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Sailor Moon has a long and celebrated history. There's so much rich lore and theories between manga, anime, PGSM, fan fiction, and beyond. Join Host Michi and Co-Host Selene for a deep dive into popular and unpopular Sailor Moon theories! This will involve any media of Sailor Moon throughout its history, including Sailor V.
Unedited episodes are airing on Twitch Saturday's 7 pm - 10 pm Eastern for Season 2 - March 4-July 8.
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Marvel to DC, Star Wars to Star Trek, Netflix to Hulu, Call of Duty to Metal Gear Solid and everything in between, our hosts geek out over the latest news and releases in the world of pop culture.
We give you a FANS perspective as we debate the newest movies, the latest TV shows and the comics, manga, anime and video games headed to a friendly neighborhood near you.
So join us as we give you our honest takes on everything geeky!
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This is the official Taskmaster podcast, hosted by former champion and chickpea lover, Ed Gamble. Each week, released straight after the show is broadcast on Channel 4, Ed will be joined by a special guest to dissect and discuss the latest episode. Past contestants, little Alex Horne, and even the Taskmaster himself will feature in this brand-new podcast from the producers of the BAFTA-winning comedy show.
Najstarija priča na svetu je mit o potrazi. Čovek otkako postoji, on traga. Traganje može da bude prostorno, ali traganje može da bude i unutrašnje. Tragamo za srećom, za identitetom, tragamo pokušavajući da odgovorimo na mnoga pitanja. Kroz razgovore i putovanja, ovo je moja potraga, moj pokušaj da pobegnem od besmisla.Agelast podcast je projekat Galeba Nikačevića.
Ana Radišić podcast - razgovori s ljudima koji inspiriraju. Pitanja koja se nerijetko pitamo, kako, zašto i na koji način je netko uspio. Priče gostiju su pokazatelj da su svi uspješni, inspirativni ljudi zapravo jednostavno - ljudi. Njihove postavke, njihova preispitivanja, njihovi životni putokazi - bez maski, ne klasični intervjui, opušteni, topli i iz srca – bit će okosnica svakog podcasta. Ana, pravnica po struci, voditeljica emisije 'Exkluziv', urednica i voditelljica glazbene emisije ''. Osim što je lice RTL-a, radijska je voditeljica glazbene emisije 'Inkubator', strastvena trkačica i ljubiteljica sporta, glazbe, knjiga i putovanja, a ono najvažnije putovanje na koje i vas vodi je putovanje prema samom sebi.
Tim Gabel lädt in seinen Podcast interessante und prominente Gäste zum Austausch und einem tiefgründigen Gespräch ein. Egal ob Wissenschaftler, Promi, Politiker oder Unternehmer: Jede Woche bekommt der Hörer eine spannende Folge mit einem neuen Gast. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören!
Übrigens gibt es jede Folge auch als Videopodcast auf meinem YouTube Kanal.
Unter folgendem Link kommst du zum Videopodcast, zu meiner Modebrand OLAKALA und meiner Fitness-App MCI sowie meinen Social Media Links: (Werbung) -
Craig Clemens has used the power of storytelling to become one of the most successful advertising writers of the decade, his words bringing in well over one billion dollars in sales. Craig believes the best way to have your own story lead to a happier ending, is to listen and learn from those who have gotten to where you want to be. In The Greatest Stories Never Told, you’ll hear the outrageous origin stories of some of the world’s most interesting and accomplished people, from all walks of life. Put your phone on silent and get ready for a wild ride. These are The Greatest Stories Never Told.