
  • Are you ready to bust through the myth of the dreaded 'summer slump' in your business?

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here -

    Now, back to this episode...

    I'm setting the record straight on why the summer months don't have to be slow for your business.

    You might be thinking, “But Katie, everyone’s on vacation, decision-making slows down, and business just naturally grinds to a halt between June and August.”

    Well, I'm here to challenge that notion and get you to reframe your perspective.

    Throughout the episode, we'll discuss the various factors that might be influencing this perception you have, including your own decision to slow down and how that impacts your business.

    I'll walk you through the major external challenges – like clients being on vacation or school holidays affecting your schedule – and how to shimmy your way round them effectively.

    We’ll also discuss the one critical mistake many business owners make.

    So, why listen to this episode?

    You'll learn how to maintain momentum in your business throughout the summer, why consistent marketing is essential, and how to adjust your workflow without sacrificing productivity or sales.

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00:01 - Introduction to the Episode

    00:00:24 - Common Assumptions about the Summer Slump

    00:01:16 - Summer Scheduling Challenges for Parents

    00:02:04 - Vacations and External Interruptions

    00:03:06 - Marketing Mistakes During Summer

    00:03:52 - Realistic Summer Productivity

    00:06:28 - The Importance of Staying Top of Mind

    00:07:12 - Balancing Work and Summer Enjoyment

    00:08:02 - Adjusting Your SOPs for Summer

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  • I lost my Internet while we were recording, and it got me thinking: setting goals is hard enough, but add ADHD into the mix, and it becomes downright challenging.

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here -

    Now, back to this episode...

    Let's be honest - for those of us with ADHD, it's not just about setting the goal; it's about remembering it, staying focused, and not getting overwhelmed.

    Join me as I unpack strategies to make goal setting not just possible but actually achievable for the ADHD entrepreneur.

    In "Goal setting with ADHD? Entirely possible!" we'll talk about why traditional goal-setting methods often fail us and how to flip the script.

    I cover how to keep your goals front and center, the importance of having visible reminders, and why big goals often lead to paralysis by analysis.

    Plus, I share personal stories, like my own goal (that will hopefully one day see me interview Oprah) and I explain why it’s crucial to break down massive goals into manageable, bite-sized pieces.

    We’ll also go into the concept of "now games" versus "long game" goals and how focusing on actionable steps today can set you up for long-term success.

    If you’re an ADHD entrepreneur and goal setting feels like trying to climb Everest in flip-flops, this episode is for you.

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00 Katie McManus dreams of...

    03:45 Focus on now game for long-term success.

    09:03 Overwhelmed by to-do list, lacking focus.

    12:14 Hope isn't a guarantee; take action. Build systems.

    13:30 Create and repurpose content to reduce pressure.

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    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

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  • There's a common pitfall many budding entrepreneurs face: the allure of quick success through digital courses.

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here -

    Now, back to this episode...

    You know how tempting it can be when gurus paint this picture of creating a digital course and then magically earning thousands in passive income?

    It sounds too good to be true, but is it?

    If you've tried and failed, got lost in the process, or felt disheartened, trust me, you're not alone.

    Patience and a step-by-step approach—think tortoise, not hare—is crucial for turning your dream into a sustainable business.

    Throughout this episode, I'm tackling the myth around these get-rich-quick digital courses head-on, exploring why jumping straight into building a digital course without a solid foundation is often a recipe for disappointment.

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00 Digital course doesn't bring value or profit.

    03:23 Frustration of failure, especially for neurodivergent individuals.

    09:05 Develop group program based on client needs.

    11:13 Iterated small group program evolves into community.

    16:18 Personalized client work helps, not courses.

    18:04 Clients should guide strategy, not idealized vision.

    00:21:52 - Perspective changes so you'll see opportunities instead of obstacles.

    00:25:52 - Ensuring your beliefs align with your business dreams.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me -

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    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

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  • In this bonus episode my producer Neal (now a client) and I delved into some incredibly insightful discussions about how our personal money archetypes influence our financial perspectives and behaviors.

    It's always revealing to see how character traits impact not just our business decisions but our overall mental state.

    Neal's journey highlighted a combination of traits that you may well find relatable.

    We touched on the tendency of some to over-give, stemming from a deep psychological need to derive self-worth from helping others.

    This behavior, while noble, can sometimes wreak havoc on business and personal relationships.

    We also explored the tension between saving rigorously and indulging in life's pleasures—a common conflict for many.

    Our talk emphasized the importance of unpacking these behaviors, recognizing their origins, and seeking a balance that aligns with our broader life goals.

    Lastly, Neal and I dove deep into some ways to manage these complex archetypes.

    We discussed setting boundaries, pricing adjustments, and being mindful about how time is allocated to ensure that giving doesn’t become self-sacrificial.

    I also offered Neal some tactile steps and recommendations on how to manage his specific traits.

    This episode serves as a reminder that understanding one's own archetype can lead to profound positive changes in both business strategies and personal life quality.

    If you find this conversation insightful, and you'd like to book in for your own session with me, you can do so at

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00 Intro and needing hobbies.

    09:13 Wanting to give Dad a car as a gift.

    12:03 Balancing generosity and self-preservation in business.

    13:40 Frequent, time-consuming situation with unclear returns.

    17:23 Accumulating saves, but experiences are valuable investments.

    21:45 Romantic and accumulator struggle with money joy.

    24:47 Appearance doesn't matter, client service does.

    26:04 Katie's Homework.

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  • Let’s talk about the three things that might be sabotaging your dream of running a successful business.

    Sounds dramatic, right?

    But trust me, these aren't just minor hiccups.

    These are the deal breakers, the ones that make you want to throw in the towel even before you’ve really started.

    In this episode, I uncover the big taboos that not only keep you from achieving success but also attract the wrong clients, making your entrepreneurial journey a nightmare.

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here -

    Now, back to this episode...

    We're talking all about the three key points that hold you back in your business.

    These are unresolved trauma, limiting beliefs about your worth, and a defeatist mindset.

    All are pitfalls that, if not addressed, will keep you stuck in a perpetual cycle of self-sabotage.

    I’ll share real-world examples and actionable insights on how to identify these roadblocks in your life and, more importantly, how to start dismantling them.

    You’ll learn how unresolved trauma can turn every business hurdle into an emotional Mount Everest, and how to pivot your marketing strategy so you attract clients who are ready and able to benefit from your expertise.

    We also hear from Anne Hathaway who has lived experience of this!

    By listening, you'll not only learn the specific ways to spot these saboteurs in your own life but also get practical tips for overcoming them.

    This episode isn’t just about identifying problems; it’s about arming you with the tools you need to transform your mindset and approach.

    Once you’ve listened, you’ll be better at filtering out non-ideal clients, framing your value correctly, and maintaining a mindset that propels you forward, rather than holding you back.

    Don’t miss out on these essential insights.

    Oh and also, make sure you download your Weeniecast bingo card!

    Get it at

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00:00 - Attracting the wrong clients.

    00:00:44 - Misguided marketing and drawing in clients who can’t be helped.

    00:02:23 - The difference between experienced trauma and unresolved trauma.

    00:05:50 - Personal experience with trauma and why I avoid sharing it in business contexts.

    00:08:00 - Why unresolved trauma exacerbates business challenges.

    00:14:19 - The danger of believing you have a $2,000 a month life.

    00:17:53 - The importance of shifting your mindset.

    00:21:52 - Perspective changes so you'll see opportunities instead of obstacles.

    00:25:52 - Ensuring your beliefs align with your business dreams.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me -

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    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

  • Ever wondered if you're a shark or a humpback whale when it comes to your business strategy? Intrigued? Then you've got to listen to this episode of the Weeniecast!

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! Not sure if you've heard, but I'm inviting new members to the best community for business owners with ADHD - the Hyperfocused Community! You can join here -

    Now, back to this episode...

    We're gonna get hot and sweaty wrestling with a challenge that many business owners face when they're trying to drum up the cash monies for their biz. Sending DMs. Or, more to the point, the ROI on cold DMs, in terms of time and money spent sending them.

    No spoilers, but it turns out, my alternative of attraction-based marketing strategy might just be your ticket to business freedom and flexibility.

    But, I'll still run you through the numbers, and prove to you why all those people who cold pitch you every day, or invite you to let them do it on your behalf, are wasting their time.


    Cold DMs consume your valuable time without promises of return. So don't just carry on with it regardless!

    Have a listen to this episode and learn why switching to an attraction method like inbound marketing can lead to better, long-term results.

    Timestamped summary

    00:00 Unsustainable business practices lead to long hours.

    04:27 Develop attraction culture for business success and freedom.

    08:03 Cold DMs ineffective without personalization; takes time.

    11:10 Create consistent, targeted content across platforms.

    15:25 Humpback whales enjoying meals and friendships.

    19:14 Smart work attracts high-paying clients, framework access.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me -

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    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

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    Hyperfocus community

  • Have you ever found yourself paralyzed by procrastination, knowing exactly what needs to be done but unable to do it? I’ve been there.

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! If after listening to this episode you want my help overcoming the challenges mentioned, here's the link to the free download -

    Now, back to the episode!

    In this episode we're getting deep into the murky waters of ADHD and procrastination!

    A common challenge for us ADHD business owners.

    One pressing question I receive frequently is: "Katie, how do I prevent myself from procrastinating?"

    The truth is, I don’t always succeed.

    As a business owner with ADHD, I face the same battles as my clients.

    In this episode, I highlight some of the major challenges ADHD entrepreneurs face, from the pressures of self-imposed perfectionism to the frustrating cycle of executive dysfunction.

    By sharing my vulnerabilities and the shame that comes from missed deadlines and unmet expectations, I aim to reassure you that you're not alone in this struggle and to provide tips that have helped me along the way.

    After listening, you’ll gain valuable insights into managing your energy and building a more ADHD-friendly business.

    You'll learn the importance of quitting work at the right time, so you can maximize your dopamine supply.

    We’ll also explore the challenges of hiring the right people and how to bounce back when you've hired wrong.

    And most importantly, we'll discuss how to shake off the toxic belief that rest must be earned—a concept that goes hand-in-hand with creating a sustainable, successful business.

    Listen in for strategies that can help you turn your procrastination from a crippling hurdle into a manageable part of your entrepreneurial journey.

    Timestamped summary

    00:00 Struggle of running a business with ADHD.

    04:13 Reward motivates, small tweaks lead to success.

    08:54 Organizing tasks by dopamine levels improves productivity.

    12:24 Trust emotions in decision-making and avoid impulsive spending.

    14:56 ADHD-friendly membership, support, rest, and understanding.

    17:20 Community support for shared experiences and coaching.

    Your next steps after listening

    Download my free procrastination worksheet -

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

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  • Ever feel like your brain is lying to you about your future possibilities and capabilities? Well, maybe it's time to call BS on that five-year plan and consider taking your side hustle full time! And I'm actually sharing the five key signs that it's time to transform your side hustle into a thriving full-time business.

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! Throughout May I'm running a one-month challenge to ramp up your social media client-attraction results. Don't miss out! Book in here -

    Now, back to the episode!

    Throughout this episode, we'll cover real-life examples, financial benchmarks, and essential mindsets that will help you make that big leap.

    For instance, did you know that if you're making between 50% to 70% of your full-time job salary through your side hustle, it might be a sign you're ready to go full time?

    I'll also share stories about my clients like Lauren Lefkowitz, who initially planned for a five-year transition but found herself leaving her full-time job in just five months.

    Your brain might be lying to you about how long things take, but by recognizing the right signals, you can make better, faster decisions.

    Once you've listened to this episode, you'll be better at recognizing the financial and emotional readiness required to switch from a side hustle to a full-time endeavor.

    You'll also become adept at assessing your risk tolerance, ensuring you have a nest egg for those tight months, and knowing when you’ve crossed that line of "I'm done" with your 9-to-5 J-O-B.

    All these insights will empower you to make well-informed, confident decisions about your business's future.

    Timestamped summary

    00:00 Benefits, vacation, side hustle, freedom, passion, signs.

    04:24 Transition your side hustle into full-time job.

    09:20 Maintain job while starting business for success.

    12:33 Clients chose full-time passion-based work over security.

    16:26 Consider sales volume, closing rate, and timing.

    18:24 Archetypes don't affect basic financial needs.

    22:58 ADHD struggles with one-size-fits-all.

    If you're struggling to figure out if you should take the plunge and make your side hustle your main gig, this episode is your guide.

    Click in, take notes, and when you're ready, book a Generate-Income Strategy Call with me.

    (In case you're reading this in an app that strips links - here it is:

    I can't wait to help you launch into new heights.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free initial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

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    Want to just buy me a coffee in return...

  • Unlocking LinkedIn Success: Top Techniques to Secure Clients for ADHD Entrepreneurs

    Imagine you have a remarkable product or service, yet you're floundering on LinkedIn, unable to find the right approach to attract desirable clients — watching potential business opportunities continue to bypass your profile.

    It's time you stop being a "Burt" about your business propositions on LinkedIn.

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! Throughout May I'm running a one-month challenge to ramp up your social media client-attraction results. Don't miss out! Book in here -

    Now, back to the episode!

    In this episode of The Weeniecast, I'm talking all about the common faux pas that could be holding you back from making LinkedIn the powerful client magnet it should be.

    With my engaging storytelling and relatable anecdotes, I aim to educate and entertain, ensuring that by the end of this podcast, you'll be ready to revamp your LinkedIn strategy.

    Throughout the episode, I break down the essentials of a successful LinkedIn presence, starting with the understanding around the types of posts you should avoid, and a crucial tip for maintaining your posts’ visibility.

    I also emphasize the importance of making your content accessible and engaging, ensuring it’s easy on the eyes and appealing to those skimming during their busy days.

    I also share the pitfalls of coming across as too salesy or preachy, all while explaining how LinkedIn, when leveraged like a charming neighborhood get-together rather than a pushy sales pitch, can transform your business outreach efforts.

    So get ready to enjoy numerous actionable strategies: from enhancing your profile to function as an alluring landing page, to engaging genuinely in conversations without immediately diving into sales talk.

    If you're ready to transform your LinkedIn approach from passive browsing to active engagement, here’s a concise roadmap from the episode:

    Timestamped summary

    00:00 LinkedIn links in posts. Yes or no?

    04:19 Paragraphs and formatting.

    09:36 Engaging, without resorting to just sales pitches.

    15:29 Highlighting the help you offer clients.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

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  • Maximize Your Social Media with Just a Few Key Ideas

    Have you planned out all of your hundreds of ideas for social media content over the coming weeks? No? Oh that's great. Got your attention just in time then!

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! Throughout May I'm running a one-month challenge to ramp up your social media client-attraction results. Don't miss out! Book in here -

    Now, back to the episode!

    Let's get into this nuanced world of digital content creation, especially tailored for business owners grappling with ADHD.

    I'm sharing transformative insights aimed at simplifying your approach to creating impactful media without an overwhelming flood of options.

    Less is more!

    I crack the code on why sometimes less is indeed more when it comes to engaging your audience effectively.

    I'll talk with you about the common pressures ADHD entrepreneurs face when crafting content for social media, paralleling it to everyday scenarios that resonate widely.

    Much like the indecisiveness of a poorly planned date invitation, I illustrate how being overly complex or diffused in your messaging can deter potential client engagement.

    Above all, I advocate for a minimalist yet potent strategy, focusing primarily on creating content that makes the audience feel valued, smart, and understood.

    This approach, rich in empathy and emotional connectivity, not only captivates but also helps establish trust swiftly, shortening the typical sales cycle dramatically.

    After listening to this episode, you, my delightful Weeniecast listener, will emerge better equipped to streamline your content creation process.

    You’ll learn how to repurpose a single, powerful idea across various platforms to maximize reach without diluting the message, reducing the often paralyzing need for constant novelty.

    Have you registered for my May challenge yet?

    You can sign up here -

    Timestamped Summary:

    0:00 - Introduction.

    3:15 - The pressures of content creation.

    7:45 - Making content that resonates by focusing on audience’s feelings and needs.

    12:30 - Strategies on using minimal content ideas effectively.

    17:50 - The importance of practice in perfecting content creation.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

    Mentioned in this episode:

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    Hyperfocus community

  • The Ultimate Sleep Hack for Boosting ADHD Entrepreneurial Success!

    Oh my god I'm so excited about bringing this episode to you. It's a topic that touches every part of our lives as 'hustling' entrepreneurs - and I'm going to share with you the ADHD sleep hack I've discovered that ensures you get proper sleep and rest!

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Pssssst! Throughout May I'm running a one-month challenge to ramp up your social media client-attraction results. Don't miss out! Book in here -

    Now, back to the episode!

    Yep, you read that right, that all-important rest we often shove aside for 'just one more email.'

    This episode is all about unravelling the indispensable role that quality sleep and rest plays in our lives.

    The importance of sleep

    Whether you're running from meeting to meeting or brainstorming the next big thing, getting solid zzz's is like hitting the reset button for your brain.

    It's fascinating to see how a good night's sleep rejuvenates us not just physically but mentally.

    Imagine recharging all those creative and decision-making juices!

    I'm also tackling some real-deal strategies to boost our sleep quality.

    Trust me, I know our entrepreneurial schedules are anything but typical, but who says we need a full 8 hours uninterrupted?

    Stuff to try, and stuff to avoid

    We talked everything from diet tweaks - yeah, looking at you, midnight latte - to bedroom environment makeovers that encourage the sandman to visit sooner.

    So after you finish listening to this episode, I hope you're feeling energized to follow my tips for prioritizing and improving your sleep.

    And not just for health, but as a strategic asset in your business toolkit.

    Have you registered for my May challenge yet?

    You can sign up here -

    Stuff mentioned:

    In the episode, I mention a few things for you to check out:

    1. UC Davis ( - The university where I reads some sleep-related health benefits from.

    2. Spotify and Audible - Platforms for listening to audio, such as Harry Potter books or sleep-supportive sounds.

    3. Gaia and Calm apps - These are referenced in discussing meditation apps.

    4. Gabby Bernstein - Author of the "Super Attractor" meditation app mentioned.

    5. Jim Dale - Narrator of the Harry Potter audiobooks I recommend for soothing bedtime listening.

    6. Jeff Bridges - He has an album called "Sleeping Tapes," which I played a clip from.

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00 Sleep improves focus, memory, and accident prevention.

    05:51 "Benefits of good sleep are endless, impactful."

    07:18 Consistent sleep crucial for those with ADHD.

    12:13 Brain replays embarrassing moments, advice not for you.

    13:43 Audiobooks provide familiar and soothing...

  • The perfect offboarding system for ADHD entrepreneurs to set ex-clients up for continued success!

    I've seen it time and again: entrepreneurs in the throes of success, grappling with a hidden dilemma... what to do when clients achieve unprecedented success under their guidance.

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    In the latest episode, "How to offboard clients who are TOO SUCCESSFUL WITH YOU! ", I'm sharing some tips on handling this potentially squirmy aspect of business.

    The client success 'dance'

    There's this move we need to dance between nurturing a client's growth and knowing when to let go of them and wave them on to their next phase.

    I'm sharing a couple of personal stories - one involving a client who found personal growth overtaking her business goals, which leads us to question the very definition of success.

    And the other one which talks about an interesting business dynamic I have with my podcast producer, who does all the things.

    This is counter to how I'd normally work as a service provider, but it works for him and it's ideal for me!

    The various client coaching models

    I also talk about how to ensure your clients become self-reliant, the importance of knowing when to direct clients to new opportunities, and the delicate craft of soliciting impactful testimonials.

    This episode won't just share insights—it’s a blueprint for you to follow as an ADHD entrepreneur who wants a solid offboarding process.

    Get ready to take notes! You might find the transcript useful for this which you'll find on the episode page at!

    Every entrepreneur envisions the moment of triumph when their hard work pays off.

    Only sometimes, that success isn’t theirs; it's their clients'.

    Timestamped Summary:

    - 00:02:12 - The dangers of fostering dependency in our clients.

    - 00:05:20 - The necessity for steady marketing.

    - 00:08:45 - When coaching becomes personal development.

    - 00:12:30 - Maintaining professional boundaries.

    - 00:15:45 - Real-life examples of clients who thrived after completing with me.

    - 00:19:55 - Why referring a client to another coach is sometimes the right move.

    - 00:23:10 - How organized offboarding influences referrals.

    - 00:28:25 - How to ask for GOOD testimonials, without awkwardness.

    - 00:33:40 - The emotional and logistical elements.

    - 00:37:50 - Proactive communication when discussing service cancellations.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

    Mentioned in this episode:

    My May challenge


  • From Squirrel to Success: Energy Management Tips for the ADHD Entrepreneur

    Are you sick of finding your meat suit's running on empty before midday? I'm going to talk you through how ADHD entrepreneurs can find more energy!

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    In episode 79, I'm diving into something that might sound a bit routine, but trust me, it's the lifeblood of our productivity as an ADHD entrepreneur: energy management.

    Now, hold on—before you let out an exasperated sigh—this episode isn't about the mundane.

    We're not chasing after shiny productivity hacks.

    Instead, we're slowing down to speed up.

    You heard me.

    It sounds counterintuitive, I know, but that's the magic I'm unpacking today.

    Personal anecdotes and practical experiments have shown me that some of the simplest changes in our daily habits can have the most profound impacts when it comes to firing up that creative brain of ours and leading a business that's as healthy as we are.

    I've always pushed back against the term ‘self-care,’ and in this conversation, I'm inviting you to do the same.

    Instead, I'm presenting it as an essential part of our energy toolkit.

    From my own experiences, I tell you how taking a moment to walk my dog, Luna, without multitasking, can clear my mind and spark those bright ideas that lead to immense productivity later on.

    I dig into why that is and how we can make it a habit.

    And I'm not just talking about enjoying the breezy outdoors—I'm getting into the science of it all: why our ADHD brains function the way they do, and how we can leverage that knowledge for our benefit.

    From eating a breakfast that balances protein and carbs to sharing the surprising benefits of a good workout or meditative moment, I'm outlining the building blocks for sustainable energy levels that translate to business success.

    But what you'll really take away post-listen is not just a bunch of knowledge nuggets—you'll be empowered to make these energy tools work for your entrepreneurial life.

    I promise, you'll see how the mundane can be extraordinary.

    We talk about how to turn your dog walk into a powerhouse for business planning and how to let a workout beat the stress out of your system so your creativity can kick back in.

    And it's not just about the to-dos and lists; I'm giving you permission to pace yourself for premium output.

    It might even lead you to fall back in love with the work that you do, and that's a beautiful thing.

    We're flipping the script here, moving from frenzied to focused, so that when you do sit down to work, you're coming at it with all cylinders firing—your mind is sharp, calm, and oh-so-ready!

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00 Prioritize daily habits for increased energy.

    03:46 Prioritizing, clearing mind, and alleviating stress outdoors.

    08:04 Fear blocks creativity, prioritize wellness for productivity.

    11:50 Exercise helps focus, no gym required.

    14:22 Guided meditation trains the nervous system safely.

    19:02 Slow down, prioritize wellness, increase creativity, productivity.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple...

  • How to Take a Vacation Without Neglecting Your Business: Strategies for ADHD Entrepreneurs

    Do you need to figure out how to vacation without feeling like your business is going to fall apart in your absence?

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, and this is my podcast "The Weeniecast!"

    Are you feeling overwhelmed just thinking about planning a break from your business?

    In this episode I'm sharing my tips on how to vacation without feeling like you're burning your business to the ground!

    Learn how to set yourself up for success and reduce anxiety when taking a break from your business.

    You'll hear practical tips for before, during, and after your vacation, and gain valuable insight into managing your business while enjoying some well-deserved time off.

    I'll teach you why documenting your standard operating procedure is crucial before you plan a vacation.

    I'll also explain the importance of having a clear plan of action in place.

    You'll discover strategies for managing effective client communications, maintaining visibility on social media while on vacation, and easing back into work once you return.

    By the end of this episode, you'll be so equipped with the tools and mindset to take a vacation without fear of your business suffering in your absence, you'll spend the next few days browsing for the dream getaway!

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00 Document your daily activities to better understand.

    05:40 Business owner juggling responsibilities and daily forgetfulness.

    10:13 Plan vacation communication well in advance for success.

    12:23 Plan content ahead for stress-free vacations.

    17:22 Vacation problems can ruin your team's experience.

    21:02 Revive your online presence after vacation break.

    22:54 Starting a business without unrealistic expectations.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Join the Hyperfocused Community

    Hyperfocus community

  • ADHD Procrastination as a Strategy: Harnessing Anxiety for Productivity

    In the hustle and bustle of running a business with ADHD, the word 'procrastination' often feels like a dark shadow looming over every unchecked item on our to-do lists.

    But what if I told you that procrastination isn't the villain it's often made out to be?

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, your host of The Weeniecast, and in this episode, I'm flipping the script on procrastination and revealing how it can actually be harnessed as a powerful tool to manage anxiety and boost productivity.

    As an ADHD entrepreneur myself, I've been doing a lifelong dance with the total death eater that is the procrastination beast.

    But I learned a lot about the world of dopamine-driven decisions and anti-linear productivity.

    I'll walk you through the intricacies of managing a business with an often misunderstood psychology.

    We delve into the fear of diving into unknown tasks, the relentless planning churning in our minds, and the hidden creativity within procrastination.

    By revealing my own stories and dissecting the complex interplay between ADHD, procrastination, and fear of failure, I'll show you how to redefine productivity norms to cater to your beautifully unique neurological wiring.

    From organizing tasks into manageable categories to breaking down complex projects into digestible pieces, this episode is designed to help you navigate your workday with intuitive grace.

    Stick with me, weenie, and you'll discover the secret sauce to optimizing your work life by realigned task management to harmonize with your body's natural dopamine levels.

    By the time we wrap up, you'll have the tools and a fresh mindset that defies traditional business strategies.

    You'll know how to turn the tide on procrastination and use it to your advantage.

    You'll have been guided you through the process of identifying and prioritizing tasks according to your energy levels.

    And you'll feel empowered to tackle them not just with efficiency, but with enthusiasm.

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00 ADHD procrastination sparks creativity, fear plays role.

    06:12 Our brains absorb things easily, but not everything.

    09:24 Manage cortisol with dopamine, avoiding unwanted tasks.

    10:31 Acknowledge low dopamine, prioritize tasks accordingly.

    14:00 Reluctantly leaving dishes leads to more chores.

    17:32 Understanding technology, organization, segmentation, targeted distribution and decision-making.

    21:24 Thoroughly planning day, assessing energy levels.

    26:19 Use procrastination to manage anxiety, book call.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Join the Hyperfocused Community

    Hyperfocus community

  • The Unexpected Edge: ADHD Entrepreneurs Making Distractions Work for Them!

    Are you an entrepreneur with ADHD who feels like your distractibility is a curse? What if I told you it might just be your greatest asset?

    Hey, I'm Katie McManus, your host of The Weeniecast, and in this must-listen episode, we're gonna flip the narrative on distractions.

    Instead of fighting against them, I'm going to help you embrace these quirks and channel them into entrepreneurial gold.

    The business landscape doesn't often cater to the ADHD mind, but who says we can't rewrite the rules? Right?!

    In this episode, I'm explaining how to use distraction to grow a business.

    I'll walk you through my personal experiences—from navigating the disarray of a busy workspace to expertly juggling family life alongside business demands.

    I'll reveal the secrets of my 'idea bank' that captures those lightning-strike thoughts and discuss ways to turn the tedium into a catalyst for creativity.

    But it's not just about me; this is about you.

    I'll equip you with strategies for setting clear boundaries for both your dependents and your own wandering mind, transforming a world of distractions into a tailored entrepreneurial haven.

    By the end of this episode, you'll hopefully be seeing your distractibility in a whole new light, and armed with a whole new arsenal of strategies to master it.

    You'll learn how to transform distractions from your biggest challenges into your most potent opportunities. You'll be a wizard at setting boundaries, become more adept at managing stress, and curate your environment to suit the unique pace and pattern of your ADHD entrepreneurial journey.

    Get ready to join me in turning what looks like a vulnerability into one of your greatest victories—all here on The Weeniecast.

    Timestamped Summary:

    - 00:00: Overview of distraction and its stigma with ADHD

    - 02:15: Redefining Professionalism – my take on embracing workspace personalization

    - 06:45: Distractions of Mess – managing workspace clutter effectively

    - 09:30: Internal Distractions – tips for overcoming daunting thoughts and idea overload

    - 12:55: Boredom as Distraction – how boredom leads to innovation

    - 18:10: The Mental Load & Stress – techniques for a clear headspace

    - 23:40: Challenges of ADHD Entrepreneurship – How to navigate the fatigue from responsibility and strategy

    - 28:20: Physical Distractions – the impact of comfort on work and interactions with clients

    - 34:15: Being Kinder to Ourselves – embracing distractions and how to refocus

    - 38:00: Scheduling Downtime – why prioritizing leisure and family time is crucial

    - 43:45: The Power of Distraction – how to see distractions as opportunities

    - 50:50: Setting Boundaries – advice on creating a work-life balance that respects your ADHD traits

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Join the Hyperfocused...

  • What Your Business Can Learn from Stanley's Tumblers

    I didn't see myself ever writing this sentence - but in this episode we're discussing Stanley's tumblers. More to the point, what our businesses can learn from their decision to change their customer base almost overnight.

    Yup, tumblers.

    Those magical vessels that somehow keep your coffee hot enough to melt your worries (and your face, if you're not careful).

    We're using Stanley's story to share some serious strategy insight on how to shake up your business client base.

    Ever feel like your ideal client is playing a game of hide and seek and you're always "it"?

    Well, not anymore!

    I'm dishing out a spell worthy of one of my beloved Harry Potter books which will protect your future when your ideal client morphs into a whole new fantastic beast!

    We're talking big, bold, brass band boldness to lead in your field.

    None of that wishy-washy, 'maybe I kinda know my stuff' attitude.

    Nope, you'll be owning your new market position like Cillian owned his Oppenheimer Oscar!

    And fear? Pfft. What fear?

    We're kicking that straight to the curb.

    We're going to embrace this change like it's a fluffy kitten and evolve our niche with the grace of a gazillionaire entrepreneur (which, by the way, you're totally on your way to becoming if you stick with me, delightful weenie!)

    By the end of this episode, you'll be so in tune with your ideal client, you'll be finishing each other's sentences during your sales calls.

    Actually, don't do that.

    Because you'd be contradicting the advice I gave you in this episode:

    So, what are you waiting for?

    Click play, and let's make your business pop in its new market place!

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00-02:01: The story of Stanley's tumblers and their remarkable sales growth.

    02:01-08:39: Signs that your ideal client or niche is ready to change and how to approach it.

    08:39-22:14: Embracing the audacious mindset to be a leading expert with a new lucrative client base.

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Katie's May Birthday challenge

    Clients can't hire you if they don't know you exist... Which is why it's SO important to post content to Social Media.Consistently.But that's easier said than done... To learn how to post consistently, you have to DO consistently.Which is why I've created the 31 Day Challenge- to hold your feet to the fire so you can create content, post, and finally attract your ideal clients to you, rather than chase them down...

  • Listen in on an actual coaching call where I help someone become a millionaire!

    *Warning: contains explicit language*

    In this bonus episode of "The Weeniecast", I'm sharing an opportunity to come behind the scenes with me for an actual coaching session.

    Hi, I'm Katie McManus, ADHD business strategist and money mindset coach.

    I help entrepreneurs like you make more money, more quickly.

    With permission of my podcast producer Neal Veglio, I'm going to demonstrate exactly how I do that, with one example coaching call we recorded recently.

    Neal is a seasoned podcast producer with a vision for monumental growth and a heart for client success.

    Neal's journey is more than just numbers on a spreadsheet; for him, success translates to financial freedom and the euphoria of client triumphs.

    But even visionaries need direction.

    In this audio, you'll hear our candid discussions on setting goals, adopting innovative business models, and overcoming entrepreneurial hurdles.

    Now obviously every call is different.

    But it's our hope that you listen to this and take some inspiration for your own business journey, in order to become the successful ADHD entrepreneur you're born to be.

    Now, fair warning - this episode is quite raw as we wanted to give you the most authentic experience while listening, so you could feel like you were in the call with us.

    For that reason, there might be one or two unbleeped swears.

    If after listening you feel ready to experience a session more tailored to your own situation, feel free to book yourself in for a free initial generate income strategy call with me.

    Here's the link -

    Timestamped Summary:

    00:00:45 – Neal's vision for entrepreneurial growth and his personal definition of success

    00:04:12 – Neal's passion for client success and managing entrepreneur burnout

    00:07:55 – Katie's journaling advice for tapping into heart-led leadership and intuition

    00:09:30 – Discussion on goal setting and what success looks like for Neal

    00:12:18 – Crafting the plan for franchising and systemizing podcast production

    00:15:46 – Strategies for business model innovation and protection from market replication

    00:19:21 – Katie shares her journey to securing her first podcast clients

    00:22:57 – The long-lasting impact of podcast episodes and audience growth

    00:25:03 – Identifying and attracting the ideal client for scalable revenue growth

    00:30:45 – Warning signs in prospective clients and readiness for the limelight

    00:35:17 – The psychological impact of an entrepreneur's belief in self and their business

    00:41:29 – Neal's confrontation with self-doubt and strategies to overcome it

    00:45:15 – Implementing a membership model for podcast producers and pricing strategies

    00:51:34 – Neal's consulting offers, pricing adjustments, and value perception

    00:58:42 – Shifting marketing focus and strategies to appeal to desired clients

    Your next steps after listening

    Realising it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

  • The ADHD Entrepreneur's Strategy: Escaping the Artistic Feast or Famine

    In this episode of the Weeniecast titled "3 Ways ADHD Entrepreneurs Can Avoid The Artist Boom and Bust Cycle in Our Business," I, Katie McManus, business strategist and money mindset coach, will be talking with you about the common pitfalls that ensnare many ADHD entrepreneurs.

    Essentially, this episode of The Weeniecast is a study of entrepreneurial self-worth.

    I'm peeling back the layers on why we price our services the way we do and how we can strut past financial shame like it's last season's fashion faux pas.

    It's time to ditch the "starving artist" badge of honor, folks!

    I'll share the juicy bits from my own experience with this.

    And I'll share some effective strategies to keep your creative spark alight while building a biz that's as solid as the frames in an art gallery.

    As we wrap this shindig up, you'll be armed and dangerous – ready to dodge burnout like Neo dodges bullets in "The Matrix".

    You'll be equipped to use failures as your personal trampoline to greatness.

    And you'll know precisely when to take a breather for the sake of your empire.

    Get ready to kick those tired old money stories to the curb and approach your pricing strategy with fresh positivity.

    And above all, let's keep the creative joy bubbling without turning our passion into a chore.

    After all, if we're not having fun, then what's the point, right?

    Let's do this! Click play to listen now!

    And if you need help with all this pricing and work life balance stuff, book a free generate income strategy call with me.

    Here's the link -

    Oh, and here's the link to Elizabeth Gilbert's book Big Magic which I talk about in the episode.

    Timestamped summary:

    [00:02:20] Discussing service impact versus price

    [00:06:45] Financial shame and establishing as high-end

    [00:12:30] Contesting the 'honor in poverty' mindset

    [00:17:00] Prioritizing business responsibilities

    [00:22:15] Delegating to avoid burnout

    [00:27:50] Embracing and learning from failure

    [00:33:40] Feng shui for business: quitting for profit

    [00:38:50] Handling ADHD in business strategy

    Your next steps after listening

    Realizing it's time to work with me? Book your free intial strategy call with me -

    Get more support in your ADHD entrepreneur life by joining my hyperfocus community! -

    Wanna get this content earlier, and totally unbleeped? Subscribe to the Apple Podcasts premium version of this show -

    Want to just buy me a coffee in return for some helpful insight? Thank you! Here's where you can do that -

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Katie's May Birthday challenge

    Clients can't hire you if they don't know you exist... Which is why it's SO important to post content to Social Media.Consistently.But that's easier said than done... To learn how to post consistently, you have to DO...

  • Strange Business Misconceptions and Finding the True Problems!

    In this episode I'm channelling all my friends from the Upside Down in Hawkins, Indiana, for this "Stranger Things" themed episode. Why? Because I'm asking you, what are some of the unseen obstacles and 'stranger things' ADHD entrepreneurs perceive as business roadblocks?

    My podcast producer Neal will now be known as Steve and we'll shed light on the complexities behind seemingly benign business actions and how they might actually be the culprits holding your business back.

    You know, like unintentionally telling would-be clients that you don't wanna work with them! Doh! That's some Dustin-level ooops right there.

    We dive deep into why a squeaky-clean approach in entrepreneurship may be counterintuitive, exploring decisions that might repel rather than attract potential business.

    After we've spent a half hour soaking in all the wisdom to be gleaned from time with Hopper, Eleven, Joyce and their friends, you'll hopefully walk away with newfound clarity in pinpointing the genuine challenges your business may actually face.

    And if not, there's always the opportunity to book a free generate income strategy call with me.

    Here's the link -

    *Timestamped Summary:*

    [00:02:30] I discuss the significance of authenticity in client interactions and highlight Joyce's struggle.

    [00:08:15] I recount Steve's battle with clarity and the challenges he faces with potential podcast clients.

    [00:14:35] I share thoughts on Steve's business strategy and how sending clients away might be a mistake.

    [00:21:50] I talk about 'Hopper' and the error of jumping across social media platforms.

    [00:29:10] I reveal a client story about 'eleven' and the LinkedIn strategy trap.

    [00:33:45] I encourage listeners to book a call with me to work through their own business issues.

    [00:38:00] I ponder sales call objections and the meaning behind a hard "no."

    [00:43:20] I voice the importance of external perspectives when solving business problems.

    [00:49:55] I delve into the quirky evolution of 'tip for tat' and its linguistic intrigue.

    Mentioned in this episode:

    Katie's May Birthday challenge

    Clients can't hire you if they don't know you exist... Which is why it's SO important to post content to Social Media.Consistently.But that's easier said than done... To learn how to post consistently, you have to DO consistently.Which is why I've created the 31 Day Challenge- to hold your feet to the fire so you can create content, post, and finally attract your ideal clients to you, rather than chase them down...