Chur Maori podcast where we interview maori people in business, share their stories and help inspire our maori people to be their own boss and get ahead in life. This is but one way that we can share the knowledge of other maori have been able to create an income of their own. That way we can prove to other maori that anything is possible.
Chur Maori is all about pumping up maori people and encouraging them to get outside the box. Many of our maori are lost when it comes to starting a business as know very few if any business leaders to look up to. The majority of inspirational leaders that are recognised are either sports players or entertainers however our talents do not stop there. We want to showcase other successful Maori so that others can learn and gather the courage create a better life.
Many maori who move to away from home tend to lose touch with their maori culture. We want maori to be able to learn basic maori by sharing Kupu Hou that can be used in every day situations. We also want to share Whakatauki Proverbs that we can use as inspiration and morals we can use to lead better lives.
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