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This week I am joined by Josh Stroder, the creative juice behind Scoundrel a Southern California based apparel company. Find out more at For more information on Luka Balenovic, visit -
When I first started checking out blogs related to motorcycles believe it or not, The Lone Rangers MC blogspot was one of the first ones I found. There was something about these guys that caught my attention. They worked on their own bikes, supported other folks in the community, and seemed like they were all around good guys (and gals). Call me clarvoyant, because that's exactly how they are. I purchased a belt buckle for my pops from Kenny early on and he hand delivered to me, not just the buckle but a ton of other stuff! He's the real deal and good man. I think once you hear his story you'll agree.
Host/Producer: Mike Tubbs
Executive Producer: Heather Tubbs
All Music is the sole property of the respective owner. does not own any of the music used in the podcast.
All interview is the sole property of and may not be reproduced without permission. For more information write: -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
A pre-release teaser for all your hard work! Keep spreading the word! We launch on April 5th! -
For our first interview I am joined by Matt Briel of Death Science. Check out Death Science at -
This week I have the honor of speaking with Bryan Giles of Red Fang. For more information about the band visit
This week I'm joined via FaceTime by the very talented and extremely humble Larry Pierce from Garage Company Customs. Larry is an invited builder for Born Free 5 and is building a killer chopped out 47' Knucklehead. -
I contacted Caleb about being on the cast and from the get go he was stoked on the idea. I could sit and talk motorcycles with him for hours. Check out for more information about Cro Customs and Caleb. -
This week I present to you one of the great film makers of our time! Daniel Thomas is also a member Death Science and an avid motorcycle enthusiast. You can check out his work by visiting his Vimeo page. I think you'll see what I mean by one of the greats of our time! Follow Daniel on Instagram @drifting_dyna -
This week on Chopper Prophets I have the distinct pleasure of speaking with Jason Webber; Husband, father, skater, biker, mechanic, electrician, and the list goes on. A truly humble individual that is as blue collar as they come. Check out Jason's blog and give him a follow on Instagram @jason_atr -
I had the pleasure of meeting Evan through the interwebs about two years ago. The first time I met him in person was at the opening of the Cobra den in 2012. Evan has grown a love for all things metal into a small empire and has surrounded himself with a family of people who love and respect him. Listen in and find out more about Iron Cobras Fabrication and the man behind brand.
Follow Iron Cobras on Instagram @ironcobrasfabrication or visit online at -
I first met Billy through Death Science and Instagram. I had the pleasure of sitting down with him while he was out on a business trip and we ended up talking for hours before finally hitting record. Billy is one of the most loyal, humble, and unassuming individuals I've met in a very long time. On this episode, Billy shares his passion for Photography, Choppers, and more. -
Meeting Jason might have seemed like a one in a million chance or a fluke to some, except that I don't believe in "chance" meetings. Jason was pressing free Loser Machine shirts at the Loser Machine | Born Free 5 party back in March. I remember walking up and thinking, "Man, this is a hard working guy right here." I thought that he was a shirt presser lackey for Loser Machine or maybe just someone hired for the party, but I couldn't have been further from the truth. Not only is Jason the furthest thing from a "lackey", but he's the owner of a very successful clothing company called, ToDieFor Clothing. Listen in as Jason gives us a view of life through his eyes. -
Nate Scott is one of the main reasons I decided I wanted to be a part of this culture. When I first met him and his brother, Evan Scott, they were celebrating the opening of their shop in Signal Hill, Ca., Iron Cobras Fabrication. They were extremely welcoming to this almost 40 year old who loves two wheels, but didn't really know anything about chopper culture. Again I saw them at Born Free 4 and they welcomed me and my wife with open arms as if we were long time friends. Nate has since moved on from Iron Cobras, back to the bay area where he has come full circle and face to face with his first love... motorcycles. Listen in as we journey with Nate from his humble beginings in Maryland, to his most recent build of the bike he'll be riding to Born Free 5. -
I thought it fitting that this, our last episode of season one should focus on the thing that really kicked off this whole idea, Born Free! I was fortunate enough to catch up with one of the minds behind the greatest motorcycle show on the west coast, Grant Peterson. Listen in as Grant walks us through the early days of the show and talks about the ups and downs of throwing a huge show like Born Free. I hope you can all make it out. See you there! -
It was hot, dusty, and packed with people. I've been to Cooks Corner many times before, but never have I seen it like this. Bikes everywhere, people having a good time, and there amid the chaos five choppers stood waiting for the final vote. Who would be the People's Champ? Travis McLelland, a 26 year old Canadian lad with a passion for creating and pushing his fabricating skills "calmly" stands by watching all this unfold like some crazy dream. It doesn't matter really who's bike gets voted to be "The Peoples" champ, he's already won. Won the battle against the goal he'd previously set for himself. Listen in as we talk about life, love, and the pursuit of perfection.
Edit/Mix: Mike Tubbs
Executive Producer: Heather Tubbs -
This week I sit down with Jason Phares, Owner of Harolds Ironworks. Jason is a husband, father, skater, fabricator, and metal master that is using his skills to create some amazing art. He's a ten year veteran of chopper culture, but more importantly he's passionate about motorcycles. Listen in as he gives us his life in a nutshell.
IG: @haroldsironworks
Edit/Mix: Mike Tubbs
Executive Producer: Heather Tubbs -
Max Schaaf has seen the ups and downs of this culture and weathered the storms that form where men grapple for glory and recognition. He creates his art with purpose and functionality. Even more importantly, he does what he does with passion and conviction. After speaking with him for over two hours, I feel this quote best sums up Max...
"In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity." - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
IG: 4Q69
Site: 4q69
Edit/Mix: Mike Tubbs
Executive Producer: Heather Tubbs -
Most people in this world are content to live life the way they're supposed to; College, Career, Marriage, House, Taxes, and Death. Not everyone can step outside the normula and just make things happen. George isn't just anyone and maybe that's why he's had some great success in leaving the world behind and following his dreams. From being a student to becoming the teacher, to rebuilding an old Airstream and living mostly off the grid George is a blessed man, but how did get to here?
IG: @TheGorgeousGeorge
Web: Gorgeous George Art
Story time with Pops: A Boy and His Dog
Music: Mothership
Edit/Mix: Mike Tubbs
Executive Producer: Heather Tubbs -
I met Tony for the first time through his daughter-in-law at the El Diablo Run Viewing Party in Orange, California directly following BornFree 4. It's funny sometimes how you can get a flash of something that hasn't happend, but have the feeling that it already has. Like meeting someone for the first time and having that feeling that you've met before. Anyway, that's how I felt when I met Tony. I stopped by the shop (Classic Cycles Inc.) to talk with him about being on the show and we ended up talking for over an hour. This isn't Tony's first lap around the track. He's seen some pretty wild things and lived through some things that would drive a sober man to drink, yet he's come through the other side with grace.
Web: Classic Cycles Inc.
IG: CCIMotorcycles
Storytime with Pops: Raised by the Club
Music: Mothership
Edits/Mix: Mike Tubbs
Executive Producer: Heather Tubbs -
My wife and I first met Anya at the grand opening of Iron Cobras Fabrication located in Signal Hill, Ca. Warm, friendly, and thoughtful are the words that come to mind when trying to describe her. She's a rider, enthusiast, and all around great young woman. I believe what she's doing now will alter chopper culture for women riders from here on out. I'm honored to have her as the first female guest on CP. Check out for stories, photos, and more!
Storytime with Pops: Damnit Tommy
Music: Mothership
Edits/Mix: Mike Tubbs
Executive Producer: Heather Tubbs - Laat meer zien