This Lent I challenge you to step up and into a mode of real sacrifice. Likely you (and most men) have something you know you really need to give up but are to scared. I invite you to make this Lent something different.
Don't just give up chocolate. Change your life, forever.
Join me in this episode as I discuss what I'm doing for Lent, and I challenge you to do the same!
God is always pursuing us. Sometimes, however, it takes a pretty strong thump to get our attention.
What's interesting is what else changes after God finally reaches us. The world may look like a totally different place.
Join me in this episode as Sig Muller describes his (medical) death and recovery. His perspective on life and the faith is forever changed because of those events. He rediscovered his Catholic faith in a new and powerful way.
You can read more about Sig on his website:
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
The instruction to forgive is a fundamental Christian idea. It's present even in the Our Father prayer. We're told that if we do not forgive, we shall not be forgiven.
But what about if the person who has hurt us the most is...ourself?
Odds are this is probably the case for most people (though some may try to transfer the debt to others.)
Join me in this episode as I discuss how to forgive yourself. This is a critical skill in order to extend forgiveness and charity to others, even those you love the most. You cannot give what you do not have. It's not easy though; as a general rule, the more I have been hurt, the harder it is for me to forgive.
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
Confession scares a lot of people - and not only Catholics. While we all know it is a Sacrament, too many of us tend to avoid it more than we should. Sometimes, it can feel humiliating.
What if we viewed Confession with as much excitement as the other Sacraments?
Join me in this episode as I explore the Sacrament of Confession. Not only do I cover a lot of basics about what Confession is (and isn't) but I also explore the psychological benefits of Confession. Not only does Confession convey real Grace, it will transform your life and help to unlock the areas you are stuck.
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
Sometimes, when we're really good at something, we let it become who we are. The problem is that it's not true. We are so much more.
If you cannot see yourself, how can anyone else? It's one of the lonliest places to be.
Join me in this episode as Benjamin Nevares shares his journey. Although he was raised in the Catholic Church, he fell away as he found worldly success. After falling into addiction and depression, he came back to the Church and rediscovered who he was. This story is an invitation to all of us to better see ourselves as Christ sees us.
Click here to listen to Ben's podcast.
You can read about his upcoming new fitness products at:
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at -
We all struggle with unhealthy attachments to something. For many men, it's alcohol, sex, or pornography. For some it might be gambling, sports, or the appearance of power.
No matter what your struggle is, odds are good it's really only a symptom of some deeper problem that God wants to bring healing to. If you don't fix a broken foundation of a house first, nothing else will really work.
Join me in this episode as Mr. John Bacon shares his story of chasing the "goods" of the world. He found his way into many addictions and was saved by finding the Lord. He has since spent decades working in addiction recovery centers, helping many others to escape.
If you cannot love yourself, you cannot be free.
Find more about John's work on his website:
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
Marriage helps us get to heaven. For most of us, that means it highlights some painful parts of ourselves. Worse, we seem to get stuck in the same painful patterns over and over.
We often are left wondering; how can these painful moments actually help us get to heaven?
Join me in this episode as Dr. Gary Lawrence shares some of his wisdom from over thirty years of helping Christian married couples. He talks about some basic patterns that occur in marriage that blind us to what is really going on. Most of all, he will give you hope that with help, you can make real and lasting change!
Find out more about Gary's work on his website:
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
From the beginning, Catholic history has been filled with saints who fervently practiced meditation. This is a powerful form of a prayer that can make a huge impact on how you see and interact with the world. Sadly, most of us have lost touch.
We're just too busy. We've crammed our lives with too much activity. Even our prayers, holy and awesome as they are, are often crammed in and said with haste to "just get it done." It's OK, I find myself living that way too often also.
Join me in this episode as I explore a different type of prayer. Meditation is a prayer that focuses on doing less, or rather doing nothing of my own agenda. I empty myself and invite the Lord in. It's a prayer of surrender - of myself, my agenda, and my need to get so much done!
Especially if you struggle with anger, I suggest you explore Catholic meditation.
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
It's hard to be a Catholic parent in today's world of woke-inspired movies and entertainment. Worse, much of the Catholic created media is well...boring.
Recently, however, there's some new options coming. One free Catholic program reached the #1 downloaded podcast spot this Advent. Best part, it's totally free!
Join me in this episode as Peter Atkinson describes the amazing media that his Catholic company The Merry Beggars is putting out for free. We talk about his journey and how God called him to this work. We discuss what it takes to be a successful Catholic creator in this world.
You can find many amazing free resources that are grounded in the Faith on the Merry Beggars website:
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
You are going to die.
Well, one day. Lord willing, not particularly soon. We do not know when, but it is a certainty that we will!
My question is, are you ready?
Join me in this episode as Preston Allex explains how his totally free Catholic company Catholic Legacy helps Catholics across the United States with free wills and estate planning. We walk through why this is important, and how you can take advantage of this resource.
Every husband and father should at least make sure he has a will. It's a necessary gift to your family.
You can find out more about Catholic Legacy on their webpage at:
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
We all have moments we do things that seem disproportionate or a bit off. We have reactions that just don't seem to match up to other people. These can often be frustrating and destructive.
Some of what we "remember" we hold subconsciously; it can affect us without us realizing why
Join me in this episode as discuss what "implicit memory" is and how it affects you. I talk about how to find those memories and what to do about them. Ultimately everything comes back to surrender to the Lord - but we only have a chance to do that when we identify what specifically to surrender.
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
Do your feelings control you? Perhaps when you're upset, hurting, or desperate you find yourself doing things you later regret?
Has your solution to this problem been to simply shove the feelings down and bury them? If so, how is that working...
Join me in this episode as I talk about a different way of dealing with feelings. When we deal with our feelings well, we gain the power to affect both our lives and those we love. When we don't, chaos and destruction often follow.
One of the greatest gifts you can give to your children is to role model self mastery.
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
If you are married, you've likely had fights that went poorly. You've probably also had issues that should have been brought up but have been hidden.
It often seems like biology itself is against us when we disagree with our spouse. If we are not careful, it certainly can.
Join me in this episode as I discuss how to fight with your spouse in a way that pulls you both towards sainthood rather than injury. I'll cover several specific tactics as well as some perspectives to hold onto. Furthermore, I'll talk about the goal of fighting, and what to fight for.
I really recommend this episode to all married men.
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
It's very painful for husbands when our wives unleash verbal attacks on us. Yet, we rarely know how to express why this is true even to ourselves. We certainly don't know what to say to our wives - and often get in trouble for trying.
Join me in this episode as I compare male to male interactions with the underlying threat of physical violence and female to female interactions with the underlying threat of character attack. The parallels are powerful and will help you understand why her words are so scary and painful. It will also give you a foundation of how to talk to her about it.
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
Odds are good that the person that has caused the most pain and suffering in your life!
If you're at all like me, you know that you can be lazy, mean, and sometimes even vicious if you do not keep a check on your natural weaknesses. So that's what we do!
Sometimes we even come to dislike ourselves and treat ourselves in a way we would never let someone treat our children.
Join me in this episode as I explore this issue that occurs in so many men, and how to respond to it in a Christ-like way. You are called to Love Your Neighbor As Yourself. We need to understand the second part of the sentence in order to fulfill the commandment.
Love will the good - the real, deep, long-term good of the other!
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
The most common instruction in the Bible is "do not be afraid," yet we humans are frequently fearful and worrisome. What's worse is that often we don't even recognize the deeper fears. These are the fears that cause us to pull back from God.
Most men suffer from one of the following three fears:
God has some limit. I'm too bad or broken for God to love My choices are too terrible for God to loveIntellectually we may deny it - intellectually we know those aren't true. But deep down that fear can drive us to live our lives in a way that keeps us away from the Lord.
Join me in this episode as I explore these fears and how to confront them. In order to trust the Lord and say "yes" to His will, we need a deeper humility and willingness to surrender. All God requires of us is to align our will to His. Do not worry about the rest.
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
We all intellectually know we are supposed to surrender everything to God. We can generally handle the first several requests God makes. But then, it starts to get more difficult.
What do you do when God asks you to surrender what looks like the safety of your family?
Join me in this episode as Deacon Charlie Echeverry shares his story of surrendering everything to God. Through many difficult moments, God took care of him and his family. God is calling us all in a similar way. How will you respond?
You can read more about Deacon Charlie's work at his website:
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
Pride has always been the worst of the capital sins. I believe that it is the chief sin of our age. After going through the entire Litany of Humility, I felt there was a bit more to be said.
This entire episode is simply my additions to the Litany of Humility. You may find some similarity to these. If so, I invite you to join me on my journey.
Join me in this episode for the 21st century engineer/life coach additions to the Litany of Humility. These are ways that my pride has caused me pain in my life. I try to offer the humble perspective to each one.
This is without a doubt the most painful and embarrassing episode I have ever recorded.
I strongly encourage listening to the previous episodes before this one!
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at -
We all know humility is important, but it isn't easy! Particularly in an age where comparisons are forced down our throat by every app and social media source. How are we to respond?
In this episode I continue the discussion about humility by exploring the last section of the Litany of Humility. In episode six I talked about the dangers of comparisons; in this episode I go into the specific lines.
I strongly encourage listening to the previous episodes before this one!
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
Our children are growing up in an environment unlike any previous generations. Technology and cultural expectations have taken away their childhood and forced them to mature faster than ever. This is having some difficult effects.
Join me in this episode as I'm joined by a much younger guest who goes by Mr. Whisky. We talk about his work supporting the mental health of our younger generation. We cover practical perspectives and things to think about as a parent of this generation.
You can read more about Mr. Whiskey and find his podcast at:
I also invite you to check out my free Manly Strengths Assessment at
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