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    #182: Anthony Kuo is a Career Satisfaction Coach, Executive Coach and Master NLP Practitioner. He explains the symptoms of work dissatisfaction, who to talk to when you feel isolated and alone and the achievability of career satisfaction.

    What you’ll learn

    [1:40] The constant search for what we want to be when we grow up.[4:45] What it’s like to be lonely at work.[9:35] Being disconnected from your work.[11:40] The symptoms of work dissatisfaction and the effect of being unengaged with your work.[15:00] Warning signs that you’re becoming dissatisfied with your work.[18:48] The biggest things that prevent people from change.[19:56] The importance of being able to bring your whole self to work.[22:45] What to do if you're being pigeonholed in the workplace.[27:00] Helpful ways to address feelings of dissatisfaction and loneliness.[32:22] How to save a job that you want to quit.[35:45] Who to talk to when you feel isolated and alone. [41:30] The achievability of career satisfaction.

    Resources mentioned in this episode
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    “People prefer the certainty of misery to the misery of uncertainty”, Virginia SatirThe Subtle Art of Not Giving a F***, Mark Manson

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    Re-assessing your career? Know you need a change but don't really know where to start? Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you!

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    #181: Chris Meador is a career and brand strategist with over two decades of experience across the tech, media and entertainment sectors. He explains how to create and nurture a network of relationships, the value of networking and how to maintain your current relationships.

    What you’ll learn

    [1:58] What it means to be a career strategist. [3:02] Why Chris became a career strategist.[4:12] How Chris approaches networking and relationship building.[5:55] Reasons to attend a local in-person entrepreneur meetup event.[6:36] The mindset you should have at a networking event.[07:17] The question you should ask yourself before going to a networking event.[09:10] What you need to know when you're networking.[10:50] The value of networking and building relationships.[13:35] The benefits of second-degree connections.[15:15] The value of creating a network for people with a stable job role.[18:40] How to assess the value of your current network.[23:18] Common roadblocks to networking correctly. [27:00] How to maintain your current relationships.[31:45] The importance of personal branding and posting on LinkedIn.[35:47] The amount of time it takes to network.[39:30] The snowballing effect of networking.

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    The SwarmConnect The Dots

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    #180: Renie Cavallari is an organisational anthropologist, CEO advisor and strategic leadership coach. She explains how to deal with negative thoughts, improve your mindset, and prevent external factors from ruining your day.

    What you’ll learn

    [2:19] What an organisational anthropologist is.[3:13] How leaders affect the team dynamics in their organisation.[3:43] How Renie became focused on bringing brands to life.[5:25] The principles of organisations being aligned with their brand.[6:24] What headtrash is and how it can limit your potential.[7:36] The key aspects of improving human performance.[10:05] How a leader’s mindset can affect their organisation.[13:43] Different forms of headtrash that everyone experiences.[14:50] The difference between the functioning brain and the emotional brain.[16:00] How to manage your thought patterns and remove headtrash.[18:45] The three best ways to deal with negative thoughts.[22:50] Questions you can ask yourself to become more solution-focused.[27:40] The practice of improving your mental state to decrease your emotional stress.[30:45] Five questions to ask yourself in the morning to connect with your emotional brain.[35:22] Different ways to implement a practice of self-reflection.[39:28] How to measure your progress in improving your mindset.[42:55] Resources for improving your mindset and life outlook.

    Resources mentioned in this episode
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    HEADTRASH: The Leading Killer of Human PotentialJ.D. PowerShift-Stuck QuestionsJoy Journal, Renie CavallariThe Dream Factory, Peter ThomasChange Work Life Coaching

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    #179: Nicholas Ciufentes-Goodbody transitioned from a career in teaching to becoming the Chief Data Scientist at WorldQuant University. He explains what data science involves, what a career in data science looks like, and why it’s such a popular field to work in.

    What you’ll learn

    [1:45] What WorldQuant University is and the types of programs they run. [3:42] How a free university is possible in America.[4:13] The motivation for a hedge fund to run a free university. [4:50] What data science is and how it’s used. [6:03] The biggest employers of data scientists. [8:21] What a typical day as a data scientist is like. [10:12] The different specialities within data science. [12:08] What it means to be an AI engineer. [12:40] What qualifications you need to become a data scientist. [14:43] The level of education you need to become a data scientist. [16:27] Character traits that successful data scientists share. [18:10] The amount of nerds working in data science. [20:08] Why musicians become data scientists and doctors. [21:15] How to transition your career to become a data scientist. [27:37] What you need on your resume when applying for a data science role. [29:07] The best ways to learn the skills you need to become a data scientist. [30:29] How to edit your CV when applying for a data science job. [31:55] How to find a good data science boot camp. [33:51] The base knowledge you need prior to joining a data science boot camp. [36:30] The income potential of a data scientist. [38:17] The career path of a data scientist. [39:28] The impact AI will have on data scientists. [42:12] The ever-changing nature of data science.

    Resources mentioned in this episode
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    DataCampKaggleopenAFRICACourseraUdemyAn Introduction to Statistical Learning, Gareth JamesHands-on machine learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, Aurelien GeronFluent Python, Luciano RamalhoMathematics for Human Flourishing, Francis Su

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    Re-assessing your career? Know you need a change but don't really know where to start? Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you!

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    #178: Leanne Elliott is a business psychologist and her husband Al is a prolific business leader. They explain how to avoid burnout, maintain good mental health, and thrive both physically and mentally.

    What you’ll learn

    [1:50] How Leanne and Elliott help create positive workplace cultures. [3:23] Why mental health is such an important issue in today's society. [6:06] What the term ‘mental health’ really means.[8:20] The disconnect there is between mental health and public discourse. [9:46] What burnout is and the difference between burnout and stress. [14:06] The three symptoms that signal burnout. [15:52] How common burnout is and how to know if you’re burnt out. [18:27] What to do if you’re experiencing burnout. [20:32] Signs that someone is experiencing burnout. [23:25] How to support someone who is going through burnout. [28:29] The different ways extroverts and introverts communicate. [30:42] What burnout recovery looks like. [33:54] The dangers of comparison and how to avoid making negative comparisons.

    Resources mentioned in this episode

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    Truth, Lies and Workplace Culture Episode 60: Behind the Smiles: Our Mental Health JourneySamaritansBen GoldacrePositivepsychology.comThe Miracle Morning, Hal Elrod“Comparison is the thief of joy”, Theodore Roosevelt“People buy things they don’t need, with money they don’t have, to impress people they don’t like”, Clive HamiltonDr Audrey TangThe Wellbeing Lounge PodcastThe One Thing, Gary Keller and Jay PapasanFRIED: The Burnout PodcastExpansive Intimacy Podcast

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    #177: Ben Gold is an AI consultant, thought leader and speaker. He explains how you can use ChatGPT to further your career, identify your perfect job, and network with other professionals.

    What you’ll learn

    [2:12] How Ben became a world-renowned video game champion. [3:18] What generative AI means and the difference between AI algorithms and large language models. [4:48] The best large language model that currently exists. [6:45] How to use ChatGPT to help you get a job. [8:32] What you need to work with large language models successfully. [9:33] The six areas of work AI can do for you. [11:06] The benefits of using the paid version of ChatGPT. [14:59] How to use context effectively in your prompts for ChatGPT. [16:30] The amount of background information you should use in your prompts. [18:10] Ways to use generative AI to find the best career for you. [22:38] How much faith you should put in the output of ChatGPT. [26:03] How to stop generative AI from replacing your job. [27:50] How ChatGPT can help you network on LinkedIn. [33:26] The loss of real online human connection. [35:01] How to keep up to date with AI advancements in your field. [37:40] The aspects of career coaching that AI will replace. [38:51] How to get started with generative AI.

    Resources mentioned in this episode

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    ChatGPTBingGoogle BardAnthropic with ClaudeFind Your Next Job with ChatGPT, Ben GoldMidjourney16PersonalitiesThe Neuron newsletterSuperhuman newsletter

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    #176: Karen Eber is an author, leadership coach and public speaker. She explains the science behind storytelling, why employees should use stories at work, and the storytelling techniques you can use to advance your career.

    What you’ll learn

    [2:10] How Karen found her love for storytelling. [6:12] The benefits for employees using stories at work and why storytelling is a powerful tool. [9:34] The science behind how storytelling works. [11:47] A case study of how stories can be used to advance your career. [16:48] The benefits and drawbacks of using the STAR formula. [18:00] How to tell an impactful story in a professional setting. [19:15] How to make what you say about yourself memorable. [21:31] Why you should ask questions in your performance review. [25:20] How the conversations you have in a performance review affects your rating. [28:21] Ways to get your manager to be better at communicating. [29:28] How to use stories to improve the way people see you at work. [32:05] Different storytelling techniques and how to interact with different departments. [35:10] How to transition to a different department in your company. [36:35] Techniques to make your story more impactful. [39:50] A four-part storytelling model. [41:53] The benefits of having your own bank of stories.

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    The Hero’s JourneyMove Fast and Fix Things, Frances Frei and Anne Morris

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    #175: Olly Richards went from being a professional jazz musician to starting a multi-million dollar language learning business. He explains why he changed careers, how he knew what to do next, and the ways he identified where he had an unfair advantage.

    What you’ll learn

    [1:59] The different key transitions in Olly’s career. [4:08] Common thought patterns that indicate a career change is a good move. [5:55] The frame of mind you need to start a career as a professional jazz musician. [7:06] What made Olly stop playing jazz professionally. [10:23] The benefits of teaching jazz instead of performing live music. [12:10] Why people want to teach English abroad. [15:15] The differences between teaching in the UK and teaching abroad. [17:47] How Olly chose where to teach English abroad. [19:25] The benefits of working in the Middle East as an English teacher. [20:10] How the evolution of the internet has created business opportunities. [24:15] The problem with comparing your career to your friends’. [25:07] How to stand out and identify your unique skills. [28:47] Ways of turning a hobby blog into a business. [31:55] Where to learn the essentials of making money from a blog. [34:32] How and why to build a business personal brand. [40:15] What all of Olly’s jobs have had in common. [41:53] Olly’s plans for the future. [45:25] Why Olly decided to start a blog.

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    The Seven Year ItchThe $100 Startup, Chris GuillebeauStoryLearning

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    #174 - Nicolas Rion is a relationship coach who supports individuals to build strong, healthy and sustainable relationships. He explains how to improve the relationships you have at work, communicate with people about your needs and build trust and support with colleagues.

    What you’ll learn

    [1:51] Why Nicolas became a relationship specialist. [3:10] What it means to have emotional intelligence. [4:50] The importance of self-care in emotional intelligence. [6:15] How you can coach individuals to be better in relationships. [7:28] The benefits of coaching one person in a relationship instead of couples coaching. [8:13] The importance of having positive relationships in your life. [10:12] The type of relationships you should build at work. [12:30] Why it’s important to be intentional in the relationships you build. [14:28] How to have intent with the relationships you make at work.[15:50] Ways to approach a relationship that is lacking in a certain aspect. [19:30] How to respond to a manager who isn’t empathetic to your situation. [22:36] The type of interactions you need with colleagues to build strong relationships. [26:26] How to know if you can trust someone. [26:48] How much you should separate your work life and personal life. [28:07] The problems with not wanting to socialise at work. [31:57] Building relationships that make it easy to solve conflicts. [33:39] How to make conflicts easy to solve.[33:48] How maximising trust and support in a relationship enables conflict to be resolved. [36:26] The best way to respond to a potential conflict. [38:42] How easy it is to have successful relationships.

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    “The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion”, Paulo CoelhoNonviolent Communication, Marshall B RosenbergThe 10 Habits of Successful Relationships

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    #173: Ryan Gonsalves is a former professional footballer and founder of 2ndwind Academy, a platform empowering former elite athletes in their transition to fulfilling careers. He explains the transferable skills professional athletes have, the challenges athletes face when their career ends and how to make the most of new opportunities.

    What you’ll learn

    [1:34] Why Ryan wanted to coach elite athletes. [2:16] The unique challenges elite athletes face when they stop competing in their sport. [3:10] The way your career is linked with your identity. [4:10] The limited lifespan of being a professional athlete. [6:38] The players Ryan Gonsalves played with at Leeds United. [7:47] How Ryan became a professional footballer. [9:26] Why Ryan wanted to play football professionally. [12:47] The goals Ryan had for his footballing career. [14:38] What Ryan’s career as a professional footballer looked like. [17:06] What it means to be a semi-professional footballer. [18:08] How Ryan’s mother influenced his decision to stop playing professional football. [19:45] The amount you can learn from life regrets. [23:47] The continuous pressure professional footballers are under. [27:09] How Ryan transitioned to a more conventional life and career. [31:20] The amount of luck involved with being successful. [32:36] How to get more luck in your life. [35:23] How Ryan got a job working with HSBC in Hong Kong. [37:25] The importance of being optimistic about new opportunities. [38:52] Why Ryan transitioned from banking to career coach. [41:00] How what you value in life can change over time. [42:38] How Ryan started the 2nd Wind Academy. [43:13] The ways Ryan wants 2nd Wind to grow and expand. [44:24] The essential nature of human-played sports as entertainment. [45:52] The transferable communication skills you learn as a sportsman. [47:25] The value of feedback in the workplace.

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    Thanks for the Feedback, Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen

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    #172 - Natasha Stanley is a career coach who has helped thousands of people shift into work that they love. She explains the biggest mistakes people make when changing their careers, how you can avoid making those mistakes and how to find a career that you love

    What you'll learn

    [1:47] How Natasha knew it was time to make a drastic career change. [5:40] How to know if it’s your job or your career that is causing you to feel unsatisfied. [7:26] The value of job-hopping within a career before making a career change. [9:45] When you should take a leap of faith and do something completely different. [12:30] What it looks like to dismantle the structures in your life and how to portray yourself differently. [15:55] Common mistakes people make when changing careers. [18:35] When to stop planning and start taking action. [20:50] How to learn more about yourself and what you enjoy in life. [24:42] The sunk cost fallacy that stops people from leaving careers they don’t enjoy. [27:24] How others can help you with a career change. [30:44] Who to ask for career change advice. [33:06] How to know the types of jobs you’re able to do.[33:30] Why your CV can be a list of things that you don't want to do.[37:00] The mindset you should have when making a career change. [38:46] The problem of focusing on your passion when looking for a new career. [41:27] How networking can influence your career.

    Resources mentioned in this episode

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    “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing”, Theodore RooseveltFriend of a Friend, David BurkusPuttylikeStanford Life Design LabChange Work Life Coaching

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    #171: Susie Violet Ward worked in accountancy before transitioning to becoming a journalist and financial analyst specialising in bitcoin. She explains the effect childcare had on her career, how she made such a drastic career change, and how she found meaning and purpose in her work.

    What you’ll learn

    [1:30] How Susie explains what she does for a living.[2:10] What it means to be a bitcoin journalist. [3:32] How Susie became a bitcoin journalist. [6:27] The different ways to become an accountant and the benefits of not going to university. [9:10] The IT aspects of accounting. [10:22] The challenges of moving to part-time work after having a child. [15:05] Why working part-time can make your job more enjoyable. [16:33] The challenge of working from home and homeschooling at the same time. [18:43] How to know when it’s time to make a change in your job. [19:59] The benefits Bitcoin has over other cryptocurrencies. [21:37] Why Susie got interested in Dogecoin. [22:30] What made Susie want to work in Bitcoin journalism. [25:47] How Bitcoin can be good for the environment. [26:47] How Susie managed to get made redundant by asking her boss. [30:33] The way redundancy gave Susie the freedom to start a new career. [31:15] Building a career around writing. [33:32] How Susie’s parents reacted to such a big career change. [35:05] The pros and cons of focusing on a future career. [37:00] How to manage criticisms around a career change

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    Exodus WalletWhat Bitcoin Did podcast“We are all nodes in the system making it stronger”, Jeff BoothEpisode 161: Hitting rock bottom: How I went from drug addict to top Bitcoin podcaster - with Peter McCormack of What Bitcoin Did

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    #170: Julie DeLucca-Collins is a certified Tiny Habits and Thrive Global Coach, a speaker, podcaster, and top selling author. She explains the way we automate certain behaviours, why you can’t rely on motivation to achieve results and how to change the neural pathways in your brain.

    What you’ll learn

    [2:11] How Julie learned what makes people successful. [6:26] The benefits of working in corporate America. [8:20] How Julie found out about the power of habits and habit creation. [10:23] Why you can’t rely on motivation to change. [12:25] How to create a habit. [13:35] The link between habits and emotions. [15:05] The best way to build tiny habits. [17:50] How to celebrate yourself without being cringy. [21:04] Why you should always acknowledge your achievements. [22:40] What happens in your brain when you make a new habit. [24:17] Common misunderstandings about neuroplasticity. [25:35] Techniques to make it easier to rewire your brain. [28:29] The human brain's ability to change. [29:50] How long it takes to form a new habit. [31:43] How to know what habits will serve you best. [35:07] The best way to manage your inbox. [36:30] What to do if you stop practising a good habit. [42:42] Why easy wins are so important. [44:50] The strength of old habits and how to break them. [49:10] Using apps to help you build habits. [50:22] What causes addictive behaviours and how to overcome them.

    Resources mentioned in this episode

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    How Habits Give Us the Confidence to Dance in Life | Julie Delucca-Collins | TEDxMellen StreetPat Flynn, Smart Passive IncomeTiny Habits, BJ FoggTiny Habits free five day habits coachingJoe WicksHabitBull app

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    #169: Joshua D. Smith is a coach, consultant and public speaking trainer. He explains how to prepare for a presentation, keep your audience interested, and overcome public speaking nerves.

    What you’ll learn

    [1:52] Organisations that can help improve your public speaking. [4:30] How Joshua got started with Toastmasters. [6:05] The ways Joshua helps people find their voice with his business. [7:07] The three core values of Joshua’s business. [8:25] What ”glossophobia” is and how to overcome it. [10:35] The difference between nervousness and a fear of public speaking. [13:25] Why authenticity is so key in public speaking. [14:52] Practical steps to reduce nerves before giving a presentation. [19:34] How to put content together for a specific audience. [22:50] The difference between having a general purpose and a specific purpose. [24:09] What you can do to keep your audience focused. [25:08] What materials to give your audience and when to hand them out. [30:20] How much content to include in a PowerPoint presentation. [32:04] How to position your body when giving a presentation. [32:40] The benefits of using notes instead of a script when giving a presentation.[35:20] How to write notes for a presentation. [38:11] The preparation time that goes into a presentation. [42:06] Effective ways of practicing a presentation. [47:00] How to get comfortable with your voice. [48:30] A checklist of what you need in order to avoid presentation mistakes. [52:35] How to recover when a presentation goes wrong.

    Resources mentioned in this episode

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    ToastmastersNational Speakers AssociationGlossophobiaPreziCanva

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    #168: Susan Pasley is a registered nurse who transitioned from bedside nursing to working with healthcare SaaS organisations. She explains how a career can be wrapped up with your identity, how to identify your transferable skills, and how to maintain your identity when changing careers.

    What you'll learn

    [1:56] How Susan transitioned from bedside nurse to the business world. [3:54] How to transition from a nurse role to working in business.[5:44] What attracts people to a career in nursing. [8:58] The emotional and physical toll of working in healthcare. [10:20] The lack of education new nurses receive around burnout and self care. [14:11] Why Susan transitioned from a nursing career. [21:52] Why being a bedside nurse is such a rewarding career. [24:07] What to do if your identity is based on a career you're unhappy in. [29:45] How colleagues respond to nurses who stop practising nursing. [31:06] Identifying your transferable skills. [35:44] The first step to change a career that’s wrapped up with your identity.

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    In the Business of NursingLinkedInEpisode 76: Changing your career, changing your identity - with Liana Ling of Power Up Strategy

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    #167: Doug Lennick and Chuck Wachendorfer are internationally recognised speakers, authors, and coaches. They explain why everyone needs to embrace leadership, how people in subservient positions can enact change, and how we can all be more influential.

    What you'll learn

    [2:00] How think2perform helps people reach their potential. [3:30] The need for people to embrace leadership. [5:08] How to be influential if you’re not in a position of power. [6:35] The shifting definition of leadership. [8:00] The difference between being reactive and proactive at work. [12:35] How junior members can get the confidence to speak up about change. [18:25] The lessons you can learn if your suggestion is shot down. [22:04] How to enact change and what failing successfully looks like. [26:05] What a serenity prayer looks like and how to be your ideal self. [27:35] How to identify your key values. [29:00] Using the ‘Freeze Exercise’ to make more conscious decisions. [31:46] How to effectively reflect on your values. [33:40] The key to life and being happy

    Resources mentioned in this episode

    Please note that some of these are affiliate links and we may get a commission in the event that you make a purchase. This helps us to cover our expenses and is at no additional cost to you.

    Don’t Wait for Somebody Else to Fix It, Doug Lennick and Chuck WachendorferSteven M R Covey“Be the change you wish to see in the world”, attrib. GandhiThe Serenity Prayer

    For the show notes for this episode, including a full transcript and links to all the resources mentioned, visit:

    Re-assessing your career? Know you need a change but don't really know where to start? Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you!

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    #166: Christopher Volk is a commercial banker, entrepreneur, and business leader. He explains the skills you need to succeed in business, ways to get different career experiences, and how to make sure you’re ready for any opportunity that comes your way.

    What you'll learn

    [1:32] How to get the motivation to write a book and the reasons to write a book. [2:36] Why Chris wrote a book about business and wealth creation. [4:02] The six variables of businesses. [5:45] The value of people in business. [7:30] What young people want in business and what companies need to work. [9:25] The key priorities companies have. [10:58] Using staff satisfaction as a measurement of company success.[11:55] Why most financially successful people aren’t following their childhood passion. [15:02] How to find out what you’re good at. [16:06] The motivation to become a commercial banker. [16:55] The benefits of learning about business at a young age. [18:36] How to be deliberate with your career choices. [20:40] Why sales skills are so critical. [22:20] How employers respond to people who have worked in multiple different career fields. [25:41] The benefits of getting a new role in the same business rather than changing companies. [28:18] The impact AI will have on people at the beginning of their careers. [30:28] Why all business owners need to have leadership skills. [33:45] Different forms of leadership. [37:00] The rise of the gig economy and the opportunities this brings. [38:56] How to get out of a career rut. [41:00] The one trait all leaders share.

    Resources mentioned in this episode

    Please note that some of these are affiliate links and we may get a commission in the event that you make a purchase. This helps us to cover our expenses and is at no additional cost to you.

    Psycho-Cybernetics, Maxwell MaltzThe Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent PealeEpisode 150: Should I follow my passion? should I work remotely? What do I tell my family?

    For the show notes for this episode, including a full transcript and links to all the resources mentioned, visit:

    Re-assessing your career? Know you need a change but don't really know where to start? Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you!

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    #165- Dan Freehling is a career coach specialising in working with top millennial leaders seeking to develop their leadership pipeline. He explains the different career types there are, the common career pitfalls people face, and how to uncover the category your career falls into.

    What you'll learn

    [1:26] What a ‘leadership pipeline’ is.[3:30] The main challenges of transitioning to a full-time coach.[4:17] The four different meaningful career types: contributor, go-getter, expert and executive.[8:43] How to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your career.[11:02] The danger of falling off a career path.[15:17] The difference between an expert and an executive.[17:33] The transition from a go-getter to an executive.[20:47] The different aspects of being successful in the workplace.[22:59] How to identify what you really want from your work.[24:35] How to succeed in the modern career landscape.[25:45] How flexible the working landscape is.[27:25] How career progression works in the modern world.[31:00] Ways to make your CV stand out for a leadership position.[33:28] The danger of invisibility, arrogance, disengagement and burnout.[37:36] How to know if you’re too arrogant and the negative impacts this can have.[39:30] Exercises to keep your career on track.

    Resources mentioned in this episode (some of these are affiliate links and we may get a commission in the event that you make a purchase - this helps us to cover our expenses and is at no additional cost to you):

    The Career Design Map, Dan FreehlingCareer Design QuizThe New Reason to Work, Roshan PaulChange Work Life Coaching

    For the show notes for this episode, including a full transcript and links to all the resources mentioned, visit:

    Re-assessing your career? Know you need a change but don't really know where to start? Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you!

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    #164 - Michele Phillips is a happiness expert who specialises in individual performance in the workplace. She explains how your mindset affects your happiness, the way you can make happiness a habit, and how to stay positive when working a job you don't enjoy.

    What you'll learn

    [1:30] How to talk to people about happiness.[4:15] The key factors that affect your happiness level.[6:27] How to stay optimistic in challenging circumstances.[9:17] The innate nature of happiness and optimism.[12:04] Actionable steps to make yourself more optimistic.[13:35] The power of journaling and how to start writing a journal.[16:48] How to put an optimistic spin on negative situations.[18:45] The personal nature of journaling.[20:10] How much time it takes to keep a journal.[22:43] How to be more positive about your job.[26:24] The importance of knowing why you’re leaving a job.[28:45] Five processes to analyse your mentality.[30:44] How to know the right time to make a job change.[32:42] Toxic positivity and the danger of blind optimism.[35:00] How to improve your mental state.[36:35] What to do when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

    Resources mentioned in this episode
    Please note that some of these are affiliate links and we may get a commission in the event that you make a purchase. This helps us to cover our expenses and is at no additional cost to you.

    Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor FranklLearned Optimism, Dr Martin SeligmanThe How of Happiness, Sonja LyubomirskyHappiness is a Habit, Michele PhillipsThe Untethered Soul, Michael Singer

    For the show notes for this episode, including a full transcript and links to all the resources mentioned, visit:

    Re-assessing your career? Know you need a change but don't really know where to start? Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you!

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    #163 - Andy Goldstrom is a parent coach and founder of Parents Journey Coaching, where he works with struggling parents across the globe. He explains the different challenges dual-income families face, the four key styles of parenting, and the ways couples can balance the demands of parenthood and professional life.

    What you'll learn

    [1:40] Why it’s so challenging to balance work and family life.[3:25] Navigating tech and social media with your children.[7:18] The four different types of parenting: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, uninvolved.[11:00] At what age children become mature enough to make their own decisions.[17:00] How to balance a child's autonomy and well-being.[20:33] Ways to balance the demands of parenthood and professional life.[22.03] The danger of taking on the emotional burden of your child’s happiness, and why after-school clubs and wrap-around care are no bad thing.[23:20] How to maintain the connection with your spouse throughout parenthood.[24:30] The most important aspects of being a parent.

    Resources mentioned in this episode (some of these are affiliate links and we may get a commission in the event that you make a purchase - this helps us to cover our expenses and is at no additional cost to you):

    Episode 142: Relationships and careers: how to talk to your partner about career change - with Executive Coach Yosef LynnThe Four Agreements, Don Miguel RuizWinning Parenting podcast

    For the show notes for this episode, including a full transcript and links to all the resources mentioned, visit:

    Re-assessing your career? Know you need a change but don't really know where to start? Check out these two exercises to start the journey of working out what career is right for you!

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