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Today Jody chats with Kris Gonzalez about walking a conscious path through perimenopause. Kris is an acupuncturist and educator who spends most of her time these days bringing awareness to how to help women transition into perimenopause gently.
Our conversation talks about the influence of the breath on the bowel and how important it is in perimenopause for women to be breathing in a relaxed manner.
We also speak about the perimenopause as the autumn season of a woman's life and how we can see dryness in the skin, weight gain, inflammation in the joints and a decline in energy.
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Lisa Darveniza is a counsellor, psychotherapist. Growth work teacher and group facilitator and the founder of Awareness Work.
She joins Jody today to talk about the importance of healing the core wounding we experience in childhood. Lisa has developed a 6 month program that guides participants through the steps of rediscovering their authentic self.
We discuss the positive impact work in a group setting can have on growth and healing as it allows people to see there are not broken or different.
After having made this subject her life’s work Lisa believes that people need to be taught how to understand their emotions and be confident enough to feel their emotions instead of avoiding them. Healing takes time and commitment is what she has found so her work now is focused on working with group over a 6 month period which she has found to be totally transformative giving results it would have taken her 4 years to witness in one on one practice.
Embrace Feelings Audio Free Download
Download Here.
Zora Dawn Star Sailing Conference Croatia
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Dr Jimi Wollumbin returns today to speak with Jody about The Wounded Witch/ Healer archetype and the magnificent unwounded womb.
We speak about the womb being far more than a home for babies and its important role of connecting a woman to her soul.
In this episode Jimi introduces us to the world of mythopoetic thinking which helps us understand a concept through the lens of myth. He speaks about the importance of owning our wounds if we want to become healers. Suffering is an essential part of life that is taking us close to our true selves and it is an essential part of human evolution.We discuss how grief can be utilized as a gateway into understanding our darkness, mystery, madness and light.
Jimi introduces us to his new course The Unwounded Womb see the link below.
The Unwounded Womb Course:
Instagram: @drjimiwollumbin
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In this episode Catie talks about her personal perimenopause journey.
As a naturopath entering this phase of life in burnout meant she was acutely aware that had to closely manage her health, especially her adrenals. She became vigilant about avoiding cortisol spikes and started making big changes to her life.
Catie reveals how sudden weight gain was a catalyst for her to investigate and recently began taking HRT.
This is a must listen episode .
Online Course: Perimenopause Decoded
Notes to my Daughter
Notes to my Son
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In todays episode Jody speaks with Tahnee Taylor. Tahnee is a Taoist energetic teacher, yin yoga teacher, mother to 3 beautiful babes and owner of Superfeast with her husband Mason.
Jody and Tahnee talk about traditional approaches to menopause and how menopause is considered to be the autumn of a woman’s life in Chinese medicine.
Tahnee explains the principles of Wu Wei the Taoist concept of non-doing and meeting things as they are instead of where you would like them to be.
We discuss how menopause is a time where a woman is required to let go of preconceived ideas about how her life and body should look and surrender to the yin phase of deep mystery.
There is so much gold in this episode we cover a lot of ground and question many of the current recommendations around what women should be doing in this stage of life.
@tahneeyogaEnrol in Tahnee’s Taoist Energetics course starting mid Feb 2025: -
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In this episode Jody speaks about her menopausal journey. She reflects on the changes she has seen in the menopausal arena, in the science and the recommendations around hormone replacement therapy.
Jody looks at how grief has been ongoing for her as she navigates the autumn of her life and she speaks honestly and vulnerably about how she struggled to make her peace with the non-negotiable changes that were happening to her life, body and brain.
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In this episode Jody talks with Kim Vopini, Vagina Coach, about all things pelvic floor. We discuss prolapse, incontinence, urgency and hormones. Kim shares her personal experience with prolapse and Jody reveals her own journey and how strengthening the pelvic floor may not be a good thing and why.
This is an episode you won't want to miss. We cover so many topics including vaginal estrogen and the benefits women can experience from using it.
Instagram: vaginacoach
Website: -
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Edwina Peden guides women through perimenopause using the wisdom of Ayurveda. As a perimenopausal women herself Edwina has learnt to honour rest. Edwina notices how her mood, energy and interactions with her two young boys is impacted if she doesn’t pause more often these days. Nature is a medicine she uses to help calm herself and her clients.
Instagram: @edwina_peden
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Jane McCann is a total inspiration for any aging woman. She has embraced this stage of life with vigour and has no fear around speaking up about the lack of options available to perimenopausal women who have a history of cancer or cancer in their family that means HRT is not an option for them. After being offering anti-depressants that didn’t work for her Jane found herself alone and unsupported by the medical profession during perimenopause. Doctors were unable to offer her any solutions for treatments so she had to work it out herself. She discovered therapy, Chinese medicine, lifting weights and giving up alcohol were life changing for her.
Instagram: @middleagedgoddess
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Lucy Slater is a Somatic psychotherapist who helped people come home to their bodies and feel their emotions. Jody talks to Lucy about how important it is for women on their perimenopausal women to acknowledge and feel their feelings and what happens if they discount their emotions in this season of life. Disturbances in sleep, digestion and fatigue are symptoms women can encounter if they are bypassing their feelings. We discuss how hormonal changes can impact our feelings and Lucy shares simple somatic practices women can do at home to release big emotions from their bodies.
Instagram: @seedpsychotherapy
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Today Jody speaks with Gen X model, writer and yoga teacher Kate Bell about her experience working in the modelling as a perimenopausal woman and what it was like being the oldest woman in the room.
We discuss how Kate tendency to face difficult situations head on helped her navigate perimenopause along with the support of herbal medicine and yoga.Instagram: @i_am_katebell
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Sarah Rusbatch is the author of the best-selling book “Beyond Booze”. She is a Grey Area Drinking Coach, menopause coach and key note speaker who shares about her journey to sobriety.
In todays conversation we discuss the following:
What is Grey Area drinking?When do we know we have a problem with alcohol and how to stop.The impact grey area drinking is having on your mental healthThe impact alcohol is having on the health of perimenopausal and menopausal women and the risk associated with continued high level consumption of alcohol.Sarah reveals that a daughter is 7 times more likely to become a high level drinking if she has grown up watching her mother abuse alcohol.The benefits of stopping and how her life has continued to improve since she made the decision to live a sober life.Sarah runs a 30 day alcohol free program and works with women all over the world to help them lead happy, empowered sober lives
@sarahrusbatch -
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Dr Lauren Tober is a clinical psychologist, yoga teacher, educator and author. Her new book Mental Health Aware yoga is a must have for any yoga teacher.
In today’s episode here are some of the questions we have covered:
You are a Psychologist and a yoga teacher who has spent a large part of your career trying to marry the two together. Have you seen a greater acceptance for yoga in the mental health world? You have a new book out called Mental Health aware yoga for people listening, can you explain what Mental Health Aware yoga is?Why would you recommend someone attend a mental health aware yoga class? How does it differ from other yoga?What are some of the benefits of practising Mental Health Aware yoga?In your book you talk about the importance of how we practise yoga over what we practice? Can you speak to this for us?As I age I've naturally felt drawn to a slower gentler yoga practice and find loud full dynamic classes stressful. When I was younger I loved them.I found the research Bessel Van der Kolk did fascinating. Could you tell listeners about the study and its findings?There is a lot of focus these days on breath work in the wellness space, but for some bringing attention to the breath can be unsettling. What is the approach to cueing breath in mental health aware yoga?Why do yoga teachers need to know about mental health aware yoga and where could one start expanding their knowledge?Can you talk about the importance of creating a safe container in a yoga class?I am perimenopausal/menopausal woman who is feeling anxious but I want to practice yoga, what type of yoga would you suggest?Website:
My new book Mental Health Aware Yoga: A Guide for Yoga Teachers
Order today at:
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Today Jody speaks with Brad Hay. Brad is an Ayurvedic & Tantra Teacher, father and builder. We talk about how Brad manages the stresses of young children, a mortgage and a busy life using Ayurvedic wisdom.
Jody and Brad discuss the different challenges the 3 Ayurvedic constitutions (doshas) come up against as they age and how knowing your weak points can help you avoid burn out.
Brad highlights the magic practice of Yoga Nidra and why he recommends that everyone introduce the practice into their days if they are feeling stretched and stressed.
@Bradhay_inner_revolutionWebsite: -
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Today Jody speaks to Kate O’Donnell Ayurvedic Educator and Author about the importance of good gut health as we enter perimenopause. Kate encourages us to include good fats in our diet to avoid dryness that naturally occurs in our body as we age according to Ayurveda.
We discuss why leaving adequate time between our meals with aid digestion and how snacking can negatively impact some constitutions.
Kate beautifully describes the process of digestion and encourages us to learn to observe our own digestive system and begin to understand the changes that are occurring in our bodies as we enter menopause.
Kates book - Everyday Ayurveda for Women’s Health -
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Jody speaks to Laura Plumb, Ayurvedic practitioner and educator about the elder phase in which a woman becomes ready to pass on the chores to the next generation and we rest and consider what is their legacy and purpose.
Laura stresses the most fundamental thing a woman can do in their fifties is to find a way to believe in themselves and know their true value.
They discuss the importance of having your own relationship with the elements instead of reading and researching. Laura asks would you rather be an encyclopedia than a medicine woman.
Laura encourages us to welcome menopause as it prepares us for the next phase of life. She invites us to allow our feelings at this phase of life as we want to soften, not stiffen.
We talk about the importance of consuming the six tastes and how they impact our health and longevity.
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Jacqui Lewis – The Broad Place
In this conversation Jody talks to Jacqui Lewis, founder of The Broad Place, a successful international meditation school and retreat business.Jacqui describes her own journey through perimenopause and how she at first struggled to identify what was happening and the shame she felt about entering perimenopause in her early forties.
We discuss how meditation is not a silver bullet and that it won’t make us immune to our own human experience and emotions. Jac speaks about how one needs to commit to a daily practice to see results and explains it’s more about how we approach the practice than the time assigned to the practice.
@thebroadplaceWebsite: -
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Jody Vassallo is an Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, cookbook author and yoga teacher.
She has written two cookbooks on Ayurveda.
Jody has been working in the women's health arena for many years and today she talks about her own journey through perimenopause to postmenopause through the lens of Ayurveda.
You can purchase Jody's Ayurvedic cookbook The Yogic Kitchen and find out more about the
yoga retreats for women and yin yoga teacher teacher trainings at
She has an upcoming Food & Yoga tour of Japan October 5-16, 2024.
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In today’s episode Jody chats with beautiful Amy Crawford owner of The Holistic Ingredient an online store, host of the podcast Woman, Conversations for the curious.
Jody and Amy discuss:
Amy’s perimenopause journeyNavigating grief and the loss of a parent in the perimenopausal phase of lifeManaging stress, rest and an auto-immune diseaseHow resting is easier said than doneHer Holistic ingredients blends and maca powder and what led her to their creationAmy Crawford, founder of The Holistic Ingredient lifestyle brand, is dedicated to inspiring and empowering women to achieve optimal wellness. She is a qualified health coach and Practitioner of NLP, EFT, Hypnosis, and CTC therapy. Amy hosts the popular podcast series 'Woman, Conversations for the Curious', delving into
intriguing and sometimes taboo topics related to womanhood.More recently, Amy launched The Holistic Ingredient lifestyle store, offering a personally curated, eco-friendly range of products to celebrate daily moments of joy, nourishment, and beauty.
@theholisticingredientWebsite: -
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In this episode Katie Rose and I speak about the importance of living a Sattvic life and how modern life keeps us on this hamster wheel that is challenging to remove ourselves from.
We speak about Bhakti, what is and simple Bhakti practices we can incorporate into our lives
Katie reflects on being a mother of 5 and a business owner in her forties and how she manages it all with her less in more approach.
We speak about rajasic food and stimulants like coffee and alcohol and the price we can pay for choosing to keep them in our lives as we age.
Katie Rose is a women’s wellness mentor and educator with twenty five years of experience teaching yoga and Ayurveda.
Founder and host of the annual Bhakti Women Online Summit, Kate helps women go from feeling stuck and overwhelmed to living a life that is aligned with their highest values.
She lives in Sydney, Australia with her five children in a loud and busy household where her spiritual practices and prayerful connection to the Divine keep her steady.
@bhakti.roseWebsite: - Laat meer zien