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Your daily resource for the retail, fashion and product business news and information. We keep it short and insightful. Not every piece of news makes it in - only what's notable. β ποΈThe podcast is a pulled together and hosted by the team of industry veterans at Retail Assembly. We work with blue-chip brands, retailers, and fashion organizations around the globe, advise at accelerators and incubators, and are plugged into higher ed institutions. We hope you enjoy our news edit. β Happy commuting. β Instagram: @retailagency Linkedin:
ααΆαααααααΆα ααΉ αααααΌ ααΆααααΈ ααΆααΆααααα (The Cambodia Daily Khmer) αα·αααΆαααααααΆα ααΉ αααααΌ ααΆααααΈ ααΆααΆα’ααααααα (The Cambodia Daily English) ααΆαααααα·αααα·ααααααΆαααααααΆα ααΉ αααααΌααΆ ααααΈ α’α·α.α’α·α.αααΈ (The Cambodia Daily LLC) αααααΆαααα»αα αα»αααααα’αΆαααα·ααΆααα ααΆαααααααΆαααΆααααα ααΎαααααΎαααΆααααα»αααααααΆααΈαααΆαααΈααα»α αααααααααααααα αα·αααααααααααα-α’αΆαααα·ααΆααα
αααααα·ααΈβ IDEA TALK ααΆαααααα·ααΈαααααα·ααΆααααΆααααααΆαααααααΆα ααΉ αααααΌααΆ ααααΈ αα ααΎαααααΆααααααααααααΆααΆα αααΎαααΌα ααΆ αααααΆα ααααααα αα·αααααααααΆααα ααΈα‘αΆ αα·ααααααΆαααααααααααΆα αααΎαααα
The AI Effect is a new limited run podcast series exploring themes around the Canadian AI ecosystem. Amanda Lang co-hosts with Accenture’s Jodie Wallis to examine the extraordinary pace of AI’ s technological growth, and the rewards, and perils for individuals, businesses, and society. This podcast was produced by Antica Productions.
The Daily Beans is a women-owned and operated progressive news podcast for your morning commute brought to you by the Webby award-winning host of Mueller, She Wrote, Allison Gill, and comedian/fund-raiser/activist Dana Goldberg. Get your social justice and political news with just the right amount of snark.
Podcast sur Youtube : Venez y déposer vos commentaires et/ou poser vos questions !
À l'intérieur du podcast Youtubersinc Café on discute de tout ce qui touche l'économie des créateurs de contenu (Content Creation Economy) avec les nouvelles de la semaine, du mois, les nouvelles tendances, etc... Bref, on s'amuse en direct avec vous ! -
Welcome to “The Wolf Den” hosted by Dan David.
Dan is a Freedom of Speech activist in the global financial markets and the founder of Wolfpack Research, a short-biased activist research firm. He is considered an expert on China‘s markets and security and has presented at prestigious think-tanks and conferences such as the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS), Ergo - Global Flashpoint, and the Sohn Investment Conference. Dan is featured as the lead protagonist in a ground-breaking documentary, ”The China Hustle,” which documents his work exposing fraud in China-based, U.S. listed companies.
Our podcast will take you inside the world of activist short-sellers, global finance, politics, social issues and sports. Our brash, unfiltered style leaves no doubt in the listeners ears that we are advocates of free speech. -
Apps have made ride-sharing, room-renting and ordering a meal easier than ever. The technology relies on a burgeoning workforce to support what's become known as the gig economy.
But what does it mean when your boss is an app?
Join host Sara Mojtehedzadeh as she follows a group of food couriers who are challenging the powerful business model -- in a fight that could redefine the future of work. -
My name is Luke Truetken and welcome to the Green Dream Show. I have spent the past 10+ years learning all the do's and don'ts of the green industry and I am here to share my knowledge with you.
We will talk about all the things you need to know to grow your lawn and landscape business. More specifically we will talk in-depth about internet marketing, branding, sales, hiring, and recruiting.
The Wealth Exchange provides access to the experts on the issues that are important to affluent families and business leaders across Canada. Providing in-depth conversations on a wide range of topics, the podcast has featured change makers, business leaders, subject matter experts and humanitarians from around the globe.