
  • Round and round and round it goes, where it stops nobody knows… and that’s a really good thing if it means it doesn’t end up in the unmanageable waste landscape we humans have created for ourselves.

    In our 99th episode we’re joined by Neda Hashemi and Andrés Olivia from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation where we explore why Marketers are key facilitators in the transition to a circular economy.

    Neda and Andrés talk about their latest research and explain the different ways that the circular economy can future-proof and scale businesses, drive efficiencies, reduce emissions and help to ease the burden we place on biodiversity and the planet.

    Andrés explains that their are many different ways to implement circularity, “the first one is about selling access rather than ownership for example, a washing machine, what if you rented it instead of owning it? We also have monetising of product through life extension for example selling repair services. And finally, and this is the last resort, once products are no longer fit use, reuse or repair can they can be recycled and turned into new products?”

    Neda and Andrés share how B2B is leading the charge when it comes to circularity, but in the B2C world, whilst there is plenty of innovation - it is not scaling at the levels required. A reason for this Neda explains is “the demand isn’t happening because behaviours are not consistent.” She goes to say, “don't be intimidated by the concept of the circular economy and circularity, all need to do is understand the simple premise of what the business model entails, which again, they have been doing forever and inject their creativity and human understanding into it. And then the potential is huge for them to engage with it.”

    It’s not rocket science, when you remove the word circular economy and focus on what people value and want, then there’s plenty of scope to unlock the opportunities.

    Tune in to hear us talking about how:

    Bringing in the marketing function as problem solvers and the key communication interface between the brand, the organisation and the consumer is key.

    The role of education and how Marketers are critical in driving this.

    The key areas coming out of the research including their “Four Action Pathways”

    How Marketers can make circularity desirable, irresistible and remove the barriers for adoption.

    The ‘Why’ we need to build a circular economy.

    How focusing on upstream demand should bring in multiple perspectives to take the innovation forward and bring everybody together to organize themselves around the common objectives.

    Metrics – from circular sales to increased loyalty and lifetime transaction values. Core resilience of the business is often not brought into the business case for circularity.

    For more information and resources visit the Ellen MacArthur Foundation

    The Marketing Playbook for a Circular Economy you’ll find here.


    About us…

    We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

    Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • “It’s fair and square - every square essentially helps you hit three ESG metrics with a single product.”

    In this episode of the Can Marketing Save the Planet podcast, we are joined by Rob Cobbold, Founder and CEO, of the brilliant organisation, Native - a platform which allows people, groups, communities and organisations of all sizes to protect the planet – one square at a time!

    The platform enables the purchase of ‘squares’ from a range of terrestrial or marine habitats including rainforests, mangroves or coral reefs.

    Rob talks us through why he founded Native, “we’re an evolution I suppose on binary one-dimensional carbon markets. We're trying to do things with a bit more transparency, a bit more holistically, and a bit more fairly as well.” We discuss the fact that when it comes to protecting the environment, how we are all responsible.

    We discuss the importance of decarbonisation, but also the reality that carbon isn’t tangible, you can’t see it and you can’t connect to it and this creates a challenge when it comes to understanding and engagement. Rob tells us that we, (humans) have a very ‘left-brain bias’, “we like to break things down into their parts so that we can manipulate them, control them and make use of them.”

    We talk about the unique features of Native and the fact that you can view your square(s) in real time, watching them grow and evolve. However, Rob also talks about the fact that you can also see the reality of what is happening in the places you’re investing in… - “in the map of our first project in the Solomon Islands, you can see the forest, and you can also see active logging, just 50 kilometers away.” It’s both exciting and sobering.

    Rob has so may plans for Native when it comes to how people and organisations can get involved; from everyone being able to drive positive impact and take action - seeing the impact of their investment in real-time, through to employee engagement programmes, gifting, gamification and overall creating a big talking point - bringing friends, family and partners on the journey with you.

    From as little as just £3 per square - there is no way you won’t be motivated to buy a square or two (or more) by the end of this episode. Indeed, we’re already ‘in’ –and so if you invest, do let us know!

    Tune in and listen as we talk to Rob about:

    Native – the platform, it’s purpose and why it’s truly ‘fair and square’

    Why it is so important that we all take responsibility about protecting the planet

    How Native enables organisations to hit the environmental (E), Social (S) and Governance (G) all in one solution

    Why transparency and fairness is critically important

    How going beyond carbon brings impact to life - (literally)

    The need for better stories and engagement

    The need to measure impact in different ways

    The need for better more accessible funding across a broader range of projects

    For more information about this nature based solution visit Native

    And to connect with Rob to find out more and discuss your ‘squares’ - connect via LinkedIn.


    About us…

    We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

    Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

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  • “The more people bring AI in-house the better it will be for the environment”…

    “You’ve got to spend the money to take advantage of the opportunity – and you can say but AI is free, but it isn't - that's just bad AI”…

    “AI allows us to do the art of marketing without marketing” …

    A slightly longer episode this week, but boy is it an interesting one! In this episode of Can Marketing Save the Planet we bring together two of the biggest conversations in the world today; AI and sustainability to find out if they are friend or foe. Joined by tech futurist Dan Södergren and sustainability guy, Russ Avery, we discuss questions around, is business and society responsible enough to use AI? Why AI policies a must for organisations - and, how can Marketers use AI in an informed and meaningful way?

    As with any big subject matter we jump straight into the challenges and opportunities. When it comes to challenges we of course go straight to the environmental impact where Russ explains, “AI -driven data centers are projected to consume 90 terawatt hours annually by 2026, which will be a 10 -fold increase from 2022 levels, which is only three years ago. And for context, that's equivalent to the energy uses of some entire countries.” Only part of the story - but something we should all be aware of as we all look to AI and how it will increasingly become more prevalent in our lives.

    Dan agrees that energy is definitely something we need to be aware of, but more importantly, “it's more the fact of what you do with it. En-masse if you just take it out by itself and you add it on to the marketing you're doing, then yes, by its very nature, you're going to be creating more problems because you are going to be using more energy. But on the whole, he believes AI can make the world a better place (caveat - if the good guys use it). The ‘fifth industrial revolution’ also comes up a lot in this conversation, but you’ll need to tune in to find out more.

    We talk about the need for more education, upskilling and awareness. Training is another area that we keep coming back to. Russ talks about the need for education and using AI responsibly, “we should not be using AI for socially useless mundane purposes’ – Take note Marketers! Dan agrees that education and understanding is critical if we want to be more productive and less wasteful. Both share hints, tips and ways we (Marketers) can all be using AI more effectively.

    Russ believes that Marketers can use AI effectively if they “lean into their curiosity and understand the foundations of what you are using”, he goes on to explain, “I would just encourage Marketers to learn about the fundamentals of AI because it can only benefit your understanding how these things work and how they actually came about”.

    Dan talks about the need for better prompt engineering, an understanding of language models and, the need for culture change, moving away from specialisation and IP to considering, “how does your organisation incentivise not just the use of AI, but actually incentivise the best practice use of AI? Say I've created a great prompt, what's in it for me to share that knowledge with the rest of the team? Now, that's something we've never really had.”

    There is simply too much in this episode to summarise here in a way that does it justice, you’ll just need to tune in and get your pens and pads ready….and then click on the links in the show notes to take advantage of the offers from Dan…we certainly will be.

    Tune in and listen as we talk to Dan and Russ about:

    The challenges and opportunities around AI

    The ethics and dilemma - Humans vs AI in the workplace

    Data with intelligence can help us do all the things we’ve been talking about for 20 years

    The need to train and upskill your employees

    The purpose of organisations and business

    The green tech revolution

    The need to understand how we use AI

    What skills and knowledge marketers need to have to use AI effectively

    The need for organisations to have AI policies

    Small language models vs. large language model and the benefits that can come from that for organisations

    How marketers, agencies, organisations can use AI in the RIGHT way

    A truly informative and thought provoking episode. Tune in, enjoy it, share it - and of course, share your comments.

    For all the links / offers Dan shares:

    The AI Marketing Course

    200 off: AIMarketing200OFF

    The Prompt Engineering Course

    To access Dan’s books visit Dan Sodergren #FutureOfWork use the code TRAININGTHANKYOU and get any one book downloadable for free.

    Books here:

    How to effectively use AI to market your business in one day a month

    THE NEW INTELLIGENCE The 5th Industrial Revolution

    And free to download at

    And here is an audio version for free if you would like that…

    The Free First Chapter Of “How to Thrive and Survive in 2025” A #leader’s guide to the times of #ai.

    You’ll find Dan on LinkedIn here

    You’ll find Russ on LinkedIn here


    About us…

    We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

    Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • “90% of Marketers agree that sustainability agendas need to be more ambitious.”

    We are back to 2025 with a bang and a full-on schedule of fantastic guests and riveting conversations. In our first episode of the year we’re joined by Ozlem Senturk, Senior Partner at Kantar’s Global Sustainable Transformation Practice. Ozlem shares so many interesting insights from Kantar and the World Federation of Advertisers study ‘Sustainable Marketing 2030’, where they identified what Marketers need to do to transform faster, the structural challenges and lack of internal resources that need to be overcome and the need for a P&L that factors in planet and profit.

    We explore the need for new economic frameworks and how circularity plays a pivotal role in both driving and supporting that. Ozlem shares with us, that there is a clear skills gap when it comes to Marketers, she explains, “it’s a lot around the daily challenges and people having to understand the value chain and its impact”, and that, “there is a need to speed up the adoption of the circular economy, but Marketers are having a harder time in understanding it, plus they are still quite focused on traditional moments of consumption. We need to expand the understanding of the value chain for marketing.”

    The need for Marketers to also focus internally and understand what is happening throughout the organisations they work for is becoming increasingly more important. In addition, Ozlem explains that “sustainability drives meaning and difference”, so Marketers should be considering sustainability KPIs as an integrated part of the communications process. “We need to think big when we communicate” … she tells us.

    There is work to be done, and skills to be honed, but with that comes opportunity. Download the study to find out more!

    Tune in and listen as we talk to Ozlem about:

    The range of findings from the study

    Why Marketers need to understand the circular economy

    How internal focus is a key requirement to understanding the opportunities

    Why we can’t shy away from talking about what we are doing

    Marketing’s brain print

    How from a creative brief perspective – sustainability remains at a low level

    Setting sustainability KPIs as an integrated part of the communications process

    The barriers to engagement with sustainability

    This really is an inspiring but highly practical episode to start our 2025 conversations. Tune in, enjoy it, share it - and of course, share your comments.

    Find out more information about the Sustainable Marketing 2030 report.

    Connect with OzLem Senturk on LinkedIn.

    We’ve got plenty more terrific conversations coming in 2025. Stay tuned… here’s to more.


    About us…

    We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

    Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • “We need to get back to classic marketing – what matters to our audience is a must. Even those people who don’t ‘buy into’ sustainability – up to 70% of them are actually engaged in sustainable behaviours – they just don’t label it as sustainable….”

    In this episode were joined by Denise Hicks, Global Climate Lead at strategy and insights consultancy, C-Space. We were particularly interested in a very soon to be published piece of research titled, ‘The S Word’.

    Denise shares insights from the research findings, highlighting the ‘dysfunctional love triangle’ that exists between brands, their stakeholders and regulations and the tensions and frictions which are causing trust issues.

    We explore some of the key highlights from the research (due out January 2025), Denise reveals, “consumers are frustrated, the problem is stuff – there is too much stuff and brands / manufacturers need to start taking responsibility”. She also talks about, “the increasing amount of skepticism at all level at the ways the S word is used for commercial gain”.

    Denise shares some brilliant examples of brands who are showing up in this space and engaging with their customers however, whilst they have sustainability high up on their agendas, they aren’t leading with it – rather they are leading with good old fashion marketing tactics around what benefits their customers. The fact they are also sustainability focused is an added benefit.

    Denise explains, “the need to get back to classic marketing – what matters to our audience is a must. Even those people who don’t ‘buy into’ sustainability – up to 70% of them are actually engaged in sustainable behaviours – they just don’t label it as sustainable.” Sustainability paralysis is very real, the need for strong listening, insights and learning about what truly matters to audiences has never been greater. This episode is a MUST LISTEN TO for all Marketers….packed with plenty of food for thought!

    Tune in and listen as we talk to Denise about:

    The importance of research.

    Sustainability paralysis and why it is very real.

    Why it is so important to understand the views of everybody and where they are at.

    The need to drive mutual benefit and work together collectively.

    How regulation plays an important part - but we can’t just wait for it, all stakeholders need to keep moving forwards.

    Why brands / Marketers need to be asking - is sustainability a big part of our identity as a brand?

    The need to meet your audiences where they are at and focus on what matter to them – elements which aren’t necessarily sustainability related.

    What it means to behave more responsibly and asking what’s the role of responsible products and services in achieving a ‘better life’.

    This really is a fantastic episode to wrap up all our 2024 conversations. Tune in, enjoy it, share it - and of course, share your comments.

    Find out more information about C-Space and the work they do. Connect with Denise Hicks - and you can register to receive The S Word research once published.

    We’ve got plenty more terrific conversations coming in 2025. Stay tuned… and here’s to more.


    About us…

    We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

    Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • Businesses need to be asking themselves – “What could this business be, redesigning it from the ground up?” Start with the opportunity as opposed to the challenges.

    We know communication and engagement is critical to driving change, a su bject we have explored many times on the podcast, but there’s always something new to learn. Hence why we really enjoyed meeting Laurence and Graeme from Litmus Sustainability to talk more deeply about a subject which is very close to our hearts.

    Setting up their business with the aim of helping creative and ambitious organisations integrate sustainability into the core of what they do, Laurence and Graeme are working across a wide range of areas with communication playing a vital role. The need to focus on the long term vision, understand the short term wins and, navigate the challenges and confusion when you’re told one thing is good (e.g. offsetting) - and then finding out it’s bad, are all part of the complex learning curve when it comes to sustainability.

    Graeme talks about the need to level up your game, he explains, “businesses need to do something really exciting that capture people’s imaginations, so thinking what could this business be, redesigning it from the ground up.” An approach and way of thinking which drives long term vision and opportunity to do something unique, as opposed to starting with the challenges.

    We discuss the need for climate skills and how mobilising an army of climate champions can drive hope and motivate people who then often go on to become experts in the field (of sustainability). Laurence, talks about the fact that technical expertise isn’t always the most impactful thing. He explains, “the greatest climate skill I think is communication, one piece of research into what makes a great sustainable leader revealed it’s skills like collaboration, negotiation, influence and effective communication, once engaged this is what brings great ideas which can be uses on the ground”. And of course these are all key traits of Marketers.

    We delve deep into communication with both Laurence and Graeme sharing many insights and examples...a great conversation and source of knowledge for Marketers everywhere.

    Tune in and listen as we talk to Laurence and Graeme about:

    The barriers to sustainability – ‘it’s not easy being green’.

    How businesses are integrating sustainability into the core of what they do and as a result taking their organisations forward.

    The 9 principles of effective climate communication - taken from their work and evidence of what works for different people and psychologies.

    The need for Marketers to start and change the conversations.

    The difference between communication and engagement.

    How communicating and influencing other people has a much greater impact than acting alone.

    How we need to level up our knowledge about good communication and link it back to the core values of what drives a person’s behaviour.

    What your unique superpower is in bringing ‘good’ to the world.

    For more information you can contact the team via :

    Connect on LinkedIn:


    Dr Graeme Heyes was also involved in a piece of work with a local community group looking to embed Doughnut Economics across Greater Manchester through engagement with communities. You can find out more here:


    About us…

    We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

    Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • “We don’t ’speak for young people, we let them be the voice and share their perspective.”

    We keep coming back to the S – ‘social and societal impact’ in many of our conversations with clients, leaders and marketers, we’re discussing the role of business, both in how they operate and what they are doing for society.

    In this episode of the podcast we have a chat with the brilliant Kian Bakhtiari, Founder of The People, a Gen-Z consultancy. We were keen to know more about the work Kian does both with the youth generation and businesses, how he brings those worlds together (which is very much needed). Kian explains, “We’ve applied such a narrow lens to how business can be done, how marketing can be done that we’ve lost track of the opportunities and all the ways that we can create a more flourishing society and more sustainable future.” Kian tells us about how the younger generation feel and think about the world they are growing up in, making the point, “Wealth inequalities are a bigger determinant of your future than your education and how hard you work.” Kian and his teams bring Gen Z insights into the boardroom, they want to close the gap between as he says, “those who make the decisions and those whose lives are impacted by the decisions”, opening up opportunities to share knowledge and insights both ways and, and create a space to explore how we can change business.

    A new author, Kian has recently published his book, ‘Marketing for Social Change – How to Turn Purpose into Business and Social Impact’ , a book which explores and asks the question – What is the role of marketing in the 21st century? Like us, Kian firmly believes that marketing has a significant role to play and if harnessed in the right way can accelerate social change. “We need to find ways to bring business and communities together.” When asked how he would measure social impact, Kian shares, “There are lots of different lenses on social impact- start by being neutral, then bring in meaningful connection and impact.” “Start small – it can be really overwhelming at a system level. What is something you can do today which might have an impact and go from there.”

    Tune in and listen as we talk to Kian about:

    The importance of the role of marketing in driving positive impact on society.

    Why he wrote his new book ‘Marketing for Social Change’ and what he learnt.

    Thinking about the way things are done, outside the ways things are currently done.

    The work he does with the youth community and, diverse communities.

    Understanding what businesses want from the future.

    What unifying factors young people are finding challenging.

    Social impact and how we can approach it and measure it.

    For more, follow and connect with Kian here:

    And to find out more about The People and the work they do - here

    Kian talks about Earth Watch -and more can be found here:

    And check out his new book here:


    About us…

    We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

    Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • “When it comes to food systems, Marketers can be the most valuable in providing extraordinary consumer insights so that assumptions are not made in what people want.”

    To maintain food security, food systems need to change. They need to be more sustainable, less impactful on the planet, healthier and way less wasteful. But, there is still a huge amount of education and awareness that needs to happen if people are to truly understand why food systems are at risk and, how we choose what we eat really does matter.

    In this super informative episode, we were joined by Ali Cox, CEO and Founder of Noble West, an agriculture and food ingredient marketing agency taking on a big challenge. Ali believes that, “the biggest challenge is that consumers (in the USA) are confused. Research shows that people make their food choices based on price, taste and availability – climate is a very distant fourth.”

    Socioeconomic factors are definitely a challenge, however how we market food also needs to change. Ali shares with us her experiences both as a fifth generation farmer herself and the experiences of the farmers and organisations she works with. Truly passionate about ingredients and telling great stories, Ali wants the food industry to play the role it should be playing in educating and being part of the solution when it comes to tackling the enormous challenges around food security.

    Ali shares so many examples of projects she has worked on and the brands she believes are getting their marketing right. We explore the need for shared value and the importance of meeting people where they are at.

    Tune in and listen as we talk to Ali about:

    Imperfect food and the difference between food loss and food waste.

    The significant business opportunity being missed when it comes to waste.

    Why upcycling is the future.

    Whether we really need so many options when it comes to food?

    The need to tell the origin stories and why we should absolutely want to know where our food comes from.

    How Marketers need to understand what people really want so that they can bring those insights back into their organisations.

    For more, follow and connect with Ali here:

    And to find out more about Noble West and the work they do - here

  • It’s the final episode in our mini-series on sustainable leadership and in this episode we’re joined by Professor Chris Marquis. Chris talks to us about his experience studying, writing about and working with organisations on sustainability. Author of, “Better Business: How the B Corp Movement Is Remaking Capitalism,” we explore Chris’ first experience of B-Corp, a movement setting new standards for how business should operate. Chris believes we can learn a lot from B-Corps, “we should be studying B corporations, companies that are putting the social at their core.”

    We discussed the critical component of the internal pieces which need to happen to “align with the idea of mindset and leadership,” but aren’t necessarily “the remit of just the leaders around ability and driving the impact.” As has been a consistent theme throughout this mini-series, “leadership can happen anywhere.”

    So, if you are looking to find out more about the B-Corp movement, are curious about what steps you should consider or, want to explore internal engagement and sustainable leadership a bit more, then tune in and have a listen!

    Join us on this episode as we talk to Chris about:

    The B-Corp process

    The B-Impact Assessment (link below)

    The challenges of being a leader today

    Key skills of a sustainable leader

    The importance of internal communication and engagement

    The need to be accountable to a broader set of stakeholders

    For more, follow and connect with Chris on LinkedIn -

    B Impact Assessment - can be accessed here:

    Thanks to Chris for a great episode to conclude our Sustainable Leadership mini-series. Stay tuned for more episodes and mini-series, we’ve got a packed schedule. And if you love the podcast, do share with colleagues, peers and friends.

  • As we continue to discuss and explore the role of leadership in our ‘Sustainable Leadership’ mini-series, what better than to gain the viewpoint from someone with sustainability at the core of everything they do. This led us to Kevin Dunckley, Chief Sustainability Officer at HH Global.

    Kevin’s passion for what he does is crystal clear and we loved our conversation with him talking about the practicalities of being a hands-on CSO - what’s involved, where the challenges lie and more importantly, unearthing the opportunities.

    Kevin shares, “the sustainability strategy for our organisation is my responsibility - along with my team, what that looks like and also how it comes to life with our clients.” We further explore the stakeholder chain and how important it is that everyone is aware and knows the role they play in driving the agenda, from supply chain partners to clients, customers and colleagues.

    There’s a critical role internal engagement plays, an area Kevin has been placing a lot of focus on, driving collaboration and enabling invaluable different perspectives. Kevin explained, “everything’s interconnected in terms of sustainability. Something goes wrong over there and the ripple effect can be huge. Likewise, if something goes right the ripple effect can be really positive. You have to kind of de-compartmentalise it and put it in buckets in your head, so it doesn’t feel as daunting. But, you don’t have to do it alone.”

    Driving internal engagement and ensuring everyone understands the objectives and direction of the sustainability agenda should be a priority for every organisation. From driving progress through to shaping a culture that’s inclusive and makes people want to work for you has got to be at the top of the list.

    And as we discuss, this is an area we see missing so often - organisations focus on outward facing agendas, yet missing the critical internal piece.

    We take a deep dive into this and so much more, so headphones on.

    Join us on this episode as we talk to Kevin about:

    What you can achieve if you mobilise all your employees and stakeholders.

    How enormous capacity and capability is unlocked when everyone is armed effectively and engaged through shared knowledge and bringing people together.

    The role of marketing as creative problem solvers.

    The need for a common language between sustainability and marketing to minimse the risk of greenwashing and maximise understanding.

    How every function has sustainability in their role.

    What you need to be a sustainable leader.

    Tune in and have a notepad and pen ready!

    For more, follow and connect with Kevin on LinkedIn -

    Another great episode in our Sustainable Leadership mini-series. One more to come. Stay tuned. And if you love the podcast, do share with colleagues, peers and friends.

  • Continuing with our Sustainable Leadership mini-series, in this second episode we’re joined by the brilliant Jon Miller, author and Partner at Brunswick Group, leading their Sustainable Business Practice. We wanted to catch up with Jon to talk about a subject which led him to co-author the book, The Activist Leader.

    Join us as we dive into the activist mindset and how anyone can becoman activist leader, something business and the world needs right now.

    Jon shares five key archetype activist leaders, what they are and how they show up – something all our listeners can explore and find out which Activist Leader archetype you are.

    Jon states that “there is more than one leader in an organisation and having the spirit of activism is what creates you as a leader, and that is the animating force of leadership – the definition of leadership.” Leadership isn’t just for the c-suite, when it comes to people and planet, we can all (and should) be leaders.

    The need for more than one activist leader and connecting them is fundamental to progress and change, Jon talks about “pockets of activism” which can be found all around organisations, and how input from these activist leaders is critical to commercial imperatives and enabling the long-term sustainability of a business. Every organisation needs to be asking, “what are the consequences of not doing this?”

    We could have talked to Jon for hours, he shares so much of his experience as well as giving great examples of brands, leaders and action.

    Tune in and have a notepad and pen ready!

    Join us on this episode as we talk to Jon about:

    How organisations are inextricably part of the big issues, and how they can be part of the solutions too.

    The five key archetype activist leaders – which one are you?

    How to find your activist leaders.

    The role of marketing and the need for strategic rigour and creative courage.

    ·How Marketers are bad at marketing themselves.

    Learning how to think ‘systems’ in order to drive progress.

    How Marketers can change the conversation.

    For more, follow and connect with Jon on LinkedIn -

    Visit The Activist Leader website for more info on finding out about his book and the 5 archetypes.

    Open for Business - The initiative supporing LGBTQ rights

    Another great episode in our Sustainable Leadership mini-series. More to come. Stay tuned. And if you love the podcast, do share with colleagues, peers and friends.


    About us…

    We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

    Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • It’s another mini-series and this one is all about leadership, something which is incredibly important as we come together and take on the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced (and nope, we’re not being overly dramatic).

    Sustainable leadership is about making a positive impact, contributing to society and the environment and, driving long-term performance for business. Sustainable leadership is a big role and a role which is open to everyone, something you’ll discover as we go through this 4-part series.

    To kick things off, we’re joined by Karen Hamilton, former Global VP for Sustainability at Unilever. Karen spent over 30 years at Unilever and worked alongside Paul Polman who believed, “sustainability can be part of the way that we fix the business”. Karen played a key part in driving the organisation to ‘make sustainable living commonplace’, deliver the the Unilever “Sustainable Living Plan” – a 10 year plan with 50 time-bound targets. Karen shares how this was the start of the journey to change the organisation.

    Throughout this episode, Karen generously shares her wealth of knowledge and experience, talks about the different approaches she took, how sustainability was cascaded through such an enormous network of people and gives some great practical examples.

    Join us on this episode as we talk to Karen about:

    Karen’s role and journey at Unilever

    How to mobilise and engage a global network of employees and suppliers

    Why transparency is so important when it comes to communicating your sustainability agenda

    The role of ambition when it comes to sustainability

    Why we all need a leadership mindset

    The role of marketing in driving sustainability

    For more, follow and connect with Karen on LinkedIn -

    A great first episode in our Sustainable Leadership mini-series. More to come. Stay tuned. And if you love the podcast, do share with colleagues, peers and friends.


    About us…

    We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

    Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • In the final episode of our ‘greening your marketing activity’ mini-series, we caught up with some of our original guests to the podcast, Ollie Deane and Guy Jones from The GoodNet, the ethical intelligence company, focusing on helping ethical brands and products grow. The Goodnet firmly believe that advertising can do good in the world and, we agree with and support their mission!

    Ollie and Guy shared their journey since last coming on the podcast a couple of years ago, sharing what is happening in the media space. They introduced us to GoodIQ, their intelligence tool which measures sustainability metrics. They share their advice on what brands, agencies and Marketers need to be considering when it comes to making ethical media choices which not only support their organisations sustainable agendas, but help their audiences lead better, more sustainable lives.

    Join us on this episode as we talk to Ollie and Guy about:

    Ethical media, sustainability and advertising

    GoodIQ, their media planning and measurement tool

    Being more sustainable with your marketing spend and how to measure the results

    Upcoming regulations and how they are driving focus and conversations

    Whether ads are driving more awareness and sustainable behaviour in line with changing market needs?

    For more information about The Goodnet and GoodIQ - visit

    And to connect with them on LinkedIn - Ollie Deane and Guy Jones

    A great final episode in our greening your marketing channels mini-series. We did cover a few more areas in our latest book too - so you can always pick up a copy for more practical solutions.


    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • “When it comes to including sustainability in events - we’re finding the focus on sustainability is increasingly part of the client brief.”

    As we continue with our greening your marketing activity mini-series, we wanted to turn our attention to events. Events can be fun, they allow us to learn and connect, but they also come with a considerable footprint and impact, mainly from travel, food and that infamous swag. However, the events landscape is evolving and sustainability is an increasingly growing focal point. We met up with Matilda Riley, an expert in sustainable events. Matilda talks openly and frankly about all the different areas that events impact and how there are sustainable alternatives and choices for pretty much every element when it comes to planning and running an event. Matilda tells us that she now sees sustainability on the majority (approx. 90%) of all briefs coming in from clients, which is a big and positive step change.

    Sharing so many ideas, solutions and ways you can make your event not only more sustainable but, more creative, engaging and successful, you won’t want to miss out.

    Join us on this episode as we talk to Matilda about:

    What you need to consider when planning and running an event

    How sustainability is now included on the majority of briefs

    How events are part of your scope 3 emissions so need to be part of your standards

    How to be proactive and not reactive

    Getting creative and doing things differently in a way that brings new life to your events for your organisation and, your audience.

    For more information about ECO3 and From Now - visit

    And to connect with Matilde via LinkedIn - she’s here

    Another great episode… and still more to follow in this greening your marketing channels mini-series - so stay tuned.


    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • “There's something like 7.5 million data centers around the world now, and most of them are still powered by coal and gas. One of the easiest things you can do is move your hosting.”

    Welcome back to the second part in our mini-series on ‘greening your marketing activities’ and this episode we explored smarter, greener websites with Sepas Seraj, Founder of Pixeled Eggs.

    With the amount of activity that takes place online today purpose-driven digital is a must, and it’s not difficult, in fact, it’s super efficient, usable and can dramatically improve your organisations’ performance - (giving it a ‘digital edge’ as Sepas refers to it) - whilst simultaneously supporting your sustainability agendas now and into the future.

    There is a staggering amount of waste when it comes to websites and many of them are woefully inefficient, yet we can start to make changes immediately, improving performance and reducing negative impact. Sepas shares tools, resources and practical advice in abundance, we can’t recommend this episode enough.

    Join us on this episode as we talk to Sepas about:

    The impact of digital

    Understanding the opportunities to optimise your website

    Green hosting, videos, images, page weights and variable fonts

    Ways you can make your website greener, more efficient and improve its performance

    The need for more conversations between design teams, developers, Marketers and sustainability teams

    Sustainability driving improved performance time and time again

    Best practice, tools and resources

    For more information about Pixeled Eggs - visit

    And to connect with Sepas via LinkedIn - he’s here

    Another great episode… and still more to follow in this greening your marketing channels mini-series - so stay tuned.


    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • Have you ever considered the carbon footprint of your email activity?

    Welcome to the first in our ‘greening your marketing activity’ mini-series! Did you know that your digital activity has a carbon footprint? Are you aware that there are better choices you can make which mean your marketing activity is greener and more sustainable, without compromising on performance and quality? Well, that’s what we’ll be exploring in the next few episodes.

    Every organisation will have to commit to decarbonisation targets, regardless of sector or size. When writing our latest book, research identified that behind R&D, marketing has the largest proportion of organisational budget. Therefore, Marketers need to consider their marketing carbon footprint if they are to align with and support their organisations’ sustainability agendas.

    We wanted to kick this mini-series off with the second most used online channel in the world (after instant messaging) - email. Why, because we send a LOT of emails, over 300 BILLION emails a day and, as well as needing to develop better and more efficient and responsible practices when it comes to our email marketing activity, there is also the practicalities of the carbon footprint to consider. So, we spoke to James Gill, Founder of EcoSend a platform that delivers, ‘Better email campaigns. Fewer emissions.’

    Join us on this episode as we talk to James about:

    The concept of digital sustainability and how our online activities have a carbon footprint.

    The importance of understanding your email activity and how you can improve it from both a performance and sustainability perspective.

    What goes on behind the email platforms you use.

    Improving your email behaviours and practices – professionally and personally.

    How to drive efficiencies.

    How EcoSend can make the platform switch as painless as possible.

    This episode is packed full of insights and practical information which will get your brains whirling, so dive in and get your notebooks ready.

    For more information about Ecosend - visit

    And to connect with James via LinkedIn - he’s here

    Another great episode… enjoy.


    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • Every other breath you take comes from the ocean …

    How much thought do you give to the products you use to clean your home? We recently took a metaphorical deep dive with Amanda Horn into her love of the ocean as part of World Ocean Day and Ocean Week (in Canada), and how important the ocean and water is to our lives. Following our chat with Amanda, we then we explored toxic free circularity with Paul Arellano Foulkes.

    In this episode, we continue the theme of caring for our oceans, speaking with Adam Parker over at OceanSaver, a brand on an incredible mission to “save Ocean life from the plastic pollution and harmful chemicals in 28 billion plastic cleaning products created every year.”

    OceanSaver make plastic-free, plant based cleaning products, and as customers, we can vouch for how good they are!

    Adam talks about the big picture, how the ocean itself is drowning from overfishing, plastic pollution and harmful chemicals. We discuss the need for solutions and products which do less / no harm and the need and role for us (Marketers), especially those working in the FMCG space, to think about the responsibilities we have and the stories we tell.

    Adam shares his experience, the approach they take at OceanSaver and the journey they are on to keep making ecofriendly cleaning products accessible, affordable and a no brainer choice for consumers. They also donate 1% of profit for ocean conversation!

    We love how innovative, creative and vibrant OceanSaver is, so be sure to tune in and, get them on your shopping list, you won’t be disappointed. Kind to wallet and the ocean - and very effective.

    Tune in to hear us talk with Adam about:

    How we need to reconnect people with the ocean and keep educating folks on how incredibly important it is to us

    How to make better product choices more accessible

    Working with the grain of human psychology and behaviour

    Letting people on auto pilot make more sustainable choices

    Showing that sustainable choices are affordable and that people are looking for them

    The critical role of retailers

    What Marketers can be doing to support the business case for change

    For more information about Oceansaver - visit

    View their latest, fun and informative ad - meet Gareth… and enjoy the sea shanty

    And to connect with Adam via LinkedIn - it’s here…

    Another great episode… enjoy.


    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • Degrowth equals greater profits – and big disruptions are coming…

    In this episode we got to talk to the brilliant Paul Folkes Arellano about circularity, and not just circularity, but toxic free circularity. Paul shares his knowledge, insights and experience in a space which plays a significant role in sustainability, business and societal behaviours.

    Paul share with us how he got into the toxic free circularity space, and shares so many examples of organisations who are doing great things with circularity, and also how collaboration and partnerships are critical to building the business case and turning circularity into meaningful business solutions that can scale.

    We talked about the need for Marketers to get involved, to get to grips with and understand their product lifecycle assessments by spending time with their R&D teams, and as Paul says it, “sticking your hands in the compost”. A critical part that brings with it a wealth of stories.

    Paul also talks about degrowth and the fact that degrowth equals greater profits. Circularity drives efficiencies, greater loyalty, less waste and, there is also huge amounts of capital to be gained from waste. This episode left us feeling uplifted and full of motivation and confirmed, once again, why we are such big advocates for circularity.

    Join us on this episode as we talk to Paul about:

    The circular economy and toxic free circularity.

    The opportunities and the business case for circularity.

    Why Marketers should be spending time in R&D labs to truly understand their products

    The great work being done in circularity and why full product life cycle assessments are imperative for marketers to be part of.

    The need for more good stories to be shared.

    The future of sustainability and circularity and long-term planning.

    For more information about Paul’s work visit Circuthon Consulting.

    And follow his insights and great conversations via LinkedIn too.

    A great episode… enjoy.


    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • The need to reconnect to water and rebrand the ‘Big Blue’…

    World Ocean Day falls on June 8th and for those who haven’t heard of this event, it’s about “catalyzing collective action for a healthy ocean and a stable climate”.

    The ocean’s role is one of the most important there is, and, water security is a real concern. But, to make such events successful in reaching global goals and targets around our oceans and water, we have to take notice, understand the challenges we face and importantly, be prepared to take action.

    We met with Amanda Horn, a brand marketer who fell in love with water and found a deep connection, which as she shares in this episode, changed so many areas of her life personally and, professionally when she turned her passion into a circular business looking to solve problems in the beauty industry, with water at the heart.

    Amanda is a strong advocate for protecting water, raising awareness of the challenges and opportunities and as she says, ‘rebranding big blue’.

    Water conservation – Ocean conservation – plastic solutions - waste - water consumption – they are all connected and we have to take responsibility for them, and more importantly understand the challenges and how our behaviors and choices either speed up progress, or slow it down.

    When Amanda began her journey to build a responsible brand, she didn’t realise how epic it would be at every single stage. She shares her learnings from the resources needed, commercial understanding, packaging needs, materials sourcing, collaboration and co-creation and what happens at the end of life of her product to make it truly circular.

    Join us on this episode as we talk to Amanda about:

    The power of connecting with water and the parallels between humans and the ocean.

    The importance of ocean literacy in meeting the global goal of protecting 30% of the world’s ocean by 2030.

    The need to protect water at all costs through increasing our knowledge and conversations around what it is the most important resource we have.

    The “10 Challenges of the Decade”.

    How Marketers can make connections through story and emotion as Amanda puts it – “Rebranding the big blue”.

    Evolving her passion into a circular business – and how understanding every stage of the product lifecycle is critical to not only the product but the story.

    And here’s a rallying call to action for you, our listener to get involved:

    World Ocean Day in the lead up to World Ocean Day, explore and see what you can do. Amanda also shares her tips!

    World Ocean Week if you’re in Canada, then you have Ocean Week, which is a public celebration of the ocean from coast to coast.

    Wherever you are, even if you are nowhere near a body of water, it is connected to your life, so commit to understanding a bit more, raising your awareness and taking steps to be part of the solution.

    For more information about Amanda Horn and Ocean Literacy, click this link.



    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.

  • We’re only consciously aware of 0.0004% of everything around us at once…read that again!

    Fake news, real news, social media, pickup artists. With all the messages we see and decisions we make every day, have you ever thought about how we are constantly being nudged towards one thing or another? In this episode we explore behavioural science with Patrick Fagan and whilst all communications are design to influence and manipulate in some way, how can we (marketers / communicators) use skill, creativity and influence for good?

    When it comes to marketing, our role is to understand needs and desires, tune in to what people want and then talk to them about how our products and services benefit them, meeting those needs and desires and helping them to feel a particular way to purchase or engage. But, as we’ve talked about many times on our podcast series, we need to rethink the role of marketing, we need to evolve our stories, drive awareness, educate, shape new behaviours and get people to care enough to want to make different choices, or change behaviours. There is SO much for Marketers to take away from this conversation with Patrick - from frameworks, steps and examples to connecting the dots. It’s a must listen. Tune in as we talk to Patrick about:

    The nuances of language and how they are ordered

    Nudge theory and Cialdini's 6 Principles of Influence

    Types of nudges - the most used and the most powerful

    What we can do as communicators to change behaviours through choice architecture

    Fear messaging

    Creating campaigns which cut through the noise

    Finding out about brain’s ‘memory bouncer’

    For more information about Patrick Fagan, the books he’s written, and the work he does - you can follow him on LinkedIn or visit



    You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

    Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.