
  • Earlier this year, new guidelines were released to improve the diagnosis of pediatric sepsis and septic shock. For the first time, the novel Phoenix Sepsis Criteria provides an objective and data-driven approach to aid in the identification of these life-threatening conditions, including prediction of mortality in children with suspected or confirmed infection. Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death among children worldwide, and these guidelines could be a major step in changing outcomes.

    To help us understand these guidelines and apply them to your practice, we are joined by two experts who have been at the forefront of this new research. Tell Bennett, MD, specializes in pediatric critical care at Children’s Hospital Colorado. He is the Vice Chair of Clinical Informatics, as well as a professor of biomedical informatics and pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Halden Scott, MD, is the Director of Research for the section of emergency medicine at Children’s Colorado. She is also an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    How to diagnosis sepsis under the new guidelines How these criteria can be applied to primary care practices What treatment options are and why time is of the essence  

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • Newborn screening has expanded dramatically over the last decade as our detection methods improved and new treatments became available for rare diseases. One of those rare diseases is adrenoleukodystrophy, otherwise known as ALD. ALD is an example of a rare disease where, thanks to expansions in newborn screenings, we are now able to make a precise genetic diagnosis very early in life and offer therapies far in advance of the onset of symptoms. Early detection and treatment of this can potentially spare a family a lifetime of devastating health impacts. In December 2013, New York became the first state to require newborn screening for ALD. Currently, 43 states and Washington, D.C. are testing babies for ALD.

    To help us understand the role of newborn screening, we are joined by Kevin Ess, MD. He is the Ponzio Family Chair of pediatric neurology and is the section head of neurology at Children’s Hospital Colorado. He is also a professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    The pathophysiology of ALD. The clinical manifestations of ALD that make it the perfect model for newborn screening. The specifics of diagnosing and treating ALD. The long-term impact newborn screening can have for the lifetime of children with ALD.  

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

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  • Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform healthcare and disrupt the field of medicine in significant ways. We have already seen remarkable progress in areas such as diagnostics and data analysis, but what could broader use in patient care looks like? A little over a year ago, the arrival of ChatGPT got everyone talking about AI — how realistic it is, how well it understands certain concepts and, specifically in medicine, how it can benefit our care systems. In this episode, we explore the overarching needs for AI in pediatrics and medical education, as well as where we stand in implementing it.

    We are joined by two guests from Children’s Hospital Colorado who are leading the way in understanding how AI could be incorporated into pediatric care. Jim Barry, MD, specializes in neonatal/perinatal medicine at Children’s Colorado and is an associate professor of pediatric neonatology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He is also the Medical Director of the UC Health NICU. He co-founded NeoMIND-AI, a learning collaborative for neonatologists and data scientists interested in AI within neonatal and pediatric critical medicine. Sarah Milla, MD, specializes in pediatric radiology and is the John D. Strain Endowed Chair for Radiology, Chief of Pediatric Radiology and Vice Chair of Radiology at Children’s Colorado and the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She is also a visiting professor.

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    Examples of how AI is currently being used in medicine Ways providers can get started with AI Ideas on how we can advance care in the future with this tool

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • Over the last decade, we’ve watched childhood obesity emerge as a major health concern, taking over news stories and social media posts worldwide. The evaluation and treatment of children with obesity has evolved, and how we handle these diagnoses today is different than in years past. What’s important to emphasize is that obesity is a chronic disease, and the medical community needs to treat it as such.

    To learn more about this important topic and highlight an impressive woman in medicine, we are joined by Ihuoma Eneli, MD. She is the Section Head of Nutrition at Children’s Hospital Colorado and a visiting professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She is an internationally recognized expert on pediatric obesity and serves in leadership and advisory roles for many organizations.

    Some highlights from this episode include:

    A discussion of the new AAP obesity guidelines Genetics and how clinicians can reframe their understanding of obesity Suggestions for motivational interviewing with patients and families Treatment options that are available to patient-families The stigma around fault versus genetics New drugs and their future impact

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • Hirschsprung disease. Anorectal and colorectal malformations. These are some of the most challenging surgical problems encountered in young children. The precision of surgical technique required to achieve optimal outcomes takes many years, if not decades, to develop. Colorectal surgery has become a subspecialty in pediatric surgery, requiring close collaboration with other specialists. At Children’s Hospital Colorado, we offer this care through our International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care, and our surgical team has some of the most experience in the world.

    In this episode, we are joined by Andrea Bischoff, MD, and Luis De la Torre-Mondragon, MD. They both specialize in pediatric surgery at Children’s Colorado and are associate professors of surgery and pediatrics with a specialty in colorectal surgery at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Dr. Bischoff is also the Medical Director of the International Center for Colorectal and Urogenital Care here at Children’s Colorado.

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    The importance of pediatric colorectal programs. A discussion of when surgical intervention is necessary. A look at what procedures are offered at Children’s Colorado and how they work. The role primary care providers can play as it pertains to identification, referral and care of patients who might need colorectal surgery.

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • Sleep problems can occur at any age, but when toddlers, children or young adults are the ones experiencing them, they can have a big impact on the entire family. Specifically, one to five percent of children, from newborns to teenagers, experience obstructive sleep apnea. While the effects may be significant, many children are not diagnosed or treated due to insufficient access to testing. A team at Children’s Hospital Colorado has been preparing a recommendation on how and when to use home sleep apnea testing in kids.

    To explore this topic, we are joined by Antoinette Burns, DO, who specializes in pediatrics and sleep medicine at Children’s Colorado. She is also an associate professor of clinical practice, Department of Pediatrics-Pulmonary Medicine, at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    An explanation of obstructive sleep apnea. New modalities for sleep apnea testing. Barriers for accessing testing and how to combat them. Suggestions on what primary care providers should do when they think their patient might have obstructive sleep apnea.

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • Knowing something is wrong with your child is terrifying for any parent, but the mystery becomes more frightening when the symptoms even puzzle the experts. In 2018, at a peak in cases of acute flaccid myelitis, also known as AFM, otherwise healthy kids experienced debilitating paralysis. Researchers of this perplexing illness braced for a surge in 2022 that never came, and now there is talk about a possible increase of AFM this year.

    To break down the past and prepare for the future, we are joined by two experts. Kevin Messacar, MD, and Hai Nguyen-Tran, MD, both specialize in pediatric infectious disease at Children’s Hospital Colorado. Dr. Messacar is an associate professor and Dr. Nguyen-Tran is an assistant professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    What the history of AFM tells the medical community Why it’s so tricky to diagnose and identify How primary care providers can properly prepare

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • In just the United States, more than 15,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year. Globally, that number is greater than 300,000. As difficult as those numbers may be, there is good news: Our cancer therapies continue to improve. In the 1960s, only about 5% of children survived leukemia. Today, that number is 90% or better. Many more pediatric oncology patients are now transitioning into survivors of childhood cancer and have the opportunity to achieve their hopes and dreams as adults. This means primary care providers are caring for these patients in increasing numbers. What’s important to know about this group of kids? In this episode, we discuss how to best integrate survivorship care with pediatric care.

    The Children’s Hospital Colorado HOPE Cancer Survivorship Program is one of the longest running survivorship programs in the nation. Leading that charge is Jenna Demedis, MD, who specializes in pediatric hematology and oncology. Dr. Demedis completed her training at Children’s Colorado and is currently an assistant professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

    When a patient can transition into survivorship How to keep patient families engaged in these programs How primary care providers can partner with survivorship programs

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • The mouth is a fundamental part of the human body. It allows us to eat, drink, breathe, speak, smile and express ourselves. Naturally, that means oral health is connected to our broader physical health, but in the United States, medical and dental care are structurally separate. Despite their connections, the two have entirely different systems of professional training schools, insurance coverage and care networks. This is referred to as the dental divide, and it results in varied levels of access and health outcomes. The repercussions of these barriers are significant, especially for children in our most vulnerable communities.

    To discuss this important topic, we are joined by Patricia Braun, MD. Dr. Braun is a primary care pediatrician at Denver Health, as well as a professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She is the immediate past chair of the Section on Oral Health for the American Academy of Pediatrics, and her research focuses on oral health outcomes and program evaluation. She also currently directs the Rocky Mountain Network for Oral Health Integration.

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    How to understand the dental divide Ways this divide leads to poor oral health for children Options for the medical community to combat these barriers What primary care providers can look for in their visits with patients

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • When you work in neonatology, you are surrounded by babies. You’re regularly meeting new parents in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, some who are living the best days of their lives, and others who are experiencing the very worst. But as a doctor, you never expect to become the patient. We go beyond the white coat in this episode with a story of tragedy and personal discovery from Laurie Sherlock, MD, that changed how she interacts with her patients and practices medicine. “I’ve been gifted through the accident and my son’s death. I’ve been gifted so much compassion for what our families are going through. I think my bandwidth is so much higher because it’s so easy for me to put myself in their shoes,” says Dr. Sherlock.

    Dr. Sherlock specializes in neonatal and perinatal pediatric medicine at Children’s Hospital Colorado and is an assistant professor of pediatrics and neonatology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Mostly importantly, she is a survivor who is using her own narrative to help others.

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    Dr. Sherlock’s personal story and the impact it’s had on her career Using personal experience to be a better doctor Tapping into compassion at the bedside Advice for patients and families experiencing tragedy

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • Innovations and techniques to enhance spinal surgical care, and support patient- centric outcomes, have made big strides in the last decade. Technology like surgical robots, 3D printed models customized to the patient, and a new procedure called vertebral body tethering are just a few examples of the many incredible advancements.

    Two leading experts on scoliosis surgery at Children’s Hospital Colorado join us to discuss these impressive changes and how they are impacting patient care. Mark Erickson, MD, is the medical director of the Children’s Hospital Colorado Spine Program, as well as a specialist in orthopedic surgery. He’s also a professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Sumeet Garg, MD, a pediatric orthopedic specialist, is the quality and safety director for the Spine Program, as well an associate professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    An orthopedic surgeon’s approach to spinal surgery and how it’s evolved over time How surgery can improve a patient’s quality of life A look at new, customized patient approaches How the use of robotics is advancing treatment What’s on the horizon in spine surgery innovation

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • When babies enter the world, there’s a plethora of diagnoses providers need to look out for. Some are simple fixes, while others are a bit more complicated. When parents take their kids home, how should they know what to keep an eye out for?

    In this episode, we explore one potential diagnosis for an infant: tongue ties. How can you tell if a baby has one, and if they do, when should it be fixed? Looking at the concerns and consequences of tongue ties is important in making a decision on how to treat it. 

    To provide guidance in making these decisions, Soham Roy, MD, is our guest for this episode. Dr. Roy specializes in pediatric otolaryngology at Children’s Hospital Colorado, and he’s a visiting professor of otolaryngology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. 

    Some highlights from this episode include:  

    How to identify a tongue tie and variability in diagnoses  Why tongue ties are controversial   Identifying fact versus fiction in understanding tongue ties  The upsides and downsides of the tongue tie procedure  How providers can learn more 

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:   

  • The care of children with cleft lip and palate spans an entire lifetime. It requires methodical care with a multidisciplinary team, and a special emphasis on the family. Integration with a child’s pediatrician, medical home and their loved ones is key. While the oral cleft is the most common craniofacial malformation in a newborn, the three main types differ vastly.

    We are in for a treat with the guest for this episode. We are joined by a gifted plastic surgeon who has traveled the world to perform these life-changing surgeries and bring smiles to everyone involved. Phuong Nguyen, MD, specializes in plastic and reconstructive surgery here at Children’s Hospital Colorado. In addition, he is the associate vice chair of global surgery, chief of plastic surgery, co-director of the cleft lip and palate program and a professor of surgery at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

    Some highlights from this episode include:

    Prevalence and diagnosis of cleft lip and palate The role of the pediatrician or PCP throughout the lifespan of these patients Understanding if treatment is unique per patient Global impact of specialists, like Dr. Nguyen, traveling to treat patients

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:

  • You’ve likely heard of CRISPR, the comprehensive gene editing technology that emerged in the 2010s and has since revolutionized biological research. Additionally, the medical community has long been using the concept of gene therapy. What’s new is that both approaches have now successfully been harnessed for the treatment of human disease. In December 2023, the FDA approved two therapies for the treatment of sickle cell disease; one utilizing CRISPR technology and the other using a gene transfer therapy approach. These therapies now have the opportunity to change the life course of this terrible disease.

    Our guest for this episode is Christopher McKinney, MD, who specializes in pediatric hematology here at Children’s Hospital Colorado. Dr. McKinney has been the hospital’s site principal investigator in some of the clinical trials that are contributing to these new sickle cell therapies, and he is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

    Some highlights from this episode include:

    How these treatments work for diseases like sickle cell What we know about the effectiveness of these therapies thus far Important side effects and risks to take into consideration Regardless of FDA approval, what barriers are in place Powerful patient examples

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:

  • In its 7th season, Charting Pediatrics has hit 2 million lifetime downloads! What an accomplishment. Our podcast team wants to thank each of you, our listeners, for tuning in each week to learn about the latest and greatest in pediatric healthcare. This accomplishment would not be possible without each of you, and we are thrilled to have you on this journey. 2024 has a lot of unique opportunities in store. Get ready for more content, new ideas, and further educational opportunities.

    In this special episode, our hosts, David Brumbaugh, MD, Alison Brent, MD, and Dan Nicklas, MD, reflect on the growth of this podcast and the advancements that have happened since its inception. “And I am 100% convinced that we are, right now, in what will eventually be referred to as a golden era of pediatric medicine in terms of developing new treatments,” Dr. Brumbaugh says.

    Here’s to 2 million more lifetime downloads, with listeners who are changing the realm of pediatric medicine every day. Thank you for all that you do!

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:

  • Children and their families need a healthcare system that serves them wholeheartedly. Having their unique needs prioritized creates an important opportunity for lifelong health and wellbeing. However, the current health system in our country and globally has massive gaps to fill, especially as it pertains to children of color. The medical community is focusing on preventative measures and connections between children, families, communities and the systems they interact with regularly. While large efforts are being made across the child healthcare field, there is strong agreement that child health transformation, with a focus on family -centered pediatric care, needs to be accelerated.

    At the forefront of this work is Hala Durrah, MTA, a patient-family engagement consultant and advocate. Joining us virtually from San Marcos California, she discusses her role on the advisory group of national experts in the pediatric field of accelerating child health transformation initiative. She also has professional experience as a national speaker who has served on a number of national committees. Beyond her professional accomplishments, this topic resonates with her much more personally. Her current work in patient-family-centered care stems from her experiences as a mother of a child who has undergone two liver transplants and a bone marrow transplant. “What I realized when I first knew my daughter was sick, was that this was going to be a journey that required me to be as fully knowledgeable and as fully engaged as possible to advocate for her,” Durrah says.

    Some highlights from this episode include:

    How providers and practices can partake in this work The importance of acknowledging patient-family engagement to best care for kids What gaps exist and how this method helps to fill them

    This episode is underwritten by Aegon Transamerica Foundation, a proud supporter of Charting Pediatrics and Children's Hospital Colorado. The Aegon Transamerica Foundation helps build a better world by committing to the improvement of wellness throughout their communities. Their partnership with Children's Colorado addresses the youth mental health crisis to help create a better mental health future for children. Thank you to Aegon Transamerica Foundation for investing in Children's Colorado.

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:

  • Facts and fiction can overlap in movies and television. That’s especially prevalent in medical dramas where the details seem so real but often don’t portray the full picture. While the intention may be to create powerful entertainment, sometimes a storyline can misinform the viewer. Unrealistic circumstances, overexaggerated outcomes and the bending of scientific truth, create confusion. When it comes to food allergies, how a situation is handled can be the difference between a routine medical occurrence and a lifesaving episode. “This is where we see some really dramatic portrayals because you generate that emotional kind of connection and we see it both from how reactions are portrayed inappropriately or very severe consequences or frankly people make fun of food allergies a lot,” David Stukus, MD, says.

    In this episode, we dig into how portrayals in the media landscape can impact patient families in the medical community. We are joined by Dr. Stukus, who is otherwise known as the allergy kids doc on social media. Dr. Stukus is the director of the Food Allergy Treatment Center at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, as well as a professor of clinical pediatrics in the division of allergy and immunology. In addition, we have Vivian Hernandez-Trujillo, MD, with us. Dr. Hernandez-Trujillo is the director of the Division of Allergy and Immunology at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, as well as a clinical professor of pediatrics at Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. These two doctors are at the forefront of important conversations for change. “I honestly think education is just important. Once we’re armed with accurate information, that’s powerful. I can speak as a patient, as a mom of two girls with food allergies, and as someone who is a physician for patients with food allergies, my cup is always half full,” Dr. Hernandez-Trujillo says.

    This episode was recorded at the 2023 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition. Some highlights from this episode include:

    Common examples of allergy inaccuracies within media The narrative around nut allergies How we remove the stigma around allergies and change how they are portrayed Undoing outdated practices and updating our information

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:

  • As doctors, curiosity can be the driving factor to a long, successful, and fulfilling career. It can be the difference between daily repetition and years of practicing evolved education. For Barton Schmitt, MD, curiosity has been a transformative force for over 50 years, influencing his approach to teaching residents, patient encounters and career development. Otherwise known as a true icon of pediatrics, Dr. Schmitt’s humble, down-to-earth nature helped create one of the most prestigious pediatric guidelines in our industry. “Feedback from a variety of sources is really the life blood of all of this. At least 100 to 150 of the protocols are updated every year,” Dr. Schmitt says.

    For more than five decades, Dr. Schmitt has elevated the Children’s Hospital Colorado name while creating an honorable legacy of his own. Many of you know him as the author of the ‘Pediatric Telephone Triage Guidelines’ used in our Pediatric Call Center. Those decision-support tools are now used worldwide and have been translated into multiple languages. Throughout his career he’s had numerous other titles such as the Faculty Attending for the Child Health Clinic and the medical director of the Child Protection Team. Now on the brink of his next chapter, we reflect on his incredible legacy and find out what’s next.

    “I’m hoping to retire when I’m 90. I’ve got to because I have other things I want to do, including some books I want to write about teaching residents,” Dr. Schmitt says.

    Some highlights from this episode include:

    Details about the creation and expansion of the Pediatric Telephone Triage Guidelines The impact that curiosity has had on his career His hopes for the future Advice for doctors, nurses and medical professionals

    “Continual quality improvement is a team sport," Dr. Schmitt says.

    Dr. Schmitt wants to thank the many health care professionals who help him keep the pediatric telehealth guidelines, parent handouts and symptom checker up-to-date. Most of all, his dedicated pediatric editorial team:

    Medical editors: Sam Wang, MD, and Julia Bruckner, MD. Nurse editors: Kelli Massaro, RN and Lisa Swerczek, RN. Specialists at Children’s Colorado, who provide expert reviews of new topics. The many triage nurses who have worked in the Children's Colorado call center since 1988 and made observations that led to change. David Thompson, MD FACEP and the Adult Editorial Team The nurse leadership at over 40 other U.S. and Canadian call centers who provide the annual user feedback that keep the guidelines reality-based and evolving.

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:

  • Digital content is at the center of our society and its prevalence continues to grow. Storytelling on digital platforms allows the medical community to showcase groundbreaking research and connect with audiences, who otherwise may not be privy to this information. Experts like Joshua Williams, MD, are at the forefront of some of this innovation. In October 2023, he received the Advancement in Research Award at the American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference.

    Dr. Williams is an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, as well as a practicing primary care pediatrician with Denver Health. He is the principal investigator on a National Institutes of Health grant to examine the impact of digital storytelling on influenza vaccination equity. In addition, he is a co-investigator at the Denver Health for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccine Safety DataLink Project. “And what I hope comes from it is improvement in equity, improvement in the rate of influenza vaccination uptake in groups that historically haven’t had high uptake,” says Dr. Williams

    Some highlights from the episode include:

    The larger goals of these data- and digital-based projects How to merge medicine and storytelling Advice for young doctors and medical professionals Finding success from rejection

    Dr. Williams will be presenting on this very topic at the PAS 2024 meeting in Toronto, Canda.

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit:

  • Pediatricians, families, and pharmacists are faced with increasing drug costs and a vast array of complex biologic therapies. Up-to-date knowledge on prescribing practice is constantly a need, specifically regarding generics and the availability of biosimilar and interchangeable biosimilar agents. According to a report from the Association for Accessible Medicines, the U.S. healthcare system saved $408 billion from using generic and biosimilar drugs in 2022, a huge jump from the $195 billion in savings accumulated in 2013. In today’s episode, we have a rare opportunity to learn critical knowledge about this topic from renowned experts in the field.

    We are joined by John Routt Reigart, MD, and Dr. Siu. Dr. Reigart is professor emeritus at the Medical University of South Carolina as well as the chairperson for the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) Committee on Drugs. “I have been recognized in my state, and to some extent nationally, as being an advocate for improved health for children. I feel that it’s very important that pediatricians be advocates for effective regulations for their patients,” Dr. Reigart says.

    Dr. Siu is a clinical professor, the vice chair for teaching and learning, and the director of faculty mentoring at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University. She is a pediatric pharmacy clinical coordinator and practices at the K. Hovnanian Children’s Hospital and Jersey Shore University Medical Center. She has also been appointed to the board of directors of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties and the Pediatric Pharmacy Association liaison for the AAP Section on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics executive committee. “We want to make sure that medications are easily accessible to families and we also want to make sure that they are also cost effective,” Anita Sui, PharmD, says.

    This episode was recorded at the 2023 American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference and Exhibition. Some highlights from this episode include:

    The difference between biologics and generics What the orange and purple books are and their roles in the industry What an interchangeable product is Patents and exclusivity What savings could look like with an uptick of biologics and generics

    For more information on Children’s Colorado, visit: