories and experiences, they explore the nuances of 360 feedback processes, the importance of understanding the difference between anonymous and confidential feedback, and the potential repercussions of offering unsolicited feedback to supervisors. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    (01:15) - The Dilemma of Giving Feedback to Your Boss
    (01:39) - A Cautionary Tale of Feedback Gone Wrong
    (03:57) - The Fallout: Confrontation and Lessons Learned
    (07:19) - Strategies for Safely Offering Feedback
    (15:16) - The Difference Between Confidential and Anonymous Feedback
    (17:36) - Concluding Tips on Navigating Feedback in the Workplace

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk! Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick talk about whether or not you should return to a toxic workplace! Is there a proper strategy to approach this kind of situation? Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!

    (01:19) - The Core Question: Returning to a Toxic Workplace
    (04:14) - Exploring Toxic Workplaces and Personal Growth
    (08:45) - The Boomerang Trend: Pros and Cons
    (18:00) - Leadership's Role in Toxic Work Environments
    (23:57) - Concluding Thoughts and Tips for Navigating Toxic Workplaces

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  • Welcome to the 100th episode of Brown Table Talk!

    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick delve into the pervasive culture of unnecessary meetings in the workplace, a topic that resonates deeply with professionals worldwide. They discuss the challenges of excessive meetings, sharing personal anecdotes and insights into how meetings are often misused for micromanagement, under the guise of productivity. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation.

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    (01:12) - Today's Hot Topic: Why Do We Need Another Meeting?
    (02:30) - A Tangent on Fashion and Personal Branding
    (03:17) - Back to Meetings: Objectives, Outcomes, and Overkill
    (05:07) - Weaponizing Meetings Against Women of Color
    (06:30) - The Misuse of Meetings for Micromanagement and Idea Borrowing
    (10:03) - Redefining Productivity: Beyond the Meeting Room
    (12:26) - Introducing Breakout Blocks: A Disruption for Productivity
    (13:28) - Reimagining the Work Week and Meeting Culture
    (18:43) - Concluding Tips: How to Make Meetings Meaningful

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!
    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick delve into the fading practice of exit interviews and their significance in understanding the workplace experiences of women of color. They discuss the lack of exit interviews in modern corporate culture, the impact of disregarding employee feedback, and the analogy of employees as the 'forgotten consumer.' The conversation brings to light the importance of exit interviews in identifying the root causes behind employee turnover and the opportunities they present for creating more inclusive and engaging workplace cultures. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    Dee C. Marshall
    Mita Mallick

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    (01:09) - The Vanishing Act of Exit Interviews
    (02:34) - The Forgotten Consumer: Employees
    (04:55) - The Impact of Ignoring Exit Interviews
    (09:40) - A Leader's Perspective on Feedback
    (13:59) - Revolutionizing Exit Interviews
    (15:32) - The Responsibility of Sharing in Exit Interviews
    (20:55) - The Corporate Monarchy and Exit Interviews
    (24:38) - Concluding Thoughts and Tips

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!
    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallickexplore the challenging topic of workplace demotion, specifically how it affects women of color. Through a candid conversation, they share personal stories and observations, highlighting the subtle signs of being demoted, such as being left out of meetings, being excluded from projects, and the gradual stripping away of responsibilities, without a formal change in title. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    Dee C. Marshall
    Mita Mallick

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    (01:04) - Today's Hot Topic: Navigating Workplace Demotions
    (04:07) - Demotion Trends: A Closer Look at DEI Roles
    (06:23) - Reimagining Inclusion: Strategies and Solutions
    (07:14) - The Emotional Toll of Demotions and the Silence That Follows
    (14:15) - Exploring the Experience Across Different Demographics
    (18:50) - The Messiness of Workplace Demotions and How to Address It
    (21:43) - Concluding Thoughts and Practical Tips

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!
    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick delve into the pressing issues faced by women of color in the workplace. Sharing personal stories and professional insights, they discuss the impact of disengaged managers, particularly through the lens of a manager who exhibited a profound lack of care and professionalism Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    (01:17) - Today's Hot Topic: When Managers Don't Care
    (01:42) - A Deep Dive into Disengagement and Its Impact
    (02:30) - Unpacking the Story of a Disengaged Manager
    (07:42) - The Bigger Picture: Organizational Culture and Leadership Responsibility
    (18:27) - Tips for Dealing with Disengagement in the Workplace
    (20:01) - Wrapping Up and Next Steps

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!

    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick delve into the challenges women of color face in the workplace, with a specific focus on the phenomenon of 'fake interviews.' Sharing personal experiences and stories from their careers, they discuss how such interviews are used to pretend diversity efforts, often leaving capable candidates misled. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    (01:16) - The Harsh Reality of Fake Interviews
    (02:02) - Sharing Personal Experiences and Insights
    (16:30) - Identifying and Navigating Fake Interviews
    (20:37) - Concluding Thoughts and Advice for Navigating the Workplace

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!

    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick discuss the concept of the 'lazy girl job,' a trending topic that emphasizes work-life balance and challenges traditional work cultures. They explore this topic from the perspectives of women of color, examining how the term has been embraced by Gen Z and what it signifies about changing workplace expectations. The hosts question whether this concept is equally accessible or beneficial to all, notably addressing the unique challenges women of color may face Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    (01:16) - Unpacking the 'Lazy Girl Job' Trend: A Deep Dive
    (07:27) - The Reality of 'Lazy Girl Jobs' for Women of Color
    (18:37) - Navigating Corporate Culture: The Unspoken Rules
    (20:22) - Wrapping Up with Practical Tips for Navigating the Workplace
    (21:50) - Closing Thoughts 

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!

    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick both LinkedIn top voices and advocates for diversity, equity, and inclusion, delve into the persistent issue of women of color being overqualified and underpaid in their workplaces. Using Taraji P. Henson's candid interview about her experiences with pay disparity in Hollywood as a case study, they explore the broader implications for women of color across various industries. They address the importance of Equal Pay Day, the significant pay gap between women and men, particularly among Black and Latina women, and discuss the role of allies in advocating for fair compensation. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    (01:25) - Discussion on Taraji P. Henson's Case
    (01:57) - The Pay Disparity in Different Industries
    (08:32) - The Impact of Pay Disparity on Self-Worth
    (10:16) - The Role of Allies in Addressing Pay Disparity
    (20:16) - The Reality of Pay Disparity for Black Women
    (23:20) - Tips for Leaders to Address Pay Disparity
    (24:35) - Conclusion and Final Thoughts

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!
    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick discuss the topic of providing a two-week notice period before resigning from a job. They delve into the origins of this tradition, how it ties into payroll systems, and cultural changes brought in by younger generations. Mita shares her own personal experience of resigning, shedding light on the emotional dynamics involved in the process while Dee offers valuable insights from a leadership perspective. Additionally, they address how this convention may need adapting in the face of changing workplace dynamics, emphasizing on prioritizing employee mental health and overall well-being. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    Dee C. Marshall
    Mita Mallick

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    (01:17) - Today's Topic: Should I Give Two Weeks Notice?
    (01:40) - The Origin of Two Weeks Notice
    (03:52) - The Employer's Perspective on Two Weeks Notice
    (04:59) - The Emotional Impact of Resignation on Managers
    (06:04) - The Importance of Respectful Departure
    (07:53) - The Impact of Toxic Work Environments on Resignation
    (22:12) - The Trend of Extending Resignation Period with Vacation Time
    (23:39) - Three tips

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!

    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick discuss the current trend of companies 'sending their employees to charm school'. They dissect the essence of professional etiquette in the workplace from their perspectives as a Black woman and a South Asian woman respectively, critiquing the concept of 'charm school'. They question the necessity, the cultural implications, and the responsibility of implementing etiquette training, arguing that it represents more of a professional development issue and should be treated as such. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    Dee C. Marshall
    Mita Mallick

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    (01:31) - The Charm School Mystery
    (02:24) - Unpacking the Charm School Trend
    (04:08) - The Reality of Workplace Etiquette
    (04:56) - The Impact of Etiquette on Women of Color
    (08:09) - The Role of HR in Workplace Etiquette
    (10:41) - Finding the Positive in Workplace Etiquette Training
    (11:37) - The Etiquette School Debate: Who Defines the Rules?
    (13:28) - The Skepticism Around Etiquette Schools: A Critical View
    (15:56) - Office Dynamics and Adjustments: The Open Office Debate
    (17:40) - Generational Differences and Office Etiquette
    (18:48) - The Role of Managers in Maintaining Office Etiquette
    (19:24) - The Importance of Home Training in Office Etiquette
    (20:59) - The Company's Responsibility in Setting Office Etiquette

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!
    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick discuss the sensitive topic of layoffs within organizations and the appropriate method to carry them out. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the importance of open communication, respect for employees, and the impact of sensitive handling of such crucial issues. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    Dee C. Marshall
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    (01:14) - The Topic of the Day: Layoffs Over Email
    (01:28) - The Impact of Layoffs Over Email
    (02:17) - The Role of Managers in Layoffs
    (03:20) - The Evolution of Layoff Conversations
    (05:07) - The Impact of Tech Industry on Layoffs
    (05:35) - The Importance of Communication in Layoffs
    (07:35) - The Role of Leadership in Layoffs
    (08:26) - The Importance of Dignity in Layoffs
    (11:31) - The Impact of Layoffs on Employees
    (13:22) - The Responsibility of Companies in Layoffs
    (20:13) - The Difference Between Private and Public Companies in Layoffs
    (20:46) - Tips for Handling Layoffs

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!
    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick discuss the ongoing importance of maintaining an updated resume. They explore the potential pitfalls of not being able to quickly produce a CV during unexpected job loss, the dilemma of over-titling, the importance of title consistency across platforms, and the importance of LinkedIn as a resume companion. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    (01:15) - The Importance of Keeping Your Resume Ready
    (01:59) - Real-life Example: The Consequences of Not Having a Ready Resume
    (02:34) - The Importance of Updating Your Resume Regularly
    (04:55) - The Role of LinkedIn in Your Professional Profile
    (06:01) - The Importance of Consistency Across Different Platforms
    (07:46) - The Role of Titles in Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile
    (17:42) - The Importance of Interviewing Regularly
    (20:50) - Final Tips and Conclusion

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!
    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick explore the issue of employees recording their layoffs, drawn from their diverse perspectives as a Black woman and a South Asian woman. The hosts discuss why some employees feel compelled to do this, noting it usually stems from a lack of trust and a desire to expose unfair treatment. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    (01:15) - The Topic of the Day: Recording Layoffs
    (02:30) - Case Study: The Cloudflare Employee
    (04:10) - The Power of Recording and Social Media
    (05:22) - The Legal Aspects of Recording
    (06:33) - The Role of Leadership in Layoffs
    (11:23) - The Consequences of Recording Layoffs
    (19:21) - The Power Shift in the Workplace
    (20:35) - Tips for Handling Layoffs
    (22:00) - Conclusion and Final Thoughts

  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!
    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick discuss the recurring issue of individuals seeking ideas and information from women of color without giving proper credit or recognition. They share personal experiences and stories that highlight the importance of valuing and crediting the ideas and contributions of women of color. The hosts emphasize the need for allies to listen and understand the impact of such actions. Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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  • Welcome to Brown Table Talk!
    Today, our hosts Dee C. Marshall and Mita Mallick talk about feedback! Allies, not all feedback is GOOD feedback. Feedback alone is not enough, you have to ask for insights as well! Tune in for juicy stories, insights, and of course some tips on how to defuse and handle the situation. Are you ready? Buckle up!
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    Dee C. Marshall
    Mita Mallick

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    (2:36) - Do I need to collaborate more? 
    (6:40) - Does everyone know how to give feedback?
    (11:15) - Why do we like people who are like us? 
    (15:25) - Core competencies
    (24:42) - Three tips!